View Full Version : Druid
- The black wolf
- Flame blade and animal form
- Dragonscale and Crystal alchemical shield
- Having more fun than a druid ought to be allowed to have
- Cleave vs. natural fighting?
- Druid 19/Rogue 1: Stat and Skill Allocation?
- Medium Armor
- Critique my Drogonk
- Are Druids challenging and fun to play?
- Wooden staff with red augment slot with dr breaker augment and Shillelagh...
- Druid TR builds
- Sneaky drunk build
- Attaining 3 Past Life: Druid. What is the quickest way?
- Druid 18 / Monk 2 need help with build please...
- Niche Build Druid - Challenge Farmer
- Relationship of druiding and warforged body feats.
- Druid Wolf Monk
- 17 druid, 3 monk or 18 druid 2 monk?
- Wolf form and Weapon type question
- Thwing v6 - 17 Druid/2 Monk/1 Ranger
- 18 Druid 2 Monk TWF
- Soloing as a multiclass Druid/Rogue TR
- Cha druid in Draconic
- My Drogonk Second Life
- Returning player needs druid advice
- Pure Melee Druid Viable?
- Maximizing healing from hots...
- Shapeshifting: more drawbacks, fewer benefits
- Rearranging Gear on my pure druid
- Need advice on wolf melee form
- Icey Flowers or Ice Storm?
- Does anyone use wild empathy? whats the DC based on?
- Critique My 4th-Life Druid (Final Life)
- First Time Druid
- Xoriat summons cleave wolf pets!
- Help me. 12 Druid 3 Monk 2 Fighter
- Spring Resurgence dont heal friend
- Druid build for a newbie kid 12-15 years old.
- Druid Celerity
- New Enhancement - Seasoned - thoughts?
- Best druid weapon iyo
- Earthquake questions.
- Animal shapes: I still don't get it
- Druid Animal Form. Does weapon proficiency matter?
- wheres all of the caster druids?
- Druids & Resists
- Natural Fighting Feat
- BearClaw Build Thread
- The Green Juggernaut - Please critique
- Need some Druid help please!
- question about druid past life
- Do Brawling Gloves Work in Wolf Form?
- Druid transform animation rant
- Need feedback on sStaff build for U19
- Arcane Spell Failure Chance does it effect Druids?
- Animal form and TWF
- Something I've noticed about druid elemental forms and spell-casting in general....
- Is bear form viable?
- Druid and Shield Defensive Stance
- Druid SLA´s not working
- Druid Alpha Strike Requirements
- Caster any flaws ?
- Does Shifting Rake activate on Deception weapons?
- Ninja Wolves
- Weapon-specific enhancements in Animal form
- All Inclusive PDK Druid Juggernaut
- TWF feats now work with Wolf and Bear forms, is this wai?
- Oathbreaking
- Looking for a couple good builds for getting druid past lives.
- The Feral Cleric
- Recommended Past Lives for Druid
- Help me refine the build for my next life
- Druid and 2h-weapons
- Wolf Form Druid + Sleet Storm + True Seeing and Freedom of Movement.. VERY NICE!
- Does Force Spellpower affect Wolf/Bear form attack damage?
- Help With My Current Pure LVL20 Druid, Advice and Improvement.
- Newbie Druid
- New to TR mechanics
- Druid Improvements in 19.2
- Are 9th level druid spells some kind of cruel joke?
- Natural Evolution, a simplified wolf dps build
- Druid Wolf Build <---Please correct everything you see wrong
- My Druid Archer, the True Sylvan Warrior
- Quick driud TR x3
- does monk past life purchasable feat disciple of fist increase damage in animal form
- Some questions about druid and its mechanics. Also seeking advice on how to build one
- Issue with Wolf Pet quickbar abilities
- best mastery issue
- Druid Wolf + Thief Acrobat
- Druid spec viable
- Feat question for druid monk build
- Casting / melee / healing build possible?
- Gingerspyce's caster/healer/quasi-tank build
- Spell Focus for pure caster druid?
- Help With Caster Druid (returning player)
- 15 druid for heal, max DPS from there
- Too many builds....I'm a little lost here.
- LF Caster Druid Splash/Multiclass Options?
- Just a FYI, you are all horribly wrong about LD not having good druid synergy.
- How Well Can Caster Druids Solo EE's
- Trying to figure out what stacks with Wolf form speed bonuses.
- Season's Herald capstone, Heirophant, doesn't work
- Dwarf Pure Druid?
- Race and feats for a wolf druid?
- Anyone use PDK for a caster druid yet?
- So what's best, pure casters, or melee druids?
- Druid enhancement bug or not ?
- Looking for help understanding how some things work with druid
- Is the druid missing the lv 2 wolf spell???
- What happened to Spring Resurgence?
- I don't like that regular Bear and Wolf form become totally obsolete
- I want to tr into a Druid for my 3rd life
- preferences on the healing spells
- EE Earthquake DC viable?
- Cleave attacks and animal forms
- new player to Druid... warning new player questions inside
- Drunk / Dronk Build
- Need advice
- Ice Druid build, comments/tweaks welcome
- Are the Spell Focus: Evocation feats necessary or worth it?
- Blood Moon Frenzy stops working on log out.
- new Druid question
- My animal companion is broken
- Druid Build
- Pet Enhancements?
