View Full Version : Mother Of All Treasure Hunts!

01-29-2008, 11:41 PM
Decades ago, a treasure was lost. The treasure map to its whereabouts was stolen by a band of um...let's say ogres. On February 9th at 6pm central, that treasure map will be found in those ogres' unsorted mail pile. Too much role playing for you fast-paced killing machines? Okay. Let's break it down into its smallest spell components...

Get Started:
(02/06/08 10:08pm) Example: If you are reading this sneaky text, ya done good!
(02/10/08 12:09am) Open Answer Page: Click the House symbols on the Home Page in the order Jorasco, Phiarlan, Kundarak, Deneith
Riddle #1:
(02/10/08 05:02pm) Hint 1: The silhouette on the coin contains both foreground and background objects.
(02/10/08 05:02pm) Hint 2: You have to stand on an island to see this image.
Riddle #2:
(02/10/08 11:13pm) Hint 1: These six symbols appear vertically all over Stormreach.
(02/10/08 11:13pm) Hint 2: Look up the next time you are enjoying some spam.
Riddle #3:
(02/11/08 01:29pm) Hint 1: The streams flow something lighter than water.
(02/11/08 01:29pm) Hint 2: House Kundarak is always beaming about their only 3-way crystal.
Riddle #4:
(02/11/08 09:32pm) Hint 1: The texture in the rock marks the House. If properly aligned, blue marks the spot.
(02/11/08 09:32pm) Hint 2: The dummies are warded indoors and way, way, way up high.
Riddle #5:
(02/12/08 09:21pm) Hint 1: Look for a trident-wielding merman high atop the serpent.
(02/12/08 09:21pm) Hint 2: Your mentor was immortalized on the statue in the first fountain you see.
Riddle #6:
(02/12/08 09:21pm) Hint 1: The six floating livewood icons can be seen (barely) from one rooftop.
(02/12/08 09:21pm) Hint 2: The "weapon below" is the last name of the person below the roof.
Riddle #7:
(02/13/08 08:06am) Hint 1: Pay close attention to the scroll as the word fade in. The house is spelled backwards.
(02/13/08 08:06am) Hint 2: The start point is the head of an Inevitable (a Marut) on the wall of the Golden Wing Inn.
(02/13/08 08:06am) Hint 3: The "Rest Stop" is a small gazebo way to your right as you tiptoe.
(02/13/08 08:06am) Hint 4: The ramp is very small, so don't go loooking for something big.
Riddle #8:
(02/13/08 06:49pm) Hint 1: The final answer is a 6-letter word corresponding to the six compass headings at the bottom.
(02/13/08 06:49pm) Hint 2: For each compass heading only one color jewel on the compass will make sounds from the marketplace.
(02/13/08 06:49pm) Hint 3: Line up the “sounding” jewel with the place in the market where that sound occurs and read the letter in the compass hole with the pips spinning around it.
(02/13/08 06:49pm) Hint 4: The third letter has no markings on the map as these small fountains do not make it on the map. But you can find them in the market or get the letter from context.
Riddle #9:
(02/14/08 05:00pm) Hint 1: Go to the desert via the airship in the Market. Talk to the first lady (Sherrazth).
(02/14/08 05:00pm) Hint 2: You’ll wind up finally talking to Ortolan Thoom for the final answer.
Riddle #10:
(02/14/08 07:30pm) Hint 1: Skipp is not misspelled. Start with a new character getting off the boat. Roll one on a different server if necessary.
(02/14/08 07:30pm) Hint 2: The "sacrificed castle" is the Rook’s Gambit tavern.

That's all of the clues. Next will be a "Full Explanation Page" on the website explaining all of the riddle derivations and touching on all of the suubtle little hints in each riddle. This was a blast guys! We'll do it again if there's intrest.



(Do the MATH!)
START HUNTING! 6pm Central, February 9th, 2008 at
www.DDoHunt.com (http://www.ddohunt.com/)

I am mildly interested. But will it suck?
No. It will not suck. Clank and Lessah have spent hundreds or even dozens of hours making a visually attractive, Flash-based, rich media website for your enjoyment. It will regale or insult you based on your brilliant or misguided answers. It's pretty if not technically sound. It offers up some of the finest imagery you can steal from a Google web image search. Games sounds galore will make the stock audio sound effects seem slightly less annoying. Some of it rhymes. Some of it is draggable interactive (infamous Clue #8!). Some of it is easy. Even if you'd rather be powergaming your way to level 16, you should at least check it out.

What do I do?
Be the first to solve the 10 successive clues and claim the grand prize!
A DDo T-shirt, 60-day game card, Eberron Sourcebook, Dice, More Junk

Where do I go and when?
There's no specific in-game orientation time or place and you go at your own pace. You look at the website. You get a clue. You bebop around Stormreach until struck by an epiphany (or a battleaxe). You go back to the website and type in your aswer. If it is right, you get another clue and repeat. The challenge spans all servers, classes, genders, and races.

What if I'm not first to solve all 10 clues?
There are other prizes for clever folks who get to the end but not first. This includes a never-before-seen animated short featuring Clankenbeard and Lessah. There's a complete list and photographs of the various prizes on the website. Go check it out at www.DDoHunt.com or www.Clankenbeard.com for more info.

I'm new to DDo. How can I possibly know any of the answers?
Well, you are at a disadvantage for sure, but you are not out of the running. All answers to clues come from areas accessible by all characters. You may have to buy your way into the market, but that's it. You don't need to get into any danger to find the answers. You just have to be clever.

Who are Lessah and Clankenbeard?
Us. A couple of DDo players. Oh and Lessah was the Role Playing representative on the DDo Podcast. We are doing this for fun and offering up our own loot for prizes. Lessah came up with the idea to do something special to commemorate our 1-year anniversary of making DDo-based videos. Then she promptly nagged me until I did it. We have no ties to DDo at all. Oh and the WanderingMonster trinkets for consolation prizes are from our much neglected website about wandering monsters.

How do I get my prize if I win?
We'll mail it to you. We'll cover that when/if you win.

How do you know I won?
When you answer the last question, you'll be given instructions on what to do. You'll have to email your information to a mystery e-mail address with some specific information in it. Completion times for prizes will be judged based on e-mail delivery times.

This sounds phishy. Is it safe?
It is safe. There's no database. There's no entry of personal information or even a login name. You just type in your answers to the questions and click a couple buttons here and there.

