View Full Version : Favored Soul
- NovaSoul: An Epic focused direct damage FVS build
- Viable Favored Soul Build?
- Elven - Divine AA can it work?
- Is FS viable in epic w/o mass heal
- Prayer of Incredible Smiting Gone
- Drow fvs build adice please
- Hot drow fvs build advice please
- Fvs SP @ 514, MAX spell Points?
- FvS 36Pt Levelling build advice
- FvS Raid / EE healer
- FvS gear
- My usual FVS build 'YoureDown'
- necro specced / healer FVS - feat selection / enhancement choices considerations
- Elven FuryShotSoul
- "Fvs Talk"
- Can someone please tell me where to find the 'Evocer build" ?
- FvS Dwarf or Half-Orc build
- U19 Nova Soul - Direct Damage FVS
- Post Expansion Build: The Tankish FvS (Charisma based melee-self-healing-FvS)
- Fav Soul enhancments suck compared to Cleric
- Protector (Protection enhancement capstone) not giving wisdom bonus
- Daian of the Tree - FvS/Monk 17/3 hybrid build for levelling (way to completionist)
- Battlepriest preview please
- Revamping my WF FVS
- Diety Ability
- fvs spell lists
- Angel of Vengeance... any news?
- Help with FS build
- U19 - False Hope Melee Soul
- Intense Faith and Zealous Faith
- Kinetic lore and BB
- Cleric vs Fvs
- Zerjmoar - Whirling Warpiest of the Stars - U19.2 Divine DPS Build - 12FVS/6MNK/2RGR
- U19 Caster FvS
- Favoured Soul build for TR
- Favored Soul/Fighter build
- 1d2 per level ameliorating strike question
- Yet another FvS build request
- Archons and shiradi
- Divine Condemnation Tank (19.2)
- Inflame not working properly?
- Caster Soul levelling pre L12
- Articles of faith
- Where is Unyielding Sovereignty now?
- First-time FVS Build - need advice
- U19 Endgame Gear Layout - Torc still in it?
- Holy Blaster
- 1st Caster Soul Feat order
- Advice for Evoker Favored Soul and Blue Dragonscale armor
- Healing Dervish?
- looking for a bow using FVS build. limited race and class options
- Stunning Fist Healer: 2 mnk & 18 fvs - please advise
- Returning after long absence... LF FvS melee build
- First life FVS build enhancement recommendations for U19
- HElf Dile and Quicken Questions
- Need help with build - Warforged Evoker or LotB - 18FS/2monk viable?
- FVS TWF melee Sun Elf
- Need Evoker FVS build that works.
- Need advice - Cleaving/Tactical Melee FVS
- Longl lost Soul Survivor needs advice
- Shiradi FvS?
- A couple ideas for a FvS heroic life.
- TWF FvS - Help Please
- Favored Soul Evoker Build, Please Critique!
- Tweaking My FvS Question
- WF Warpriest
- Crazy Idea... Favored Soul 17 / Rogue 3 - Need Advices
- Robe or Medium armor?
- Looking for a melee fvs build
- Pure FvS caster - which stances from past lifes are you going for?
- AA FvS
- EE Capable Evoker-Soul
- building a Fvs thats not a shiradi/melee/aa/etc. 18/1/1
- Pally/Fvs in heavy armor
- Wisdom on a melee build
- Easy to get Evoker Gear
- 18/2 FvS/Paladin offensive caster/healer spec
- Ghostriker's build
- fvs sunelf melee
- prr fvs build
- Violence Favored (Soul) Build
- 2wf favored soul viable?
- What are the best resists to choose?
- Theory crafting with screenies, possible to get 1000 light spp as fsoul hybrid
- Evocation DC
- Archon damage
- FvS Melee Leveling Build Feedback
- Blue Dragon Helm/Armor really necessary?
- Considering a 14 FvS/6 Cleric/2? build, any suggestions?
- FVS TWF Drow build - will this work?
- Need Favored Soul Advice
- Shuriken Soul (The kiter star)
- Healgolem's build - saves with light damage FVS16/MNK2/PALI2
- Shoikan - A Divine Crusader Warpriest.
- Yeela: FvS 17 Wiz 1 Monk 2 - Healer and Dps Shiradi MM spammer
- AE Sunbolt - why does it not crit?
- Need help making a great light power/ evo build with some healing
- Favored Soul - Early Theory-crafting help
- Bladed Crusader (Bladeforged Fvs 18 / Pal 2)
- The Favored Monkcher - FVS / Monkcher hybrid
- Vislys - An EE-Focused FvS Caster Build
- Build for a modern FvS/monk ?
- FVS flavour build questions
- 12FVS/6Sorc/2?
- Looking for Post U19 Pure FvS Human build
- Evoker 1-18 TR build
- Deity weapons
- Just Rewards, Archon, and Lantern Ring SP vanishing
- Gear Advice for a returning player needed
- From Evoker to Melee: Move or Stay?
- Heavy Hybrid SWF Soul (U22-U23)
- FVS life build conflictions
- 1st (2nd?) life FvS builds?
- help me make a FvS
- THF FvS build is still good?
- Favored Soul questions.
- Helf FvS monk dilletante questions
- FvS build advice
- Wand and Scroll Mastery. Useful?
- Theorycrafting: Paladin and FVS lives gear and build... (Pt. FVS life)
- Question about Intense Faith (AoV 4)
- Made my first Favored Soul this weekend and I'm impressed
- Advice on a Light AE Evoker FVS please.
