View Full Version : Stormreach Mayoral Race
09-16-2008, 04:04 PM
With the election for Mayor of Stormreach fast approaching, a completely unbiased website has been created by the Coinlords to inform the Stormreach populace about the candidates:
Learn about these candidates at: (
Clanky fully supports Harbormaster Zin (oh yeah, and the Coinlords do too), but don't let that sway your vote! Read the candidates' platforms. Listen to their propaganda. Get ready to choose your new leader in these dark times!
Listen to the Jerry King Live interview HERE ( with Jerry King, Zin, Skrapps, and Winfred Wafford on the DDoCast. There are even rumblings that Fred the Mind Flayer may throw his tentacle into the ring.
Got a candidate for Mayor that (you think) can lead us boldly into the future (better than Zin)? I'm skeptical. Post it here.
09-16-2008, 04:25 PM
My vote is for Fred as the loveable mayor of stormreach.
He will implement a high quality education system and support better schools for all the urchins of the city which will cut down on the dramatic crime rate. I came into the marketplace the other day and saw some poor adventurers running around in their skivvies thanks to these voracious, uneducated youths.
All Hail Fred!
09-16-2008, 04:27 PM
I nominate Qwijy and Gtar as co-mayors.
Don't take one or the other... it needs to be a "both or neither" kind of deal, trust me ;)
09-16-2008, 04:30 PM
My vote is for Fred as the loveable mayor of stormreach.
He will implement a high quality education system and support better schools for all the urchins of the city which will cut down on the dramatic crime rate. I came into the marketplace the other day and saw some poor adventurers running around in their skivvies thanks to these voracious, uneducated youths.
All Hail Fred!
Write him in!!!
Some anonymous person sent me this....
09-16-2008, 04:34 PM
I want one that can spell. What's a "Cornlord?" It was on the site.
Otherwise, Goodblade has my vote. Guild housing, I am sooo tired of living out of my backpack!
09-16-2008, 04:49 PM
Why are we pretending this is anything other than a figurehead position made irrelevant by the machinations of the various houses and other factions and the over abundance of transient adventurers who won't put down roots and become fully invested citizens?
09-16-2008, 04:56 PM
Is Coyle running? I want a leader that jumps haphazardly into battle and doesn't wait for the approval of his party members......
09-16-2008, 05:00 PM
Why are we pretending this is anything other than a figurehead position made irrelevant by the machinations of the various houses and other factions and the over abundance of transient adventurers who won't put down roots and become fully invested citizens?
Help help we're being oppressed!!!
PS: Nat Gann for Mayor -- he needs a new job, and he's in touch with the common folk.
09-16-2008, 05:09 PM
Write him in!!!
Some anonymous person sent me this....
That's totally awesome. To whoever had the idea, nice one.
Fred got my vote.
09-16-2008, 05:29 PM
Daring. Brave. Charismatic. Responsible. Enigmatic. Professional. Knowledgeable & Fair.
A Citizen Not Unlike Yourself.
Nat Gann: In Tune with the Common Folk.
09-16-2008, 05:41 PM
Awesome, Clankenbeard.
And Coyle's "Zerg Party" is no longer allowed to take part in elections ever since the last debacle where his supporters rushed to the polls, voted early, declared victory and took over the Coin Lord City Council before election officials even had a chance to count the results...
09-16-2008, 06:04 PM
I want one that can spell. What's a "Cornlord?" It was on the site.
It doesn't take a nuculer scientist to figure out that Harbormaster Zin doesn't always pronounce things right on the first take. He mis-stated "Coinlords" as "Cornlords" in his very first promo (which you can listen to on the site). And then he said it wrong a couple dozen more times. So now he's stuck. To change now would admit fault and that is not what a Mayor is all about.
So, let me get this straight. You have no problem with "Bite Jerry's Face Off!" but you see the need to post your disdain over one letter out of place. :D
09-16-2008, 06:29 PM
Daring. Brave. Charismatic. Responsible. Enigmatic. Professional. Knowledgeable & Fair.
A Citizen Not Unlike Yourself.
What the devil?!?! That is actually a picture of ME from over a year ago kicking the pole out from under Nat Gann! I was told that all copies of it had been destroyed. I paid a great sum to make sure this never resurfaced. Oh well. What's done is done.
Nat used to be very charismatic and was on top of all of the poles. He was all about free enterprise. But then, the market crashed and his platform crumbled. Poor guy found himself without a leg to stand on.
Your catch-phrase seems a bit wordy with the 700 or so adjectives. Maybe you could use an anagram or something. That would be: DBCREPKF (pronounced "Dib-KREP-kif"). There you go! Easy. Now you and Skrapps are on a level playing field.
I think you will have to admit that Nat Gann is a citizen QUITE unlike myself. (What with the "me kicking him" and all.) He is gone now and I am still here saying "WIN WITH ZIN!"
09-16-2008, 06:30 PM
I was going to throw out a nomination for the Jester d'Festivult, but (aside from finding that's one thing I DON'T have a screenshot of) I think there may be residency issues he would have trouble fulfilling.
Therefore, I throw my support behind Fred - for it's better to be behind him, than in front of him... :p
(Maybe he'll run under the Independent banner??)
09-16-2008, 06:36 PM
I was going to throw out a nomination for the Jester d'Festivult, but (aside from finding that's one thing I DON'T have a screenshot of) I think there may be residency issues he would have trouble fulfilling.
Therefore, I throw my support behind Fred - for it's better to be behind him, than in front of him... :p
(Maybe he'll run under the Independent banner??)
Guess what? Clankenbeard HATES Festivult Jester.. I have proof!!!! Look here!!
See? I caught him throwing coal at the poor Jester.. or was it something else????
09-16-2008, 06:45 PM
If guild housing includes a guild bank, then I'm in for GoodBlade!
09-16-2008, 07:47 PM
Guess what? Clankenbeard HATES Festivult Jester.. I have proof!!!! Look here!!
See? I caught him throwing coal at the poor Jester.. or was it something else????
Ummmm. heheh :o Well, truth be told.... Clanky may not have been the only one to have done that...
Even as a loyal constituent, one can only take so many twigs before coming a little frayed around the edges. :rolleyes:
09-16-2008, 09:07 PM
If you heard the Jerry King Live! show (taped last Thursday) on the DDoCast Episode 85 (, you may have gotten your funnybone tickled a little by Skrapps. Who among us hasn't threatened to bite Jerry King's face off once or twice?
But the reality of the situation is that Skrapps DID bite Jerry's face off. "Screenshot or it didn't happen," you say? Looky here...
This little kermudgen is wicked nuts. Do not vote for him. Just Dizza-frabba-don't!
09-16-2008, 09:14 PM
So that's what happened to my face. I was sitting there, next thing I know, I'm on the ground with a cleric standing over me, saying, "If you want more than a cure light spell, you're gonna have to pay me for heal scrolls!" I noticed the bite marks, but I hadn't looked in the mirror for a while and figured I was just getting uglier in my old age!