How long will it last?
That we don't know. We are competing with Mod6 for your attention, so it may take a bit. We plan to drop one hint on February 10th. That will be a clue on how to actually get from the Home portion of the website to the actual Answer Page. (Yes, you have to be clever just to get to the Answer Page to get your first clue.) Then, we'll start on clue 1 and drop a "clue that helps a little" in the morning and a "clue that helps a lot" in the evening. Even the slowest barbarian should be able to get everything in ten days at this rate. Any longer than that and I imagine people would simply lose interest and go straight on to killing things.

Post your comments and feedback here. Brag about how clever you are. But, please Please, PLEASE:


Give everybody a chance to figure it out for themselves. We plan to leave it up for a long while. It will not go out of date and might still be fun for folks all the way into Mod 13 or 14.

Thanks! Good luck!

<<====================UPDATE 06 FEB 2008======================>>
We have decided to place all hints right here in the first post on this thread. This will hopefully keep it at the top of the General Discussion forum for the 10 days (or less) that the hunt takes. How are we gonna do that? We are going to post the clues right here in this first post this but they'll be the same color as the page. So, if you want to read them, you'll have to highlight the text with your cursor. Each will have a date and time on it as well. Click and drag below on the area just right of "Example:" to see what we mean. They've been moved to near the top of this post so everybody can see them!

<<====================UPDATE 09 FEB 2008 5:59pm CST======================>>
The treasure hunt is live!!! Good luck everyone. The first hint drops tomorrow at a random time. Subscribe to the thread if you need immediate notification.

01-29-2008, 11:46 PM
Sweet. Check the site out, it's real cool.

01-29-2008, 11:51 PM

Sounds like a BLAST!


01-29-2008, 11:58 PM
Good stuff....can't wait...

01-30-2008, 01:35 AM
Looking forward to it! And may the best Stormbringer, err, I mean player, win.

Therick, Ricardia, Merricka, etcetera

01-30-2008, 10:20 AM
Awesome! I can't wait. :D

01-30-2008, 10:47 AM
I'm there!

EDIT: I need you guys to do some graphics for my contests. I love the picture you have up here.

01-30-2008, 02:30 PM
EDIT: I need you guys to do some graphics for my contests. I love the picture you have up here.

Yaga, thanks for the kind words. Clanky (that's me) does all of the graphics stuff. I am no professional by any stretch and stick to cartoons. If you are looking for some cheeseball cartoons (like the ones up there) to advertise for any one of your many splendiforus contests, I can hook you up. Drawing something takes me about 3 minutes. Scanning/coloring that bit takes me a bit longer. I am red/green colorblind, so I have to have Lessah standing there saying,"No, no, no, no! What are you, colorblind?!?" Breaking the traced bits into articulating graphics and animating (as you will see in the Treasure Hunt), takes loads longer.

Drop me a private message and we'll get the ball rolling. Now do the Clankydance!


01-30-2008, 04:12 PM
Looks awesome i cant wait for it to come live

Thanks for your time and effort !!!!

01-30-2008, 05:43 PM
Is it a typo that the timing page it shows 02/09/2007 as the start date? and if so, do you usually apply tense to your typos? I would expect it to read: "This contest will begin on..." as opposed to "This contest Began...'

I don't mean to nag, I'll be participating for sure. But it looks funny to me, and I got nobody esle to point it out to...

01-30-2008, 07:05 PM
Is it a typo that the timing page it shows 02/09/2007 as the start date? and if so, do you usually apply tense to your typos? I would expect it to read: "This contest will begin on..." as opposed to "This contest Began...'
I don't mean to nag, I'll be participating for sure. But it looks funny to me, and I got nobody esle to point it out to...

I always apply tense to my typos! Hmmmm. But if you look closely at the page......right.....about......now.......um....... now....I mean...NOW! You'll see that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Timing section of the webpage. It falls in line exactly with what you said, SerTorn. So, I'm not even sure what you may or may not have been talking about.

01-31-2008, 12:26 AM
I always apply tense to my typos! Hmmmm. But if you look closely at the page......right.....about......now.......um....... now....I mean...NOW! You'll see that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Timing section of the webpage. It falls in line exactly with what you said, SerTorn. So, I'm not even sure what you may or may not have been talking about.

I have to give all props to Clankenbeard! He has been working so hard on this thing. I hope the Real Life loot we have compiled is juicy enough to grab your attention. 60-day & 30-day game cards respectively, and THREE decks of many things and dice to go with it. Oh yeah, a DDO T-shirt is in there too. In a weird way, I hope Kashka Koolwater wins so she can have her shirt back... in another weird way I hope the person who wins offers the shirt as a prize in another contest. ((it will become the stuff of legends))

Don't dissapoint me DDO community! DO THE MATH!!!

01-31-2008, 01:21 AM
Seriously, this is really cool. Been checking things out, gonna discuss on this weekend's podcast. Having fun with mod 6. Got ask the devs coming for this weekend! I tell ya - can I be having a better time?!?! No! Seriously, this is my week and I'm diggin' it....

01-31-2008, 12:18 PM
I promise that if I win the T-Shirt it will become the prize for another contest just to keep the tradition alive.

01-31-2008, 06:32 PM
kewl idea, and really great that it's available to all, no matter what server they play on ;)

01-31-2008, 06:44 PM

i'm in!

01-31-2008, 07:45 PM
This sounds great, I'm really looking forward to it.

01-31-2008, 08:11 PM
I'm definitely in on this, and congrats on the Thread of the Week!

02-01-2008, 09:41 AM
...are we there yet? http://home.att.net/~cdbd3rd/wellumm.gif

......are we there YET!? http://home.att.net/~cdbd3rd/smile.gif

....*sigh* patience never was one of my virtues...:rolleyes:

02-01-2008, 09:55 AM
Awesome! Looking forward to this.

02-01-2008, 10:07 AM
sweet im in fo sure

02-01-2008, 06:30 PM
Simply brilliant!
Is it time now?

What about now?

OK, what about NOW?

(And congrats also on the TOTW win. I hope Lessah was not forgotten when it came to handing out those game cards oh DDO staff. Considering what they are offereing, that would be ironic indeed!)

[See you roleplayers online!]

02-02-2008, 09:09 AM

Clank.. Lessah..

Take 30 minutes a day and revive Wandering Monsters!
That was some seriously funny stuff!

Uh.. think of it like exercise.. Burning mental calories? uh.. Just do it. (Swoosh)

02-02-2008, 01:17 PM

Clank.. Lessah..

Take 30 minutes a day and revive Wandering Monsters!
That was some seriously funny stuff!

