View Full Version : PvP
- I proclaim myself KING!
- Xilo Vs Stormreach!
- Capture the Flag: Desert
- some spells should be banned
- This is PVP!!
- Head in the Clouds + PvP
- And the Biggest Problem with PvP Is...
- Trapped in Devil Pit
- Patch Notes - Hope for the future?
- Gamebreaking PVP griefing: Permanently breaking items via Mordenkainen's Disjunction
- Feature Suggestion - Betting
- PvP Skills - Need Help
- Casters and your FTS !! Stop it lol !!
- Lets step it up
- Stuck Character in "The Stash" pvp area
- Noble by Design Presents a Level 3-5 PvP Tournament, Party vs Party!
- "BUG IN PVP ARENA!! HELP ME, please!"
- What is the best PVP class+race combo?
- Prospective PvP Sorc Build
- FFA Rooms Need to Go
- Pvp makes people crazy
- question on the game
- Hows the PvP
- New to PVP and I have a Q
- what is pvp
- OK so i tried to pvp
- PVP rating system
- Melee boost
- assassin PVP question
- how does he resist irresistible dance?
- Is there some heavy fort stuff against spell criticals?
- Human Sorc - Messing Around with pvp, quickening worth it?
- I see dead troops
- i joined a troops' widows dating site
- it's pretty cool
- Would Like Turbine To Make A Pvp Leader Board
- pvp locations
- your king in waiting...
- PvP is all DDO is missing.
- PVP(wall of text)
- Does stealth work in pvp?
- Greater Dispel...
- PvP any XP?
- Possible PvP guild on Orien
- Explain this to me, please
- sure fire way to win in any PvP brawl
- PvP, Stupid posts go here.
- some Pvp ?s
- mantle is useless :-( stupid bug
- Module 9 and power words in PVP
- there is no win for you
- limb chopper!?
- need a pvp anti-arcane archer build
- Arcane Archer: Too Broken?
- rogues
- DR in PvP
- Ok PvP is... bleh, how could it be better?
- PVP is Awesome
- do those to work?
- is this fun ? ?
- Wayward Lobster
- :) so PVP yah
- PVP, Potential?
- Creating a PvP system
- Servers down? Zerg Lammania......Asheron's Call Tradition.
- Touch of Death
- Level 4 pvp tournament - rules?
- PVP Suggestion and How to Fix PVP for the masses
- best pvp'ers ever !
- PnP PvP and what was lost in translation to DDO
- Invisibility in pvp
- thanks carnival !
- once again, a suggestion for PvP
- D&D and PVP
- PvP Drama!
- So i killed him 30 times....
- PvP All-Stars
- The 'I Have A Level 20' Speech.
- Don't spend any time on PvP
- fastest pvp eva
- PvP Specced Arcane Archer
- Ranged combat vs PvP
- Cheap pvp
- Nerf "Pale Lavender Ioun Stone"!!!
- Idea for the First PvEvP Adventure
- New PvP Area!
- PvP Renown?
- PvP Equalizer
- Wayward Lobster's PvP Hole
- Make Warforged Casters More Fair!
- U haf tooo nerf Manyshot rite now! OMG!
- Para?
- Make PvP a VIP only service
- Make PvP more lucrative?
- Nerf Enlarge Irrestible Dance!
- Let's make a Constitution!
- Undead Warforged?
- Bard Song of Capering = Way OP
- Make PvP pits on guild ships only
- PvP build
- Nerf Incapacitation
- Best PvP Build: Immune to Bard Songs and Slayer Arrows! Also has spell prot!
- Wizard Past Life Max Damage?
- Why do you even read these PVP threads?
- Kukan-Do + Manyshot + Slayer Arrows
- Guild PVP
- Ddo Is Balanced!
- rude pvp haters
- Dear DDO
- New Spin on PVP?
- Lets make PVP interesting
- The real solution for PvP
- Nerf
- Why PVP is important
- PVP Needs a Change?
- General PVP Questions
- got an idea.. think it would be amusing
- Why does PvP Intrest You-Trolls Not Welcomed
- Divines vs Pale Lavender Ioun Stones
- Ideas for PvP
- Some thoughts on PvP
- Serious suggestion for PvP
- Stealth in PvP
- An honest question:
- Introducing the New PvP System - For players by players: Encounters & Dragons
- Chain Missiles vs Spell Absorption
- How I would do PvP for D&D Online
- Pvp Idea!!!