Last time I fought off a dozen Kobolds I just used my fists...maybe Skrapps needs to keep that in mind before picking a fight with a DDO player!
09-16-2008, 09:43 PM
Here is my overview of the candidates:
Nat Gann... missing (how can you vote for someone that hasn't been seen in months)
Festivult Jester... only shows up around the holidays (see Nat Gann)
Skrapps... too hot-tempered (look what he did during the interview)
Lord (?) Goodblade... untrustworthy, scammer (will probably do very well in politics - should be governor of NJ instead)
Harbormaster Zin... blind, doesn't pay attention (all you have to do is Bribe one of his guards and you get into the marketplace, also illegal gambling dens in the harbor, too much corruption on his watch) (another NJ Governor candidate)
Fred... helpful, if not rude (allows your character to fix flaws, seeks player improvement, fairly priced too)
My vote is for...
09-17-2008, 02:45 AM
Fred is the only candidate who brings true change to the citizens of Stormreach*.
*This ad payed for by the Friends of Fred Coalition™.
09-17-2008, 07:04 AM
Zin is the way of the future! He is bringing great changes to the Harbor. He is paving the way to a much brighter better Stormreach. Lets give him the authority and power to do it correctly!
Hah! How can you vote for someone who has betrayed, lied to you again and again and offered false hopes only to have them turn into a flimsy worthless piece of metal. I can't believe anyone would vote for someone like that. I have seen the real sword of Tesyus and Goodblade wouldn't know it if it cut him in two!
A kobold?!? PVP? not getting my vote.
I would vote for FRED before I would vote for Goodblade or the Kobold.
Got cornered by a mindflayer in the subterraine the other day. Failed the save vs. mindblast, thought I was dead meat, then these words burst into my mind:
Better Fred than Dead!!!
The mindflayer then released me and went on it's way.
09-17-2008, 01:18 PM
Zin is the way of the future! He is bringing great changes to the Harbor. He is paving the way to a much brighter better Stormreach. Lets give him the authority and power to do it correctly!
Hah! How can you vote for someone who has betrayed, lied to you again and again and offered false hopes only to have them turn into a flimsy worthless piece of metal. I can't believe anyone would vote for someone like that. I have seen the real sword of Tesyus and Goodblade wouldn't know it if it cut him in two!
A kobold?!? PVP? not getting my vote.
I would vote for FRED before I would vote for Goodblade or the Kobold.
AGREED! WIN with ZIN!!!! He is the way and has the will!
Who are Goodblades financial backers??? Inquiring minds want to know!!! is it... SIGMUND???
I would not vote for that crazy kobold... I think he may be related to that other Kobold that thinks he is a dragon!!!! Though, I did not blame him at all for biting Jerry King's face on the Jerry King Live show.... who DOESN'T want to do that???
Got cornered by a mindflayer in the subterraine the other day. Failed the save vs. mindblast, thought I was dead meat, then these words burst into my mind:
Better Fred than Dead!!!
The mindflayer then released me and went on it's way.
I knew it!!! The mind flayers are mobilizing against us!!!
Marguerite Dryden - daughter of a powerful figure of authority in Stormreach, survivor of the clutches of the undead, and author of the best seller, "Overcoming the Wraith Inside Us All".
Shaman Har Har - resident of the waterworks (which holds a large percentage of Stormreach inhabitants) "Because you'll go far with Har Har."
09-17-2008, 02:57 PM
Man, this thread remains totally funny. I'm going to have to type up some more candidate ads for next week's show...
09-17-2008, 03:07 PM
Is Coyle running? I want a leader that jumps haphazardly into battle and doesn't wait for the approval of his party members......
LOL is this a veiled Bush comment....
09-17-2008, 03:17 PM
LOL is this a veiled Bush comment....
09-17-2008, 03:23 PM
Not saying i don't like it......ok ok ....i think it is f'in hilarious....
09-17-2008, 03:55 PM
Fred: The Candidate Who Truly RESPECTS You.*
*This ad payed for by the Friends of Fred Coalition™.
09-17-2008, 06:58 PM
Dear Clankenbeard-
It seems that picture of you kicking Nat Gann was indeed authentic! I inquired with Aargos of the Archiver Society and the original was still in the Society's safe-keeping and somehow leaked out. Further research also revealed HOW the once-missing Nat Gann disappeared, thanks to the uncouth actions certain unscrupulous men, no, that's not quite the right word, dwarves under the guise of the Coin Lord's orders.
It appears these men, wait, dwarves, had been after Nat Gann for several years due to his continued political activities within Stormreach. His party was rallying for support for the upcoming elections - these particular elections - and said dwarven "Coin Lords" continued to hound and chase him throughout the city in attempts to persuade him to give up his free market and equilibrium symposium. Ironically, you had no small part in crippling Nat Gann so that he might be "persuaded" to leave by the ruffians, excuse me, "coin lords," that were in the service of a certain Harbormaster.
Further records, accounted by Nat Gann himself prior to his disappearance, include him running into a "free enterprise" within the Harbor's Sewers, commissioned by the Harbormaster himself, WITHOUT full authorization of the City's Waterworks. Seriously, did you think he'd forget you and yer accomplice were peddling an addictive brew to the kobolds. So addictive infact that it drove them into a frenzy when any city guard went into the Waterworks for a civic repair! I won't waive a finger upon you, but for shame, this disregard for the well-being of the city very well may put the blood of many guards and adventurers on the hands of a certain Harbormaster AND his allies. It's a mere wonder why he hires adventurers to go into the Waterworks and "search" for his lost guards. It is a simple thought process to see how the city has been wronged, and why Nat Gann was a threat in the next election.
Continuing on, as Nat Gann laid there, maimed and disheartened, the "Coin Lords" ejected him from the city all together and sent him sprawling across the countryside with a broken leg. Miracle of miracles, a kind halfling of the d'Jorasco relation found him, half-starved and nearly dead in a puddle of filth and putresence in Xend'rik. That kind soul nursed him back, and Nat Gann indeed is lurking in the shadows. If I were you, sir, I would be very worried and watching my back -- this acrobat was pushed too far, and it seems he's back to settle the odds.
Archiver Society Custodian
What the devil?!?! That is actually a picture of ME from over a year ago kicking the pole out from under Nat Gann! I was told that all copies of it had been destroyed. I paid a great sum to make sure this never resurfaced. Oh well. What's done is done.
Nat used to be very charismatic and was on top of all of the poles. He was all about free enterprise. But then, the market crashed and his platform crumbled. Poor guy found himself without a leg to stand on.
Your catch-phrase seems a bit wordy with the 700 or so adjectives. Maybe you could use an anagram or something. That would be: DBCREPKF (pronounced "Dib-KREP-kif"). There you go! Easy. Now you and Skrapps are on a level playing field.
I think you will have to admit that Nat Gann is a citizen QUITE unlike myself. (What with the "me kicking him" and all.) He is gone now and I am still here saying "WIN WITH ZIN!"
