View Full Version : Artificer
- Leveling Your Homonculus (Evasion II by Level 16)
- ranged/runearm/caster arty Build for guildy
- TRing to build a very high dps artie, using artificer splashes thematically
- Do not TR in any way IF you have a pet.
- What spells to take as an Artifacer Melee?
- Why not Melee Juggernaut with Rune Arm?
- Arty Gear advice for levels 18-22
- Suggestions for a TR caster-based Arty build?
- Feedback and Suggestions on 32pt Warforged Artificer
- Need some feedback on my 32p Artificer build
- Rune Arms and Shiradi procs
- Dumb Ranged Alacrity Question
- We arti and umd
- Not much to go on...
- Evasion on n artificer
- Fleshie Arty Viable and other questions...
- Scrollcasting Artificer Spells on Self
- Silly Arti queries.
- Armor
- Past Life Stacking?
- Why a Pure caster Artificer? Mobs will still save against rune arm attacks/ spells!
- Is it me or Archer's Focus is worst than ever?
- Is Int/Str arty viable in heroic play?
- Halfling dragonmarked Arcanotechnician
- Ranger TR into artificer, need advice
- help with build
- mid level weapons
- Help with 1st Character (28pt) Warforged Artificer build
- Deadly Weapons/waste of a spell slot?
- Casting Arcane Spells in armor or shielded?
- New Enhancements & the Artificer: any thoughts or experiences to share?
- WAI or bug?
- Insightful Damage worth anything for an XBow user?
- Stacking damage boosts
- What are the pet gear restrictions?
- Arcanotechnicians Repair Systems rank 2/3. Bugged?
- Dwarf Melee Artificer
- Two dumb(ish) questios about Artis
- So excited for my Master Artificer build!
- Iron Defender - Stupid question
- Enhancement revamp broke my trapmonkey Arti
- Twist of Fate
- 1st toon to 20 and need help please
- Manyshot Artificer
- Runearm proc shiradi yet?
- Infused Armor not affecting ASF from WF body feats. Bug or WAI?
- Artificer Pet Attacks
- Battle Engineer / Warforged Weapon Attachment enhancement
- Update my Einstein Build for U19
- H-Elf AA Artificer?
- BUG: critical admixture heals less than advertised
- Melee Articifer Help
- TR Lvling builds help
- The Spellsword (18/2 Articifer/Monk)
- Metas for Artis?
- Rune Arm DC's
- 2 mnk or 2 rog?
- Anyone check the sunblades w/ arti bastard sword enhancements?
- Artificer Spell Scrolls, is wiki correct?
- Which repeaters for heroic contend?
- Easier TR Life for Arti
- I'm having difficulties understanding why to ever charge runearm to max tier
- Pure caster arachnotechnician build - Drow
- Arcanotech core enhancment Lightning Bolt = worthless
- Dwarven Axes & Bastard Swords?
- How to farm Animus?
- Did the WF Juggernaut get ruined by the enhancement pass?
- Your Arti equip list
- Insightful Damage and Targeting Sights
- Amaunator Handwrap Conversion WAI?
- Are Arti Iron Defender Enhancements Screwed Up???
- Thoughts on this arti build?
- How do I make Dog-Dog attack again?
- Revamping my artificer
- Rune arm, what am I missing?
- Arti build for TR life
- Rune Arm Potency Charge Bonus
- Gear for Epic
- 3x ranger - completionist build - EE Arcane archer or Arti final build? need feedback
- My Arty is Now Clubbing (with scepters)
- So ... arcanotech looks solid for Heroic
- For a solo artificer, Evasion splash or no?
- Pure Arti still valid?
- Pure Arti vs arti/rogue split, crossbow user
- Basic help
- Automatic repairs: Tooltips wrong, power amazing
- Arcanotech, electric SP
- On my final TR, please help me not mess it up.
- Arti w automated repairs rank 3 not healing me!
- Endless Fusilladevs Many Shot vs 10k
- Post Test
- Help new player with arti build please...
- Build request
- New to Arti - a few questins if you don't mind!
- Random Drow Arty Idea!?!
- Droidnaught - The Arcano Battering Ram
- looking for some advice
- Question about Heighten
- Jank Sphereblade - Pure Arti, spell dps, melee dps, CC, self healing
- INT vs. DEX
- Just Starting
- Good drow arti-First life
- returning player pre articifer
- Xbows, looted and crafted
- How to attain 21 dex first life.
- Wf lr
- Artificer human build help
- Repeater reload-fire sequence and abilities
- Please give feedback on my BF arti build aka my first build.
