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07-12-2008, 01:30 PM

okay, no bars but still very pretty!

Here is the right photo.


And proof that I AM capped. I don't use the focus orb.

UPDATE!!!! New monitor FTW!


07-12-2008, 01:35 PM
My hotbars are a bit oddly placed, but with how I play they work very well in their locations:


Clickables and most swapable equipment on the vertical right-hand side. Weapons, combat abilities (trip/stun/sunder), commonly used spells on the top row. Buffs, wands, and other non-critical spells near the bottom.

07-12-2008, 01:38 PM

07-12-2008, 03:56 PM
First of all, nice sneakers, uh, 'DWF'!

Second, mine are similar to yours, except I use 10 bars total, which brings me to...

Third, you don't have NEARLY enough weapons! ;)

07-12-2008, 04:09 PM
I live downtown so I have several bars near me.


07-12-2008, 04:16 PM
Just One Bar, On All My Toons:D, Not Kidding... Heh

Edit Added Pic:


Will Log In Later And Get Other Pics. Lol

07-12-2008, 04:18 PM
Here's mine and I still do not have enough weapons.


Ok now how are you guys making yours bigger, I want a bigger picture. :P


Ok finally figured it out. Lol woops I picked a picture showing how broke I am. Lol oh well it finally worked so I am not going to muck with it.

07-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Just One Bar, On All My Toons:D, Not Kidding... Heh

Edit Added Pic:


Will Log In Later And Get Other Pics. Lol

Nice Ac and saves btw man.

07-12-2008, 06:47 PM
I use something like this for most of my characters. My most used items sit in the center. Bar 1 has the default bindings, bar 2 I bound to the number pad. Restoratives I group together on one bar, elemental resists I group together on 2 other bars. The top two bars on the right have "default" gear (what I usually want keep on at most times), and the second bar down on the right has incidental gear for special occasions.


I changes a bit to accommodate different characters, but usually at level up I clear everything and start from the basic template in the picture.

07-13-2008, 02:48 AM
Just One Bar, On All My Toons:D, Not Kidding... Heh

Edit Added Pic:


Will Log In Later And Get Other Pics. Lol

Loser! Nowonder you have a gimpy monk! only one bar!! :p

07-13-2008, 02:52 AM
First of all, nice sneakers, uh, 'DWF'!

Second, mine are similar to yours, except I use 10 bars total, which brings me to...

Third, you don't have NEARLY enough weapons! ;)

Bah! Weapons? I have SPELLS!!

Love my adiddis sneakers? You get a pair free with every Black Dragon heavy armour. You would think I could run faster with proper shoes...:p

07-13-2008, 09:28 AM
My typical base setup:


If I need more bars, they stack in the middle bottom area until they reach the height of the chat box. If I need more than that (unusual for me), then they go in the lower right corner.

07-13-2008, 09:47 AM

If I may ask, what is that blue Vial above your mummified bat? It looks like a 'Vial of pure water.'
And what does it do?

07-13-2008, 09:58 AM

If I may ask, what is that blue Vial above your mummified bat? It looks like a 'Vial of pure water.'
And what does it do?

07-13-2008, 10:02 AM
If I may ask, what is that blue Vial above your mummified bat? It looks like a 'Vial of pure water.'
And what does it do?

Bottle of air. Underwater action trinket.

07-13-2008, 11:18 AM
If I may ask, what is that blue Vial above your mummified bat? It looks like a 'Vial of pure water.'
And what does it do?

Bottle of air. Underwater action trinket.

Got it in one. Bottle of Air. A very rare Harbor rare that fills the trinket spot. I switch it with Mummified bat so it works out well.

07-13-2008, 11:23 AM

And proof that I AM capped. I don't use the focus orb.[/QUOTE]

The left side vertical bars are for resists, prots, any summons and objects and spells I don't use much, like bottle of Air and Divine Favour.

Heals are on the right, in order going left, and DV/turns are always in the bottom right. This is the same for all my toons. My offensive spells are my hotbar, but it keeps drifting. I did not reset it yet in the picture. Weapons bottom left. See my Cloudburst? I've gotta cleans he bars up, though.

07-13-2008, 11:28 AM
My hotbars are a bit oddly placed, but with how I play they work very well in their locations:


Clickables and most swapable equipment on the vertical right-hand side. Weapons, combat abilities (trip/stun/sunder), commonly used spells on the top row. Buffs, wands, and other non-critical spells near the bottom.

How do you do that, Cow? And I lovethe fact you are dead and she is too! How did you get the chest?

07-13-2008, 11:40 AM
Couple of quick questions DWF...

Notice on your healing bar, that you still have many of the low level plain CLW, CMW type spells listed. I know since I generally have some Meta in play, that the HEAL spell often ends up costing fewer SP to cast than a Meta'd up low level spell. So I ended up dropping all the single target healing spells from my hot bars to give more room. (need a screenshot I guess). End up with just the Mass Curing and HEAL. I also dropped Lesser Restore from the memory as well, since MOST of the time player can fix those things themselves, and if not, just hit a Restore or Greater Restore and not spend time sorting out the best spell. Costs more SP to cast multiple Restores than just one hit on a Greater.

and hmmmm 37 disco ball jellies.....

07-13-2008, 11:59 AM
Got it in one. Bottle of Air. A very rare Harbor rare that fills the trinket spot. I switch it with Mummified bat so it works out well.

Actually got my first one from the mission just outside the rusty nail in the marketplace, as an end reward.

If you keep an eye out, one spawns in Hiding in Plain Sight every so often - float over the "eggbeater" at the end of the trapped swim, and spam backspace while pointing the camera down. If it shows up it's in a little tunnel at the very bottom of the shaft.

I recommend a little stone skin and temporary hp to help with the chopping you are about to recieve. :)


07-13-2008, 12:24 PM

My Main Cleric...

My Rogues are pretty full as well..

07-13-2008, 12:26 PM
Couple of quick questions DWF...

Notice on your healing bar, that you still have many of the low level plain CLW, CMW type spells listed. I know since I generally have some Meta in play, that the HEAL spell often ends up costing fewer SP to cast than a Meta'd up low level spell. So I ended up dropping all the single target healing spells from my hot bars to give more room. (need a screenshot I guess). End up with just the Mass Curing and HEAL. I also dropped Lesser Restore from the memory as well, since MOST of the time player can fix those things themselves, and if not, just hit a Restore or Greater Restore and not spend time sorting out the best spell. Costs more SP to cast multiple Restores than just one hit on a Greater.

and hmmmm 37 disco ball jellies.....

Leave the jellies alone...:p

I need some cleaning of the bars and spell lists, but my heals, well my husband likes to duo stuff alot so since it is him, I chain heal him rather than mass heals. At high levels less of an issue but in a nasty fight when the tanks are seperated so mass heal isnt effective and they are both dropping, I generally Heal one, and chain heal the other. Also, some only want a top off, so it is cheaper than full heal.

And it is my security blanket. SOme one incapped and don't want to use alot of mana? i use a little heal, especially if I'm fighting and they can heal themselves, which is becoming more and more the norm in the Vale.

Restores? yeah, I know. Have a wand of lesser, but the others, I rather not waste mana for one level drain. I recently got greater restore as a spell, so I using up all my greater restore scrolls. It's all about Mana conservation.

Gotta fix Curse, too. Man! Got work to do on her!

07-13-2008, 12:28 PM
Actually got my first one from the mission just outside the rusty nail in the marketplace, as an end reward.

If you keep an eye out, one spawns in Hiding in Plain Sight every so often - float over the "eggbeater" at the end of the trapped swim, and spam backspace while pointing the camera down. If it shows up it's in a little tunnel at the very bottom of the shaft.

I recommend a little stone skin and temporary hp to help with the chopping you are about to recieve. :)


I didn't know that! Gotta tell the hubby!

07-13-2008, 01:02 PM
I just changed to a much larger monitor, so still working on where I want to put everything. Proximity became a whole new issue for me... last night on my cleric I had to move the red/blue bars to be just behind him, as I found moving the mouse 1280 pixels to the left can be the difference between a quick heal and a res.

(Yes, I use F1-F12, but sometimes it's easier to click the names)


07-13-2008, 01:15 PM
How do you do that, Cow? And I lovethe fact you are dead and she is too! How did you get the chest?

It was a photo finish screenshot where we both killed each other at the exact same time. I didn't get the chest, but I HAD to make sure I got a screenshot of soloing her down. The screenshot was worth more than my end chest. :p

07-13-2008, 01:40 PM
I just changed to a much larger monitor, so still working on where I want to put everything. Proximity became a whole new issue for me... last night on my cleric I had to move the red/blue bars to be just behind him, as I found moving the mouse 1280 pixels to the left can be the difference between a quick heal and a res.

(Yes, I use F1-F12, but sometimes it's easier to click the names)


so tiny!! What's your moniter? Mine good 20 inch broke so I am using the backup 19 inch comes-with-computer widescreen.

I don't usethe F keys doe to the fact I'm left handed. My right is operating the directional keys and my left is the mouse. It is far easier to click on the name than the f keys or number pad.

07-13-2008, 01:43 PM
so tiny!! What's your moniter? Mine good 20 inch broke so I am using the backup 19 inch comes-with-computer widescreen.

I don't usethe F keys doe to the fact I'm left handed. My right is operating the directional keys and my left is the mouse. It is far easier to click on the name than the f keys or number pad.30" Widescreen running at 2560x1600 :D

Zoom in and things won't be so small, but you'll have to scroll to see anything.

07-13-2008, 01:46 PM
I don't usethe F keys doe to the fact I'm left handed. My right is operating the directional keys and my left is the mouse. It is far easier to click on the name than the f keys or number pad.

ooo that will explain things to some people....a lefty.....:eek::eek:

I recall all sorts of problems trying to help my dad troubleshoot on his PC over the phone until I recalled that he was left handed we had reset his mouse to reflect that on the buttons....left click right click...ummm Oh Yeah...try it this way dad...:)

07-13-2008, 01:52 PM
30" Widescreen running at 2560x1600 :D

Zoom in and things won't be so small, but you'll have to scroll to see anything.

Geez!! that is as large as our TV!! I bit too much for me, but a good 22" widescreen would be fine. I could fit more bars!

07-13-2008, 02:06 PM
ooo that will explain things to some people....a lefty.....:eek::eek:

I recall all sorts of problems trying to help my dad troubleshoot on his PC over the phone until I recalled that he was left handed we had reset his mouse to reflect that on the buttons....left click right click...ummm Oh Yeah...try it this way dad...:)
To continue this slight diversion ...

I'm a righty but I use the mouse with my left hand (with the mouse buttons the default, right-handed way). I also use the directional arrows (as opposed to WASD), and I use the control key to target cycle. I do use the F-keys (slowing me down some as I move my left hand from the mouse to the F-key).

07-13-2008, 02:21 PM
This post actually inspired me to do a little house cleaning. (and i actually got it down to 9 hotbars w00t!) :o Thanks guys...