This Message has been Authorized by Nat Gann & The New Stormreach Union.
09-17-2008, 07:10 PM
As much as I love the service that GTAR and Qwigy offer, we should vote for Gornn and show him that EVERYBODY loves him.
09-17-2008, 07:11 PM
I heard some "rumors" about Zin.
-he has a secret love child. Some say it's with Cydonie.
-he has lost his mind and Guard Jung is actually running the Harbor.
-he is the person responsible for Nat Gann's disappearance.
-the Silver Flame is backing him. What about separation of church and state?
-he secretly wants Shavarrath to overrun Stormreach.
-he was the original leader of the 'Thirteen' before mis-managing them and getting kicked out.
Stormreach only has ONE candidate willing to makes changes for us...
09-17-2008, 07:44 PM
*This ad payed for by the Friends of Fred Coalition™.
09-17-2008, 08:02 PM
Where does Fred stand on the issues?
What is Fred's military service history?
What is Fred's party affiliation?
And, I want to see news stories and pics of Fred kissing babies!!!
If yer gonna get my vote you need to show me I am not voting for the lesser of two evils!
BLACK ABBOTT in '08!!!
09-17-2008, 08:20 PM
Dear Clankenbeard-
It seems that picture of you kicking Nat Gann was indeed authentic!
Yeah. I know. I said that. Oh, and there was an undoctored screenshot with me in it kicking Nat Gann's pole. Maybe you missed that.:D
Further research also revealed HOW the once-missing Nat Gann disappeared, thanks to the uncouth actions certain unscrupulous men, no, that's not quite the right word, dwarves under the guise of the Coin Lord's orders.
I think there's a screenshot somewhere of an Orthon biting his leg. *waves hand* These are not the dwarves you are looking for.
It appears these men, wait, dwarves, had been after Nat Gann for several years due to his continued political activities within Stormreach.
Um, how is jumping up and down on a big stick political?
His party was rallying for support for the upcoming elections - these particular elections - and said dwarven "Coin Lords" continued to hound and chase him throughout the city in attempts to persuade him to give up his free market and equilibrium symposium.
He gave up his equillibrium when his leg got bitten.
Ironically, you had no small part in crippling Nat Gann so that he might be "persuaded" to leave by the ruffians, excuse me, "coin lords," that were in the service of a certain Harbormaster.
Backwards! Zin is a, gets his limited financial backing from the Coin Lords. They don't work for him.
If I were you, sir, I would be very worried and watching my back -- this acrobat was pushed too far, and it seems he's back to settle the odds.
He's coming back? Awesome. I'll get my Boots of Kicking +13 out of the bank.
This Message has been Authorized by Nat Gann & The New Stormreach Union.
Okay, this image has clearly been magically manipulated. What is this guy wearing? That has to be the weirdest brigandine I have ever seen. My turn...
09-17-2008, 08:22 PM
The only facts that matter is that Fred is the only candidate who is, and always has been, at the beck and call of Stormreach's citizens and valiant protectors. He is not some ineffective stand-about who relies on others to take care of all his problems... not like some other candidates. And he certainly does not insult their efforts by offering paltry trinkets in "reward" for their hard work. No, Fred respects the adventurers who daily risk life, limb, and safety in protection of the city by being there when they need him - not the other way around. He is the only true civil servant within the city's strong walls. Fred uses all his natural talents to help those who protect our beloved Stormreach be even better enabled to face the dangers and terrors that threaten from both within and without. What other candidate can say that? The swindler? The hotheaded kobold? The ineffectual bureaucrat?
Fred helps you, and all he asks in return is a small gem that no other in town has use of, and a small fee that is only levied so that he may afford room and board - not to mention in order to afford the outrageous taxes the Coin Lords levy upon all hard working beings.
Fred knows that helping others is the hallmark of elected officials.
A better question is - what have the other candidates done for you lately? And what have they asked of you... in return for what reward?
Fred is the only candidate who makes sense in these troubled times. Fred is the only candidate who brings reform and change. Fred is the only Mayor Stormreach needs to reach a better tomorrow for all.
*This editorial brought to you by: The Friends of Fred Coalition™.
09-17-2008, 08:24 PM
Where does Fred stand on the issues?
And, I want to see news stories and pics of Fred kissing babies!!!
I can make that happen.. in fact I thought I saw Fred on the Campaign Trail already....
09-17-2008, 08:34 PM
I say the former mayor of my fair city would be great
Kwame Kilpartick For mayor
09-17-2008, 10:06 PM
Screenshot of Fred on the campaign trail. I thought non-psionic folks could only be affected by psionic blasts. But apparently mass suggestion works as well...
If you decide to trust a guy who can mess with your head, you need to question which one of you made that decision. WIN WITH ZIN!
09-18-2008, 12:21 AM
I heard that Lord Gerald Goodblade called Harbormaster Zin some awful things on this week's "Jerry King Live!"
The mud is flying!
09-18-2008, 03:01 AM
Shocking that the day would come when Clankenbeard would become the mouthpiece for a corrupt official - and try to smear the good name of the one true public servant in Stormreach. Or perhaps seeing the evidence of his treatment of other notables around our fair city, it is not so shocking. After all, what sort would hurl coal at a fellow dwarf whose only goal is to spread holiday cheer? Or the sort who could kick the pole out from under a harmless street performer whose only crime was to perhaps become too popular and gain the jealous eye of a certain halfling who is too afraid of the world outside his door to leave his house?
Perhaps if Zin would leave his house, he could see the corruption and ineptitude of those under his command. He would see that money is all it takes to circumvent his edicts. Or that his Guard places bets on the lives of gullible new comers to the city and willingly direct them into harms way. To say nothing of the fact that whenever the slightest hint of danger looms - his so-called Guard has to call upon the aid of those same new adventurers, as they are too ill prepared to face any challenge.
Is Zin the representative we want? Do we seek a future where graft and bribes becomes an even deeper part of our daily lives? Where a Herpetophobic halfling advocates sicking attack dogs upon families just trying to survive? Where incompetence and ineptitude are allowed - nay, encouraged - to flourish?
Or, do we seek the better way?
Do we dare say YES to the one being who has never harmed any being within the city limits? After all, if he was a danger to the city, would the mighty and reputable House Jorasco allow Fred to remain?
Do we open our eyes to see beyond the purple skin, the tentacles, and exotic fasion sense - and recognize that Fred only exists to help brave adventurers, not hide behind them. To help them correct the mistakes of the past, and to be better prepared to rise up in defense of our glorious frontier town called Stormreach.
Fred should not be judged by the actions of his kin. After all, are all humans to be judged by the actions of Archbishop Dreyden? Should all Drow Elves be judged equal to those massing in Tempest's Spine in service to the Stormreaver? Should all halflings be measured by Zin? I certainly hope not.
I believe that the citizens of Stormreach can see that while there is danger within the wards of the city - Fred is the last one they have to fear. Let Fred be judged for who and what he is. A kind and benevolent being, who in the best Jorasco tradition is seeking to only be helpful and a credit to the city he lives in. If only all halflings in Stormreach followed the tenants of Jorasco, a Halfling House, a fraction as much as the ones they try to slander...
