View Full Version : Sorcerer
- Gear for mid level sorcerer
- Farwind: An Air savant Endgame EE DPS Build
- Water savant
- Sorc best savvy?
- Mech's Shiradi Sorc thread
- Update 18 Shiradi Sorc. Does Everything Build
- Sorcerer looking for a new build
- How is my water sav build?
- Making a Sorcerer
- Conjuration vs Evocation
- Shiradi sorc best wepon
- Specific Help Needed with SP Calculations Between 20 Sorc and 18/2 with Paladin.
- Tukaw Reborn under The Lord of Blades tutelage
- Air savant sorcerer help
- What are some good multiclass sorcerer options?
- Will Sorcs be gimp after the enhancement update?
- Sorcerous Arcane Archer
- Sorry kinda new
- Flesh Sorc options for healing(non-scroll)
- LF> 28 point Human Air Savant Build
- This Update Gimped Shiradi Sorcerers
- Why no Earth end-game?
- U19 shiradi WF sorc build primer - more powerfuller than ever
- 14 sorc 4arti 2pally
- Sorcerer Spell choices
- U19 Shiradi Sorc - The Good, the bad, and the OMFG!!
- Need Help LRing my sorc to the new enhacement sistem
- Looking for a WF sorc if they're still viable
- I can't select the air savant tree?
- Drow Sorc 18 / 2 Monk Splash
- if i had this character, I would [INSERT ADVCIE HERE]
- Post 19 WF Sorc Spellcraft/Repair and Use Magic Device
- savant resist penalties
- Max Spell Power?
- sorc feat/multiclass options
- Sorc/rogue solo build
- Sorc Elemental Form???
- Advice on my lvl 16 sorc
- Help with Sorc Spells please
- Shiradi Sorc and FVS Tier 4 Intense Faith
- Fire savant's frireball SLA works differently than normal fb
- Tring into a Sorc. My first time, would like some help/tips
- Savant Comparison Question
- Last life sorc
- Is Fire-Earth a good option for currently?
- The Spam-Machine, made in Germany 14 Sorc / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin
- Water savant viable as a leveling build?
- FYI: Big Hint as to identity of next Sorc Prestige from Feather_of_Sun
- Dragonmark of Storm in Shiradi bugged
- returning - what to do with my WF earth savant
- looking for a Pure sorc build
- Burning hands and Acid Spray SLA cooldowns not reduced by enhancements
- 14/4/2 WF Shiradi Caster...input requested.
- Toaster of Vengeance
- Nothing but SAVE!
- Advice for second-life sorcerer who's insane enough to want to trap as well
- 28 Pt Human Sorcerer question
- Sorcerer splash?
- Purple Dragon Eldritch Knight Sorcerer
- What Epic Destinies?
- Need input on secondary savant
- You can now post Pictures in The Sorcerer Forums!!
- 15 Sorc 4 Pal 1 Fig WF Sorc Smash n Bash
- 16 Sorcerer/2 Paladin/2 Monk confusion!
- Bladeforged Eldritch Knight Sorcerer/Paladin
- 1 Morninglord Cleric/14 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight
- Looking for tips on my 18Sorc/2Rog build please!
- Bladeforged Paladin question
- Fanning the Flames/Just Reward issue
- Is Sorcerer Capstone worth taking? or is 2 Paladin levels better?
- What can a Sorc do to debuff reflex saves?
- Whats better? DI: Earth(T5)+Ice(T4) or Shiradi: Air(T5)+Fire(T4)
- 36 Build PvP Master Sorcerer Paladin Rogue Bladeforged 16/2/2
- Past life
- Sorcerer best build dps
- EK Build that works and is raid worthy
- Looking for: Sorc build ideas to get a heroic past life
- Best Polar Ray damage?
- Requesting Build Advice/Posts for a 3rd life Sorcerer
- Spell power by level?
- 36 point WF Sorc build help
- Confused about obtaining Shiradi ED
- Sorc heroic lives options
- Air Savant Sorcerer questions
- TR to WF Sorc
- Robe Choices
- 5 year absence... I have some questions
- Concentration ?
- Required Evoc DC for EE?
- Gear options for wf ek 12 sorc / 6 monk / 2 pally
- Getting freaky with PDK
- Ice Sorc Dillema - 200 SP/1% Crit VS 1 Evoc DC
- Master of Storms
- Caster levels - Useful max.
- Ice Evoc Sorc - Max Crit %
- Sorcerer of the Brine
- The Kamikaze - Helf 18 sorcerer 2 monk
- Hellball
- Ruin
- Meteor Swarm Buged
- Sorc cant change to water sav
- ICE vs FIRE vs AIR vs ACID - Evoc Sorc
- Firestorm - Shiradi Glass Cannon
- Pure Sorcerer EK build
- PDK eldritch airforce
- Good leveling Docents?
- sorc build
- building my first sorc
- Returning Player - Basic HEROIC Sorcerer for Levels 16-20
- Shiradi testing with statistics
- Pure sorcerer max cha, max evo dc
- Starting new sorc at lvl 7 - need advice
- Sorc/FVS/Paladin vs. Sorc/FVS/Monk
- Basic playstyle for a sorcerer?
- Returning Mr. Cow Disciple- Pure Sorc Help
- Need Sorcerer Advice
- Starter Sorc Playstyle videos
- Sorcer Water/Cold savant ! let's discuss !
- DDO Sorcerers for idiots
- Epic tring as sorc
- Bladeforged to pure sorcerer?
- First ever caster, 18/2 sorc/pal or 16/2/2 sorc,rog,pal?