- Druid With...Rogue?
- Druid Meta-magic feats
- What's the bigger animal form, PDK or Half-Orc?
- Need Build for friend
- Improved crit for wolf form
- Returning player looking for some help and advices on druids
- Nature's Warden Based Druid Advice
- Wolf form and Ninja Training question..
- Dru Nukem 15 Druid/3 FvS/2 Monk (Monk Optional)
- Bear Form
- Improved Wild Empathy and Nonharmful Animals
- Request Druid build!
- Beardozer
- Evoker
- Best hireling to go with the Druid Army (Self, summons, pet)
- Wolf form and Ninja spy question
- Please Do not nerf animal form druids
- REQUEST BUILD: Looking for Viable PDK Druid Build
- Animal form [W]
- Druid questions
- Markeyx Build 2014 (Caster - Healer, DPS and CC)
- What's your favourite Iconic Druid build?
- Keen Edge working with Druid animal forms?
- Druid/Fighter Wolf Form enhancements.
- New to Druid - Looking for fuggestions for a druid build
- Help with pure Druid build request (32-point)
- Some questions about Druid...
- What are you equipping your wolf with?
- Druid / Rogue Question
- Anger of the Noonday Sun
- New to druid
- Druid adivce please
- The Stonehenge (18 druid / 2 monk)
- stunning fist in wolf form
- Druid 18/ Rogue 2: Multiclass Weapon Enhancements in Animal forms
- The Stonehenge (efficient, dragonmarked caster)
- What's a good melee druid?
- Deft Strikes
- Druid Epic Destiny
- Druid DoT's
- 18 druid/2 ranger build. Opinions?
- Questions about seasons herald:D
- Looking for suggestions for a fun-to-level druid
- Shillelagh bugged?
- druid AA?
- Wolf Elf druid and Elven Weapon Training
- Request-a-build: Simple DPS Druid Wolf
- Epic Druid shield
- venom immunity bugged?
- Wild Shape Question
- Thinking of a druid caster build- few questions
- Off hand weapon for wolf form druid?
- Weapons effects on Druid wolf form
- Dethek Runestone prepare to be dissapointed
- Need a Druid build
- Mandy's Comet, An Exalted Angel Morninglord build.
- Just got Battlerager's Harness and guess what :(
- Need some Druid (Caster - Evoker) advice, naturally
- Getafix AA Druid (17 Druid 2 Monk 1 Ranger)
- Do arcane archer bonuses carry into animal form?
- Trying to make a centered swordsman Druid
- druid caster and cc
- Please explain Baiting Bite
- Pure Wolf Druid
- Caster & Spell Pen
- Druid Weapon?
- lv20 bear and beyond
- 12K Crit Bear form, yes. Read the tricks of the fur here. Bearzilla Build
- 12K Crit Bear form, yes. Read the tricks of the fur here. Bearzilla Build
- druid and spell resistance mobs
- Wolf pet's trip not working?
- Twitch play Bear form for 5 cleave attacks quicker than wolf.
- Looking for Druid advice
- Druid Build- Xadin
- Druid wolf form weapon dice multipliers
- Some questions about druid wild shape
- Animal form and Salwart Defense
- Does Flame blade work with...
- 1-20 Build for Druid Life?
- shiradi druid
- Elemental form - which one first?
- What do you think about this druid build?
- Wolf/proc/speed build ee focused
- SWF + pure druid wolf form
- Flame Blade and TWF
- Looking for First Life solo-friendly Druid build
- Looking for a build
- It's been a while
- Matching enhancements from an old build to the new enhancement trees
- Seeking advice on wolf build
- Bear Form -- Tank/Healer/Caster -- Help welcome
- Druids and augment summoning
- Elemetal form caster/melle druid hybrid
- regarding storm of vengeance
- Bear-dar-kai Help needed
- Pure druid wolf pet EE viability
- Warforged Druid DPS Build (Advice Needed!)
- do-everything druid
- Caster Druid alignment? Like most caster TN I am about to hit the finish button
- low level twink gear for my wolf form what is good to have
- Reaving Roar broken
- Celestia and Druid Animal Forms
- Bestial Nature: Sometimes bugged sometimes works?
- If my wolf were a player I'd squelch him. Or, here are some changes I'd like to see
- Druid with monk splash: Winter Wolf (with natural fighting) DPS vs Unarmed TWF?
- Asking for advices on the druid class and THF
- Can't cast flame blade in tavern pvp?
- U23 Faun - Wrathbringer
- Third Druid Tree [Lost Trees Project]
- Earthquake DC
- Fight or Flight, The Mean Wolf
- Looking for advice
- Fenris Chained (15 Dru/3 Mnk/2 Rng)
- Druid build advice
- Helios Build - A Rework of Xadin's Druid
- A good melee druid build that doesn't use TWF?
- Stance question
- Non-proficient debuff in wolf form?
- Wolf Kombat - wolf solo fight vs. EE mini boss
- druid w/o shape changing
- Wolf Kombat 2: wolf vs. EE Gresl-glis
- "Patch of Leaves" cancels Ice Storm?
- Is Earthquake still getting canceled by wind spells?
- Looking for a First Life Caster Druid Build
- Sneak Attack Focused Melee Wolf (15dru/3rog/2wiz)
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