Vote for change.
Vote for Fred.
09-18-2008, 08:11 AM
Backwards! Zin is a, gets his limited financial backing from the Coin Lords. They don't work for him.
The "Coin Lords", eh? And just who are these master manipulators of finance?
They wouldn't happen to include among their numbers folks with names like
....Would they?
Maybe it's time someone inquired into Zin's campaign contributors ;)
09-18-2008, 08:53 AM
Shaamis "Kegtapper" Bloodfist wants to be in the ATF!
But I just want to regulate the "A" in the ATF! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Vote for Shaamis if you want more "A" in your AFT department!
Free drinks for everyone, if you vote for Shaamis! Just tell the bartender to put it on my tab!
I know return you to your previously heated discussion......
09-18-2008, 09:28 AM
My money's on Fred. He stands tentacles and shoulders above the rest. Fred is the only candidate out there who is truly in touch with the mind of the people. Vote for Fred!
09-18-2008, 03:14 PM
Nat Gann is Kistilan's Sock Puppet....
You heard it here first. Can we really trust a Mayor who doesn't have a leg to stand on???
09-18-2008, 03:31 PM
Hmm I am still undecided in who I should give my vote to. While Harbor Master Zin does try hard to keep the kobold problem out of the marketplace by assigning the task of cleaning out the waterworks, he does not keep good tabs on his men IMO. Guard Jung is constantly losing his badge (me thinks he tips the cups to much). And you can bribe your way by the means of twenty hard earned gold pieces to the shifty guards who should be keeping riff raff out of the marketplace. So I dont know about him.
As for Nat Gann while amuzed my first few days in Stormreach by his dancing, I found it to be the same routine. Do I really want to vote for a guy who never changes his act? At least the Philiaran guy tells a bad joke and does a coin trick with his act. Also laying in the street like a vagrant doesnt scream in touch with the common man, it screams homeless. Do I really want a lay in the street pole dancer as mayor?
As a mage ive had to fight dozes of mindflayers using my finger of death spell. And though Fred had peered into my mind to help me correct some of my memory and skills, I am sure he has seen his fallen breathren while doing so. It all screams to me that hes bidding his time for power and will enslave and make cattle of those who have killed his fellow mind flayers.
Skrapps? Uh yeah no, just no kobolds are icky though I do like the way they sizzle when my sisters acid mace hits them. So I guess I am decided on one of the canidates.
And now to Goodblades, con man who smiles at both the ladies and gents coming to stormreach with a twinkle in his eyes. He conned myself like others with the promise of a worthy weapon, only to find it was a 50 gp piece of junk. And hes selfish to boot, my mage could have definatelly used one of those healing casks. And why does he constantly need people going into crypts to disturb the dead? It all smells fishy to me.
I think im leaning towards shaamis, ive hung out with dwarves before they are a hardy bunch though their elf jokes wear thin on my nerves. As long as he would not go about banning elves I think I may listen to his platform.
All in all most of the canidates seem like politians who have shady sides, its just hard to decide which is the lesser of the evils.
09-18-2008, 03:35 PM
All in all most of the canidates seem like politians who have shady sides, its just hard to decide which is the lesser of the evils.
Then vote Goodblade! He isn't evil at all...even his name is "good!"
09-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Very interesting list of candidates
of course only one can win and
to that end it falls to us to
evaluate each on their merits.
For instance they all have good
ratings among the common folk
even though they have seen
dire times in Stormreach.
09-18-2008, 03:58 PM
I was going to vote for Skrapps... but yeah Fred make the best choice. But he should make Skrapps his vice.
09-18-2008, 04:10 PM
09-18-2008, 04:21 PM
fred: The Candidate Who Truly respects You.*
*this Ad Payed For By The friends Of Fred Coalition™.
09-18-2008, 04:38 PM
My vote's for Fred...
Though Skrapps is a close second... "Shavarath no come here... Shavarath think we all crazy!" LMAO
09-18-2008, 05:05 PM
With the power to divine and scry, my ever watchful eye will help keep the city safe. Already having experience with times of crisis in Stormreach, I'd gladly accept any nominations put forth by The Twelve.
You'll have nothing to fear when you vote Veheer.
09-18-2008, 05:11 PM
With the power to divine and scry, my ever watchful eye will help keep the city safe. Already having experience with times of crisis in Stormreach, I'd gladly accept any nominations put forth by The Twelve.
You'll have nothing to fear when you vote Veheer.
You've seen how well he did with the invasions....
We Can't Afford Veheer F'nord
A vote for the Jester is a vote for more cookies! I was already voted ( most likely to win the ultimate battle for Stormreach.
09-18-2008, 05:19 PM
That's what I was going to say. Veheer just sits there in his ivory tower (okay, so it was a stone floating platform-type thing) and banishes people who don't "follow his agenda"! His response to the Shavarath invasion was "I'm looking into it", while we're fighting for our lives down below!
Now the Jester of the Festivult at least knows how to distribute the goods. If we're looking for a handout-friendly mayor, he might make a good candidate. Also, he can be in multiple places at once, which would certainly come in handy.
Goodblade's a con man, but don't we need someone sneaky to deal with Coin Lord politics? He might make a good choice.
09-18-2008, 05:47 PM
My vote is for Fred. I trust him to enough to enter my head and alter my training, so I trust him to run my city of residence!
09-18-2008, 06:17 PM
A VOTE for FRED is a VOTE for us ALL.
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
09-18-2008, 06:57 PM
You've seen how well he did with the invasions....
We Can't Afford Veheer F'nord
A vote for the Jester is a vote for more cookies! I was already voted ( most likely to win the ultimate battle for Stormreach.
I will get my people on this... I am sorry to say Jester.... that I am already planted firmly in the ZIN camp. But you MIGHT be able to bribe the city with sweet treats.....
In fact... I think I saw The Jester of Festivult doing just that!!!!
Win With Zin!
09-18-2008, 07:14 PM
pathetic, mudslinging, oportunistic, scavengers!
Even the so called "good" jester demands a payout for the season's good cheer.
And I am not voting for a F'Nord that just so happens to take over when another is lost, yet remains silent on someone's potential return.
At this point, I'm voting with the madness I know:
At least I know where my dancing beholders come from, do you?
09-18-2008, 07:21 PM
Nat Gann is Kistilan's Sock Puppet....
You heard it here first. Can we really trust a Mayor who doesn't have a leg to stand on???
Nonsense! :rolleyes: If I wanted to promote, I'd run for mayor myself. I've no such interest. Methinks you're a tad flustered by the pole-kicking? I didn't tell him to cross out Clank's name and write the other name, but Nat Gann was very adamant about the truth being exposed for what it is, big and ugly. shrugs helplessly
Even if Nat isn't elected, he's out there, doing better things for the good people of Stormreach than any citizen currently knows. Mr Nat Gann is a hero, and although he may have laid in the streets like a pauper after his pole-kicker maimed him, he does not lay there anymore!