07-13-2008, 04:46 PM
I only have 3 bars showing on the screen at a time, no matter what class I'm playing, but I have also heavily modified my keymapping. This might account for my bad playing =)



I use my mouse very little in the game, I have my numberpad set to emulate mouse functions. Num1 is select nearest mob, and Num3 is right-mouse/attack. Num4 is select nearest object, and Num5 is Use. Num - is previous hotbar, and Num + is next hotbar. So my healing and rogue skills are mapped to the hotkeys around the left keypad, or to the remaining number keys. Notice that on the Merc board there is a second row of number keys above the WASD. I use these for hotbars 3 - 20. I cycle to the correct hotbar using Num - and Num +, and then select the hotkey with the 1-10 keys.

Bar 3 contains my weapons, and pots I use in combat, Bar 4 has my swappable rogue goggles and all my anti-ailment potions, Bar 5 is elemental resists, and the remaining bars are all my situational gear that doesn't get swapped out regularly.

07-13-2008, 06:07 PM
Dzhein's been watchin a bit of Serenity.

07-13-2008, 07:13 PM
Dzhein's been watchin a bit of Serenity.

I thought everyone made theme songs for their characters. I love the alias function for putting movie quotes into quests. I have the Ghostbusters song for when I run Delera's, my barbarian says "It's clobberin' time!" before fights, and for VoN3, when we get to the troll room, my characters say "The DROW is using the TROLL as muscle against YOU. And you are left there helpless." And of course Dzhein says "What we need here's a diversion. I say the cleric gets nekkid!"

07-13-2008, 08:12 PM
Bah! Weapons? I have SPELLS!!

Love my adiddis sneakers? You get a pair free with every Black Dragon heavy armour. You would think I could run faster with proper shoes...:p

But DFW my dear...we can have BOTH! :)

07-13-2008, 09:54 PM
All my characters have a similar setup (17", 1280x960):
Healing is to the left of the party bars.
Offense is at the bottom.
Class skills/feats on the right
Items and buffs to the top left

07-13-2008, 10:13 PM
Nice ones.

This is pretty much my standard setup -


07-13-2008, 10:50 PM
But DFW my dear...we can have BOTH! :)

not with my strength. I have enough so I won't get burdened.

Geez everyone! I think everyone has 30 inch screens!!! Need to save up and upgrade!

07-13-2008, 11:11 PM
I feel like a simpleton looking at some of the others in here :x

Suppose I got room for a ninth bar between the focus orb and the others. :D

07-14-2008, 10:57 AM
not with my strength. I have enough so I won't get burdened.

Geez everyone! I think everyone has 30 inch screens!!! Need to save up and upgrade!

Nah, just a 20" er here...plus a laptop at times...

07-14-2008, 11:05 AM

okay, no bars but still very pretty!

Here is the right photo.


And proof that I AM capped. I don't use the focus orb.

Is it sad that I tried to mouse over the icons in your bars to find out what they were?

07-14-2008, 11:11 AM

07-14-2008, 11:23 AM
here's a dumb newbie question

Why do you guys' and gals' bars take up such a small portion of your screens? My bars are a HUGE part of my screen. I can't fit two sets of horizontal bars side by side like some of you have. Is there some video setting I should be doing differently or get a different monitor?

Just askin. because the bars taking up so much space I can't see what I'm doing is a major detriment to me playing a class like cleric or wizzie.

07-14-2008, 11:24 AM
here's a dumb newbie question

Why do you guys' and gals' bars take up such a small portion of your screens? My bars are a HUGE part of my screen. I can't fit two sets of horizontal bars side by side like some of you have. Is there some video setting I should be doing differently or get a different monitor?

Just askin. because the bars taking up so much space I can't see what I'm doing is a major detriment to me playing a class like cleric or wizzie.

very nice computer equipment.

07-14-2008, 11:26 AM
What resolution do you have your monitor set to?

Since the bars are a fixed pixel size, increasing the resolution reduces the effective size of the bars which can let you fit them side by side.

1280x960 probably works on a lot of monitors....

Also some of these guys have big fricking huge monitors to suffer on....:eek:

07-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Thanks! But more specifically, if I was to lobby my wife for a birthday gift that would make me a better ddo player, what would it be? A big monitor? a new video card? an entirely new computer? a robotic arm?

07-14-2008, 11:27 AM
My resolution setting on video had two options and mine is set for the highest resolution available. I think it was 1240 times something else...

07-14-2008, 11:30 AM
Thanks! But more specifically, if I was to lobby my wife for a birthday gift that would make me a better ddo player, what would it be? A big monitor? a new video card? an entirely new computer? a robotic arm?

Equipment won't make you a better player, just more time playing will.

Better equipment might make the visual experience nicer and more enjoyable and detailed, but that is mainly "eye candy".

If you have a system that is chugging its heart out trying to keep up, then probably just a new system is the simplest solution, barring specific details...

DDO is not the Game System Hog some games are, so most mainstream systems can handle it without much hassle.

07-14-2008, 11:45 AM

My mess, and im too a lefty and I use my mouse in my righthand and arrow keys to move about

07-14-2008, 11:48 AM

woo im to lazy to clean up becaause u get used to where stuff is

07-14-2008, 11:56 AM
thanks, my aside about being a better player was specifically about having my bars so big that they take up so much of my screen that I have trouble seeing where I'm going. agree about all the other things that go into playing well, but I was focused specifically on shrinking the relative size of my bars.

07-14-2008, 12:04 PM
My mess, and im too a lefty and I use my mouse in my righthand and arrow keys to move about

couple of quick questions/comments?

Why do you have a stack of CSW scrolls kicking about? CSW Wands are cheaper...

Do the groups you run with actually need the Mass Bull's Strength? I mean I generally carry Bulls Str as a Cleric Buff up to about level 9 or so, since not everyone has a +4 (or better) STR item before then.

2 remove curse wands on the hotbar, but no lesser restoration wand?

And finally, do you really still use the House P movement Trinket? I found that most of my characters at those levels generally have striding boots that work about as well and those are 24/7 and I dumped the Trinket. You can always get a free replacement just by asking the giver over by the Mailbox....

07-14-2008, 12:05 PM
I didn't know that! Gotta tell the hubby!

lol, that's where i got all my bottles of airs
the thing to note tho, is that if you go to the corner of the room and swim down while hugging the corner, you won't get hit by the blade (only makes sense since the blad swins in a circle and can't fill a square room)
now, the spawn rate of the bottle is uncertain, but you can be sure you'll ALWAYS find something down there
whether it be a bottle of air.... or a potion... =P

07-14-2008, 12:08 PM
here's a dumb newbie question

Why do you guys' and gals' bars take up such a small portion of your screens? My bars are a HUGE part of my screen. I can't fit two sets of horizontal bars side by side like some of you have. Is there some video setting I should be doing differently or get a different monitor?

Just askin. because the bars taking up so much space I can't see what I'm doing is a major detriment to me playing a class like cleric or wizzie.

if it makes you feel any better, i use 2 bars and scroll through them for other spells =)
also, i set SHIFT +1~5 keys for bar 2 while mouse wheeling thru bar 1~20 =)
i've been playing pretty smoothly up to now with all my toons =)

07-14-2008, 12:10 PM
thanks, my aside about being a better player was specifically about having my bars so big that they take up so much of my screen that I have trouble seeing where I'm going. agree about all the other things that go into playing well, but I was focused specifically on shrinking the relative size of my bars.

I always am reminded of one of my Golfing friends back in high school. Dan was a pretty medicore player. His parents bought him a real nice set of golf clubs, and I recall how disappointed he was that the new clubs did not turn those 7's into 5's on Par 4's. He had somehow bought into the hype of the club manufactuers that he would "shave strokes off his game" just by using the new and fairly expensive gear, while the rest of us using hand me downs and K-mart specials would still beat him.

Having good gear can help, and setting up a screen to give you more eyespace can make it easier to see the field of battle and perhaps anticipate what is happening a little better and be proactive instead of reactive.

One simple thing that has helped some players/systems is to up the amount of RAM in the system if it can take more. The game does load a fair amount of stuff into RAM and if you have room for it, some of the transitions seem to go faster once you do that. It can also be a fairly low cost investment.

07-14-2008, 12:14 PM
Why do you have a stack of CSW scrolls kicking about? CSW Wands are cheaper...

2 remove curse wands on the hotbar, but no lesser restoration wand?

And finally, do you really still use the House P movement Trinket? I found that most of my characters at those levels generally have striding boots that work about as well and those are 24/7 and I dumped the Trinket. You can always get a free replacement just by asking the giver over by the Mailbox....Weren't directed at me, but I can answer:

1) CSW wands and scrolls are on different timers. You can heal faster doing wand/scroll/wand/wand/scroll/wand/wand/scroll (etc) than just wand-wand-wand.
2) At least on my cleric, I don't use lesser restore. Mass or greater, no lesser. On other chars, I just carry potions, they can be used on others if necessary (after some chiding, of course).
3) The trinket is the fastest way to move about town. Faster than haste, faster than striding. Some people (like myself) don't even bother with striding items (no open slots anyways) and just drink haste pots every 30 seconds if there are no casters.

07-14-2008, 12:15 PM
couple of quick questions/comments?

Why do you have a stack of CSW scrolls kicking about? CSW Wands are cheaper...

Do the groups you run with actually need the Mass Bull's Strength? I mean I generally carry Bulls Str as a Cleric Buff up to about level 9 or so, since not everyone has a +4 (or better) STR item before then.

2 remove curse wands on the hotbar, but no lesser restoration wand?

And finally, do you really still use the House P movement Trinket? I found that most of my characters at those levels generally have striding boots that work about as well and those are 24/7 and I dumped the Trinket. You can always get a free replacement just by asking the giver over by the Mailbox....

well i have those Csw scrolls for a while now trying to get rid of them

The mass bulls and the other i had was for Hound raid only to buff up the hounds while healing in the middle

the remove curse wands same as Csw had them while leveling and i have never used them, as to wands for lessor never needed them too.

and the house p trinket, :D well I do have 30% on but when I was getting some house p buff i accidently clicked on the wrong guy and received my trinket back again, well as you can see its on two of my hot bars for some unknown reason. i rarely used it adn I rarely to remeber to use it.

07-14-2008, 12:17 PM
thanks, my aside about being a better player was specifically about having my bars so big that they take up so much of my screen that I have trouble seeing where I'm going. agree about all the other things that go into playing well, but I was focused specifically on shrinking the relative size of my bars.Everyone's icons are almost the same size. What you are seeing is your browser resizing images for you.

Click on the link I provided (1st page I think), then zoom in on your browser. The icons will be the size you are used to but you will only be able to see 1/4-1/3 of the screen.

07-14-2008, 12:18 PM
now i think about it, it's like everyone has 20+ inch monitors :O
and here i am still using a 17/18 inch :P

i like my CRT thank you~

07-14-2008, 12:26 PM
I was simply wondering if there was a way to make the bars take up a smaller portion of the screen. Please forget I said anything about being a better player, as it appears tongue in cheek doesn't translate on the forums.

