View Full Version : Rogue
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- Rogues do it better
- How exactly does Smite Construct work?
- Can rogues assassinate with a bow?
- acrobat 2...what else
- noisemakers
- Let's Talk Rogue
- Assassinate better than ever
- What typre of Rogue life for a Artificer?
- 28-Point Build Human Trap Monkey (Pure Rogue)
- A rogue may gain a bonus feat in place of a special ability
- Rogue Assassin III and Cleave: Can you Vorpal Strike multiple targets in a Cleave
- is SA dmg capped?
- Dust Ninja - selfsufficient 36pt build
- DPS Pure Rogue build needed
- Manyshot question
- Almost ready to TR my rogue - many questions.. :)
- 13 rogue /6 monk/ 1 fighter help
- Hamstring queston
- Rogue Mechanic: Looking for some advice/builds
- How many weapons does a rogue REALLY need?
- TR / Which feats to consider
- hi all Nub here with a question
- solo rogue + hireling with Intimidate
- Noob Rogue here
- Need Help - Human Ranged Rogue - Light/Heavy Repeater Xbow
- Tumble
- Finally Returning-Could use some tips
- Rogue builds/weapon
- My Post U19 Pure Human Rogue Mechassin
- 18 Rogue, 2 monk new enhancement layout. Using Deadlock's pdf file for reference
- just started playing....
- R.O.G.U.E. where have you gone??
- How do you stealth through Sins of Attrition?
- Does Rogue Assassin I Thoughtburn work?
- Assassinate DC, Do you HAVE to be Single-classed to have it high enough to matter?
- Str vs Dex on a Halfling Rogue
- R.O.G.U.E. IV: The Rebirthinatening
- Is there an enhancement to make you faster at disable?
- Too many feats, what to use them for
- Acrobat VS assassin
- Assassination working properly?
- Faster Sneaking
- Knife Specialization broken?
- What do you NEED to be a successful rogue? (Please critique my build plan?)
- New build idea with the update for my multi rogue - 12 rogue / 6 monk / 2 paladin
- thief acrobat/henshin monk staff build help
- did Improved Feint get "fixed"?
- Acrobat feats - help!
- Do Drow Need the Spot Skill?
- SA while soloing...
- Looking for build ideas.
- Does acrobat attack speed even work?
- Sweeping Strikes, improved trip and vertigo: what´s up?
- Pretty new, would like advice!!
- good daggers/kukris
- Poison attacks / Assassin attacks
- Ultimate Quarterstaves master
- Halfling Assassin Build (advice welcome)
- "Intelligent" enemies.
- Quarterstaffs and glancing blows
- Acrobat enhancement questions
- Venomed Blades Bugged - Let's Get This Fixed - Bug Report Template Included
- Rogue HP/PRR/Dogde at 28
- Sweeping strikes
- rogue soloing
- Halfling Rogue Enhancements?
- Are other Assassin Rogues having this problem?
- Sources for insightful and exceptional Dexterity
- Rogue paths - Dex? Int? Str? What's the new expansion pack revealing?
- Are Sweepiong Strikes and Vault supposed to be on the same timer?
- Maximum SA dice???
- Help! Because I need somebody! Not just anybody!
- Do ability boost from different enhancement trees stack?
- Stunning Rogue
- Greensteel Weapon Type for Undead
- My Rogue has 2 Feets?
- Assassin's Trick
- Assassins in Boss Fights - what do you do?
- Looking For Advice
- Best robe/outfit/light armor for a rogue level 20+
- Thief-Acrobat Nerf?
- Assassin T4 ''Killer" Enhancement - Is it worth or worthless?
- Acrobat + Pulverizer Crit Range Stacking?
- Bug/issue
- First Life End Game Assassin - Splash Monk?
- Lethality and Manslayer Interaction
- level ups into Dex or Int?
- Shadar Kai Enhancement Gloom Stalker
- Secondary Tree for an Int-based Assassin
- Build Options for a Knife Specialist
- Is it possible to activate Quick Strikes's Bonus to Doublestrike, then swap weapons?
- Iconic Acrobat
- Targeting Sights and Insightful Damage
- Best overall GS Staff for Thief Acrobat
- Most worthwhile items & scrolls for a high UMD Mechanic?
- The Charlatan (Dex/Cha Based Thief-Acrobat)
- Just a few questions
- Midnight Greetings and Dagger in the Back
- Weird behavior: drawing aggro and intimidate symbol
- Acrobat knockdown immunity questions...
- Ranger to Rogue Transition
- Quickstrike or wolfform?
- acrobat doubts
- Expert Builder
- Solo Rogue vs. Ambushes
- The Shadowstick: A Dragonmarked Elf Acrobat Build
- Thief Acrobat enhancement...broken?
- The Shadow Walker Build (Halfling Assassin)
- Shadow Dancer completed, where next?
- What forms of haste stack?
- Dex-based ninja assassin viable?
- Rogue Mechanic Treasure Hunter!
- Please help knock out a rogue PL.
- Punching while moving
- Almost time for my rogue life
- 100 reflex save
- Staff Lunge, WAI?