No, Mr. Nat Gann is not idly in one spot in Stormreach in any longer. He has mobilized. He's making a difference. That in itself speaks volumes.
09-18-2008, 08:26 PM
The problem with voting for the Jester is that he ONLY shows up when the opportunity suits him, i.e. when he can make a profit peddling his cookies during the Holidays.
The real race in this contest is between Fred and...
Well, that's just it. There really is NO other choice.
Fred helps the people, and he is easy to find. I think he is even on the map.
People of Stormreach, VOTE for the only candidate with no hidden agenda.
Vote for Fred
09-18-2008, 08:58 PM
Hmm so now we have a jester who ive never seen in my minglings who comes out during the holidays to reward people who give him coins for treats..still dunno about that canidate, if I want to vote based on treats id vote for Suley who makes that good ham and gives it free to new adventures. Here that Jester no coins needed just a life risking romp against a mad cultist named Drexyl...
As for Veheer like Skraap I dont think so, first off having to jump across rubble just to make your acquaitance the first time annoyed me. Your haughty attitude towards those who challenged your way of thinking by teleporting them to random areas show you have no patience for those who do not agree with you. And your group the twelve stand around the crater giving orders yet Ive seen not one rebuild contract for our beloved marketplace. To me your name is synomous with ruin and devils so nay you shall not get my vote sir.
This race is very interesting the canidates skelletons will be coming out of the closet and I suspect mister F'nords are of the blackbone variety.
09-18-2008, 09:42 PM
You'll have nothing to fear when you vote Veheer.Unless you happen to be a tent...
09-19-2008, 07:40 PM
But where are you, Nat? You've disappeared and not reappeared since the horrible attack by a Zin zealot. No wonder Zin stays hidden in his house. He probably sanctioned the attack in the first place.
Fred is easily found outside amongst the people, which is pretty decent considering he is a mind-flayer.
We need a mayor not afraid to venture outside, or one that is non-existent.
09-20-2008, 01:32 AM
Respec Stormreach!!!
vote Fred for Mayor!
Get your Fred for Mayor gear here! (
My vote is for "Fred", long live FRED!!!!!
09-20-2008, 05:07 PM
pathetic, mudslinging, oportunistic, scavengers!
I totally know. What a miserable bunch. Let's recap them alphabetically...
Fred (Change your mind or he will.)
Goodblade (That's his name, but ironically you didn't get one from him.)
Jester of the Festiv[us/ult] (He's so fickle, he renames his holiday yearly.)
Nat Gann (Not Gone? -- Sure looks like it to me.)
Skrapps (Drop the two 'S's for his platform description.)
Veheer F'nord (Fnound On Road Dead? He's real good at just standing around.)
Zin (Win With)
<Edit: I forgot Coyle (Poor Judgement.)>
While I appreciate that some player characters think they should be in the running, this seems logistically impossible. You can't be on every server in every instance like these guys can. Well, most of them anyways. Did I miss anybody (important)?
09-20-2008, 07:28 PM
Jester of the Festiv[us/ult]
Nat Gann
Veheer F'nord
Not only is this list correct alphabetically - it's also correct in terms of who'd make the best mayor. With Fred leading the way, and the Herpetophobic Halfling firmly bringing up the rear...
Fred for Change! Fred for Respect! Fred for Mayor!
09-20-2008, 07:58 PM
I totally know. What a miserable bunch. Let's recap them alphabetically...
Fred (Change your mind or he will.)
Goodblade (That's his name, but ironically you didn't get one from him.)
Jester of the Festiv[us/ult] (He's so fickle, he renames his holiday yearly.)
Nat Gann (Not Gone? -- Sure looks like it to me.)
Skrapps (Drop the two 'S's for his platform description.)
Veheer F'nord (Fnound On Road Dead? He's real good at just standing around.)
Zin (Win With)
While I appreciate that some player characters think they should be in the running, this seems logistically impossible. You can't be on every server in every instance like these guys can. Well, most of them anyways. Did I miss anybody (important)?
I believe the Black Abott was mentioned early on in the running.
So no, you didn't miss anyone important.
09-21-2008, 12:25 PM
I believe the Black Abott was mentioned early on in the running. So no, you didn't miss anyone important.
I used to watch Black Adder all the time on PBS. Oh. Wait. "Abbot".
I've only seen the Black Abbot a couple times (translates into "no good screenshots of him") and he seemd to have mostly his own interests in mind. He was busy playing Asteroids or looking at new tile patterns for his den. The good of Stormreach seemed a ways off.
Fred has been added to the ( site as of yesterday. You can scoop Jerry's Podcast and hear the ads for Fred before they go up officially on DDoCast 86.
09-21-2008, 12:58 PM
I found that site very informative though still unsure of who to support.....
Okay seriously ooc: I was in kinda a funk mood till I went to the site and kudos to the creators the ads were spot on and funny as heck I dont think ive laughed this hard in a long while. It was awesome and I look forward to more of this, thanks for making my day. ^_^
09-21-2008, 03:51 PM
Fred is the only candidate we can depend on to be there for us in these troubled times.
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
09-21-2008, 08:01 PM
Okay seriously ooc: I was in kinda a funk mood till I went to the site and kudos to the creators the ads were spot on and funny as heck I dont think ive laughed this hard in a long while. It was awesome and I look forward to more of this, thanks for making my day. ^_^
OOC: Thanks for the praise. The credit for the ads goes around to loads of people. Lots of folks have jumped on board this dorky little choo-choo. But, here's a few:
Alex Haddox (From the Monestary), Jerry Snook (DDoCast), Lessah (DDoCast Know Your Role), Buzzsaw (DDoCast Guild Life), Puff (Online Somewhere), Clankenbeard (50 Sexiest Stormreach Dwarves [wearing tiaras] 2008--honorable mention)
The website programming and look is all Clankenbeard with direction (read nagging) from Lessah. Look for updates. Nat Gann (Know Your Pole) and the Jester of Festivult (Food Network Challenge-Gingerbread!) are gonna be there soon! Maybe Veneer F'nord (Cliffhanger the Movie). Maybe. I am still mad about jumping all the way up to him just to have him tell me "Come Back Tomorrow". He could have given me a Wayfinder Staff or a Sickle of Sypheros or something. You listening F'Nord!??!
09-22-2008, 01:31 AM
Good job on the site. I do have ONE very important question about it.
Why does the Harbormaster Zin stay on screen longer then everyone else? I'll answer for you.
It's subliminal mind trickery on the part of Zin followers. Just ANOTHER reason why Zin should NOT be Stormreach's Mayor. He is so deceitful that he is using to trick voters. He must know he doesn't have a chance. Shame on you, fellow voters, if you fall for this.
Fred, being the Mind Flayer that he/she/it is, doesn't need to stoop so low. The voting public know what he is and people come to him for help willingly. And help them he does. This is what Stormreach needs for a Mayor.