And, I'm sorry, if people are able to put horizontal bars side by side AND have room for a chat window as well, then it's not simply a browser display issue. If I eliminate chat window, I still can't get two bars side by side on my screen without overlap. And I have my resolution set as high as the options available to me allow.

I suspect that monitor size is a big part of the issue, inferring indirectly from what has been said. (i have a 13 inch monitor). Can someone confirm?

07-14-2008, 12:30 PM
Weren't directed at me, but I can answer:

1) CSW wands and scrolls are on different timers. You can heal faster doing wand/scroll/wand/wand/scroll/wand/wand/scroll (etc) than just wand-wand-wand.
2) At least on my cleric, I don't use lesser restore. Mass or greater, no lesser. On other chars, I just carry potions, they can be used on others if necessary (after some chiding, of course).
3) The trinket is the fastest way to move about town. Faster than haste, faster than striding. Some people (like myself) don't even bother with striding items (no open slots anyways) and just drink haste pots every 30 seconds if there are no casters.

1 - ok, OP explained why, I just bang between HEAL scrolls and Wands if needed..
2 - agreed, dropped Lesser from my list and hot bar. Still pack normal restore thou for general purpose questing.
3 - I thought is was the same as haste but a but slower than striders...not that it really matters that much. (some of my characters never pulled a Bat, so they often end up packing FF boots, which they swap off with Striders when not hasted.)

07-14-2008, 12:34 PM
I was simply wondering if there was a way to make the bars take up a smaller portion of the screen. Please forget I said anything about being a better player, as it appears tongue in cheek doesn't translate on the forums.

And, I'm sorry, if people are able to put horizontal bars side by side AND have room for a chat window as well, then it's not simply a browser display issue. If I eliminate chat window, I still can't get two bars side by side on my screen without overlap. And I have my resolution set as high as the options available to me allow.

I suspect that monitor size is a big part of the issue, inferring indirectly from what has been said. (i have a 13 inch monitor). Can someone confirm?

your monitor size is the real source of the issue...

sorry about the tangent on golf and those things... just I have seen many players in computer games and real life games equate gear with practice and skill... and it don't work out that way. Had a real good friend back in the Starcraft days. He was all excited about his new computer and how it would help him. The zerg still overran his Terran bases....

07-14-2008, 12:35 PM
no worries, and thanks. :-)

07-14-2008, 12:40 PM
Everyone's icons are almost the same size. What you are seeing is your browser resizing images for you.

Click on the link I provided (1st page I think), then zoom in on your browser. The icons will be the size you are used to but you will only be able to see 1/4-1/3 of the screen.

No, you have hugmogus screen.

FYI, I am to my highest screen value, Can't get any smaller. So need to go to the next size up OR on with better resolution, right?




I find it funny that I am looking most people's behinds, too!!! Then again, alot are wearing that butt-ugly Minos Legen helmet. I am too, but I /showhelmet off

07-14-2008, 12:42 PM
No, you have hugmogus screen.

FYI, I am to my highest screen value, Can't get any smaller. So need to go to the next size up OR on with better resolution, right?




Sneaker Bars? =)

07-14-2008, 12:44 PM
Sneaker Bars? =)


It would be Hershey's For s'mores!!!

Got Hijacking!!:p

Want more pix!!

07-14-2008, 12:50 PM

It would be Hershey's For s'mores!!!

Got Hijacking!!:p

Want more pix!!

I retrack my comment, because I think what's more appropriate to this current season and temperature...

07-14-2008, 12:51 PM
no worries, and thanks. :-)

you are definately playing in 800x600 resolution, thats why you cant put two hot bars side to side

Example of 800x600 screeen size and DDO


Example of 1024x768, the next size up from what you have


Now if you have a laptop and you are able to change to a higher resolutuion that will solve your problem, if you are using a 13 crt then the only way you will get it any better would be to get a 15 or 17 inch or bigger

07-14-2008, 12:57 PM
Nice thread, cool things to look at, this is my setup-sucks sometimes but it gets me by


07-14-2008, 12:58 PM
Nice thread, cool things to look at, this is my setup-sucks sometimes but it gets me by


I never cease to be amazed by how many bars people use =)
only like 4~5 of my bars has stuff on them, the rests are empty xD
yes yes, i'm awsome >_>

07-14-2008, 01:00 PM
Nice thread, cool things to look at, this is my setup-sucks sometimes but it gets me by


uhm...do you have any space in you backpack? Looks like you have every weapon known to Stormreach! And I thought my cleric had alot of wands...:p

07-14-2008, 01:04 PM
to anyone who thinks they dont have enough bar space... i play on a laptop with a 17" screen (i know, it's like playing on a gameboy) and in between my chat window and my focus orb, i have room for one bar horizontally, with just enough to spare for one vertically to the right of my focus orb. it's pretty rough but until my tv gets replaced (been a month since it broke, only had it for 6 months and RCA STILL hasn't contacted me about my replacement....but i digress) until my tv gets replaced thats what i'm stuck with =/

so yeah, enjoy your space, for one day you might not have it anymore

07-14-2008, 01:06 PM
uhm...do you have any space in you backpack? Looks like you have every weapon known to Stormreach! And I thought my cleric had alot of wands...:p

ha, I carry everything from greater banes to damagers, although I phased out about 5 since I made a new toy, more to phase out though, figure about 10-20. I still have about 15 slots in the BP, just sell and repair after every quest, I get by, the rest are there just in case coz I hate running to and fro.

07-14-2008, 01:29 PM
1 - ok, OP explained why, I just bang between HEAL scrolls and Wands if needed.Yep, unless you can't use heal scrolls (I didn't look at the screenie we're talking about, not sure if that character can or not)

3 - I thought is was the same as haste but a but slower than striders...not that it really matters that much. (some of my characters never pulled a Bat, so they often end up packing FF boots, which they swap off with Striders when not hasted.)The House P trinket is 5% faster than haste. Can test using a friend with a build that doesn't have an innate speed boost (barbarian, monk).

07-14-2008, 01:37 PM
No, you have hugmogus screen.I must not be explaining this well. The person I was responding to didn't get it either. I'll try a little more in-depth:

Icons and hotbars are the same size for everyone so long as you are running at your screen's native resolution. What this means is that so long as you are running at your screen's native resolution, the actual "physical" size of the hotbars/icons (in inches, as measured by you on your screen) is exactly the same as the hotbars and icons on my screen. However, I have a ton more space on my screen to fit those identically sized hotbars/icons.

Since the "screen space to physical hotbar size" ratio is much bigger for my setup, the icons will look smaller for you in an un-zoomed state. If you zoom to the full size view of the image I posted, the icons/hotbars should appear to be the same physical size as the icons/hotbars you are used to.

If you or miceelf88 are playing the game at a non-native resolution, your icons/hotbars will be physically bigger. If you are playing at your monitor's native resolution (not sure why you wouldn't be unless you play in windowed mode), then the icons/hotbars will be the same size.

07-14-2008, 02:12 PM
I must not be explaining this well. The person I was responding to didn't get it either. I'll try a little more in-depth:

Icons and hotbars are the same size for everyone so long as you are running at your screen's native resolution. What this means is that so long as you are running at your screen's native resolution, the actual "physical" size of the hotbars/icons (in inches, as measured by you on your screen) is exactly the same as the hotbars and icons on my screen. However, I have a ton more space on my screen to fit those identically sized hotbars/icons.

Since the "screen space to physical hotbar size" ratio is much bigger for my setup, the icons will look smaller for you in an un-zoomed state. If you zoom to the full size view of the image I posted, the icons/hotbars should appear to be the same physical size as the icons/hotbars you are used to.

If you or miceelf88 are playing the game at a non-native resolution, your icons/hotbars will be physically bigger. If you are playing at your monitor's native resolution (not sure why you wouldn't be unless you play in windowed mode), then the icons/hotbars will be the same size.

yep, Thats what im thinking to as they are not playing at their correct resolution of ther monitor.

07-14-2008, 02:37 PM
When I pull up the resolution screen on my options in DDO, i have two options: 960X--- and 1240X--- (I don't remember the exact numbers, but that's roughly it). I select the larger of the two options (I tried selecting the 960 thing and that was far worse). So, I am not sure what you mean about not using my monitor's native resolution. I am using the highest resolution available to me. Someone earlier said that the size of the bars is a constant, so that as resolution increases, the proportion of space taken up by the bars goes down. That seems to be what Strakelin is saying now.

I may not have been clear. When I expressed concern about the size of my bar icons, I was really concerned about the RELATIVE size of them, compared with everything else. I wondered if this was because of the small size of my monitor, and if getting a bigger monitor would make my bars RELATIVELY (not absolutely) smaller. A couple of people suggested this to be the case, and what you say seems to be agreeing with them.

Where Strakelin and I disconnected was that he seemed to think I wanted to know how to make my bars actually smaller and thought I was misinterpreting the screen shots, which made the bars look smaller. I understood what he was suggesting, but that wasn't my problem, because I was focused on making them *smaller relative to everything else*, not making them actually smaller. I understood how screenshots worked. I was focused on the proportion of space the bars took. I can see how the way I phrased it was unclear. But the goal was not to shrink the bars, but to make them take up a smaller proportion of the space. Strakelin, if I understand you and others corretly, a bigger monitor would make that happen.

Sorry for the confusion.

07-14-2008, 02:43 PM
to anyone who thinks they dont have enough bar space... i play on a laptop with a 17" screen (i know, it's like playing on a gameboy) and in between my chat window and my focus orb, i have room for one bar horizontally, with just enough to spare for one vertically to the right of my focus orb. it's pretty rough but until my tv gets replaced (been a month since it broke, only had it for 6 months and RCA STILL hasn't contacted me about my replacement....but i digress) until my tv gets replaced thats what i'm stuck with =/

so yeah, enjoy your space, for one day you might not have it anymore

I play on a 17" desktop monitor (not widescreen). I seem to have plenty of space. What resolution are you running? Mine was set at 1152x864 for the longest time (same setting as my windows desktop). I seemed to have just enough room, but when I bumped the game resolution to 1280x960 my screen suddenly appeared spacious. So far I haven't run into any more graphical lag than I had with the lower resolution. If it is possible to set your resolution higher you will find you have plenty of room on a 17" monitor.

here's how my screen looks at 1280x960.

07-14-2008, 02:57 PM
When I pull up the resolution screen on my options in DDO, i have two options: 960X--- and 1240X--- (I don't remember the exact numbers, but that's roughly it). I select the larger of the two options (I tried selecting the 960 thing and that was far worse). So, I am not sure what you mean about not using my monitor's native resolution. I am using the highest resolution available to me. Someone earlier said that the size of the bars is a constant, so that as resolution increases, the proportion of space taken up by the bars goes down. That seems to be what Strakelin is saying now.

I may not have been clear. When I expressed concern about the size of my bar icons, I was really concerned about the RELATIVE size of them, compared with everything else. I wondered if this was because of the small size of my monitor, and if getting a bigger monitor would make my bars RELATIVELY (not absolutely) smaller. A couple of people suggested this to be the case, and what you say seems to be agreeing with them.

