View Full Version : Classes
- Characters with style
- Spells??
- need some help on a twf ranger build
- Please, stop posting build with the character planner layout!
- Rank the Capstones!!!
- So if the ranger monk splash is overpowered... what do you do about it?
- What the Capstones *SHOULD* have been:
- Teleport Spell
- My concern w/ prestige classes & capstones
- Song for each race
- cant find the Prc
- What (Prestige) Classes you want
- looking for insight sorc/monk
- Looking for 28 pt starter toon
- intimi pally: dwarf or human?
- Why can't......
- Got a Question Plz help
- does sprint boost and way of thief acrobat stack?
- PrE Costs
- Fun class?
- The New Class
- Favored Soul!!!
- Damage Stacking Question
- Need some advise
- Easily Implemented Classes
- my favorite class .. possible in ddo?
- Soulknife
- Wiz vs Sorc
- Definition of a DPS Build
- caster/monk?
- Build the perfect group
- Casters Are Dead.
- 28/34 Point builds... what's the difference/unlocking?
- Skills
- New Classes coming soon?
- So...II have this new namesave burning a hole...
- Rogue/?
- Help me decide/What I want
- TWF drow pally
- Is it worth it to level?
- Multiple Toughnesses and Fun Math
- Advice sought: Angel of Vengeance vs. Warpriest of Siberys vs. Any Paladin Build
- New player question, concerning spellcasters.
- Drow Sorcerer or Wizard? having a hard time deciding
- "Support" Melees
- Pet class needed....
- Druid
- A little strange, but does it work?
- Multiclass question sorc/wizard
- Help please
- Evasion feat for casters
- Arcane Mele
- Break levels
- Are power items nerfed???
- Guidelines for Posting in Builds Forums
- Weird question about prestiges
- Turbine - Here is a new class for you to add :)
- Fastest Highest Jumping Class
- A qucik question about spell groups....
- Optimizing my Equipment
- If you were translated into a DDO character what might it look like?
- Returning
- Best melee dps
- going custom
- I'm at a crossroad here.
- khopesh on monk splashed fighter?
- Weapon/Feat choice for 17 Cleric/3 Monk
- Tempest, trap monkey, twf-fighter, or twf barb?
- Most Sought After Class for Parties
- Semi-new player needs advice on potential new main character and items for him.
- Another what class should I play noob post
- Opinions wanted - Best class for each race
- Noob seeking advice
- Healer vs. Cleric and Favored Souls
- Newbies seeking advice
- Number of spells per level
- Why a Cleric?
- Mixing Wizard & Sorcerer
- It's that time again. Cleric/Paladin Build
- Best noob friendly solo build?
- THF, opinions wanted
- Looking for advice on a soloing batman/robin build
- A useful tank?
- Buying Classes from DDO store?
- Favorite spells?
- what are the highest ac classes?
- Adding classes
- Should TR raise your level cap?
- Sorc or Wiz?
- Most Flashy Class
- elven arcane archer imbuing +xbows question
- dwarf TWF khopesh barb. Need help.
- The Druid Compilement.
- New Classes a necessity
- With Monk's Touch of Death proccing twice or thrice are they the new DPS Kings?
- Forum Clean UP
- question about tr
- Newish Player - Class Questions
- Unequal Elemental Damage Reduction Enhancements...
- Best option for 28 pointer
- Which class counts as the past life when you TR?
- Gnome Sorcs
- Wizard or rogue - debating...
- 20 Fighter, 20 Barb or 18 Barb/2 Fighter?
- With the TWf nerf whats the best melee DPS?
- Druids in Update 7?
- Dps Idea
- Template builds ?!
- paladin intellegence?
- all your base will belong to us on level 6
- Druids Animal Companions
- Petition: Artificer Class
- Scrolls
- Vet Chracter
- New Player 32 Point Rogue/Ranger Advice
- Half-orc 19/1 cleric/fighter or 20 FvS?
- Returning to the Game; Build Help
- Petition: Samurai
- How about a little Sorcerer love here with the Prestiege Enhancements.
- Rogue wizard stuff.
- Char. Builds
- what can be done to balance melee and magic
- Age old question
- why can't i view any more?
- advice regarding my cleric please, which heart of wood do i need ?