09-22-2008, 02:09 AM
As far as im concerned, Fred has been there for me from the time I was a 'wee lassy', till the time I was a hero, sung about amongst the greatest of adventurers. Anytime I needed him, he was there.
As for the others? Disappearing acts? Bribery? Complexes? Na...
Like a father to teach and save me from many a mistake in builds, saving me from rerolling... Fred, you got my vote.
p.s. The ad banners for fred are hillarious!!! xD
09-23-2008, 02:05 AM
I see Nat Gann on the poles now, no pun intended! ;) But still looking for the Festival Jester. :confused:
This is turning into some kind of mass event! If only some developer that wants to sit in chairs would take notice... :rolleyes:
09-23-2008, 11:10 AM
I've seen the issues, heard the political ads, and evaluated the candidates, and I have to say, I'm gonna have to vote Fred this election.
Respect For Stormreach!
Fred for Mayor!!
09-23-2008, 11:53 AM
I see the addition of some late comers. I think Fred has some merit but his tentacles are just busy messing with peoples head! I don't think there is anyone even close to Zin!
Win with Zin.
09-23-2008, 12:47 PM
I see Nat Gann RISING in the POLES on those elaborate campaign promises... but I think he may find himself... much like in game... absent... without a leg to stand on... and falling flat on his face from that elaborate platform of his.
09-23-2008, 01:26 PM
I see Nat Gann RISING in the POLES on those elaborate campaign promises... but I think he may find himself... much like in game... absent... without a leg to stand on... and falling flat on his face from that elaborate platform of his.
My poor brain! Why!
09-23-2008, 02:31 PM
My poor brain! Why!
I think Fred can fix that for you...
Do some good with Goodblade!
09-23-2008, 05:35 PM
I see Nat Gann RISING in the POLES on those elaborate campaign promises... but I think he may find himself... much like in game... absent... without a leg to stand on... and falling flat on his face from that elaborate platform of his.
Stormreach never had it so good!!! You never had it so good! ~Miracle Max, TPB~
Besides, is it coincidence that Nat Gann began lobbying for direct transports to Meridia, and now The Twelve and House d'Phiarlan/Canith are nearly done working out a Greater Teleport to Meridia?!? Who do you think financed this? Who lobbied for it?
I'll tell ya who -- Nat Gann and The New Stormreach Union, that's who!
Nat Gann's for every man!
PS: Stay tuned folks -- he's bound to fix the live events in House d'Phiarlan AND instigate a timely outdoor bazaar filled with street performances, loot vendors and refreshments in a beautified outdoor city park where the old Marketplace Tent once stood! Your tax dollars will finally be spent as Nat Gann would say, "proper and responsibly."
09-23-2008, 07:13 PM
I see Nat Gann on the poles now, no pun intended! ;) But still looking for the Festival Jester. :confused:
This is turning into some kind of mass event! If only some developer that wants to sit in chairs would take notice... :rolleyes:
Well, Clanky was sure that Nat Gann was a terrible choice for Mayor. But when Nat Gann *cough* Kistilan *cough cough* kept right on pushing his candidacy down my throat I had a talk with the Cornlords. They agreed to acknowledge him and put him on the site. Of course they had to tweak the wording for his platform to help the average vote understand his words. (If those really are words.)
So Kistilan sent in a transcript and Nat's audio for the site. Excellent job Kist! Unless you say otherwise, I'll e-mail it to Jerry for the DDoCast. Then you'll be the idol of halves of dozens just like me and Lessah! Okay, okay...just like Lessah. (For the record, Jerry is a close personal friend of mine. I drop his name all of the time to get a good table at Arby's.)
The Jester will go up on the site ASAP. This P may be a ways off. I am currently shipping out scads of emergency pipeline repair tools to the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Ike did loads of damage which makes Clanky a very busy dwarf.
Beware, Nat! I have heard rumblings of a smear campaign advertisement against you! Wait. Let me rephrase for you: "Oyve erd da rumblens o'va semeeer k'mpayne a'ginya!"
09-23-2008, 07:29 PM
Well, Clanky was sure that Nat Gann was a terrible choice for Mayor. But when Nat Gann *cough* Kistilan *cough cough* kept right on pushing his candidacy down my throat I had a talk with the Cornlords. They agreed to acknowledge him and put him on the site. Of course they had to tweak the wording for his platform to help the average vote understand his words. (If those really are words.)
So Kistilan sent in a transcript and Nat's audio for the site. Excellent job Kist! Unless you say otherwise, I'll e-mail it to Jerry for the DDoCast. Then you'll be the idol of halves of dozens just like me and Lessah! Okay, okay...just like Lessah. (For the record, Jerry is a close personal friend of mine. I drop his name all of the time to get a good table at Arby's.)
The Jester will go up on the site ASAP. This P may be a ways off. I am currently shipping out scads of emergency pipeline repair tools to the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Ike did loads of damage which makes Clanky a very busy dwarf.
Beware, Nat! I have heard rumblings of a smear campaign advertisement against you! Wait. Let me rephrase for you: "Oyve erd da rumblens o'va semeeer k'mpayne a'ginya!"
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.... Let's not get carried away here: the praising, the smearing and all other forms of shenanigans. Kist (me) didn't do anything... I mean, we've got to consider what's best for Nat Gann. A'ight!
Show your support for Nat Gann and he'll perform!
PS: Seriously, thanks for letting me help with this awesome project. Anything I've posted on the ddo forums is public consumption. By all means, Jerry's more'n welcome to use it!
09-23-2008, 11:42 PM
I can hardly believe what I am hearing. Scores of people campaigning for a mindflayer who is apparently in the employ of the dragons of Argonnessen. Oh, you forgot that little fact that Lockania has some type of power over Fred to give his services for free, did you? Either that or you are such frequent customers of Fred that he has managed to re-write your memories in such a way that you can’t remember what is right or wrong. I certainly don’t want dragons in charge of my city and I don’t want Fred messing with my brain; I say better dead than Fred!
As for Nat Gann...I understand that his whole “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” routine was actually a big scam to get out of defending Stormreach from the Shavarrath invasion. I spoke with the two guards just outside the barracks, as well as a concerned citizen in the area, and all three were of the opinion that Nat was simply a big coward trying to gain sympathy and money from everyone that passed by. Lets just say, Nat doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Who will I vote for in this election? Well, when my other choices are scam artists, kobolds, and incompetent harbor masters, I say we need a new option on the ballot. My vote this election will be for Husk! Husk is a quiet, non-assuming craftsman who will be able to gather support from both the warforged and the fleshy populations. Plus, he’s known to care for his friends (I mean, he let you in to save Haywire, didn’t he?).
After all, we all know how mindflayers feel about warforged...if you don’t, here is a leaked video that will help you see how they really feel:
09-24-2008, 02:35 AM
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
09-24-2008, 03:36 AM
A Man With Determination And A Fire In His Eyes... A Burning Desire To Do His Duty!