Where Strakelin and I disconnected was that he seemed to think I wanted to know how to make my bars actually smaller and thought I was misinterpreting the screen shots, which made the bars look smaller. I understood what he was suggesting, but that wasn't my problem, because I was focused on making them *smaller relative to everything else*, not making them actually smaller. I understood how screenshots worked. I was focused on the proportion of space the bars took. I can see how the way I phrased it was unclear. But the goal was not to shrink the bars, but to make them take up a smaller proportion of the space. Strakelin, if I understand you and others corretly, a bigger monitor would make that happen.

Sorry for the confusion.

like wise, except I have three choices none change the size of my bars. However, on my old broke moniter, before it broke, my screen could fit 4 bars accross, instead of three. Both were widescreen. The old one was 21 inch. I'm on a 19 inch. Hence the confusion.

07-14-2008, 02:57 PM
When I pull up the resolution screen on my options in DDO, i have two options: 960X--- and 1240X--- (I don't remember the exact numbers, but that's roughly it). I select the larger of the two options (I tried selecting the 960 thing and that was far worse). So, I am not sure what you mean about not using my monitor's native resolution. I am using the highest resolution available to me. Someone earlier said that the size of the bars is a constant, so that as resolution increases, the proportion of space taken up by the bars goes down. That seems to be what Strakelin is saying now.

I may not have been clear. When I expressed concern about the size of my bar icons, I was really concerned about the RELATIVE size of them, compared with everything else. I wondered if this was because of the small size of my monitor, and if getting a bigger monitor would make my bars RELATIVELY (not absolutely) smaller. A couple of people suggested this to be the case, and what you say seems to be agreeing with them.

Where Strakelin and I disconnected was that he seemed to think I wanted to know how to make my bars actually smaller and thought I was misinterpreting the screen shots, which made the bars look smaller. I understood what he was suggesting, but that wasn't my problem, because I was focused on making them *smaller relative to everything else*, not making them actually smaller. I understood how screenshots worked. I was focused on the proportion of space the bars took. I can see how the way I phrased it was unclear. But the goal was not to shrink the bars, but to make them take up a smaller proportion of the space. Strakelin, if I understand you and others corretly, a bigger monitor would make that happen.

Sorry for the confusion.

What he was basically saying if you have your monitor at the correct resolution then the game and the hot bars will be at the correct portions that you ae looking for. Since your bars are taking up more screen real estate then they should, then you are not playing at the correct resolution your monitor native resolution or optimal resolution.

07-14-2008, 03:02 PM
What he was basically saying if you have your monitor at the correct resolution then the game and the hot bars will be at the correct portions that you ae looking for. Since your bars are taking up more screen real estate then they should, then you are not playing at the correct resolution your monitor native resolution or optimal resolution.

andwe are saying, we tried all the options DDO gives us, but no go.

07-14-2008, 03:13 PM
No, he is saying that the bars take up a certain amount of space, and that if I mess with my monitor setup I can make them bigger (which seemed to be what he thought I had done, when he thought my concern was the absolute size of the bars, not their relative size). But they DO take up a certain amount of space, even on the right setup, and a constant amount of space, and on a monitor of the size I am using (13 inch), they are necessarily going to take up a bigger proportion of the space than on a 17 or 19 inch.

I get what he's saying (I think). i don't think it's what you're saying. You seem to be saying that they'll take up the same proportion on all different sized monitors, if only I set them correctly, and that is NOT what he was saying (again, if I understand him correctly)

Strakelin, does that make sense? My working assumptions are:

1. Assuming no suboptimal setting (and mine is optimized), the bars take up a constant amount of space in absolute terms.
2. Because the bars take up a constant amount of space, the larger the monitor, the smaller the proportion of space the bars will take up.
3. Getting a bigger monitor would yield bars that take up the same amount of space in absolute terms, but a smaller proportion of the screen space.

is that accurate?

07-14-2008, 03:16 PM
When I pull up the resolution screen on my options in DDO, i have two options: 960X--- and 1240X--- (I don't remember the exact numbers, but that's roughly it). I select the larger of the two options (I tried selecting the 960 thing and that was far worse). So, I am not sure what you mean about not using my monitor's native resolution. I am using the highest resolution available to me. Someone earlier said that the size of the bars is a constant, so that as resolution increases, the proportion of space taken up by the bars goes down. That seems to be what Strakelin is saying now.

What's the highest resolution you are able to set your windows desktop to? A bigger monitor won't necessarily make things better if your graphics card won't let you set the resolution higher. You'll just end up with the same setup as now, only everything will be bigger, including the hotbars. Maybe you could upgrade the video card to better handle higher resolutions? I did that on my desktop - I kept the original 17" monitor and upgraded my video card instead.

edit* nm - I see you have a 13" monitor. Your card may not be the limiting factor afterall.

07-14-2008, 03:18 PM
No, he is saying that the bars take up a certain amount of space, and that if I mess with my monitor setup I can make them bigger (which seemed to be what he thought I had done, when he thought my concern was the absolute size of the bars, not their relative size). But they DO take up a certain amount of space, even on the right setup, and a constant amount of space, and on a monitor of the size I am using (13 inch), they are necessarily going to take up a bigger proportion of the space than on a 17 or 19 inch.

I get what he's saying (I think). i don't think it's what you're saying. You seem to be saying that they'll take up the same proportion on all different sized monitors, if only I set them correctly, and that is NOT what he was saying (again, if I understand him correctly)

Strakelin, does that make sense? My working assumptions are:

1. Assuming no suboptimal setting (and mine is optimized), the bars take up a constant amount of space in absolute terms.
2. Because the bars take up a constant amount of space, the larger the monitor, the smaller the proportion of space the bars will take up.
3. Getting a bigger monitor would yield bars that take up the same amount of space in absolute terms, but a smaller proportion of the screen space.

is that accurate?

I understand that, but I am at optimal settings for mine. Then they say we aren't running at optimal. Now I am questioning if the moniter itself has anything to do with it. Which it does. However, Optimal isn't giving more space bucause the screen is too small. Why say that in the first place? I thought I did something wrong with my moniter. Now I am just confused. I have it where the bars are at the smallest, but still they say I can get them smaller.

07-14-2008, 03:21 PM
Adjust item 3: Getting a xxxx monitor with a greater display resolution would yield bars that take up the same amount of space in absolute terms (display terms), but a smaller proportion of the screen space.

Monitors screens come in various sizes. 17", 19", 24", etc... Screens can host various resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1000, among many others. Resolution is a measurement of pixels, displayed on your screen, the first number horizontal, the second vertical.

The Hotbar icons measure about 35 pixels square.

Change your display resolution to 800x600 and the icons now take up more of the display. Change your display resolution to 1600 x 1200 and the icon uses less of the available display area. The icons don't get larger or smaller, that's just an illusion based on the relative amount of space they use when displayed.

07-14-2008, 03:28 PM
andwe are saying, we tried all the options DDO gives us, but no go.

Within DDO, you can set the game to adapt to your display - if you've an 1280x1024 display, the game might "optimize" itself to show 1020x768, and morph that to the size of 1280x1024, based on whatever calculations it deems useful. You can override it in the games display settings.

07-14-2008, 03:28 PM
Adjust item 3: Getting a xxxx monitor with a greater display resolution would yield bars that take up the same amount of space in absolute terms (display terms), but a smaller proportion of the screen space.

Monitors screens come in various sizes. 17", 19", 24", etc... Screens can host various resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1000, among many others. Resolution is a measurement of pixels, displayed on your screen, the first number horizontal, the second vertical.

The Hotbar icons measure about 35 pixels square.

Change your display resolution to 800x600 and the icons now take up more of the display. Change your display resolution to 1600 x 1200 and the icon uses less of the available display area. The icons don't get larger or smaller, that's just an illusion based on the relative amount of space they use when displayed.

That's what i thought. So a new moniter is needed, my settings are right for my moniter at this time. Though i knew most of what you said already, the point has been clarified. Goes by the size ofthe pixal and how many pixels are on the screen atwhatever settings you have. So If my moniter can only handle so much, that iswhat shows up in DDO in Optimal settings, right? Any other graphics resolution is less pixels on the screen, meaning "larger bars" that are not actually large, but the same amount of pixels makethem up and to format to your screen the pixels are "larger" thus giving you a "big" bar.

Did I grasp that in layman idiot's terms correctly?

07-14-2008, 03:30 PM
Within DDO, you can set the game to adapt to your display - if you've an 1280x1024 display, the game might "optimize" itself to show 1020x768, and morph that to the size of 1280x1024, based on whatever calculations it deems useful. You can override it in the games display settings.

did that, too. Tried all the the options I had. Still no joy.

07-14-2008, 03:31 PM
I understand that, but I am at optimal settings for mine. Then they say we aren't running at optimal. Now I am questioning if the moniter itself has anything to do with it. Which it does. However, Optimal isn't giving more space bucause the screen is too small. Why say that in the first place? I thought I did something wrong with my moniter. Now I am just confused. I have it where the bars are at the smallest, but still they say I can get them smaller.

What it boils down to is that a hotbar is ~400x40 pixels in size. This does not change, ever. As you set your resoultion higher, that 400x40 pixel hotbar will appear smaller and smaller on your screen, because it takes up less space in proportion to the total screen resolution, i.e. If you're set at 800x600 then a hotbar will go across half your screen. At 1280x960 it will only go across 1/3 of your screen (thus appearing smaller).

07-14-2008, 03:35 PM
That's what i thought. So a new moniter is needed, my settings are right for my moniter at this time. Though i knew most of what you said already, the point has been clarified. Goes by the size ofthe pixal and how many pixels are on the screen atwhatever settings you have. So If my moniter can only handle so much, that iswhat shows up in DDO in Optimal settings, right? Any other graphics resolution is less pixels on the screen, meaning "larger bars" that are not actually large, but the same amount of pixels makethem up and to format to your screen the pixels are "larger" thus giving you a "big" bar.

Did I grasp that in layman idiot's terms correctly?

yes, but what type of monitor do you have, if we knew that we could tell you what it should be at and if you really need a new monitor or not, if you are happy with the 13 inch, no need for a new monitor

07-14-2008, 03:39 PM
yes, but what type of monitor do you have, if we knew that we could tell you what it should be at and if you really need a new monitor or not, if you are happy with the 13 inch, no need for a new monitor

a 17 inch crappy I-got-free-with-computer-look-it's-widescreen-for-no-extra-charge-purchase back up moniter. My good one died like six months ago. That was a 21 inch widescreen. I could fit 4+ bars accross the screen. Andthey LOOKED smaller ie higher resolution

07-14-2008, 03:41 PM
some examples of screen resolutions as done on my 22 inch monitor(native resolution of 1680x1050)




07-14-2008, 03:48 PM
When I pull up the resolution screen on my options in DDO, i have two options: 960X--- and 1240X--- (I don't remember the exact numbers, but that's roughly it). I select the larger of the two options (I tried selecting the 960 thing and that was far worse). So, I am not sure what you mean about not using my monitor's native resolution. I am using the highest resolution available to me. Someone earlier said that the size of the bars is a constant, so that as resolution increases, the proportion of space taken up by the bars goes down. That seems to be what Strakelin is saying now.

