View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Character Exporting
- ManyShot
- Bidding Error=Flushing 1yr down the can
- The New and Improved "Spells to Implement Next" Thread
- Rakshasas feeling a little under the weather?
- I can no longer recall or finish out of quests. Can't get any help from support
- Cabal of One: Disarm exceedingly hard traps = lose chest. Why?
- this may seem off topic
- New Named Item Ideas
- Don't Make the New Friends' List Worthless
- when will i be able to imp trip and stun red named bosses again?
- Maximize Finger of Death = BUG?
- Sick of distracting DM messages
- PETITION for full character Respec!!!!!!
- Get rid of Enhancements please, they've helped break the game! Use ACTION POINTS!
- Problem with ranged combat
- Moot Enhancement
- Please fix fire shield
- Big surprise: Another raid bug. :rolleyes:
- Does "Undeath to Death" work on anything?
- Low (3-6 Range?) Level 12 Man Instance/Quest?
- Character slots
- Rewriting Metamagic
- Proposal for some new Enhancements!
- Yet another server merge thread ! (but do read it, its interesting)
- Pack sizes and equipment loads
- Weekly Development Activities (June 18, 2007)
- Trap in "Cabal for One" on elite
- A suggestion for loot generation change
- Thoughts on Many Shot.
- Thought playing a rogue would be fun, it's not for me, idea to help change that
- This last weekend and my thoughts on DDO.
- Caster balance issues
- Current Updates on a DVD or CD
- About time to modify the Reaver Raid Notification
- Ogre Magi are AWESOME
- Changing servers
- Maximum bid of 20 items?
- Printout of characters
- Balancing End Rewards
- New content suggestion: three birds one stone
- Names: free up ones from old accounts or expand it please!
- Not cool turbine, please fix
- No hotfix release notes?
- PETITION: to make all raids repeatable like titan and stormreaver are already
- Enhancement Request: Sorc/Wiz/Ranger/Cleric/Pally/Bard Mental Toughness I-IV
- not another server merge thread
- Idea: making it easier to mail un-padlocked items
- Your "Wish List"?
- "Not on This Quest" Warning?
- Make Support Tickets Per Account
- Fixing The PVP Arenas
- My opinion, having missed a few months.
- When are orcs coming???
- Raid weapon loot
- Can we get the LOTRO AH?
- Prestige Classes as Enhancements
- Where do I post a thread for a new mission series idea?
- Player ideas
- I will never expect it...
- Troll ring of regen
- New Idea to generate Interest: Devs please read
- 1750 favor?? and then theirs nothing...
- Hall of the Mark Atmosphere
- Ideas For DDO
- Path of mortality:) have fun reading...
- Manyshot
- Relic armor and robes
- Ingame features I would like to see.
- red named boss immunities.....
- New trap types
- More simple raids
- Devs Dragon scale drops a question ????
- Something high level ddo is missing
- Ideas for the auction system
- Fix Paralyzing Last Gasp Blows
- Weapon Type: Defending
- From the Department of Redundancy Department?
- Dual Wielding
- If not mistaken, ...
- Slay Living, time for a change
- Better WF Food Petition
- Updated Game Maunal Includes Shimmy, Game Doesn't (Still)
- Magic Missile Doesn't 'Unerringly' Strike Anything
- Guild UI Suggestion
- Resistance Cloaks?
- Weekly Development Activities (June 25, 2007)
- And.. the game changes again fundamentally
- Raids
- Can we get live chat added to the forums?
- Two Weapon Figthing Nerfed and Underpowered Please Fix!
- Please implement Mystic Theurge
- Suggestion: Puzzle Change for the Color Blind
- Two things I'd like to see
- Hold Monster??????
- In Developement: New Spells and Enhancements for 4.2
- PVP...Paralyzing weapons...I am immune!
- Saranae's Visual Reference to Spells and Effects!
- Spell Point Increase for Clerics
- Warchanter
- Searchable box for the auction house?
- Permanent Damage To Items
- Trading items for items in game!! a myth?
- Create Undead is a sad dissapointment ((along with all the other summons imo))
- Fire Shield
- All NPC's are Elves?????????????
- Who gets the most kills! Frost weapons Steal the kill! GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
- New Spell suggestion.
- Humans, PnP vs. DDO
- Tome Use Accept Box
- New Armor Idea
- Blindness Immunity
- chest loot
- Next raid flagging
- Energy Substitution
- Go to 17 when you do it!