- Spiders?
- Queston on Shadow Charges - Possible bug
- Sneak Attack broken?
- Acronomonk
- New player, few questions
- Acrobat - Requesting Build Help
- Deepwood Mechanic Sniper Rogue - Post U19... need assist!!
- Great Now Assassinate Is Broken
- TWF Trapper vild advice please?
- Splashing
- The Crimson Bolt: Self-Reconstructing thief-acrobat
- knife specialization
- Adventures in Theorycrafting - The Mechassin
- Someone help me figure out any improvements I can make on my stun rogue.
- GS Item for HP and Int Skills
- an unusual pure rogue
- Rouge TR Gear - recommendations?
- staff fighting cleric - STR or DEX?
- Rogue/Fighter
- What to do with rewards box
- best GS repeating crossbow for a Rogue/arti TR project?
- My lvl 23 blues.
- Build request
- Rogue Crossbow Proficiency
- Question on assassinate Dc
- Question about Leg Shot
- Need help with build
- How to epic destiny
- assassin dex enhancements and elf dex based weapons
- Dex based halfpint acrobat
- Conjure bolt scroll not working on my rogue
- Staff Specialization
- EE DC's?
- The Shadow Assassin: A Halfling Assassin
- new guy here confused on rogue builds
- What type of rogue do you prefer?
- 12th past life rogue
- stick fighting
- Max Reflex Defensive Roller
- Thrower Assassin feat choices
- Assassin gear ?
- LF: Sireth using rogue/monk/? Shadar-Kai build
- 5 Wizard Splash - lolwut?
- Venomed Blades [BUG]
- Disabling/Minute Seeing - Where did they go?
- Dex-based TWF build
- Need help with range rogue
- New to the world of Roguery... and DDO really.
- Having trouble assassinating unagro'd mobs
- have i already gimped myself?
- Rapid Fire, worth it?
- Not liking my 20 rogue
- Shadar-Kai rogue assassin
- Mechanic who hates crossbows
- How do Poison Strikes fit as a Poison type?
- Quarterstaff bulid. advice please. For my 3rd life.
- Does a Half-orc Acrobat build need the THF feats?
- Defensive roll. Pro and Cons?
- Epic viability of max dex
- Assassin build discussion.
- Assassin Poisons
- Rapier Vs Kukri/Dagger
- Rogue skill concentration?
- bllaak stabbath-a halfling assassin
- Looking for a 18-20 Drow Rogue Trapping Build
- What's The Highest Search I'll Ever Need?
- Sneak Attack Damage Question
- rogue shortsword build
- Sneak Immune Mobs
- Rogue/monk/fighter 12/6/2
- Halfling 32 point mechanic build
- auto intimidate?
- LF bladeforged max dps staff build
- Iconic Rogue Assassin
- repeater / arti splash?
- Making a drow rogue(assassin). Fill in the blanks?
- Shada Kai Chain and SA
- Knife specialization
- Understanding Sneak Attack Bonuses... Please help!!!
- Trapmaking
- Rogue with or without Monk
- Best Armor
- Rogue with balizarde/celestia - still worth it?
- New Rogue, Old Questions
- Stealthy player "Assassinate" question
- First rogue: Advices wellcome!
- simple assassinate question
- Shadowdancer
- Dodge seems really stupid for rogues to me
- A good Rogue....
- Shadar Kai or Half Elf?
- Most common uses for UMD? - late teens/20
- Thief Acrobatics' Attack Speed Bonus
- endgame ready rogue
- Looking for an Acrobat Rogue build on a f2p account.
- Revisiting the Halfling Acrobat for New Players
- Rogue Self-Healing
- Dumb question about Open Lock and Disable Device
- Opportunist feat
- Starting stats query
- Acromonk first lifer, advice?
- Rogue use of Stoneskin Scrolls
- Repeating Crossbows and Mechanic Tree
- Best hire to accompany an Assassin (Heroics)
- 12rog /6ran/2art halfling build enhancement help
- Rogue qstaff PL build for review
- Rogue and tactical feats
- Repeater Rogue: how bad is the ammo issue?
- SWF vs TWF??
- Wow... So much has changed!
- how to get max sneak attack damage
- Rogue with Artificer Splash
- Build advice for a halfling "sniper" type character
- DeathTitan Rogue
- Trying to build a F2P Repeater Rogue
- Started playing again, need some feedback.
- What are the general choices for a mechanic rogue
- Drow 13 rogue, 4 FVS, 3 bard
- Known Issue: Venomed Blades bug
- How is sneak attack damage calculated?
- Need Drow rogue rebuild for 19th level just to finish up and tr
- divine stick build
- Shout Out To All The Rogues
- Thief acrobat questions
- Opportunist feat with XBows
- How will Harper tree affect your assassin's weapon choice?
- Solo EE Assassin Quest Requests Wanted!
- Shadar Kai mechanic
- Magical Trap DC's
- Perfect SWF and Lethality
- Any useful U23 gear for my build?
- Extremely basic Rogue question concerning traps
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