I may not have been clear. When I expressed concern about the size of my bar icons, I was really concerned about the RELATIVE size of them, compared with everything else. I wondered if this was because of the small size of my monitor, and if getting a bigger monitor would make my bars RELATIVELY (not absolutely) smaller. A couple of people suggested this to be the case, and what you say seems to be agreeing with them.

Where Strakelin and I disconnected was that he seemed to think I wanted to know how to make my bars actually smaller and thought I was misinterpreting the screen shots, which made the bars look smaller. I understood what he was suggesting, but that wasn't my problem, because I was focused on making them *smaller relative to everything else*, not making them actually smaller. I understood how screenshots worked. I was focused on the proportion of space the bars took. I can see how the way I phrased it was unclear. But the goal was not to shrink the bars, but to make them take up a smaller proportion of the space. Strakelin, if I understand you and others corretly, a bigger monitor would make that happen.

Sorry for the confusion.You have it right, a bigger monitor will increase the "screen space:icon size" ratio. Make sure you have a video card that can handle the increased size of the monitor.

A monitor's "native" resolution is how many pixels it has on the entire screen (say, 1280x1024). This is generally the optimal resolution for a setup (except in cases of underpowered video cards), and what I would expect DDO to default to when you tell it to detect optimal settings (not sure they do, just what I would expect).

I wasn't necessarily directing my responses to you (I wasn't sure if you were on the same page as me or not), there were a few comments throughout the thread (talking about small icons). :)

07-14-2008, 03:58 PM
What he was basically saying if you have your monitor at the correct resolution then the game and the hot bars will be at the correct portions that you ae looking for. Since your bars are taking up more screen real estate then they should, then you are not playing at the correct resolution your monitor native resolution or optimal resolution.hehe, not quite.

I was saying that the physical size of the bars/icons will be the same regardless of what monitor you are running on, so long as you are at the native resolution. Meaning, if you are running at native resolution on your 20" and I'm at native on my 30", then we both take out a ruler, hold it up to our monitors, the icons will be the same size.

However, the available screen space does NOT remain the same. In other words, running at a smaller resolution does not shrink everything to fit to your screen, it only displays what it can fit. Purchasing a bigger monitor results in an increase in your character's peripheral vision by providing more screen real estate.

Let's see if I can say this in numbers. Say you have a 20" and I have a 30". We both measure our icons and find that they are 1/2" by 1/2" for both of us. Now, measuring physical width of the display areas of the monitors, we find that your 20" has about 16.5" left to right to fit 1280 pixels. Measuring my 30" monitor shows that I have about 25" of display space left to right, fitting in 2560 pixels.

What this means is that width-wise, I see twice as much in any given screen than you do. So say a person is at the very edge of your screen:

For me, they will appear here:

See how I have the extra space between the edge of the screen and the person?

In summary: while playing at a non-native resolution will artificially compress your available screen space, the "screen space : icon size" ratio is dependent on the resolution setting itself as well, regardless of whether or not it is native.

Wow that's a lot of gobblteygook. :)

07-14-2008, 03:58 PM
a 17 inch crappy I-got-free-with-computer-look-it's-widescreen-for-no-extra-charge-purchase back up moniter. My good one died like six months ago. That was a 21 inch widescreen. I could fit 4+ bars accross the screen. Andthey LOOKED smaller ie higher resolution

This suggests your computer already has a graphics package that can take advantage of a monitor with greater resolution.

07-14-2008, 04:01 PM
This suggests your computer already has a graphics package that can take advantage of a monitor with greater resolution.

It's the moniter. Sigh. I could have boaught a new moniter, butwe opted for better videocards. THe game looks great and no lag on my side anymore, but...I play clerics!!! I need bars!! Time to drop some pennies into the bank, again!

07-14-2008, 04:14 PM
A monitor's "native" resolution is how many pixels it has on the entire screen (say, 1280x1024). This is generally the optimal resolution for a setup (except in cases of underpowered video cards), and what I would expect DDO to default to when you tell it to detect optimal settings (not sure they do, just what I would expect).

Yep! LCD monitors use transistors to form pixels. If the manufacturer built the flat panel at 1280x1024 transistors, then 1280x1024 = native resolution. The monitor will do it's best work when the windows display resolution = the manufacturer's native resolution. If asked to run a different resolution than the native resolution, the screen may display unclear images, distorted edges, and other eyesores as it compensates for the disparity. It's particularly bad with text and fine line images.

In our case, if the graphics chipset isn't up to the task, the DDO client will compensate by setting the "optimal" game resolution lower than the maximum resolution/native resolution reducing load on the video card or embedded chip. In this instance, "optimal" might be livable, or craptacular, depending on the the person's expectations.

07-14-2008, 11:15 PM
Hey folks,

I had a thought. Before I got this monster monitor, I was also in search of a way to shrink icons/hotbars. I couldn't find anything, but I did find something close: the ddolite skin. It makes a lot of things (such as hotbar borders) transparent, which opens up a bit of screen space.

It was pretty easy to install (essentially an extract then put the files in a specific location), then you just select the skin from the in-game options menu. I did perceive a load time slowdown on the characters I enabled the skin for - especially on things like opening windows (inventory, char sheet) for the first time for that session... but my computer was very outdated, so it may be fine on a machine that isn't 7+ years old.

Here's where I got the goods from: http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/cat37.html There's some instructions around these forums somewhere.

07-14-2008, 11:19 PM
http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/5245/screenshot00660vx1.th.jpg (http://img236.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00660vx1.jpg)

07-15-2008, 12:36 AM

07-15-2008, 01:00 AM
Here's where I got the goods from: http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/cat37.html There's some instructions around these forums somewhere.

Cheers strakein, that ones awesome. A friend has a similar one but he couldn't figure how to do the focus orb and health bar.

07-15-2008, 01:24 AM
From what I see, I'm one of the rares with this kind of setup. I only have one bar, but use a lot more in reality, my hotbars are hotkeyed and I use 1-10


07-15-2008, 06:22 AM
My maximum possible resolution on my current monitor is 1024X768

07-15-2008, 04:57 PM
I generally have:

Pots, wands, scrolls (right)
Spells, weaponsets, commonly used skills (bottom-right)
The "usual case", misc clickies, skill items (left)


07-15-2008, 05:50 PM
Likethe blue!

07-15-2008, 06:08 PM
Good thread DrWhofan!

All mine are set pretty much the same way, bars split between left and right sides with the DDOLite Skin.


07-15-2008, 06:46 PM
Likethe blue!Agreed, that's pretty slick!

07-15-2008, 07:09 PM
Ok, I downloaded the DDOlite skin, now how the heck do I use it? Anybody have some easy directions?

07-15-2008, 07:09 PM
Agreed, that's pretty slick!

Thanks, I can't claim credit for it though. It was a friend who put it together. Lottta testing! :)

07-15-2008, 07:17 PM
Ok, I downloaded the DDOlite skin, now how the heck do I use it? Anybody have some easy directions?

Check out Mhykke's post in: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=153056

07-15-2008, 07:23 PM
Good thread DrWhofan!

All mine are set pretty much the same way, bars split between left and right sides with the DDOLite Skin.


Awww! He waved!

Actually like your setup! with the bars on either side. Might have to try that on a lowbee.

07-15-2008, 09:43 PM
Awww! He waved!

Actually like your setup! with the bars on either side. Might have to try that on a lowbee.

Didn't expect me to wave at ya, huh?


Try it, opens up some real estate IMO.

07-15-2008, 10:20 PM
I noticed that I am probably one of the only who does not have there chat windows at the bottom.
Yeah I know a lot of spaces are empty, but I have a plan I promise.

07-16-2008, 01:30 PM
I noticed that I am probably one of the only who does not have there chat windows at the bottom.
Yeah I know a lot of spaces are empty, but I have a plan I promise.

I tried splitting my chat windows, ended up getting confused

07-16-2008, 04:45 PM
Thread of the Week!

If only I could get a screen shot, from work. :(

And then there's that thing about trying to figure out how to put a picture in my posts...

07-16-2008, 05:17 PM
Thread of the Week!

If only I could get a screen shot, from work. :(

And then there's that thing about trying to figure out how to put a picture in my posts...


yeah, slightly embarrassed about that. It's Cow's fault anyways, with his funky bar set up!

07-16-2008, 06:42 PM
Here's my layout, I tend to use the same basic setup for any type of character.


07-16-2008, 06:45 PM
yeah, slightly embarrassed about that. It's Cow's fault anyways, with his funky bar set up!

You are blaming me for Thread of the Week? :p

At least that is $10 you can put towards a bigger monitor. :D

07-16-2008, 07:08 PM

07-16-2008, 07:33 PM
You are blaming me for Thread of the Week? :p

At least that is $10 you can put towards a bigger monitor. :D

Bah! I went into my "Doctor Who video charity" fund!

07-16-2008, 07:37 PM
Figured I'd throw mine up as well.
Congratz DoctorWhoFan for thread of the week.

07-16-2008, 07:49 PM
Congrats on TOTW.

I have 4 bars only. 1 on the bottom middle of the screen rest up top. I am at work so cant screenshot for ya.

My biggest issue is I wish I had a flat screen monitor. I don't like not being able to see the playing area. Too many bars blocking my view LOL.

07-16-2008, 08:09 PM
Congratz on Thread of the Week DWF! *cheers*

Here's my new screenie with DDOlite loaded... (and I just thought this scene was kinda funny...:D)


07-16-2008, 08:56 PM
Congratz on Thread of the Week DWF! *cheers*

Here's my new screenie with DDOlite loaded... (and I just thought this scene was kinda funny...:D)


Now that's just showing off!!! :p

07-16-2008, 09:00 PM
http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/5658/screenshot00002oa9.th.jpg (http://img133.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00002oa9.jpg)

I like having a good bit of free space to see things like this

07-16-2008, 09:05 PM
http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/5658/screenshot00002oa9.th.jpg (http://img133.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00002oa9.jpg)

I like having a good bit of free space to see things like this

I dunno, there are some things I don't wanna see, and being surrounded by undead is one of them!

07-16-2008, 11:02 PM
I know I have a bunch of free space in my bars but it gives me room to customise, plus with my screen size it doesn't really bother me.


also I put in my baby rangers screen set up also but basically it is the same with fewer stuff.


as you can see I like neatness and organization. :D

I will get some more screenshots from my other characters and post them tomorrow.

07-17-2008, 01:32 AM

Pretty standard fare all-around for my characters now. Honos and Raelyth are the only odd ones out -- they're just kinda thrown about randomly.

