View Full Version : Monk
- Need help with a Light based Human Monk. 34 points. +2 tomes in each stats.
- 10k stars
- Monk Question
- AC, Worth it?
- Shuriken Build
- some random questions
- Keyboard/hot bar set up for monk?
- Being "uncentered"; how to fix?
- 34 Point Wisdom Based Monk
- Diamond Body
- Opinions on this Shintao please.
- fists of light tactic
- Two quick questions
- Half elf monk question
- Best monk Tank gear setup/EE gear and ED setup for 20monk
- New to the class, 32 point light monk build, what do you think?
- New Player Seeking Major Help!
- EE Monk based Tank; is it possible?
- Gear adjustments
- Protection from Tainted Creatures question
- Dark Monk Gear Set
- Stunning Fist
- TWF Longsword Monk - staying centered
- Getting through Monk for a completionist TR
- Dance of the Water Strider
- I messed up and need advice. Tryin for monk 12/ranger 6/pally 2
- Strength or Dex?
- Dear Devs: Enhanced Ki in an augment slot
- Ninja with 2 celestias: 12monk with 8 ftr or 8 ranger ?
- Urgent tr problem
- Ninja spy/shuriken master
- Ending Gear-Shintao
- monk 32pt build
- Monk Back - Need help after new contents
- Monk TR build needing feedback
- Iron cloak of the Bear
- Boosting monk elemental and force damage
- The Possible Henshin Monk
- An Epic Elite 32-Point Build Monk?
- Looking for advice and input!
- Getting the monk class
- 36-pt Monk Build: Suggestions?
- How to build the new Ninja?
- Choosing Monk enhancements post Shadowfell update
- Everything is Nothing post update
- Monk stances in the new patch, where are they?
- Monk stances in the new patch, where are they?
- I miss my animal enhancements
- Henshin Mystic
- Were pure monks ever able to open locks before?
- Monk and QP and Quarterstaves
- The Shintao Monk is broken??!?
- new ninja spy monk and cant find Void Strike
- Need some help to build a palemaster henshin mystic
- Touch of Death
- Did I waste a feat ?
- i built a monk for my 2nd life
- Missed final Lamania build, does Vorpal Feat + T2 Ninja let you use dex for hit/damg
- Sources of Doublestrike for a centered quarterstaff user
- Challenge Farmer
- Void Strike still in game?
- What am I doing wrong
- Self healing Monk
- Mystic Training Enhancement
- Any ETA on the fix for shinto monks light based attacks
- Update 19 - respec Monk for Ninja and Dex
- POST U19 enhancements: Wis based WF Tactics monk
- Does perfect twf (epic lvl 26 feat) works with unarmed?
- Question about Shuriken Expertise
- Make Monk stance feat available to Monk?
- How would you build a monkcher in U19?
- Ninja spy's limits
- Do the Ninjutsu Toggle effects depend upon failed Touch of Despair saves?
- Way of the clever monkey accidentally nerfed?
- Monks their weapons and ki generation
- Unarmed Fight Vs. Tempest Tree.
- Limits of Epic Elite Mob Fort Saves
- 36 point pure unarmed horc monk
- Thunder and Lightning
- How useful is Quivering Palm in EE Stormhorns?
- Question about Ten Thousand stars post update 19
- Ninja Poison?
- Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm DC's Breakdown
- Henshin needs a revamp
- Monk enchantments has been revamped?
- Question about Dark Monk Enhancements
- Can't find Shinato
- What Tower ring to holy burst?
- Level 20 Helf: Cleric or Rogue Dili?
- shadow veil questions
- Ninja training with bows?
- Vorpal Strikes Mechanics Question
- Monkcher build with Quivering Palm - Build advice
- New to monk...some advice.
- Sneak attacks and monks
- Trying to remember a feat's name
- Feat advice request - Pure Human Monk
- ToD Burst rings kinda borked after update
- need help with a halfling 32 point build henshin acrobat
- Help understanding Healing Ki
- Another Shadow Veil question
- Whirling Steel Strike bugged for FvS/Monks
- Shadow Veil Incorp and Displacement
- Some thoughts on Shintao Enhancements
- Piercing Clarity and flawless black dragonscale robes
- Scorching wraps
- kukan-do
- Coming back from long break, Building a monkcher
- Planning for the ultimate survivalist monk for EE
- Moncher - need advice on build
- Need pure monk build!
- A Better Staff
- There is a way to be centered with exotic weapons ?
- Please review Ninja Spy Monk 18 / Rogue 1 / Fighter 1 TR build
- Does No Mercy stack with itself?
- vorpal strikes = +0.5 dice damaged unarmed?
- Monkchers For Noobs!
- opinions on a TR
- Need help with my monk.
- Are dark monks now pointless?
- Henshin Or Shintao Tierr 5 Enhancements - What to Choose???
- FotW / unarmed
- Warforged Monks
- antipode or dual celestias
- Dark Monk - Noob
- Help me with my stats please
- Need advice on enhancements for monkcher
- shurimonk builds out there?
- Which Iconic for Henshin Mystic?
