View Full Version : DDO Store Feedback
Pages :
- Links for Eberron Unlimited Info and Answers
- Store hot key
- Great Job with advertising sales in the forums!
- VIP DDO STORE Points???
- Deceptive store practices, Turbine?
- XP/Loot Potion Petition
- Cosmetics for Warforge?!
- Is there a way to pay for TP with cell phone credit?
- Please allow VIPs to buy Adventure Packs
- VIP, Otehr Classes?
- Some DDO Store Suggestions
- The True Price of DDO Unlimited Free to Play & Getting the Most Out of Free to Play
- XP Potion question
- Is the Adv package binded?
- Want pirate bandana but haven't received VIP points
- DDO store points
- Guild Charter
- missing items
- Itemized listing of how you earn DDO Store points
- Guest Pass duration
- Purchased item does not appear in inventory
- Stuff to get "combos"
- Spell inscription mats missing from DDO store
- Dumb Question: Where is a Link to the Actual DDO Store?
- Account Bound Items need to be changed!
- DDO Store Item Suggestions?
- Purchasing Turbine Points through
- Non-restricted list
- 32 pt
- Not getting a response on Missing Guild Charter
- Cosmetic Gear at DDO Store
- Old Beta Player Returning...
- DDO char slot sale bug
- Suggestion: Last Name Change Deed
- DDO purchases and premiums accounts
- Buying points as gifts
- Can t buy TP on website?
- Hats off to the business model change
- How exactly do Jewels of Fortune work?
- No way to subscribe thru DDO store
- paying the $10 to get a name change QUESTION
- Instead of or in addition to guest passes
- When do I get my monthly points
- VIP points for those us who pay for more than one month at a time
- Guest passes, how do they work? Looking for specifics
- Points question
- Gaming cards in retail stores?
- An anoyance, bug and waste of money -- Hirelings.
- Let us see purchased adventure packs.
- Arguments in favor of bound-to-account collectible bags
- XP/Loot Potion timers should run only in instances
- Why are there so many barriers to my giving you money?
- DDO Store Emails
- I'd like to get the points now, not next year
- Trying to buy some Turbine Points
- 32point build and DDO store
- Adventure Pack Prices
- Shared Bank
- loading screen ads
- To Turbine: Truth In Advertising and YOU!
- Suggestion about guest passes.
- Billing Question
- Rod of Teleport and OOPS!
- Uh....Points?
- How to purchase
- Things to add to the Store?
- "Ending Thursday" Sale
- Advised: Do Not Buy From Store...
- Store purchases: All or single server
- Dev's Are Store Tomes BTA or BTC?
- DDO Store Blank
- Only 4 +2 Tomes for Sale
- DDO store coming up blank in khyber & lamannia
- Suggestion: let people from hawaii buy turbine points
- Need Help : Cosmetics
- Time limited items and No VIP store points.
- I have a questions about tomes.....
- Would like to see "prices" in Sales Announcements
- Character limits
- Problem with store.
- Critical healing potions
- Where's this Store?
- DDO Store Site
- Sale Pattern?
- Items in store
- the modle they choose
- Buying Gifts on Store
- Add stone of clensing to the DDO store
- Quick Today's Deals Questions
- Simple (Non-controversial I Hope) Wishlist
- DDO Store is Curently Broken.
- What are the first 2 must have Adventure packs that I should buy?
- Store problems
- Best place to get bags
- Leveling Sigil Question
- how can i get enought turbine points through favour points? what quests should i do?
- Tome Question.
- how bout warforge paint jobs
- Searched for "Missing Points" in Help tab.....
- 32 Point-buy option
- +2 Tomes in Store?
- NO to scallywags, yes to overlooked standards
- Viewing 32 Point Buy as a Microtransaction; From a Newbie
- Question RE: Guest Passes
- What are the limitations on various items in the store?
- Character Slots Question
- Guest passes can only be bought in quantities of 1?
- What adventure packs do Premium Players get.
- Turbine points via gamecard?
- Adventure Packs Missing???
- Selling items from DDO Store
- Allow premium accounts to buy everything.
- Sigils 25% off - but they have none
- Rewards vs. DDOstore
- I feel a bit ripped off
- Vet Status and Bank Expansion seem to have been removed from the store for Update 1
- Hair styles?
- 32 points, store? 1 use??
- Are 32pt Characters Now Purchaseable?
- Path of inspiraion not available for purchase?
- Confused...
- Shared bank account
- Sickle Staves?
- where do you buy "Veteran Status" in the store?
- One use special Hats? Can someone clarify...
- Oh God...The Store's Almost As Bad As The AH!