- up to date 28-point human sorcerer build?
- Pure 20 sorcerer, max crit chance (air savant)
- First Life Air Savant Sorcerer Seeks Advice
- Spellcasting Items, Feats, Enhancements, Etc.
- Sorcerer Second Life
- Looking for opinions on how to improve/change my Ice Savant Sorc.
- Something has always bugged me about the spellcsters
- Level 16 broken sorcerer
- Young Elminster, Avatar of Mystra - A melee / caster hybrid
- Value of EVO feats
- Lvl 18 Sorc...what next?
- why am i weak?
- Elemental Form
- Sorc18/Pal2 Bladforged build
- So how is water savant, nowadays?
- Angelic Sorc Necromancer
- Sorc Help
- Utile: Poor man's end game melee sorcerer
- Sorc items end game
- The Howitzer, a heavy armor/shield fire savant/defender theorycraft
- What is the shelf life on the Fire Savant SLAs?
- Bladeforged sorc build Sorc 16 Pal 2 Monk 2
- Understanding EK
- Warmage Project {Sorcerer tree}
- Sorc necro
- Total noob queston
- spell level questions
- Sorcerer guidance
- epic past life - arcane alacrity
- Sorcer Epic gear thread
- Twists for a Sorc
- which should I buy I was thinking vip with menace of the underdark? or shadowfell.
- need EPIC destiny advice
- Horrific Air Elemental Form Animation Work Around
- U23: Heavy Angelic Sorc Necromancer
- Acoylyte of the Skin [Lost Trees Project]
- Sorcerer epic destiny path
- Cl and MCL question
- Shiradi AOE Air Savant
- Newbie questions about spell respec
- Any other sorcs just neg level things?
- New Sorcerer Build
- The resilient toasting toaster
- Best TF sorc weapon?
- old man looking for pure sorcerer or maybe some rogue but...
- Good PL's for sorc?
- "Arcanes should use great axes." Really?
- What feats should a sorcerer take?
- Need a build - Quarterstaff Sorc
- 14 sorc/ 4 fvs / 2 pali --> ? (after Divine Grace changes in U24)
- SLA improvement bug
- Sorcerer - a few questions
- Sorcerers and Armor
- Just another melee sorcerer
- Never played a caster
- Fire Savants: Get Ready to Respec Soon
- WF Sorc Build for heroics only?
- Could use some input on Shiradi Sorcs
- shiradi draconic
- Test build Spray N Pray
- Need Build Ideas for a Sorcerer
- Sorc/Exalted Angel Question
- Sorcerer Avoiding Traps w/o Rogue Levels?
- Looking for sorc build for next past life
- Orthosorc-- maybe how we all should build draconic sorcs?
- Melee Sorc PL build help
- Returning Player, Need Some Help!!
- some questions (that I assume are basic) about sorcs
- Capstone : Elemental Apotheosis - my gripe
- Basic New Player Friendly Sorc Build
- Need EE Bladforged Sorcerer...Keep the 1 pally
- Quicken for sorcerer?
- Trying to figure charisma and spell DC for a sorcerer
- Looking for a new fire savant build
- Warforged/Bladeforged in elemental form?
- {Build Suggestions/Help} Pure Sorcerer Build
- Sorcerer Question: EE Viable?
- which Savant to go?
- Basics: Sorc. Mental Toughness, 1% Crit chance. Worth??
- A little input would be awesome!
- Build Request: Air Savant Sorcerer
- If i want to not worry that much about DC's
- If there was ever a heroic level sorc pass, ideally this would happen:
- Looking for a BF Sorc with Air and force help?
- Looking for an efficient 15-28 Bladeforged Sorc build
- Most useless spells?
- Eldrich Knight dillema
- Looking for Air Savant Advice
- Gear for level 16? What and where?
- So you want to survive in EE as a sorc? Heavy armor is your answer.
- Eldritch Knight Scaling
- Does melfs acid arrow stack?
- AirForged the last Firebender (BF Sorc 18 2 Pal) U25
- So, what does a basic caster gearset look like now in mid to high epic levels?
- How would I build a DC-based Sorcerer?
- Need Gear Ideas When Casting
- New player(VIP) who wants a sorcerer who can handle traps in heroics, tips?
- New to game, familiar with WoW mages - got advice on a pure sorceror build for me?
- Imagine a Sorcerer Who's Cat is Named Boo !!
- Newbie 28 Point Drow Sorc Build
- Earth savant needing an advice
- Advice for EK/Swashbuckler build
- human sorc help
- New U29 feats, any good for sorcerer?
- Sorc advice
- Incantatrix Tree Possible?
- Best Way to Make Sorcerer with New Changes...
- 'Must have' feats
- fire & force sorc/fvs/pali -- 2 or 3 pali?
- Asking for advice
- Latest on fireball saves in epics?
- Quick Question
- Sorcerer needs help in epics.
- adamantne or nothing?
- Sorcerer spell list for epics?
- The Fusion Reactor - An Energy Efficient 21st Century Drow Evoker
- Looking for a Sorcerer Eldritch Knight build
- Eldritch Knight help
- The Favored Pyromancer - Fire Savant Sorcerer 16/ FvS 4 Draconic Incarnation
- Maelodic's Stupid Fricken Sorcerer Build and Leveling Notes
- SORC - Am I doing it wrong?
- Earth Grab SLA DC
- Nuking
- Advices on a WF Shiradi
- Endgame fire sorc build-Atom Bomb
- 20 Sorc Elf AA / Viable ? ( Spell nuker plus a little bow play )
- Enchanter
- Is there anyway to salvage my character?
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