**** Deck Paolo! For Office!
J/K :D
09-24-2008, 11:12 AM
a Man With Determination And A Fire In His Eyes... A Burning Desire To Do His Duty!
**** Deck Paolo! For Office!
09-24-2008, 11:44 AM
I believe residency should be a definite requirement for candidacy. P@@p deck Paolo lives in a comfortable beachfront suburb. He's far too busy running around to focus on the real issues that concern the citizens of Stormreach. Imagine trying to discuss important business with the guy, and having to chase him all over the place trying to get a word with him. Bah.
We need Fred. He is mindful of what we in Stormreach consider to be important. He has lived among us for countless generations, and has been nothing but kind. We are willing to nominate crooks and Coin lords (Aren't they the same thing, really?) but when it comes to Fred, bigotry and xenophobia take over.
Look beyond the tentacles, friends, and realise Fred is on our side. Don't allow anti Illithid sentiment from preventing the best creature for the job from becoming Stormreach's next mayor. There's a Kobold on the ballot for goodness' sake. We've had more trouble from them than we ever had with Illithids. Case by case basis, here, I'd say. So keep an open mind, people. Vote for Fred!
09-24-2008, 12:08 PM
I had thought once again about Fred. Then I remembered that he spends all day putting his tentacles up people's Noses. That just isn't Mayor material to me.
A Mayor walking around with stuff dripping off his tentacles. If that doesn't just make an unsightly image.
Zin has been in a position to make changes. He is bringing us a whole new harbor. And soon a whole new Stormreach.
Nat Gann fell down from his stick after constant mumbling and slurred language. I heard it was a REHAB issue.
Win with Zin.
09-24-2008, 12:13 PM
I had thought once again about Fred. Then I remembered that he spends all day putting his tentacles up people's Noses. That just isn't Mayor material to me.
A Mayor walking around with stuff dripping off his tentacles. If that doesn't just make an unsightly image.
Oh please, Fred has a lot more class than that. Do you not notice that he always carries a clean handkerchief everywhere he goes? And he doesn't put his tentacles up people's noses. That's gross. They go into your ears instead. Alright, so there's an earwax issue. (Bleah... :eek:) But hey...that's what the handkerchief is for!
09-24-2008, 03:22 PM
Wow Mr. Gann that was um..classy I dont think I need to hear no more about yer big do know the saying about those who brag...:rolleyes:;)
And im adding another one to Skrapps the killer kobold, and F'nord the twelve sneak, who wont get my vote cause im sorry no one with the name **** can be trusted. I mean what platform could he really stand on that would not end up smelly? And is he like the other drunk pirates that loaf around three barrel cove? Just smelly all the way of **** and fish and that salty air that make my wizard choke everytime I step into that port.
Think im leaning towards the flayer since resistance is futile, or Zin maybe he will finally get his men together.
09-24-2008, 03:53 PM
Wow Mr. Gann that was um..classy I dont think I need to hear no more about yer big do know the saying about those who brag...:rolleyes:;)
Indeed. You'd never hear Fred discuss such a thing in public, or anyplace else for that matter. Fred's the Illithid with inimitable style, and oodles of class. He keeps his mind out of the gutter, unless that's where the person who's mind he's "interacting" with at the moment happens to be.
09-24-2008, 07:45 PM
Seriously, what has Zin done? He's been working on getting rid of the kobolds in the Harbor for years without success!
Fred, on the other hand, provides results every time you visit him.
09-24-2008, 08:07 PM
This thread is providing infinite fodder for DDOcast's upcoming mayoral stuff. The plan is to have an election at some point this fall on the forums somewhere, either on or (or both, possibly). Lots of goofiness will be coming!
FYI - I am impartial and would never announce my endorsement for mayor. Now, where's that respec token...just kidding!
09-24-2008, 08:13 PM
wow just..yeah I think i'll keep your pole away from my platform Mr. Gann, your speech just gives me that creepy Ive been hit on again by one of them drunkards at the local pub feel. Just not what I am looking for as a Mayor, I mean charisma is one thing but that man about the town with a big strong pole will only get ya so far when bargaining with the twelve. And if you remember most of them are not of the female persuasion. So save ya big pole talk and show us what you will do to better stormreach.
more and more the flayer is looking better, at least his messages dont leave ya feeling dirty :eek::pLOL
09-24-2008, 10:28 PM
Everyone keeps talking about Fred and how he is always there for them and they make it seem like he has always been in his dark, dank little corner in the House Jorasco enclave. But, he was actually came to our fair city when the Menechtarun Desert became the new hot spot for our intrepid population. By the way, did you ever think why Fred is located in the Jorasco enclave? I’ll tell you why: because Fred screws up, a lot, and it’s only due to the healing halfling house that many survive. What about those who don’t survive, you ask? Well, there is Delera’s Graveyard, always full of restless spirits out to get their revenge on the living...
As for Nat, phhhff, whatever. Have you seen his latest speaches? I mean, I’ve seen the man, but understand him? I think the rumors may be true about his drug dependency if you know what I mean. But, enough of Nat...Husk, in his quiet and unobtrusive way, has let me know that he would like to withdraw his name from consideration.
So I’m here today to let you know about my pick for the next mayor of Stormreach.
You all know her. She’s touched many of Stormreach's heros, in many, many ways, and she is always ready and willing to service YOU.
She’s a perfect fit for every man...and woman in Stormreach
She’s a working girl, so she knows what it is like to be in a strange and awkward position and having to fight her way free of entanglements. And, at the end of the day, to find that the loot just wasn’t worth the time, effort and sweat it took to get it.
She has been here much longer than most of the voters who will vote in the upcoming mayoral race. In fact, she has been here since the beginning and as a native girl of Stormreach is the best to lead us into the next age.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Warforged of both inclinations, I give you the next Mayor of Stormreach, Scarlett the Harlot!
09-24-2008, 10:39 PM
Everyone keeps talking about Fred and how he is always there for them and they make it seem like he has always been in his dark, dank little corner in the House Jorasco enclave. But, he was actually came to our fair city when the Menechtarun Desert became the new hot spot for our intrepid population. By the way, did you ever think why Fred is located in the Jorasco enclave? I’ll tell you why: because Fred screws up, a lot, and it’s only due to the healing halfling house that many survive. What about those who don’t survive, you ask? Well, there is Delera’s Graveyard, always full of restless spirits out to get their revenge on the living...
As for Nat, phhhff, whatever. Have you seen his latest speaches? I mean, I’ve seen the man, but understand him? I think the rumors may be true about his drug dependency if you know what I mean. But, enough of Nat...Husk, in his quiet and unobtrusive way, has let me know that he would like to withdraw his name from consideration.
So I’m here today to let you know about my pick for the next mayor of Stormreach.
You all know her. She’s touched many of Stormreach's heros, in many, many ways, and she is always ready and willing to service YOU.
She’s a perfect fit for every man...and woman in Stormreach
She’s a working girl, so she knows what it is like to be in a strange and awkward position and having to fight her way free of entanglements. And, at the end of the day, to find that the loot just wasn’t worth the time, effort and sweat it took to get it.