Uh.. think of it like exercise.. Burning mental calories? uh.. Just do it. (Swoosh)


TYVM! We have .. I wanna say three or four episodes that have been written. The issue with that is it takes quite an investment in time to do one. That would be ok, but between DDO and our overtime schedules, we kinda gave it up. The other thing I have noticed is that time has no meaning to the truely creative... that is Clanky, he's the artist. He draws all the characters and the scenes by hand, scan them and then traces them in flash, hacks them up so he can make individual parts move... It's a pretty cool process actually, it's just time consuming.

Hey, talk him into quitting his job so he can just animate all day long!

02-03-2008, 09:54 PM
loved wandering monsters.

going to love the scavenger hunt!

of these, love is the greatest, but wandering monsters and the scavenger hunt come in a close second!

looking forward to it!

02-04-2008, 01:31 PM
This is going to be fun.

Clank, Lessah, you are both fantastic for this game and for the community.

Clankie... can I have your autograph?? That's all I really want if I win *wink*

02-06-2008, 04:37 PM
Great event idea! I am linking this on our guild forum. :)
I really liked Wandering Monsters, too. I showed it to our 9 year old son and he watched all the episodes.

Great job!

02-06-2008, 11:00 PM
Great event idea! I am linking this on our guild forum. :)
I really liked Wandering Monsters, too. I showed it to our 9 year old son and he watched all the episodes.

Great job!

Thank you very much A(rmy)O(f)D(arkness)(Farenheit)451(Car)54! We have not given up on that site. Look for more from it once the MATH is done. Oh crud! Now I've done it. Now Lessah is gonna read this and I'll have to do it. Dangit! She called "No Takebacks!"

02-08-2008, 10:22 PM
Just a quick reminder that the Hunt is on at 6PM CST tommorrow! Bring yer good diggin' tools! Not that you'll need 'em right away. Nobody'll be solving this baby for at least three days. You'll trip and fall flat on your Clue #8. Mark my words! Mark 'em with a sharpie.

02-09-2008, 10:47 AM
8 hours, 13 minutes... :D

02-09-2008, 07:01 PM
one minute pass 7pm central.. :O

02-09-2008, 07:04 PM
one minute pass 7pm central.. :O

The hunt is afoot!

02-09-2008, 07:08 PM
great I probably failed the first test. why? cause i dont see any clues or anyway to get a clue or any answer page. am I blind or just a weee bit to eager to get going?

DOH!!!!! this is over a few days or more? and not a few hour event?

awww man, I really should start reading all the rules and not just look at the pretty pictures. I dont have time for a multi-day event, and I was so looking forward to this. good luck to the winners though ;)

02-09-2008, 07:17 PM
nvm. :o

02-09-2008, 07:23 PM
Are "hints" the same as "riddles"? It says there are 10 riddles....but you said first "hint" will drop tomorrow?
*Salina scratches her head in confusion*

I don't see the first riddle anywhere.....:confused:

02-09-2008, 07:32 PM
Found the first riddle, but it doesn't like my answer :( Guess i'll have to wait for the hints...

02-09-2008, 07:40 PM
great I probably failed the first test. why? cause i dont see any clues or anyway to get a clue or any answer page. am I blind or just a weee bit to eager to get going?

DOH!!!!! this is over a few days or more? and not a few hour event?

awww man, I really should start reading all the rules and not just look at the pretty pictures. I dont have time for a multi-day event, and I was so looking forward to this. good luck to the winners though ;)

A good rogue would have already figured out that just getting to the answer page is a riddle all by itself!!!!
Start CLicking!

02-09-2008, 07:45 PM
Are "hints" the same as "riddles"? It says there are 10 riddles....but you said first "hint" will drop tomorrow?
*Salina scratches her head in confusion*

I don't see the first riddle anywhere.....:confused:

the hints are for the slow people only....

we are hoping most of you are top notch!
you could solve it tonight if you are able to figure everything out!

02-09-2008, 07:46 PM
the hints are for the slow people only....

we are hoping most of you are top notch!
you could solve it tonight if you are able to figure everything out!

Would that I could but number two isn't kind to me *bashes head*

02-09-2008, 07:47 PM
Would that I could but number two isn't kind to me *bashes head*

this is not a hint!
#2 is a cryptex ala The DaVinci Code

02-09-2008, 08:01 PM
this is not a hint!
#2 is a cryptex ala The DaVinci Code

Good fun with this :)

02-09-2008, 08:16 PM
Are "hints" the same as "riddles"? It says there are 10 riddles....but you said first "hint" will drop tomorrow? *Salina scratches her head in confusion*
I don't see the first riddle anywhere.....:confused:

I can see the confusion. Here's some stuff you need to know:

1. You have to click on the page to make the Flash object active. I think everyone knows this because it's the same on almost all Flash-based sites. But just in case... if you see the greyish rectangle around the page, then you have to click it before you get to click on stuff IN the page. Kid's stuff, but bears mentioning.

2. The "riddles" or "clues" are the things on the Answer Page. When you open the site, you do not see the Answer Page. The last two sentences immediately above Clank and Lessah's heads on the website say "Nothing is off limits so pay close attention to every detail. To prove this point, you have to figure out how to get to the Answer Page on your own."

3. The "hints" are going to be text that we type into this thread twice daily to help people along at solving the riddles. Why so infrequently? Because the people who really want to work through the treasure hunt can do so without ANY hints at all. They should be rewarded for their cleverness and should not have to wait on the hints to finish.

People HAVE found the Answer Page already. We have gotten tells from folks telling us they are stuck on riddle #2 already. Our beta testers found it in 20-90 seconds. It is the easiest thing about the treasure hunt. Clank and Lessah are reasonably clever people and know that the general DDo populace are as well. If it were too easy, it wouldn't be "A Mother". In any event, we will pretty much tell you how to get to the Answer Page tomorrow morning.

02-09-2008, 08:33 PM
:( We're (DH and I) are 98% sure we know the first riddle answer - but we're obviously not typing it JUST right.

Talk about being "lawfully idiotic"

02-09-2008, 08:38 PM
This is fun! Thanks for the clarifications!


02-09-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm still an idiot in regards to number two unfortunately.

02-09-2008, 08:51 PM
:( We're (DH and I) are 98% sure we know the first riddle answer - but we're obviously not typing it JUST right.

Talk about being "lawfully idiotic"

Took me a while too...all I can say is, when you're pretty sure you're right, just keep trying. Eventually you'll find the permutation the computer is looking for.