- Wizard Pale Master, immune to stuns, dances and mind control?
- Fortification
- PVP pecking order, yes or no?
- PVP Balance Fixes?
- Double or Triple Ranged DPS
- PvP Music
- nerf arcanes ! ! And boost rangers !
- Why
- Wooo! I Win!
- A far out idea? Or developer possibility?
- Summons go Crazy
- The Issue of PvP :D
- PvP video
- pvp point i heard
- My first PvP experience in DDO.
- Best PvPer @ Your Server
- Invisibility in PvP is bugged?
- PvP is great fun!
- PVP arena instance that merges servers
- True Brawl Room Etiquette+ Laws of Vengeance
- I have discovered a PvE use for PvP
- Slaughterfest!
- It seems that PVP isn't that prevalent in DDO
- PVP Heat Death
- PvP needs a *DISCLAIMER*
- Pvp is offically over if your a melee.
- Simple list of fixes for pvp, most of which that do not touch pve.
- No capture the flag ? No guild duels ??
- Haunting in the pvp pit.
- PvP Solution?
- The BEST of the BEST.!?
- Light damage defense?
- Are you willing to put your money where your gripe is?
- Turbine please block Divine Punishment in PVP
- Turbine, please allow everything in PvP
- Remove PvP completely or make those that want it pay for it.
- please remove harassing posts from PVP forums
- /rant
- The Best PVP Request Ever
- Dont Troll
- Something Amusing...
- PvP rage chat.
- Surviving Heat Death (How-To)
- Sarlona Challenge
- 'nuther rant.
- Oh look... PvP Drama...
- Single Spell/Skill/Ability/Item Review
- THIS is how u pvp'ers make us feel...
- Colosseum Brawling Area!
- past life magic missiles...
- [PVP Suggestion] Cross Server Duel posting
- Quick question? loot?
- The Official Rules of PvP
- PVP update Idea
- pvp exploit
- Serious PvPness
- A serious PvP suggestion.
- Don't Go Air Savant
- Best PVP'er Ever!!!
- Fun Caster versus Necro Caster (If You're Bored)
- Tavern Brawls
- The *real* rules of PvP!
- PvP hp boost
- kids these days...
- Something to think on...
- Thanks for killing PvP? (Pls sign)
- Suggestion To Turbine About Pvp And Wilderness!!!
- PVP Haters - insight
- Help PVP Sorcerer Build - What Element and Spells
- Idea for an actual PvP mode that actually makes sense
- easy idea to try for pvp map. i would think anyway....
- New idea for private PvP
- i wanted to see my 7khp....i still see 700
- What the... Devil?! :O
- could a sorceror beat 300 barbarians in any arena in one round?
- Intersting questions about PVP
- Everything IS nerfed
- Potential PvP Change
- Divine Punishment bug
- Why PvP in DDO sucks?
- WF sorc/monk
- Blue bars and red bars
- New CTF maps please
- saw something really funny last night at agro
- Reward system for PvP match fights
- Why...
- My one and only PvP suggestion
- PVP Poll
- Discussing PvP in the PvP Forums
- Taking umbrage with the new sticky
- New PvP System
- pvp.....rules?
- Assasin Rogues and PVP
- Bards in PvP...
- Pen&Paper: The original home of Person VS. Person
- What seem to be the most popular PvP abilities?
- Fix this
- DDO PvP Needs Nerfed.
- Primal Scream
- I like it, as much as i do like questing!
- Hapsai gets whipped by trapper
- New "type" of PvP?
- Monster pvp
- PvP
- The Overpowered Gimpiness of them All
- My first and last PvP
- Alternative form of PVP
- Teaming & "Volunteering"
- I would like to thank some designers
- Capture the flag and Death matches
- Newest form of pvp.
- The Evil alignment.
- Constructed PVP
- Ban spell absorption items from PVP please
- A way to make PvP better
- PVP Quest- the Labyrinth of Lunacy
- PvP reduce damage taken
- Band together! Let's make brawling fun again!
- Ban Hurl through hell and Song of Capering
- Dark delerium is too trolly in tavern brawl
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