(Since I'm sure people will ask -- reason I don't have 100 Restoration scrolls is that I'm slowly phasing them out for Greater Restoration. It just takes a while, as usually when somebody gets a Negative level a Cleric takes care of it first. :p)

07-17-2008, 01:45 AM
Now that's just showing off!!! :p

Actually that was the result of Rachna's symbol of persuasion. (She's another awesome cleric btw... I think it's the "girl gamer" thing in us. :p)

Dakkon breakin the thread... now that's showin off. **** man, what size is that monitor? Mine's a 22" and yours makes mine look like my Gma's old 13" B&W Curtis Mathes. :eek:

07-17-2008, 01:53 AM
I play on my laptop as my primary so I have my bars all close together neatly arranged.
You may note my Improved uncanny dodge has been clicked.... I always make sure i have timers set to - ON
I find its helpful to quickly check on the fly when clickys can be re-used.
Most of my bars are mainly clicky based or are a aid so i can quickly adjust my gear.
The majority of my weapons are hot keyed on differnt bars and are un-seen due to the fact i have those set-up that way to save some room.
I make sure all bars are LOCKED...... if you notice they don't have the chunky boarder so again gives it that feel of space.
In the left corner i always keep my COMBAT log running helps me adjust gear and weapons on the fly when i notice damage lowering due to differnt alignments and resistances.... so on.
I make it invisable and have no in-coming at all to that log so it wont get interupted.
Unfortunatly i wasn't in a group.... but i keep my party bars just below my combat log between my standard chat log.
Also for intrest sake.... I run the resolution on my laptop at 1280 x 800.


07-17-2008, 02:08 AM
Couple of quick questions DWF...

Notice on your healing bar, that you still have many of the low level plain CLW, CMW type spells listed. I know since I generally have some Meta in play, that the HEAL spell often ends up costing fewer SP to cast than a Meta'd up low level spell. So I ended up dropping all the single target healing spells from my hot bars to give more room. (need a screenshot I guess). End up with just the Mass Curing and HEAL. I also dropped Lesser Restore from the memory as well, since MOST of the time player can fix those things themselves, and if not, just hit a Restore or Greater Restore and not spend time sorting out the best spell. Costs more SP to cast multiple Restores than just one hit on a Greater.

and hmmmm 37 disco ball jellies.....

on my cleric b4 i stopped using emp heal all the time i would only cast the single clw spell.....it was all i ever needed. i mean she crits for 250-350 hp with emp heal so no need to waste more sp than needed. i especially like doing that when im in a shroud raid hehe course no one minds cuz they never die.

07-17-2008, 02:23 AM

Same thing on all characters, but usually with less hotbars. Also, sorry for the compressed image, but I don't know that the forum even allows 1920x1080, nor do people want their screen flooded.

07-17-2008, 09:07 AM
Here, as I promised yesterday, are some screen shots from my other characters.

My Cleric


My Barbarian


I use basically the same format on all of my characters except on my cleric, in which case, I have the healing and status healing right under the party list.

Actually that was the result of Rachna's symbol of persuasion. (She's another awesome cleric btw... I think it's the "girl gamer" thing in us. :p)

Dakkon breakin the thread... now that's showin off. **** man, what size is that monitor? Mine's a 22" and yours makes mine look like my Gma's old 13" B&W Curtis Mathes. :eek:

Well I used to have a 24" widescreen LCD moniter, but I have since upgraded to a 26" widescreen LCD moniter. :D

07-17-2008, 09:20 AM
20 inch Norm Monitor...


22 inch Wide screen Monitor...


07-17-2008, 09:50 AM
Draz I feel special being DC'ed in your sorc's screenshot. :D

07-17-2008, 12:53 PM
I prefer to keep my hotbar set up nice and simple. I refuse to have more than 3 hotbars showing at a time.


07-17-2008, 06:34 PM
lol -- and here I was being all nice and shrinking my screenshot so as not to stretch things out too much, next time I won't bother!!!!!111

07-17-2008, 10:47 PM
lol -- and here I was being all nice and shrinking my screenshot so as not to stretch things out too much, next time I won't bother!!!!!111

So many view these from work, it's useful when folks shrink the images before posting. I really like seeing the world through other players POV - I just wish my work monitor would let me see more than the left third of some of these.

07-18-2008, 12:21 AM

Only keep what I need on hand everything else is stored in the bank.

All my toons are set up pretty much the same way. Only difference is my cleric has more bars vertically for spells.

07-18-2008, 01:09 AM

07-18-2008, 03:07 AM
OK, definately off on a tangent, but it's late here in CDT: Hey DrWhoFan (I can't stomach anyone but Tom Baker myself), howcome you live in Hawai'i but spell armor "armour"?

07-18-2008, 04:04 AM
OK, definately off on a tangent, but it's late here in CDT: Hey DrWhoFan (I can't stomach anyone but Tom Baker myself), howcome you live in Hawai'i but spell armor "armour"?

Went to a British Pre-school in Germany.

I was and my hubby is stationed in Hawai'i.

07-18-2008, 10:34 AM

High rez baby. High rez...

07-18-2008, 01:39 PM
My standard set up


07-18-2008, 02:23 PM

Been running with this setup for sometime now.

07-18-2008, 05:25 PM
Lol, thats awesome Kalanth. What quest is that? :)

07-18-2008, 05:49 PM

Been running with this setup for sometime now.

It's only good if you showthe Tom Baker scene.

In fact, that WAS the only good part of the movie.

Nice job, though.

07-18-2008, 05:51 PM
Lol, thats awesome Kalanth. What quest is that? :)

Proof is in the Poison...on the ultra secret Easter egged god mode.

Turns the whole party into the noobess noobs from noobdom. But the graphics are awesome!:p

07-18-2008, 05:53 PM
OK, definately off on a tangent, but it's late here in CDT: Hey DrWhoFan (I can't stomach anyone but Tom Baker myself), howcome you live in Hawai'i but spell armor "armour"?

Because thats the way armour is spelt.

And colour.

And flavour.


07-18-2008, 06:00 PM
Because thats the way armour is spelt.

And colour.

And flavour.


and cheque

and tonne

But i draw the line at chips are fries and fries are chips.

07-18-2008, 08:08 PM
Because thats the way armour is spelt.

And colour.

And flavour.


OK, so explain Chalmondley, and Worcestershire, and Ralph...

07-19-2008, 04:49 PM
Ok, so here's my lowly level 6 Bard/Rouge...


When I first started playing, I used a gamepad, and so only had one extra bar for non-combat shortcuts. Otherwise I had one combat bar showing and would cycle through the other bars using up and down. I discovered however, that I prefer to play classes that need a lot of different things on their bars (i.e. spellcasters) So I eventually switched to using keyboard and mouse, so that I could have more bars showing. I miss my gamepad, but it just got too cumbersome to try and select all the different stuff I needed...:(

Oh, and I am nowhere near as uber as any of you guys, so don't bother asking why I have a bunch of **** that you'd prolly never even dream of using on my bars...:D

07-19-2008, 05:28 PM
Proof is in the Poison...on the ultra secret Easter egged god mode.

Turns the whole party into the noobess noobs from noobdom. But the graphics are awesome!:p

Lol, the graphics are so lifelike! Must be running on an uber machine! :D

07-20-2008, 09:50 AM
I just changed to a much larger monitor, so still working on where I want to put everything. Proximity became a whole new issue for me... last night on my cleric I had to move the red/blue bars to be just behind him, as I found moving the mouse 1280 pixels to the left can be the difference between a quick heal and a res.

(Yes, I use F1-F12, but sometimes it's easier to click the names)


To help you out a little with this issue, hot-key your healing spells. What I do is use the insert/home/pageup/delete/end/pagedown keys for the various healing, and select who gets healed with my mouse. The great thing with this setup for me is that I use the arrow keys to move and the arrow keys are right below my healing hot keys.

Takes a little getting used to but you will find that it saves some time.

07-20-2008, 09:53 AM
I seem to be the only one that likes to have a nice large chat box. I must be a newb :D

07-20-2008, 10:10 AM
To help you out a little with this issue, hot-key your healing spells. What I do is use the insert/home/pageup/delete/end/pagedown keys for the various healing, and select who gets healed with my mouse. The great thing with this setup for me is that I use the arrow keys to move and the arrow keys are right below my healing hot keys.

Takes a little getting used to but you will find that it saves some time.

that's what i did with my clerics, except I moved the movement keys to ESDF, which places the following keys within easy reach for quick access:
QWA to the left
RTG to the right
2345 above
ZXCV below

plenty of options for spamming heal/scroll/mass/rez as well map offensive spells (destruct/command). Also makes it easier to keep kotkeyed spells organized to avoid hitting the wrong one.

07-20-2008, 04:16 PM
that's what i did with my clerics, except I moved the movement keys to ESDF, which places the following keys within easy reach for quick access:
QWA to the left
RTG to the right
2345 above
ZXCV below

plenty of options for spamming heal/scroll/mass/rez as well map offensive spells (destruct/command). Also makes it easier to keep kotkeyed spells organized to avoid hitting the wrong one.

yeah, but for the Left handedness. Right handers are evil, EVIL!!!:p

07-20-2008, 04:49 PM
yeah, but for the Left handedness. Right handers are evil, EVIL!!!:p
You'd have to extensively rework the keymapping quite a bit, but you could do
movement: OKL;
hotkey above: 7890-=
hotkey below: M<>?
hotkey left: UIJ
hotkey right: P{"

Just slide your keyboard over to the right a little. That leaves: <enter>, right shift close by for selecting mobs and shield blocking. I use the mouse wheel button to tab thru mobs also

07-21-2008, 01:55 PM
Is it sad that I tried to mouse over the icons in your bars to find out what they were?

Don't feel too bad, I've done the same thing a couple of times on this thread. There are things I've never seen before and so I "mouse over", then lol, and take another drink of coffee...

07-21-2008, 02:05 PM
I seem to be the only one that likes to have a nice large chat box. I must be a newb :D

no I like large chat boxes too, but I like my spells more!! Guess who won?:p

07-22-2008, 02:32 PM
I Like to try to keep the Middle as Clear as Possible...


07-22-2008, 03:20 PM
I seem to be the only one that likes to have a nice large chat box. I must be a newb :D
Whom do soloists need to chat with? :eek:

07-22-2008, 03:29 PM
Whom do soloists need to chat with?

I've been known to chat with myself. Also, because my forum name and character names are easy to find and relate to one-another I've been known to get tells from random people in the game about... well... all sorts of things.

07-22-2008, 04:08 PM
OK, so explain Chalmondley, and Worcestershire, and Ralph...

I can explain nothing about the English, and believe me there is NO ONE called Ralph in Scotland.

07-24-2008, 10:02 PM
http://morgul.adurant.org/vod-elite-names.jpg (http://morgul.adurant.org/vod-elite-names.jpg)

Gear "sets" are in the top three bars on the left. Buffs, spells, etc are on the lower set of bars. The "main" bar has my primary weapon sets, the one above it contains my other TWF sets. Left/right bars are ctrl/alt accessible with other random weapons.