02-09-2008, 08:56 PM
Number four is killing me - anyone there yet? AAARRGH!:confused:

02-09-2008, 08:56 PM
I'm messing with the second one now! But hubby is actually playing the game and too busy to help me (I'm new to the game).

02-09-2008, 08:57 PM
A good rogue would have already figured out that just getting to the answer page is a riddle all by itself!!!!
Start CLicking!

DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! that is so awesome. thanks for the hint :D

on to number two ^.^

see I told you clank, I tend to over think things ;)

02-09-2008, 09:14 PM
Number four is killing me - anyone there yet? AAARRGH!:confused:

I feel for you!
I am also proud of you!

02-09-2008, 09:16 PM
wow Im still on number two.

congrats on number 4 :)

02-09-2008, 09:46 PM
Still on number 4. :(

02-09-2008, 09:52 PM
Took me a while too...all I can say is, when you're pretty sure you're right, just keep trying. Eventually you'll find the permutation the computer is looking for.

Yes. Clanky isn't smart enough to parse out every possible possibility. But, in light of this feedback, I have allowed the first answer to be one word or two. Plus I threw in some minor capitalization possibilities here and there throughout the whole answer set.

02-09-2008, 09:55 PM
We're on number three!

02-09-2008, 10:10 PM
Lessah got a tell this evening from Kashka_Coolwater informing us that nothing was clickable on the website. Of course we didn't believe her because we are infallible. But guess what? We falled. We worked through the problem and she was kind enough not to say "I told you so." So here's the problem:

:( PROBLEM: Firefox did not recognize the original versions of the website properly. Clickable stuff did not register properly as clickable. Specifically, the House symbols at the top of the Home Page. (D'oh!)

:) SOLUTION: We upgraded the Flash Player version to 7.0 and the Actionscript version to 2.0 for the SWF file. Booooring. This fixed the problem.

;) WHAT DO YOU DO?: Well, there are two scenarios:
A: If you are loading the page any time after reading this, Firefox should treat it fine and work properly.

B: If you loaded it previously and couldn't click them, you may have to go into the Firefox options and clear your temporary files. This erases the information your browser currently "remembers" on your local hard drive and forces it to load the corrected files again from our site.
Sorry for the oversight and the tears of frustration. Wow. I'm glad I don't do this for a living. I now have tons more respect for the Devs and will never speak their name in vain.

02-09-2008, 10:18 PM
Dammit! You mean I'm winning only because I was the only guy who's internet browser actually worked? I knew it was too good to be true!

02-09-2008, 10:24 PM
Woot! Question 6!

02-09-2008, 10:38 PM
Ugh! Still on three - hubby got frustrated and went to bed. Hubby left me his toon to play with since I'm only a level two and would have to pay to get past the harbor.

02-09-2008, 10:41 PM
number 4 with two of my friends, and phaeron is doing most of the work >.<

02-09-2008, 11:39 PM
Number 9. Starting to break a sweat!

02-09-2008, 11:48 PM
Number 9. Starting to break a sweat!

Kindoki! Dang. You are seriously skilled.

EVERYBODY!: We found another error in the site about 10 minutes ago. There was a bad pointer in there. Everybody refresh your browser window! Otherwise you may enter the answer for clue #10 and you get no direction as to where to go. Plus, you don't get to see the fabulous end animation.

That should fix the problem. If not, please delete your Temporary Internet Files form your browser and reload the page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

02-09-2008, 11:50 PM
heh, my team doesnt believe your on number 9, mainly cause we are stuck on number 5 >.<

02-10-2008, 12:06 AM
heh, my team doesnt bleive your on number 9, mainly cause we are stuck on nunber 5 >.<

Do NOT give up hope, even if exceedingly clever guy there completes the hunt, I have TEN PRIZES to give away!


True... only the grand prize has the DDO t-shirt in it, but 2nd and 3rd arent bad!
dont quit!
I need ten!

02-10-2008, 12:25 AM
Many props on the website...funny stuff!!

02-10-2008, 12:33 AM
Do NOT give up hope, even if exceedingly clever guy there completes the hunt, I have TEN PRIZES to give away!


True... only the grand prize has the DDO t-shirt in it, but 2nd and 3rd arent bad!
dont quit!
I need ten!

hey, my one team member wants the deck of many things XD

02-10-2008, 12:51 AM
edited for clarification later.....

02-10-2008, 01:04 AM
Well, it took seven of us, five hours, but we worked hard and we were triumphant. As a group we have decided to share one prize, which we will recycle as soon as we get our own event off the ground. Congratulations to Lessah and Clankenbeard who created a spectacular event!


Our group was:

Awnoo - thanks for planning this little group - and sorry you missed the picture!

02-10-2008, 01:08 AM
I must be thinking to much about these....or I just suck....:(

02-10-2008, 01:12 AM
Don't despair those still working on this. Except for some random bits of luck, our group would need medication to stop our heads twitching right about now!

02-10-2008, 01:13 AM
Congrats guys!

I guess I'm going to have to wait until the clues for Question #3... too hard for the newbie here.

I will keep plugging at it though.

~ Granuaile (Hellmutts aka Spookykids wife)

02-10-2008, 01:17 AM
Congrats guys!

I guess I'm going to have to wait until the clues for Question #3... too hard for the newbie here.

I will keep plugging at it though.

~ Granuaile (Hellmutts aka Spookykids wife)

Yeah... I've found what I 'think' 3 is referring to... but now I feel like I'm playing a syntax game.

I'm probably just wrong though.

02-10-2008, 01:28 AM
Well, it took seven of us, five hours, but we worked hard and we were triumphant. As a group we have decided to share one prize, which we will recycle as soon as we get our own event off the ground. Congratulations to Lessah and Clankenbeard who created a spectacular event!


Our group was:

Awnoo - thanks for planning this little group - and sorry you missed the picture!

It's true. They bested The Hunt! Leave it to the PermaDeathers to work smart and in teams. Although they are lying about the time it took--it was really 4 hours. Great job guys and gals! We never thought that it would be solved in less than a day. But we are very happy to see the big prize go out for another online event! Sweet!

These folks showed true class about it too! We were perfectly willing to give them prizes 1-7 as there was no stipulation about working in teams. But they waved it off and praised us for a quality fun event. Way to go ya smarties at Deathwatch Guard!

NOW! I've got 9 more prizes for tha rest o' ya! Who wants 'em?

02-10-2008, 01:32 AM
lovin it. stuck on 3 though.