- Ninja vs Shintao
- pure Ninja Spy weapon: wraps/short swords/both?
- fighter monk
- Qstaff Builds
- Returned L20 (solo) Monk with obsolete gear, what to go for?
- Healing with a Monk
- Equipment ideas?
- rebuilding my monk, how bad is it?
- Light or Dark?
- Does Combustion/Impulse boost Henshin SLA's?
- Dodge doesn't add up?
- Monkcher: Light or Dark
- Need TR help, too many feats (:
- Wanna make a good melee CC monk, any built ideas?
- What Debuffs can I use against bosses?
- Could this be viable in EE (17monk/2pally/1clr)
- Every Light Casts a Shadow
- Monk archer(have not played in awhile- just wondering if this would work)
- does ninja spy dex to damage now work for celestias?
- All Consuming Flame doesn't work?
- Advice On Light Pure 28 Monk Gear
- The Dirk Jiggler (16Mnk, 2 Ftr, 2 Rgr)
- Can you take Grandmaster of Form at 18?
- Returning player seeking some help
- Touch of death and Adrenaline
- Versatility (12Monk/4Paladin/4Ranger)
- Lvl28 monk
- I need a good upper/mid level set of heroic handwraps. Where/what are they?
- Partial Monkish.. Question - Need some advice.
- Returning monk player - Need some serious advice
- GS items on a monk-ish TR character - need advice
- Passive ki regen?
- With the new enhancement changes, is Dwarf still a good choice for a monk ?
- Request monk build: High saves and DPS
- Legendary Tactics/Stunning Fist
- Bladeforged Monk TR
- Another Returning Player
- Dex Monk Build needed please
- Overwhelming Critical requirements - wisdom based monk
- Martens Rebuild (Seeking constructive input)
- Pure HORC Monk
- Quick question about Monks using Whirlwind feat & Combat Expertise stance.
- Theorycrafting - PDK shortsword QP master
- Past Life: Disciple of the Fist.. what are the dice step increases ?
- Maxed out Grand Master of Flowers - where next?
- Ninja Question/Confusion RE: Vorpal Strikes
- Boss DPS: Qstaff, handwraps, or shortswords?
- How does 10k actually work? (Just a few facts please.)
- Shadar-Kai Handwrap Monk - How Much to Splash?
- looking for a build
- completionist
- My Pure Monk Build
- Improved Martial Arts
- Charisma based monk
- Monk Druid Animal forms
- Pure monk help duo with friend
- A Dance of Flowers: Ranged
- The Monk Trip
- [Solo] Reaver's Fate - best handwraps for beating on Stormreaver?
- 3rd life monk build
- The Zenarek Build
- Need Help Kitting out my friends Lvl 23 Single-class Monk
- TR Drow Monk (pure)
- Shintao build
- 10/10 Monk Paladin Build 3rd life
- Help with build please..
- Hansong Master, an epic elite DC and survival Monk
- Henshin Mystic Core abilities
- Advanced Ninja Training questions.
- Does Oversized Two Weapon fighting do anything for handwraps ?
- A few monk questions about Feats.
- [Solo] Spec for (Soon-to-be)capped Monk, going back to solo old content?
- question on damage
- question on damage
- Monkcher question
- DC needed to land SF/SB/QP in EN/EH?
- Seeking some general advice for playing a Mystic
- Bladeforged healing and heal amp
- Strength of feat for monkcher
- Wonk option?
- Way of the Tank
- The Limber Pine
- Please critique my Monkcher build, i need advice.
- Build Request-Unarmed 19Monk/ 1Rogue (Trapper)
- Unarmed Monk or TWF Monk
- general advice on short sword monk needed
- Monkcher with trapping skills - feedback requested
- Removal of Sundering Bonuses to QP
- Monk + Kensai + Healing Ki
- Returning after several year hiatus
- Bladeforge Monk, Max dps pls
- Returning player, have Monk questions.
- Anticipating Sunder Changes Build
- The Weremonk (PDK Shortsword tactical DC monk with very high attack speed)
- Iconic monk sanity check
- Warforged to Bladeforged Monk TR build
- thoungts on a 2nd life monk build
- Don't laugh, I want to try a Monkcher.
- Advice needed for 1st life Shadar-kai Monk / Rogue
- While using a shuriken, does the off-hand weapon provide any benefits?
- Save the monks. Get involved!
- Monks Unarmed. No dex to dmg DDO fail
- Gearing a Completionist: Handwraps
- Build Request: Trapper Monk
- Monks and Grenades - remaining centered
- May have made a mistake...
- Ninja Spy & Weapon finesse
- Build request / help. plague by monk decisions
- How much STR does a Monk REALLY need?
- monk AA build
- generating ki as a shuriken thrower
- Pure monk 32 point build
- What is a decent unarmed damage for a lvl 28 pure light monk?
- build up for discussion
- Maximizing Hits Per Second
- Returning Player, Need help salvaging a monk/pally/ftr
- Begginner with MONK/Looking for a build
- What 'end game' wraps are you using now?
- Thunder-Forged Wraps: What Tier2 is best?
- Staying centered
- Advanced Ninja Training + One With the Blade?
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