- what's a best ranger/fighter/monk (splash?) combination...
- Guide: Druid class, What will it be?
- I need help..
- Do Duo Duet
- Are khopesh builds becoming less favaroble?
- Ripping my hair out
- 32pt Suggestions?
- solo ability rankings
- pure v. splash
- DPS>> the 'ultimate' measure?
- playing by 'me'
- On assignment?
- premade builds ( any class )
- The Next New Class
- I usually cannot stand melee in mmos, how many of you changed your mind with ddo?
- is a non gimp possible on 28 pt builds?
- So curious conundrum
- damage tracking
- Another "What toon should I make" thread
- Stuck between paladin and monk.
- What are the next prestige classes to be released?
- To dreamspit or not to dreamspit...
- Highest Damage with a Bow
- Past life feats
- I have a serious problem....
- Which class makes you go urrrgh!*facepalm*
- looking for 18/2 clonk build
- Need help choosing build(s) for a static trio
- Who wants thier "class" forums back?
- What happened to the separate forums?
- Need help with search skill
- New Class Forums
- Class Subforums
- can't find a specific class related thread anymore?
- CkLnAuScSkFlOeRhUeMaSd
- Opinions: Changing PrEs and stuff
- Thinking about TR'ing
- What to build next?
- Reccomend a light/non-melee DROW class for me!
- Halfling Healing Bard
- TR'ed Firghter (Now needs help with making choice for 2nd Life)
- Drow Favored Soul cant buy sh. swords in ddo store????
- help me choose pls
- Druid paths
- First GS item for a WF Fighter/Monk
- New build options from U9
- WF 12 Fighter 5 Wizard 3 Monk - Unlimited Self Healing
- Guess at the New Class
- Halflings & Dragonmarks
- Our turn next update Devs please! - Finesse builds
- lesser reincarnation and draconic vitality feat
- What is the most soloable build in DDO?
- Why WF Lord of the Blades?
- PM leveling problem
- Side Effects of Web?
- Class Forums Still Broken.
- Jump: Not a dump skill
- Effective Skills Levels
- The Dwarven Zombie Mage Wakut
- 36 pt dwarven warrior options
- Ready to roll a Ranger, could use some pointers...
- THF Pally(DPS Focus)
- novice rogue-arcane archer
- reincarnation
- TOD Ring Survey
- Cleric for Runeheal
- Monk Wraps Broken
- archer- what gear?
- A good caster class?
- How will Artificier play on DDO if it gets released?
- New Player friendly builds.
- Solo build for f2p
- FvS AoV Recommendations Please
- Unlock Drow/Veteran/Numerous others.
- Okay, seriously, tag your threads
- Looking for a lead on a build (fvs arcane archer)
- Am I ready to TR ?
- FVS Build
- Is there a way to reset skills
- Best class for new player
- Been Gone, Need Assistance
- Reincarnation and build questions
- I need your help to let my dream come true. Class, controls and soloing questions.
- Favor-farming build?
- A simple request, please help!
- Beholder BS?
- Going to TR, need help finding a current build
- XXX is overpowered
- help for group build
- Overpowered?
- 2 Quistions (Help Please!)
- Class Help Needed (Please Help)
- Help me make an alt
- Need help with melee build
- Pure cleric?
- Questions about cleric life for TR
- alignment system.
- need advice on a caster LR.
- Game Quistion
- Quick question regarding Evasion
- Cleric? what cleric?
- Best Saves
- What is your favorite class?
- 12 FvS/6 Ftr/2 Monk or 12 FvS/8 Monk???
- Shuriken build
- echoes of power question
- Cloak of the Silver Concord and gs sp iem?
- Most useless class in DDO?
- Cleric/Divine tank?
- Artificer Auto-Hate?
- Changes to Clerics in past year?
- Artificer Infusion List/Semi-Review
- Explain this to me...
- Artificer crafting boost
- Preparing to TR (Maybe)
- Fighter vs. Ranger TWF
- Rogue question
- Is anyone going to bother buying artificer when it comes out?
- solo class help
- Wishlist for Divines
- Funnest Class for me?
- Duo Build thoughts
- Armor Class Divine Tanking
- Treasure Hunter
- Ranger Discussion
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