- Looking to Trade Tab
- Quest Philosophy: XP or Loot - Pick 1
- Suggestion: DPS Tabulator
- new race/class-lvl16/ balance
- "Body of War" spell
- Ideas for Fixing Necropolis
- Auction House Suggestion
- Very High graphics setting kick butt!!
- RAIDS today and then...
- New Creature Type needed: Deathless.
- RE: Tip #158
- Named Items
- Incorrect Tips
- Metamagic & FOD
- What did one cow say to the other...
- Moving an Enhance Idea Here
- Fix the Bar venders
- Spellsinger vs Warchanter
- Minor visual request - Guild MOTD
- Wanted: Practiced Spellcaster
- anti-paladin
- Good Bye WoW Hello DDO......
- cloudburst
- Some nice Paladin only lev 3/4 spells I'd like to see
- XP at the mid levels
- Running low level quests at high levels..
- Bug Report: Healing Scrolls Working Odd
- Addressing Medium and Light Armor utility
- New Song Durations
- Arcane Spell Failure and Seven-Fingered Gloves, a bug?
- Raid Quest Survey from a Raid Guild.
- Raid Loot & Morale
- Normal, Hard, Elite
- Banishing immunity
- Save Vs Trip? does it actually exist?
- Paladin Turn-Undead Bugged
- AH Search
- Aberrations?
- Alignment Restricted Spells
- my thoughts on 4.2 and all
- Suggestions for play.
- Charm Monster
- Thoughts from a player
- A New Type of Quest - The Arena
- Yup, Turn undead still useless
- Getting frustrated
- Undead NOT taking double damage
- warforged vs mindflayer
- Armor Class for non-fighters
- Weekly Development Activities (July 2, 2007)
- Action Points, Enhancements, and why things that used to stack don't anymore?
- Weekend Only Accounts
- Bard's Fascinate Question
- Napkin from reaver is bugged
- Monk??
- How about giving enemy clerics cool down for their heal spells
- UI Change: Full character sheet
- PvP???
- Reaver Raid Bug? Samera and Devs, Please read.
- Would it be great if we could learn how to use other weapons
- enemies running away != fun or challenging.
- Please don't take this wrong........
- NPC's
- A extra guild message window would be nice to have
- "Known Issues" suggestion
- Disruption is blunt only!
- Give Us Cloaks
- Give us armor Dyes
- Give us armor that we can modify
- Quest by level summary; lack of high-end content
- My ideas for improving/fixing DDO
- Please fix the "Grease" spell
- an idea for ddo
- Weapon sets.
- Kobold Assault
- Sorrowdusk
- Reset ransakes as apart of loot weekend
- Re-feat token will go away, beware!
- Forsaken Lands
- Pk
- Some Feats from Complete Adventurer
- where is the great 4.2 update?
- Powerleveling problems
- Earth Grab from 200 yards.
- Ranger Summoned Pets
- Guild Options
- Ideas-Team Leaders & Tavern Trainers
- Bracers of the Demon's Consort and Warforged. What do you think?
- racial weapons
- Pls Fix Toughness Respec
- Alignment Respec
- I wish my cloak and boots were visible!!
- Can Warforged get some loot equality?
- coupla quick ideas
- Randomize
- Can we please get a confirm button on AH buyout?
- Suggestion: Racial Spell Focus Enhancements
- Auction Items
- Please give us an arena
- Collectables, does anyone care? Is it a problem?
- Someone forget to switch the +1 loot to "ON"?
- Bound Items and You
- Fortification vs Vorpal
- Vamp and Vorpal
- Adding Assists to the Kill Count
- Alphabetical listing for quests!!!!!!!
- Minor Request: Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
- PoP Ice Room and Mephits
- Finesse Weapons
- Endgame is creeping into Vorpal-mania
- Armour Mastery Stacking
- Suggestion - Encumbrance
- +1 loot? lvl 17 chests.? who r u kidding
- Concentration checks for enemy casters.
- Thread in progress
- Weekly Development Activities (July 9, 2007)
- Seeker, Power Critical and Fighters Critical Accuracy
- Suggestion: Alignment changes
- Suggestion TRAPS
- The only thing in DDO that looks bad.
- Buying pp on the internet
- The 12
- New ideas post here
- Perform "use" ideas
- dev questions
- Does anyone remember Epic quests?
- Is this team ever going to fix the UI?
- Melee attacks on moving mobs
- Why no Ghost Touch armor?
- Quarion Respec Notice
- oh my god, the POP is gone!
- Suggestion for 'Anonymous'
- Gone like many others...
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