02-10-2008, 02:01 AM
I must be thinking to much about these....or I just suck....:(

I feel the same way

02-10-2008, 03:43 AM
It's true. They bested The Hunt! Leave it to the PermaDeathers to work smart and in teams. Although they are lying about the time it took--it was really 4 hours. Great job guys and gals! We never thought that it would be solved in less than a day. But we are very happy to see the big prize go out for another online event! Sweet!

These folks showed true class about it too! We were perfectly willing to give them prizes 1-7 as there was no stipulation about working in teams. But they waved it off and praised us for a quality fun event. Way to go ya smarties at Deathwatch Guard!

NOW! I've got 9 more prizes for tha rest o' ya! Who wants 'em?

Thank you for the good words and congrats to the team that won! Just one thing, we're not all Permadeath. We try to fill playspaces for people who may not have any where else to play the way they want to (guild has folded, left game and came back--maybe to find server and friends gone, or been unceremoniously kicked out on their own). To that end, we run roleplaying, permadeath, loot-whoring, and powergaming groups all under our big DWG banner. Just so happens, we're the only ones doing Permadeath on Khyber, atm. (At least as far as any of us know)

02-10-2008, 06:01 AM
I am most impressed with your hard work. Clank and Lessah you guys did the most awesomest job and I hope that the response shows it.

I am looking forward to any future events you guys do.

Thank you for putting such an awesome effort forth. By the way if Turbine approaches 'just say no.' We need more events like this!

BTW Points DeWay completed the list in around 5 hours of off and on work, with a little help from a few friends. Thanks Z, V, and L. I love you all... but I'm keeping the loots...

02-10-2008, 10:30 AM
Clank and Lessah, that thing was a *lot* of fun. Congrats to the winners so far! Aribell and I completed it in about 4 hours or so, with more than one mumble and grumble in frustration; it was a blast!

Good luck to the rest of the winners, looks like third is still up for grabs! Keep at it guys!

P.S. Watch out for those Superior Potency VI pills, I hear they make you go blind.

02-10-2008, 10:32 AM
First, my hat is off to the two groups of winners! You are more persistant than I. :) Now, for those of us still trying to solve this beast...
this is not a hint!
#2 is a cryptex ala The DaVinci CodeOk, feel free to call me stupid. But, what do we do with a cryptex with no riddle?

02-10-2008, 12:25 PM
Ugh! Clue 3 is driving me crazy...:p
Good job to those that completed this already.
Mother (@#%^#@) of All Treasure Hunts indeed!

Seriously though, great event Clankenbeard and Lessah! It must have taken alot of work putting this together. :)

02-10-2008, 12:32 PM
Awesome contest! If I weren't currently on very strong opiates, I may have had a chance at failing miserably, but instead I couldn't evern get off the ground. The page was really fun to stare at. Colors, cartoons, YAY!! :D

02-10-2008, 12:42 PM
First, my hat is off to the two groups of winners! You are more persistant than I. :) Now, for those of us still trying to solve this beast...Ok, feel free to call me stupid. But, what do we do with a cryptex with no riddle?

Great job, from me as well, to the winners.

But Mad, you and I can feel stupid together. I've looked around for a riddle to go with it, but I can't find one. I've tried a variety of words, all which have been shot down. . . I've spent at least an hour just turning the little dials around. :x I won't add in how much time I've spent looking up information on Eberron and markings and houses, and the list goes on.


02-10-2008, 12:44 PM
I am most impressed with your hard work. Clank and Lessah you guys did the most awesomest job and I hope that the response shows it.

.... By the way if Turbine approaches 'just say no.' We need more events like this!..

Awesome contest! If I weren't currently on very strong opiates, I may have had a chance at failing miserably, but instead I couldn't evern get off the ground. The page was really fun to stare at. Colors, cartoons, YAY!! :D

TYVM for the kind words, and do not worry.
Davey, you will just have to watch for those giveaway clues brother!

Good Job So far guys!
Even after I get my winners, the website stays up for a year. Feel free to do the hunt as a guild event or something like that.
ALSO: Clankenbeard posts his hints in the origional post of this thread. You have to use your mouse to highlight the text to see it. He posted the clue on how to get to the Answerpage already.

If we get really good feedback , we will probably do another event like this.

02-10-2008, 02:03 PM
TYVM for the kind words, and do not worry.
Davey, you will just have to watch for those giveaway clues brother!

Good Job So far guys!
Even after I get my winners, the website stays up for a year. Feel free to do the hunt as a guild event or something like that.
ALSO: Clankenbeard posts his hints in the origional post of this thread. You have to use your mouse to highlight the text to see it. He posted the clue on how to get to the Answerpage already.

If we get really good feedback , we will probably do another event like this.

Lessah is like a rock star.........

02-10-2008, 02:21 PM
Woot, my team is on #6. :)

02-10-2008, 02:22 PM
still stuck on 3....

02-10-2008, 02:52 PM
We're stuck on #4.....

02-10-2008, 04:27 PM
Done! Go Prophets of Velah superteam. :) It took 4 Wizards and a Dwarven Fighter, but we got it @ 4:15pm EST.

Mad_Bombardier (as Pyropus the Wizard)

02-10-2008, 05:55 PM
Done! Go Prophets of Velah superteam. :) It took 4 Wizards and a Dwarven Fighter, but we got it @ 4:15pm EST.

Mad_Bombardier (as Pyropus the Wizard)

Confirmed! Mad_Bombadier's group did indeed complete all 10 riddles which netted them Third Prize. Official receipt of finishing e-mail was at 2:18 CST. Huzzah!

Sneaking in for Second Prize last night was Points Deway (iscifi here on the forums) at 3:19 CST. Double Huzzah for him!


Incidentally, the folks finishing have been very, very kind in their pointing out little flaws here and there (which made it through beta). Like maybe I can't tell the difference between 6 and 7. Or maybe I think "drooling" is spelled "drueling". Or maybe Clankenbeard isn't a level 13 Cleric anymore. Thanks for understanding. Hey Devs! If you made your game free, people might treat you this nice too! :D

02-10-2008, 07:19 PM
Keep working on them guys... There is a lot more cool fun past two and three...

Don't give up. Never give up! Never surrender!

I was so tired this morning trying to get through it. My brain was mush from pounding it on my keyboard...

Pay attention to the clues, each word has significance... My favorite clue was... oops! That would be telling.

Sorry, don't mean to tease. As Lessah says in one of her replies... "Come on, you know this."