- A 1% off sale? Really?
- buying shared bank
- 32 Point Builds do not Show Up in Store
- Guild Scroll?
- What lvl do you need to buy +2 tomes in the store?
- Are 32pts character and shared storage VIP only?
- Alignment change option
- still no bank slots in store
- Cosmetic Equipment... what's the holdup?
- Active Character UNKNOWN
- No option to buy 32-point charactes on Orien
- Ethereal Rest Shrine scam
- DDO Store - 32 Point Build Question
- Veteran Status not showing in Store
- Forum and Support Assistance Explained: Accounts, Tech, Forums, In-Game and Premiums
- ok...
- Arw we still not getting our monthly DDO store points
- is the ddo store bugged or what?
- Apply raid-blocking rules to all epic quests
- complete transactions list
- Store, Consumables, and Rollbacks?
- Cant get turbine points with my credit card
- Will there be a Black Friday DDO Store Sale?
- Today's Deals... more like Last Week's Deals
- Mystery DDO points
- 6-month pricing plan & points
- +2 Tomes in the DDO store
- Disappearing Turbine Points
- Whats up with these Quivers?
- When do the Weekend Specials get posted?
- VIPs and the DDO store
- Armor Dye?
- No Deals this weekend....
- Store purchase & Turbine points questions
- So I emailed support...AGAIN
- Sale suggestion
- Screenshots of new hair styles?
- "Bonus" points in store?
- Hireling Folders
- when do we get shared bank expansion
- paypal not work!!! HELP!
- have to buy 32 point build?
- Credit card not work !!!HELP!!!
- price increase
- Turbine Points as a gift...?
- Is there a way to subscribe with out a credit card
- Buy 32 - point character
- Turbine Points, Comparison
- 32 Point Build and the Drow
- Please Note That All Purchases are Final, Non-Refundable and Non-Exchangeable
- Multiple free points emails but...
- When are Turbine points credited in our DDO Store accounts?
- Bought 2x +2 supreme tomes and didn't received any ?
- DDO Turbine Point Cards
- Lack of QC on newest content, and how to obtain refunds?
- Cut back the price of hirelings!
- can someone clarify how tomes work
- Comestics > Comestic Gear tab
- DDO Store feedback
- Stupid way of tracking accounts...
- Hey, store, how do I?
- General f2p feedback regarding store purchases & VIP
- Some help with Store please
- Simple question regarding VIP -> F2P downgrade characters
- am i still able to....
- Buying DDO points
- Question about +10 items to shared bank
- Ddo Store Robbed Me
- 20 slots (shared bank)
- Summon an NPC item/hireling
- Guest passes
- DDO Store -> Account -> Change Name ??
- Festivult Sale
- Loot potions......
- 32 Point and also 5000 turbine point questions
- "Gifting" TP
- DDO store purchases while VIP
- +2 tomes from DDO store gone?
- Is it possible to buy TP by phone?
- Greater / Lesser Reincarnation
- still not recieveing monthly alotment of turbine points :(
- Hair Styles for Humans Only?
- Unnecessary hassle purchasing points
- Hairstyle and color screenshots?
- a few questions on the store
- 10 TP sigils sale, broken/bug?
- Sigil Sale is NOT WORKING
- Problems with Store and Points
- Didn't receive my TP earned during website/store Maintenance, HELP!
- Holiday hats: do bonuses stack?
- how are adventure packs linked?
- Hireling Folders: Let us summon from within.
- No +4 Stuff in the Store?
- Leveling Sigils "Sale"
- Tracking Turbine Points for VIP
- Veteran Statu
- ADD Skin Color
- +4 DDO Store Ranged Weapons don't work ?
- Hey Quartermaster, we need some help
- December deals
- New Turbine Point Bundles!
- tomes
- Store Problems
- Bulk SP potions for cheap
- DDO stoe points
- Again with the DDO store Turbine points shenanigans...
- Fix the incorrect image for 3300/3330 pt bundles
- Missing Favor Store Points? Possible Solution
- Does anyone get their monthly points in a timely manner?
- 50% bonus points?
- Have +3 tomes ever been offered for sale?
- DDO Store Not Discounting Correctly
- Nissing Turbine Store Purchase
- Outside billing region! WT!!!
- When can you buy your first leveling sigil?
- Shared Points
- I love the new do's
- Can't purchase points - not by CC or Paypal
- For those trying to buy points with Paypal from outside the states
- Parents: DDO Store Question
- Wrong Item?
- Vip user: question about buying +3 armor
- How do I buy character slots?
- Vault of Night Discount??
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