She has been here much longer than most of the voters who will vote in the upcoming mayoral race. In fact, she has been here since the beginning and as a native girl of Stormreach is the best to lead us into the next age.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Warforged of both inclinations, I give you the next Mayor of Stormreach, Scarlett the Harlot!
She was forced to change her name a few months after launch. Now she is Charlotte the scarlett or something similar.
09-24-2008, 10:49 PM
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
09-24-2008, 10:54 PM
She was forced to change her name a few months after launch. Now she is Charlotte the scarlett or something similar.
At least Nat's name never changes.... :rolleyes:
Citizens of Stormreach, look what The New Stormreach Union has done for you under Nat Gann's charisma! This reformed performer promised House d'Phiarlan, Canith & The Twelve would work with his information to produce a quick and effortless way to travel to Meridia, and not a day later it was so!
Be sure the rest of his candidacy is as valid, and that all of his plans really will come to fruit! What does the mind-flayer want to impliment? What good will Goodblades moderate changes do for us? Even Zin has disregarded the demands for better transportation, local commerce (a new OUTDOOR Bazaar) & more live mass events with exceptional coordination. Infact, the only thing Zin seems to want to do is introduce MORE new "unknown" citizens to The New Harbor so that he can fill his coffers with more adventurers bailing out his guards from kobolds! And kobolds, let's not even go there - do you really want to take one wrong turn down your friendly neighborhood street and get knifed by a twelve year old? Mark my slightly psychic words (who do you think is feeding Nat's party their info?), each choice brings glory only to the candidate -- except, Nat Gann. His glory is his performance, and you can catch that at the newly-renovated and sure-to-please House d'Phiarlan Theatre!
Remember, Nat Gann's look'n out for EVERY man (and woman).
09-25-2008, 12:16 AM
Remember, Nat Gann's look'n out for EVERY man (and woman).
Yep and trying to impress us with his big stick at that :eek:
09-25-2008, 05:08 AM
Yep and trying to impress us with his big stick at that :eek:
I think you're getting a little hung-up on his catch phrase about his quarterstaff... It's just a piece of wood (magical, maybe, but still just a long pole). The real point is to pay attention to his 4 point plan. It all leads up to redevelop'n the marketplace. I mean, he practically wants to dump the 700B platinum pieces the Goodblade needs for "guild housing" (after the "Lordly but Goody" cut, of course) into a booming economy, at only a fraction of the Goodblade price and with returning dividends to the tax payers after the live events & reinvigorated harbor are finished with a final trick being a new teleportation gate at the outside bazaar ie central marketplace.
To put it into perspective on the kind of waste in Goodblade's campaign, 700B platinum pieces for guild housing is like purchasing 2,000 "Swords of Tesyus for EVERY citizen of Stormreach. :eek: Yes, now it's quite mind-boggling to understand how big a waste that is.
Vote for Nat Gann - he'll do ya right.
09-27-2008, 11:22 PM
Here's my Mindflayer Fred for Mayor ad: (mp3) (
09-27-2008, 11:51 PM
Here's my Mindflayer Fred for Mayor ad: (mp3) (
LOL Very funny stuff :)
09-30-2008, 05:16 AM
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
10-02-2008, 02:52 PM
Zin is the only reasonable option out of the list. I could list all of the problems with Fred but I think they speak for themselves. And someone else listed them pretty well.
Zin just has all the right stuff. A good location. Heck, he could make his current office a new Mayoral headquarters without costing the People of Stormreach a lot of money.
Nat just isn't around and only appears to produce lots of innuendo. Goodblade has all but disappeared as a candidate.
Another major Fred as a mayor issue... Some Adventurer will be returning from a high level adventure and come into talk to him and end up whacking him. High Level Adventurers are generally high stress people and apt to kill something first and ask questions later and something about a Mind Flayer sitting defenseless after so many of his comrades has had their brains sucked out by one.
Fred just doesn't represent the common man and woman in Stormreach.
10-02-2008, 04:37 PM
Fred just doesn't represent the common man and woman in Stormreach.
I disagree! Fred is the best creature for the job, precisely because he knows the minds of the common citizen of Stormreach. And if for any reason he doesn't, he has the most effective method of finding out. I think electing Fred will put the kibosh on the kobold problem, and and lessen the corruption which is running rampant due to the abuse of power by the Coin Lords and their cronies. Fred will know who's corrupt, he'll know who's planning what, and will be able to put a stop to such stuff before it starts. And I have it on the best authority that he doesn't eat brains anymore, HE'S A VEGETARIAN!!!! So vote for Fred. He'll keep the Streets safe, and won't be sticking his tentacles into your pockets.
10-10-2008, 01:57 PM
Here's my Mindflayer Fred for Mayor ad: (mp3) (
"I went to Fred the Mindflayer for a feat respec, and he showed me the error of his ways."
*Chortle* :D
10-14-2008, 11:10 PM
OOC: I am sure you guys don't give two frog hairs about Clanky's busy schedule lately. But, it has been killer busy. It is no longer so. So now I can get back to doing what I love most...cramming an imaginary mayoral race in an imaginary town down your imaginary characters' collective throat. So here goes. Open wide...
Jerry's two newest campaign commercials have gone up on the ( site! One is for Fred. The second for Nat Gann. Plus there's a new ad for Fred as made by Your's Truly and Morah. Um. I mean to say, by some person that sounds exactly like Fred and most assuredly IS him. I have no doubts about this.
Lessah and I are going to find a voice for the Festivus/ult Jester and get him added to the site before the next DDoCast. Mark my words with a +1 permanent marker.
10-19-2008, 10:18 PM
The Jester gives me the heeBGB's :eek:. Do not vote for him. But, his bobbily headed information has been added to ( nontheless. If nothing else, just check out his information for his fabulous background. Win with Zin!
So creepy. I think I'm going to see Fred to get the Jester ad out of my head.
10-19-2008, 11:11 PM
I dont get this, is this a Turbine event? or just something you guys came up with?
10-20-2008, 01:44 AM
*this Ad Payed For By The Friends Of Fred Coalition™.
10-20-2008, 07:11 AM
I dont get this, is this a Turbine event? or just something you guys came up with?
This is most definitely something we've come up with. It's our way of having some fun in this election season. Stay tuned for the vote!
01-20-2011, 05:55 PM
OH lol I just saw the dates on the posts.... I'm a little late :D
01-20-2011, 07:00 PM
*Read My Lips, lower Auctionhouse Fees? Of Coarse!
01-20-2011, 07:12 PM
OH lol I just saw the dates on the posts.... I'm a little late :D
01-20-2011, 07:40 PM
Personally I think all the nominees are suspect for one reason or another.
I was chatting to a mate of mine, Dennis, and I think we should be an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
We can take it in turns to act as the executive officer for the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be rattified at a bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of internal affairs and.... other stuff i cant remember....
Failing that.... I vote Fred.... but I cant remember why.....
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