Have fun with it. Find a friend and share ideas. I was helped over some of my hurdles because I was looking too closely or needed a fresh perspective. It is an awesome sense of accomplishment when you finish, because you know it is tough but you struggled through and overcame.

Press on my friends. Victory is within reach.

-Points DeWay

02-11-2008, 10:48 AM
Keep working on them guys... There is a lot more cool fun past two and three...

Don't give up. Never give up! Never surrender!

I was so tired this morning trying to get through it. My brain was mush from pounding it on my keyboard...

Pay attention to the clues, each word has significance... My favorite clue was... oops! That would be telling.

Sorry, don't mean to tease. As Lessah says in one of her replies... "Come on, you know this."

Have fun with it. Find a friend and share ideas. I was helped over some of my hurdles because I was looking too closely or needed a fresh perspective. It is an awesome sense of accomplishment when you finish, because you know it is tough but you struggled through and overcame.

Press on my friends. Victory is within reach.

-Points DeWay

So true! I think the most important thing is attention to detail. Some of these clues will be like slicing bread - after you have it in hand, you will think "Why the heck didn't I think of that before?" Best of luck to all the teams still out there working!

02-11-2008, 11:04 AM
Impatiently waiting on hints to Riddle #8.....errr I mean patiently waiting. :o

I think I am making this one harder than it actually is.

02-11-2008, 02:27 PM
Impatiently waiting on hints to Riddle #8.....errr I mean patiently waiting. :o

I think I am making this one harder than it actually is.

No. You're not. That one is hard. Especially the third letter! The rest you can pick off the map pretty easy once you figure out what you're supposed to be doing.

02-11-2008, 02:44 PM
No. You're not. That one is hard. Especially the third letter! The rest you can pick off the map pretty easy once you figure out what you're supposed to be doing.

I'll agree with this. Number 8 was seriously hard. I'll confess that I went to Points on this one, just to confirm that I was finally on the right track since I'd been beating my head against it trying a few other things before I stumbled onto the right approach.

Overall, though, this thing was a total blast! Thanks again to Clank and Lessah for putting it together.

02-11-2008, 05:48 PM
Well, there's a new tab at http://www.DDoHunt.com with the winners listed. There's a link to the screenshot by (<4hrs) Team Deathwatch which I blatantly stole and parked on the site. Take THAT Photobucket!

If anybody sees any typos on there regarding their Character Name or Forum Name please send Clankenbeard a private message here on the forums and I'll fix it up pronto. I made the mistake of asking for your Forum Name and now realize I have no way to properly match that up with your character name from any screenshots. Some people don't even have forum names. I know. I know. I was shocked as well.

Awnoo, since you apparently organized the Deathwatch Guard team, it seems a shame that you are not in the picture. You get honorable mention in it, but you are not there. Send me a pic or a link and I'll photoshop you in bigger than everybody else. :D

Keep hunting guys. At 4 hints/day (that should net you 2 riddles/day), I expect to see everybody done inside of 4 more days. That means we'll have lots of WanderingMonster keychains (read: Honorable Badge of Ridiculously Awesome Cleverness) to mail out. Lessah! Go buy more stamps!

02-11-2008, 11:14 PM
Whee! I made the list! Clank, if you want character names for consistancy, you can list me as Jinna Starsinger, bard and mistress of riddles.
Okay, I guess you don't have to add that last part...

02-12-2008, 12:42 AM
Well, there's a new tab at http://www.DDoHunt.com with the winners listed. There's a link to the screenshot by (<4hrs) Team Deathwatch which I blatantly stole and parked on the site. Take THAT Photobucket!

If anybody sees any typos on there regarding their Character Name or Forum Name please send Clankenbeard a private message here on the forums and I'll fix it up pronto. I made the mistake of asking for your Forum Name and now realize I have no way to properly match that up with your character name from any screenshots. Some people don't even have forum names. I know. I know. I was shocked as well.

Awnoo, since you apparently organized the Deathwatch Guard team, it seems a shame that you are not in the picture. You get honorable mention in it, but you are not there. Send me a pic or a link and I'll photoshop you in bigger than everybody else. :D

Keep hunting guys. At 4 hints/day (that should net you 2 riddles/day), I expect to see everybody done inside of 4 more days. That means we'll have lots of WanderingMonster keychains (read: Honorable Badge of Ridiculously Awesome Cleverness) to mail out. Lessah! Go buy more stamps!

Thanks Clankenbeard! Awnoo (and I as well actually) crashed just as we were getting the last clue. I crashed before the last clue, so I had to log back in, and she crashed after the last clue, so she just wrapped for the night. We will definitely get our team back together for a new picture with her included and get it to you!

02-12-2008, 12:53 AM
Well, there's a new tab at http://www.DDoHunt.com with the winners listed. There's a link to the screenshot by (<4hrs) Team Deathwatch which I blatantly stole and parked on the site. Take THAT Photobucket!

If anybody sees any typos on there regarding their Character Name or Forum Name please send Clankenbeard a private message here on the forums and I'll fix it up pronto. I made the mistake of asking for your Forum Name and now realize I have no way to properly match that up with your character name from any screenshots. Some people don't even have forum names. I know. I know. I was shocked as well.

Awnoo, since you apparently organized the Deathwatch Guard team, it seems a shame that you are not in the picture. You get honorable mention in it, but you are not there. Send me a pic or a link and I'll photoshop you in bigger than everybody else. :D

Keep hunting guys. At 4 hints/day (that should net you 2 riddles/day), I expect to see everybody done inside of 4 more days. That means we'll have lots of WanderingMonster keychains (read: Honorable Badge of Ridiculously Awesome Cleverness) to mail out. Lessah! Go buy more stamps!

Yes sir!
& I will do so with a smile on my face!

****Sergeant Mode Activated***


1.) What went right?

2.) What went wrong?

3.) What could be done better?

4.) Should we do another event like this in the future say... Pre-GenCon 2008?

My answers:
1.) Loads Of Peeps enjoyed the hunt! The Website will stay up so more people can try the "HUNT" for fun and watch the End game cartoon that Clanky spent hours and hours animating.

2.) There were a couple of errors we did not catch in beta-testing that threw some folks off.

3.) Have the event over and done with in one 24-hr gaming period, less work that way...

4.) I think yes, depends on the rest of the feedback we get. (I loved giving out loot!)

****Sergeant Mode Deactivated****

Overall, I think it went very well, and I definately wouldn't mind doing it again.
Cheers everyone and thanks for playing!