08-01-2008, 02:47 PM
My cleric, Jillean, uses 10 hotbars arranged around the screen. I have remapped my keys to have 1 touch access to 3 of them. They are "organized" in a logic all my own.

http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/7048/screenshot00102lq2.th.jpg (http://img261.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00102lq2.jpg)

08-01-2008, 06:02 PM
Mirta ... sorry to jump on this... but this was the last thread you updated... there is someone looking to trade for your tome, but you left no contact information nor means to contact you.

Please see http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=1806746#post1806746


08-03-2008, 02:26 AM
Here's what mine has progressed to on my barb...


09-09-2008, 04:03 PM
Best Display I have ever had.. Great picture in HDMI... NICE!


09-10-2008, 09:09 PM
I use 8 hot bars.One just at the bottm middle of the screen for all my robes aromr exe.All the rest are on the right of the screen horizontally.People say that it blocks vision but it works just fine for me and I can reach my spells quickly without having to move my mouse pointer across the screen.

09-27-2008, 04:57 PM
lol my level 12 wiz only has 3 hotbars!

I'll be sure to post a screenshot later.

09-27-2008, 05:24 PM

09-28-2008, 12:27 AM

Centre left 4 for spells / weapon sets / feat or enc icons. (class dependant)
Centre right 4 for equipment swaps and clickies.
Left edge for keeping track of consumables and for situational use.
Right edge for wands and pots and restorative clickies.

3 bars set up on number, alt+numbers and ctrl+numbers and mouse click anything else.

I usually keep elemental resists and stuff (mostly sub-menus like contagion, teleports etc) on some seperate bars and use ctrl+scrollwheel to pick through them.

09-28-2008, 12:47 AM
http://imageduck.com/i/screenshot000151f5_th.jpg (http://imageduck.com/v/screenshot000151f5.jpg)

My little halflet :) Got 2 or 3 bars of binds not there because it'd be wasted space.

03-12-2009, 02:38 PM

okay, no bars but still very pretty!

Here is the right photo.


And proof that I AM capped. I don't use the focus orb.

Trissa, tell me that's not the invaders mace you're using. Please tell me you're not using that

12-15-2009, 04:35 PM
That's how I roll

buffs and heals top right, spells bottom left, items bottom right 2 chat bars, 1 party/tells, 1 guild, plus an invisible combat log. most common attack spells and things that i need to reach get switched around on the 1-0 bar on bar number 1, the buffs are bound to the numberpad, and when those run out, 0+numberpad

22'' at 1680X1050 highest settings possible with DX10 running a retail copy of Windows 7

its about time this thread got a bump, maybe someone will actually post in it again

01-05-2010, 03:11 AM
Here's a pic of my newest PD toon, so you can see my bars.

01-05-2010, 03:15 AM
Trissa, tell me that's not the invaders mace you're using. Please tell me you're not using that

I can't remember. I don't use it now. I have a spell pen sccepter.

01-08-2010, 03:02 AM
Waaaaaay too many bars for me.
I've never understood why people need to have a million bars...in any MMO.
I can barely stand having two bars, let alone four or more.

01-08-2010, 03:08 AM
Here's my caster's recently reset bars.


01-08-2010, 03:09 AM
Waaaaaay too many bars for me.
I've never understood why people need to have a million bars...in any MMO.
I can barely stand having two bars, let alone four or more.

Left handed. No hotkeys worth mentioning.

01-08-2010, 03:44 AM
UMD required items, and UMD gear goes in the upper right.
The Bar below my UMD set is my armor set for fighting Casters XD.
The bars on the bottom right are gear/weapons. 1 closest is DPS, 2nd is S@B/TWF sets for like vorping and weakening. The 3rd is my dps melee set :).
My main bar is trip :D haste boosts and power surge :)
Bar above that is the Tactical melee equipment... eathral bracers, jorgundalls collar, and heal amp.
The bar above that is the buff bar.... OHHH YA!!
and the bar above that is like FF/strider/deathblock/haggle +15 helm/blindness ward/whatever the **** else you can think of :D


01-19-2010, 05:35 PM
Guess there was already an Action Bar thread... My bad :cool:

03-01-2010, 10:56 AM
people with less than 10 hotbars are crazy...

because I'm bored


06-02-2010, 04:59 PM
updated my pic on the First post!

06-02-2010, 05:02 PM
I keep looking at threads discussing hotbars, and seeing all these hotbars on people's screens. And I find myself thinking that most of you must not use "mouse look" mode when moving around. Is that a fair assumption though? I come from an FPS background so I'm used to WASD for movement and the mouse controlling my direction. Which makes things like the Protection spells a nuisance, as I have to basically stand still, hit the T key, hit the 1-0 key for the spell, then double-click on the particular element I want to protect from, then hit the T key again to go back to moving and fighting.

So I'm guessing that none of you guys are using the mouse to control your character, but are simply using it to click hotbars. Is that a true assessment or is there some super ninja technique of clicking hotbar items and such while still mouse moving? :D

06-02-2010, 05:04 PM
I keep looking at threads discussing hotbars, and seeing all these hotbars on people's screens. And I find myself thinking that most of you must not use "mouse look" mode when moving around. Is that a fair assumption though? I come from an FPS background so I'm used to WASD for movement and the mouse controlling my direction. Which makes things like the Protection spells a nuisance, as I have to basically stand still, hit the T key, hit the 1-0 key for the spell, then double-click on the particular element I want to protect from, then hit the T key again to go back to moving and fighting.

So I'm guessing that none of you guys are using the mouse to control your character, but are simply using it to click hotbars. Is that a true assessment or is there some super ninja technique of clicking hotbar items and such while still mouse moving? :D

I HATE mouselook. I am left handed. So no, I don't even use Mouselook to swim.

06-02-2010, 05:28 PM
Bars 1, 2 and part of 3 are mapped to my gamepad.
Bars 20 and 7 have my main items with their alternates next to them for ease of swapping.

Beyond that, the rest of the bars tend to occupy the same positions across all my characters, but have different purposes.


06-02-2010, 06:26 PM
I HATE mouselook. I am left handed. So no, I don't even use Mouselook to swim.

I'm left-handed but have always used a right-handed mouse, so it doesn't really affect things for me.

06-02-2010, 08:07 PM
I am a left hander who searched for a gaming mouse that WASN'T right handed. I don't use the hot keys. Everything I do is point and click.

06-02-2010, 10:10 PM
So I'm guessing that none of you guys are using the mouse to control your character, but are simply using it to click hotbars. Is that a true assessment or is there some super ninja technique of clicking hotbar items and such while still mouse moving? :D

Before I began to use a gamepad, I was almost always in mouselook mode, while having some things keymapped and some not.

Instead of pressing T to enter ML mode, I would just stay in mouselook mode by holding the appropriate mouse button at almost all times, letting go of it when I needed to manually click a bar, and holding it once again when I was finished.
Or letting go, tapping it to grab a target, and then begin holding it again.

06-03-2010, 05:49 AM
I'm left-handed but have always used a right-handed mouse, so it doesn't really affect things for me.
I'm right-handed but ambidextrous with a mouse: my dad is left-handed and used to get *****y if I moved his previous mouse to the other side of the keyboard and forgot to return it to his position. Now I'm comfortable using it either way (and typically go lefty for some things like Starcraft).

06-03-2010, 04:14 PM
I'd cramp my hand if I tried to stay in Mouse Look mode by holding the button down, but that may also be an FPS holdover as I tend to be looking around a lot. Also a side effect of trying to maximize XP by finding all the breakables along the way; you often have to look in all the little alcoves, and sometimes behind you as well.

One thing I probably should do and have not yet is really figure out how keybinding works and bind my second quickbar so I can access it more easily.

06-11-2010, 12:20 PM
I keep looking at threads discussing hotbars, and seeing all these hotbars on people's screens. And I find myself thinking that most of you must not use "mouse look" mode when moving around. Is that a fair assumption though? I come from an FPS background so I'm used to WASD for movement and the mouse controlling my direction. Which makes things like the Protection spells a nuisance, as I have to basically stand still, hit the T key, hit the 1-0 key for the spell, then double-click on the particular element I want to protect from, then hit the T key again to go back to moving and fighting.

So I'm guessing that none of you guys are using the mouse to control your character, but are simply using it to click hotbars. Is that a true assessment or is there some super ninja technique of clicking hotbar items and such while still mouse moving? :D

I don't use WSAD, I use the arrow keys, but have a similar background, so I'm always in mouse-look mode. I mapped ctrl keypad_1 to 0 to switch to toolbar #1-10, and keypad_1 to 9 to activate the given spell/item.

So for example to cast resists I'd go ctrl-keypad4, keypad1, to switch to my resists toolbar and select the first item (fire resist)

I also use a couple of hotkeys for important stuff I need to cast at a moment's notice, like displacement, protects, heals and such.

06-11-2010, 12:34 PM
I keep looking at threads discussing hotbars, and seeing all these hotbars on people's screens. And I find myself thinking that most of you must not use "mouse look" mode when moving around. Is that a fair assumption though? I come from an FPS background so I'm used to WASD for movement and the mouse controlling my direction. Which makes things like the Protection spells a nuisance, as I have to basically stand still, hit the T key, hit the 1-0 key for the spell, then double-click on the particular element I want to protect from, then hit the T key again to go back to moving and fighting.

For the Fire Shield, Protection from Energy, Resist Energy and Teleport spells you can pull the individual effects out of the dialogue box and put them on your toolbars for easy access. Most of these you can toggle out of mouselook, hit the hotbar and toggle back to mouselook quickly.

So I'm guessing that none of you guys are using the mouse to control your character, but are simply using it to click hotbars. Is that a true assessment or is there some super ninja technique of clicking hotbar items and such while still mouse moving? :D

No. I more around in normal WASD/mouse mode all the time. I tend to use a lot of toolbars because I like having all my options available. The tricky part is finding a layout that can work with all your characters as all their keymaps are the same.

08-10-2010, 04:39 PM

Here's Mine!

08-10-2010, 07:58 PM

Gear on the left|Chat channels center| Spells on the right

08-17-2010, 04:08 AM

08-19-2010, 05:37 AM
Ultimately, mine are pretty simple. I play on a small monitor. After all, its not the size that counts...well heck size doesn't matter in anything but tvs and computer monitors xD


08-25-2010, 07:38 PM
I had bought my current monitor not too long before I started playing DDO. The following is basically the set up I've established for my toons.

http://a.imageshack.us/img534/1391/screenshot00008h.jpg (http://img534.imageshack.us/i/screenshot00008h.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

09-07-2010, 10:16 PM
what barS, I only use 1!
http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx164/Sythe55555/ScreenShot00130.jpg :p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D

09-07-2010, 10:48 PM
what barS, I only use 1!
http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx164/Sythe55555/ScreenShot00130.jpg :p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D

what no healing pots? what do you do when your babysitter looses sight of you? :p

09-07-2010, 10:56 PM

The left side vertical bars are for resists, prots, any summons and objects and spells I don't use much, like bottle of Air and Divine Favour.

Ummm wouldn't that be the right not the left?