- Just a thought could this be done 2 pally/2 monk/16 FS need some ideas
- 17 FS/2 monk/1 fighter alignment Lawful or good lawful neutral?
- FS best spell to take rebuilding with 9 levels of soul doing rebuild now help Please
- False Hope
- Rate My spell selection.
- Why as favored soul is used Cleric to make the Silver Flame Exorcism?
- Quincy-The Ranged Suporte build(2 pally/2 monk/16 FS)
- Third Favored Soul Tree [Lost Trees Project]
- Shield of Condemnation Change
- Theory Crafting: Guard Proc Divine Crusader FvS?
- FvS + Cleric splash for light power and SLAs?
- Quick question: Does FvS AoV Archon have a DC
- Thunder-forged scepter, 17% or 22% crit?
- Please advise: FVS 15\Monk 3\Rogue 2
- Looking for help with Favoured Soul Build
- FvS critique pls
- Melee FvS Build with New Update
- Champion of the Gods
- Looking for end-game based Favored Soul
- End Game Completionist FvS MC Build
- How to have a pure FVS with an iconic?
- Is the wiki correct about CDs?
- Favored Soul build just for the past life?
- Build help and inspiration
- Impaqt Build
- Epic Elite FVS gameplay
- Malleficent "Favored Soul Evoker True First Life" Video Project Companion Thread
- Looking for caster FvS build
- Harcher vs Sylvan Shooter (Sun Elf vs Vanilla Elf)
- Staff build?
- Vengeful light drow
- Zealous faith, has it been tested recently?
- old timey BF FVS
- 12 favs 6 wiz 2 monk build pls
- FVS PL Help
- Pure FvS build request
- Looking for a good THF Iconic FvS build
- Looking for THF (staves) FvS, any help appreciated
- Melee FS w/ Trapping, rough draft
- Making use of Shiradi for PL Farming on a pure FvS?
- Hello FvS, I'm looking for some advice
- Angel of Vengeance/tier 2/Efficient Metamagic
- Warlock aside, When will FvS get Updated?
- Undying Court Deity Proposed Ideas
- Elf Scimitar Twf Fvs
- New Days for Favored Souls
- First FvS
- Build For A Ravinwolf
- Gear advice
- The Arcadian Avenger - A hybrid Divine Melee & DC Caster build
- Suggestions for FvS past life leveling
- Newbie FS dual shortsword help
- Gear Set Up - U27
- Planning to get a FvS PL and a divine EPL, could use some input.
- A New Favored Soul
- Proposed Third Favored soul Tree. Blackguard!
- FVS light build. Does that work?
- FVS TWF for past life options
- fvs warpriest twf elf advice
- FvS Exalted DC Caster/Healer
- Is Pure FVS still good in solo/duo end game?
- Enlightened Angel
- Melee Favored Soul suggestions
- The Angel of Amaunator
- favored soul warlock build help
- First life Favored Soul
- Melee FvS Build request.
- Any good Favored Soul/Warlock or Favored Soul/Monk builds out there?
- LGS Crafting
- Feat Considerations...
- Warforged FVS
- Only seeing splashed FVS-es
- Deep Gnome Evoker FvS
- Shirardi caster?
- Want advice for Healer with int-based dual wielding
- YoureDown's build thread
- Crown of Retribution: Does anyone even use this perk?
- Build Request: Favored Soul for New Players
- Bladeforged 20fvs (alt)
- Returning player (queue eye rolls) needing a little help with a Melee Evoker
- Returning Player: Old character is nearly useless in Epics, help needed.
- AoV Intense Faith question
- Deep gnome Fvd AoV bug
- New Favored Soul tree: the Angel of Charity
- LF FVS past life build
- Easy FvS PL, Pure, Rogue Splash or FvS / X?
- Lightbow - Evoker FVS w/ Longbow
- Come Forth, Lords and Saviors! PDK Healbot & Tank w/ Stunning Shield
- FvS/Warlock progression?
- Favored Soul Request
- Help
- Mnemonica The Favored Soul
- Looking For A 32 point Favored Soul
- SICK LE build
- Silvanus' Crit Gavel (12 FvS/ 8 Ftr)
- Pure Favored Soul Warpriest
- LE Slavers run on a mid geared FVS
- Aura of Menace
- Evoker/CC Favored Soul in Plate?
- Silvanus fvs / evasion
- Just reward
- Dragonborn FvS
- kensei henshin, fvs PL, heroic life, heavy armor
- Pure Evoker FVS and Levelling Armour
- I need a build for a FvS Drow, help please
- FVS transformer? How awful would this be 1-20?
- Pdk fvs
- Sun Elf caster
- The Unlucky Friar, 8/7/5 fav soul for past life
- Suggestions on improving my planned FVS build
- Bladeforged FvS
- Wisdom or Charisma for Favored Soul?
- Terror Soul
- Impaqt's FvS Build (from WAY back)
- FvS Multiclass?
- Vistani FvS
- Stout of Heart disappearing?
- FVS Monkcher
- That it for divines?
- How about this!
- 1st life build help?
- The stick of truth, a favored soul rtr leveling stick build
- Is Purity of Heart bugged?
- Unrealistic AA FVS build
- Vishsoul, a 12/6/2 aa aasimar healer
- Reaper Tank???
- Favored Vistani Swashbuckler - An easy fvs PL
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