02-12-2008, 02:00 PM
I'm very impressed with everyone's forbearance so far in not posting any spoilers. From one of the more slow-going puzzle-lovers, thanks :)

02-12-2008, 08:56 PM
First of all. just want to say this has been a blast and my hat off to clanken and lessah for putting this together....my question is, now
that the top prizes are done are you not giving out clues for the other riddles......i have this undying need to complete everything i start....
if not thats cool i will keep at it until i get it....but im horribly stuck on number 6 although im sure the answer will hit me like a 2 ton warhammer
and i'll feel like an idiot not getting it sooner, a hint would help prevent bleeding from the ears and possibly my monitor from flying uncontrollably
out the window......thanks again for all the work you put into this you guys....your truly are a viable asset to the ddo community.


02-12-2008, 09:59 PM
He said he was going to put up 4 hints, maybe more, a day. Maybe something came up today. *shrugs*
I know we have been having connection issues with our DSL.

I have to finish this too! Almost there. :D

02-12-2008, 10:25 PM
....my question is, now that the top prizes are done are you not giving out clues for the other riddles....
We are religiously (and not just cause I'm a cleric) placing 4 clues a day up to help everyone with the sticky bits. Today was rough for the Clank because my real-life job and a case of the flu kept me busy enough that I couldn't post the two morning clues this morning. My sincerest apologies.

He said he was going to put up 4 hints, maybe more, a day. Maybe something came up today. *shrugs*
I know we have been having connection issues with our DSL.
Oh yeah, and I also didn't get the clues out on time because AoD45154's DSL was down. That was the real problem.

We are still taking names and mailing addresses for keychains and putting names on the Winners Page. Points Deway gets his picture up there looking all stealthy and cool. Mad_Bombardier can have the same if he'll send me a freakin' screenshot. We are still very dedicated to our monster. So keep hunting. Cartoon Lessah and Clank open a chest at the end and engage in witty reparte that everyone should see.

And now a short poem by Clankenbead:
I hope that's /bow as in "bend at the waist"
And not the /bow where I'm shot in the face

02-13-2008, 03:52 AM
"Thanks for the pic post Clank. I was up all night and ... oh well... right... your half of the loot is in the mail... nah, you can trust me (said the man in the mask...)"

Seriously though, I am still blown away at the work, and professionalism, but mostly the work you guys did on this. Huzzah! Keep it up.

-Points DeWay

02-13-2008, 12:20 PM
Mad_Bombardier can have the same if he'll send me a freakin' screenshot.I'm workin' on it already... It's hard when my team plays different days of the week at different times. We just happened to all be on Sunday day to participate in the hunt! :)

02-13-2008, 07:53 PM
you can list me as Jinna Starsinger, bard and mistress of riddles.
Done and Done. But there wasn't much room, so you have to mouse over it to see your title. :D

02-14-2008, 03:33 AM
Finshed, phew - only needed clues for the middle 6 8)

Well done, glad I had a pendant of time for all the running around:D

02-14-2008, 06:01 PM
hrm, just started doing this about 7 minutes ago, and #4 is aggrivating...and NO, I will NOT use the hints...

02-14-2008, 06:16 PM
Yay, finally finished, and got in ahead of the final hint (barely).

Thank you guys for a truly awesome event, keep up the good work :)

Wish I knew how to do that invisible text thing so I could post feedback without giving spoilers to those who are still working on it ;)

02-14-2008, 06:18 PM
hrm, just started doing this about 7 minutes ago, and #4 is ****ing me off...and NO, I will NOT use the hints...

Welcome aboard and good luck Krom. See if you can beat 3hrs 55minutes. It won't get you anything but a keychain, but YOU'LL know. And that's what really matters.

Everybody else! The last set of hints for Riddle #10 goes up tonight around 8pm CST. But, there is no reason you should have to use them. The last two riddles were purposefully easier than most of the rest. BUT, there's a bit of a twist to #10, as you can't just waltz up to it for the answer. Blame Lessah for this one! :eek:

02-14-2008, 06:45 PM
hrm, just started doing this about 7 minutes ago, and #4 is aggrivating...and NO, I will NOT use the hints...

Ok, so I had it all along...just spelled it wrong the first time I guess.....thats more annoying than not being able to figure it out...

02-14-2008, 09:19 PM
Wish I knew how to do that invisible text thing so I could post feedback without giving spoilers to those who are still working on it ;)

This is how you do it! Type in:

(COLOR=#161616)The text you want to be invisible!(/COLOR)

...only use brackets [ ] instead of parentheses ( ). Hint away!

02-14-2008, 10:23 PM
Finished it, and the attention that it required to some of the smaller details of the landscape/background was great. Made me pause and look around again.

One query tho, for the loremasters from the beginning... Can anyone confirm that Aida from the wavecrest used to say that her friend was Scarlet, the little halfling... err... lady in 3-barrel cove? Seems to be tied into my memory that way for some reason, dunno why...

I hopped onto a different server and redid Aida's Necklace quest... Turbine changed the way the story goes (but only a little)... I like the way that Turbine decided to give new players the gem/collectable bag tho :)


Thelanis via Tharashk:D

02-15-2008, 12:01 AM
hmm, so after the first hour, got to question 6, left for a while, came back, in another 30 mins finished it. All without using a single hint.

You play DDO to much if..... (:

02-15-2008, 03:01 PM
It made my brain hurt but I did it! Woo lucky number 13!
Great contest you guys! I hope you guys do another one

02-15-2008, 03:11 PM
D@mn It! I Completely Forgot About This!!!!


02-15-2008, 03:53 PM
It made my brain hurt but I did it! Woo lucky number 13!
Great contest you guys! I hope you guys do another one
I am getting mixed signals here.

1. Do another contest.
2. "Death to fleshlings" signature

You really can't have it both ways Leaf. And wouldn't a "hurting brain" imply fleshlingness? You are on like three sides of one fence. :D Clanky solves puzzles too.

D@mn It! I Completely Forgot About This!!!!
Yaga! What more could we have done? We posted on the DDo Events calendar. Jerry interviewed us about it on the DDoCast two weeks ago. We advertised on the forums 10 days before it started. We made a commercial for last week's DDoCast (in which I personally "sang" to get your attention). Do we have to come to your house and do it for you? :D Oh well. You can't win anything uber now. But, you can still do it and get a keychain. Everything is still up and will be for some time. Stay clear of the hints at the begining of this thread if you can.