11-02-2010, 04:37 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs939.snc4/73291_10150114063918135_597863134_7719617_5179360_ n.jpg

01-29-2011, 02:52 PM
Untouchable has too many pictures in the first thread,,;P

01-29-2011, 03:11 PM
I have too many bars I think....=P


01-30-2011, 08:44 AM
It doesn't take any hotbars to pike, you're doing it wrong.

01-30-2011, 08:20 PM
This is how I like to play. It allows easy access to all my stuffZ


01-30-2011, 10:22 PM
This is how I like to play. It allows easy access to all my stuffZ


D: omg, lol

01-31-2011, 12:45 AM
This is how I like to play. It allows easy access to all my stuffZ


Nice Photoshop =D

01-31-2011, 10:22 AM

02-06-2011, 05:53 AM
I don't have a picture, but I use a 10-bar setup for questing and a 5-7 bar setup for PVP.

02-08-2011, 11:56 AM

Pretty standard fare all-around for my characters now. Honos and Raelyth are the only odd ones out -- they're just kinda thrown about randomly.

(Since I'm sure people will ask -- reason I don't have 100 Restoration scrolls is that I'm slowly phasing them out for Greater Restoration. It just takes a while, as usually when somebody gets a Negative level a Cleric takes care of it first. :p)

What are the collectors? how do you get the shards, and what are they good for?

02-28-2011, 12:58 AM

04-14-2011, 11:25 PM
*Is now up to a grand total of 16 hotbars visible at all times, 17 based on quest run (special bars for Shoud, Hound, VoD) and still sees everything else*

If you're curious, 3x3 horizontal grouping on top, with two on the side under my network display, the quest objectives in the little corner between the two, four on top of my chatbox (reaches up to the bottom of the PUG list for a full PUG) and a last one on the bottom between the chatbox and the hp bar on the far right bottom corner. Yes, I can see things.

The 17th bar I pull out goes almost smack-dab in the center; it's right under the center bar in the 3x3 on top. My dice are also visible, along with everything else you can toggle xD

04-14-2011, 11:34 PM

I'd have just one, but I'd be continuously getting cyclonic blast and cone of cold mixed up.

04-15-2011, 05:07 AM

This one's mine, though I have a couple more by now.

Also, note the xp bar. It's been like that for years now (I've bug reported it long ago.. Nothing happens). Only happens on this resolution :<

My rogue's is very similar, due to the amount of wands, weapon sets and whatnot on it :P

04-15-2011, 05:49 AM
What I don't get about the majority of the pics I'm seeing is why folks are running around with their bars unlocked.
Locking is safer, prevents mistakenly moving an important icon OFF the bar during combat,
prevents moving the bar itself, and removes the widgets on the sides so that they can be stacked tighter.

Also, yeah, the default skin is pretty, and some others are nice too, but Rival01 is the simplest and most
real-estate effecient IMO.


04-15-2011, 01:14 PM
I told myself at one point that I would never have more than one bar, because it looked too cluttered.

So much for that...
http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/715/screenshot00708.jpg (http://img20.imageshack.us/i/screenshot00708.jpg/)

04-16-2011, 05:00 PM
This is on my Gimped Caster Before I keymapped mostly everything. (Lets not look at my Paladin, :eek:)

And after once I keymapped everything! :)

I like how it's set up now, I use QERTYU, ALT + QERTYU, Additional Mouse Buttons, NUMPAD, +, * and the basic 1-9 & 0.

05-21-2011, 11:40 PM
*Now has every single bar up on his screen*

Yes, ALL 20 bars. Don't ask what's on them.

05-22-2011, 12:01 AM
This is similar to what all my toons have.

Usually I'll have all my useful pots (minus healing) on the bottom left bar, and the chat box immediately over it (rather than 2 bars and then the box). I've since added another bar above the 2, that are 2nd to the left.

Third row is always my weapons and healing pots/wands.

Bottom right is always reserved for the hireling bar.

Middle right is where I keep my swappable items (helms, boots, gloves, etc), and occasionally some other specific pots (jump pots, invisible pots, and depending on character some resist pots. This is anywhere from 1 to 3 (max) bars deep.

I've also added the combat chat window, hidden, above my HP/SP bar.

07-05-2011, 09:07 AM
I raise thee, thread!

http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/6355/screenshot00119.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/820/screenshot00119.jpg/)

My setup :).

08-08-2011, 08:28 PM
I have too many bars I think....=P




Not really any change except moved Combat Log, lost Teleport scrolls and a new UI Skin :P

08-08-2011, 08:40 PM
Im to lazy to post a pic but I was amazed how many play with the original UI skin its so lame and ugly BLECHT. ui skin fade2blackEpic is what ive been rockin for quite some time its the skin the above poster is using sooooooo much better looking and much easier on the eyes after hours of staring lol. I also have at least 12 bars (some more) on all my toons but have a Large monitor so not an issue.

08-08-2011, 09:58 PM
http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5663/screenshot00053w.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/638/screenshot00053w.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

my ui set up

08-14-2011, 10:47 PM
I am what you could call... a bit "obsessed" if you know what I mean. Too many hours went into making my UI.

Anyways, a screenshot of me shortly after getting accepted into CC.


08-14-2011, 10:52 PM
I am what you could call... a bit "obsessed" if you know what I mean. Too many hours went into making my UI.

Anyways, a screenshot of me shortly after getting accepted into CC.


I like how you blanked out all the npc's names.

08-14-2011, 10:54 PM
I am what you could call... a bit "obsessed" if you know what I mean. Too many hours went into making my UI.

Anyways, a screenshot of me shortly after getting accepted into CC.

I like how you blacked out the Scholar of the Twelve's name.
Probably the smart play. I heard he was a reporting d-bag.

08-14-2011, 10:54 PM
I like how you blacked out the Scholar of the Twelve's name.
Probably the smart play. I heard he was a reporting d-bag.

I said it before you!!!!

08-14-2011, 10:55 PM
I said it before you!!!!

Yeah, yopu snuck it in there while I was trying to figure out how to get ****** or ***** in there without a bunch of asterisks.

10-18-2011, 08:12 AM

My artificer is currently using 16 bars, altho still have 2 levels to go and more gear and stuff to aquire :P

10-18-2011, 08:57 AM
My artificer is currently using 16 bars, altho still have 2 levels to go and more gear and stuff to aquire :P

You could get rid of five of them and still have empty space on your bars, so it hardly counts as "using" 16 of them. A full third of them do nothing more than take up space. :rolleyes:

10-18-2011, 09:17 AM
I have stuff on all the bars ^^

But I find that its easier to find the stuff I need if I have the empty spots instead of trying to make everything fit inside as small a space as possible

11-30-2011, 07:11 AM
My Favored Soul. :)


Left bars are for frequently used scroll and spells, the middle bars are for fluff scrolls/wands, spells and small pots to get rid of feeblemind. Right five bars are for gear, clickies, and pots. :)

EDIT: I have healing spells and buffs, they are key mapped as: Q,E,R,T,Y & Mouse Button 3 for healing spells. (Leap of Faith is key mapped to mouse button 4)
ALT NUMPAD - Mass Buffs
NUMPAD - Single Target Buffs

Just to clarify. :D

EDIT: Capped TR 1. :-)

Oh if anyone is wondering, me and Falato are Tr buddies. :-) We usually try to duo our way to through a TR, but after Fal had some real life attending to do... I decided to pug my way to cap.

EDIT: Time for my Arcane Lives. :) Sure is a grind. lol. :D


11-30-2011, 11:54 PM
The current setup I use for my main (And most of my toons). On this toon, the main hotbar on the top also has two more in it that I scroll through for additional wands, scrolls or yugo pots. If I were to pull them out, I'd have 13. The mostly empty bar on the bottom will be filled once I get the rest of my imbues.


12-03-2011, 09:31 PM
My compass and the DDO store bar are all the way in the bottom right corner, even covering up the experience bar.

My skill bars are center bottom, also covering the experience bar.

and chat is at bottom left, covering the rest of it.

When I have more skill bars, I put them just above the other two in the mid-center bottom of the screen. I have only gotten to 14 on my fighter and so far he only uses about 4 skill bars.

I got rid of everything else or it's in it's normal spot if I can't get rid of it.

Why do I cover the experience bar? because I want to see more of the game and less bars, plus I know when I level up and stuff even if I can't see it. I just wish I could get rid of it, that and the ddostore bar.

I also have a UI skin that gets rid of all the borders on the skill bars and whatnot, so it's even more compact.

02-12-2012, 05:18 AM
just a question:
How can i make my bars smaller?They catch a large place on my screen,And sometimes bothering me to see mobs when they come.Afew of yours looking smaller somehow.

02-12-2012, 06:23 AM
just a question:
How can i make my bars smaller?They catch a large place on my screen,And sometimes bothering me to see mobs when they come.Afew of yours looking smaller somehow.

Change your resolution in game. The bars don't scale, which gives the illusion that they scale inversely. The bars that look largest are run on 800x600. The bars that look smallest are run on much higher resolutions.

02-12-2012, 08:38 AM
All my characters use this pattern with some variations depending on how many bars they need.
Skin is Info Blue.

Also, rats.
http://i.imgur.com/nSRSzl.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/5Uji3.jpg)

02-12-2012, 09:35 AM
Change your resolution in game. The bars don't scale, which gives the illusion that they scale inversely. The bars that look largest are run on 800x600. The bars that look smallest are run on much higher resolutions.


04-26-2012, 01:03 PM
I've had this UI going for a while now.


05-01-2012, 07:20 PM
For every toon:


05-07-2012, 05:14 PM


This is what I am running with for all my toons, sorcerer/fvs/Anything but Wizard lol get less bars on left though.

05-08-2012, 12:18 PM
All of my characters use this set-up...and no character I have has more than 6 visible bars at once (and one visible bar is set for my Razer Naga with numberpad keys 1-0/-/+, so my controls may look a bit off)...keeps my screen clear so I can see what's happening, while most item swaps are used through scrolling through bars (unless I'm a melee).


On a side-note, man I miss being a FvS on Wruntjunior. :P Had to go pretty far back to find a screenshot that didn't have an item covering the ui, or else a bragging screenshot (no character sheet or inventory open :P), though.

06-22-2012, 09:53 AM
I may have missed it in reading through the thread, but I noticed some folks don't have a Focus orb on screen...how do you do that???

06-22-2012, 11:09 AM
I may have missed it in reading through the thread, but I noticed some folks don't have a Focus orb on screen...how do you do that???

You click the little "eye" icon to expand or collapse it.

My default setup for all characters:


07-05-2012, 05:44 AM
Wow! <<hugs for all!!>>

I'll have to post new ones for Update 14.

07-05-2012, 05:54 AM
1-4 (varies based on toon) horizontal bars squished into the top left as well as I can. I use + and - to scroll around the main bar a lot.

10-31-2012, 10:16 PM
Wizard has the most bars.

All others are this same setup, minus bars if I don't need them. I subtract bars evenly from the middle and right hand column of hot bars depending on need.