Lessah is bullying me into making another one before GenCon. But we have differing opinions. She says "It should be a one-day event and we should dumb it down for everybody. Possibly more clues, but definitely easier." I say it needs to be trickier because 4 hours is too quick to finish the dang thing. My logic is,"Only the clever people are going to go after this kind of thing anyways. You should not make it so easy that they just waltz through it or there is no fun." We'll see. What do you guys think?

02-15-2008, 04:24 PM
I am getting mixed signals here.

1. Do another contest.
2. "Death to fleshlings" signature

You really can't have it both ways Leaf. And wouldn't a "hurting brain" imply fleshlingness? You are on like three sides of one fence. :D Yes, Clankenbeard likes puzzles too.

You can't win anything uber now. But, you can still do it. Everything is still up and will be for some time.

Lessah is bullying me into making another one before GenCon. But we have differing opinions. She says "It should be a one-day event and we should dumb it down for everybody. Possibly more clues, but definitely easier." I say it needs to be trickier because 4 hours is too quick to finish the dang thing. My logic is,"Only the clever people are going to go after this kind of thing anyways. You should not make it so easy that they just waltz through it or there is no fun." We'll see. What do you guys think?

I think it should be harder. Lessah's just a softie. It should take at least one whole week to figure it out.

02-15-2008, 04:27 PM
First of all, thanks for putting this together, it was much fun. It made me notice alot of things in Stormreach and it gave me something to do besides kill things! Some days I just don't really feel like doing a quest.

I liked the fact that it wasn't confined to one day. With kids, jobs and everything else, it allowed us to complete it at our own pace.
I was amazed someone did it in 4 hours too, although it was a group of seven, which makes a difference.
Maybe set a size limit on groups solving it? :confused:

I can see Lessah's point too in making it easier for everybody. Some may have started this and got to a hard one and then just said, "heh, this is too hard, I'm going to kill things!"

1. Hold a one day event like "Mother of All Treasure Hunts for Dummies". (not meant as an insult :p, some people are better at puzzles/riddles than others)
2. Hold a longer event for advanced riddle/puzzle solvers.


02-15-2008, 09:21 PM
All right you rabble. All of the uber prizes are going out via UPS tomorrow morning. We'll mail the "badges of honor" as well to everybody that we have physical mailing addresses for. We made a mistake and in some cases cannot properly match up winner's forum names to their character names. But, here's the deal. The following people on the Winners page of the DDoHunt (http://www.DDoHunt.com/) website have not provided me with an actual e-mail address. Some have said they don't want anything, but maybe they are really just worried about phishy dwarves. Others may not know they have loot coming to them. If your name (in game or forum) is (in order of completion):

Cuff, Egmund, Haridin, Wyldeye, Aryl, Yolinda, Nklos, Icetongue, Arianrhod, Devoue, Aribell
Then you are owed keychain loot! Please send me an e-mail to the super secret "I finished The Hunt" e-mail with your mailing address in it. And we'll (read Lessah) send you your stuff!

Also, anybody who wants to switch their names from game to forum (or visa versa) on the DDoHunt website should also send proper info to the super secret e-mail address and i'll patch it up pronto. You did the work. You should get proper credit for it!

02-15-2008, 10:02 PM
WooHoo! You guys get bonus points for using UPS. Carry on.

02-21-2008, 08:42 AM

Just posting to let everybody know that all of the prizes have gone out to the folks that finished. Keychains were sent yesterday 02-20-08 via US Mail. Large prizes were mailed UPS on Monday 02-18-08.

We still have prizes left as only 31 people have actually finished (or reported that they have done so) and we're tracking the first 40 on the site. (This will be finishers 1-30 since there were a couple groups in there claiming one prize). Somebody else out there, step away from the Vale and do the MATH!

Thanks for playing everybody.

02-29-2008, 02:16 AM
Is this still open? The site is - but the contest itself? I got busy with guild stuff and didn't get back to this until I ran across the link in my browser


02-29-2008, 04:00 AM
All I know is I have been stuck on Number 4 for a week, even with the hints.

Beh I feel like a tard, I was in the wrong house..... now to number 5

5 and 6 done..... 7 sucks....... time to take a break from this before i lose a monitor or something...

finally got number 7, now i feel like a ******.

time for number 8.

03-03-2008, 09:18 AM
still trying to finish this lol.

I dont think #8 will be possible during this live event :(

03-03-2008, 10:55 AM
Woot beat it finally.... wowsers some of those were rough.

This was awesome. End movie is the Ubahs........

03-15-2008, 05:32 PM
Is this still open? The site is - but the contest itself? I got busy with guild stuff and didn't get back to this until I ran across the link in my browser

Jules! Yes, it is still open. The buzz has died down a ton, but we have prizes left for 7 more people. Not much for prizes--just Wandering Monster keychains, but you can still get your name on the Winners Page forevah!. I plan to keep the site open until I fill up to finisher #30. There have been more finishers than that, but some were in groups.

Best of luck! Sorry to be so long in getting back to you, but Clanky has been working like a dog in real life for the past 3 weeks.

03-15-2008, 05:42 PM
Woot beat it finally.... wowsers some of those were rough.

This was awesome. End movie is the Ubahs........

Congratulations on finishing! Yes the end movie is great. :)

03-15-2008, 10:52 PM
Congratulations on finishing! Yes the end movie is great. :)

All I can say about the end movie is wow.

01-08-2010, 03:46 AM
So...been nearly a year...how's it going?

03-26-2010, 07:47 PM
Given the recent change in the various Stomreach landscapes since this was originally developed.
Can it still be completed with the clues that are given in this thread and "Clankenbeards" website??
I have completed the first 3 clues but didn't want to waste my time and become frustrated if it is no longer doable.


03-28-2010, 02:05 PM
[COLOR="Blue"][B][B][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"] Given the recent change in the various Stomreach landscapes since this was originally developed.
Can it still be completed with the clues that are given in this thread and "Clankenbeards" website??
I have completed the first 3 clues but didn't want to waste my time and become frustrated if it is no longer doable.

Noir, I answered this in a personal message back to you. Number 4 is pretty rough. House D's is where you need to head for that one. And the geometry of that house did change up a little bit since the MATH. You can still get the clue I think.

The final clue is a bust. You had to go back to the new player starter area which used to begin on the docks with Trader Skipp. The answer to the quiz was found in a tavern called The Rook's Gambit. It is now gone. Sigh. Turbine shot us down.

I sent you a link to the end movie so you can skip the final clue.

11-26-2010, 02:25 AM
gj clackenbeard and lessah