- Battle Engineer + Mechanic (Returning Player)
- ArcanoArti TR build
- Ok.. Whats the deal with the worthless dog bugging out every 5 **** minutes???
- Sunelf Build?
- Arti Rogue Splash
- Eldritch Machine Gunner - Is it viable?
- normal X bow or repeater
- LF range arti, x-bow spec
- Thinking of TRing into an Artificer
- Need Build Feedback/Help - Final Life Arti
- New to arti, questions about the dog.
- dog in 20+ levels
- Human Pure Arty?
- Artificer build wanted (new player friendly)
- Artificer Ranged Build, Feedback Welcome
- Shadar-Kai Artificer
- 1st life xbow drow arti advice
- They fixed dogs!
- No dog enhancements????
- Human construct essence & battle engineer/weapon attachment question.
- High DPS human artie build
- Terrible news
- Needle versus Thunderholme xbow
- Optimizing a pure arti for EE
- Damage on Arti spells at cap
- Pure Artificer Build Advice
- Arcanotechnician Capstone and potions
- Rogue splash worth keeping after lvl 18?
- Help with Ranger past life as Arty
- Naughty doggie
- Artificer Repeater Build Suggestions?
- Arcane Spell Failure on Mass Invisibility Scroll Cast while ASF Zero+
- U22 SWF/evoker arti (theorybuild)
- Why do Arcanotechnicians get Lightning Bolt?
- Shadow Docent and Automated Repairs (enhacement) Question for Dog
- I am seriously conflicted, and could use advice post release 21.x
- Arti Haggle bot/Crafter.
- Single Weapon Fighting & Repeating Crossbow
- Artificer GS repeater
- Arti gearing help using Cannith challenge items and easy farm gear?
- Gear Critique for my SWF Dwarven Melee Arty.
- tips on soloing
- Max rune arm DC?
- Feat Question
- Looking for artificer build!
- Looking for Artificer Ranged build
- Survivable Melee Artificer
- Looking for a ranged arti build
- Lvl 16 Arti back after long time, need gear help
- Is a pure melee artificer doable?
- Artificers just got better
- Caster artificer advice?
- Dwarven Axe
- Gear Question for Pure Artificer
- What body for a warforged artificer?
- Third Artificier Tree [Lost Trees Project] along with an ED for Artificer types.
- Seeking Some Advice from the Masters
- Pet appearance
- Artificer Epic Destiny Ideas
- Precision vs Archers Focus
- Harper tree and artificer stacking?
- Artificer Help
- Harper Tree, thoughs
- rune arm crafting
- Cannith Crafting on Toven's
- Build advice wanted
- reconstruct and adamantine body
- EE Quests & a Tripping Iron Defender
- Repairing a fleshie?
- Asking for suggestions level 20 gear for etrs
- Deadly Weapon vs. Holy Sword
- Unlocking Arti with favor then TR into an arti possible?
- what gear should I farm before tr into an arty?
- THF, SWF and Runearms
- New Warforged Artificer alignment
- Don't count Needle out yet! (or 'why your dps didn't increase so much w/TH xbows')
- SWF Melee Arti?
- Conjure Bolts nerfed?
- Problems: No Artificer Enhancement Trees, Collars don't work on Iron Defender...
- Adrenaline changes (u 24)
- need ideas for bf arti
- Just requesting links/ideas
- Rune Arm and Shiradi
- LF Advice for heroic level gear specific to artificers
- Clerificer? Could this Work?
- What PL for a pure Arty?
- Arti/Rgr/Brd // Will this work?
- Looking for a build
- Question about artificer spells
- Proposed Artificer paladin repeater build - A work in progress
- Endless fusilade vs haste boost, and epic destiny question
- Boring Ranged damage arti? (Build request)
- Can you respec Arti Spells?
- Tenser's transformation and Artis
- Build Request : Ranged dps arti with survivability
- BF Art (36pts)
- Runearm targeting issue
- BF vs SUN...?
- Any news on Arty pass?
- Spellcasting Artificer
- Does Insightful Strikes/Insightful Damage stack with Harper Strategic Combat?
- Heroic-only arti PL build
- Rapid Shot and Rapid Reload
- Max caster levels not working with Blast Rod SLA.
- Can't train pet enhancements?
- New Damage Calculations based on New ROFs: Rogue vrs Artie
- RL Arti Pet
- Artificer 16/ Fighter 4 2HF build... Feedback requested
- Just pimped out a vetII (level 9) arty and his dog... here's the gear
- Advice for a past-life farming build.
- Which Runearm looks like a silver shield?
- end game arti please help!!!
- Gearing for 28 Artificer (Harper) Hybrid (Shirady ED)
- Artificer vs Warlock
- Does Insightful Damage and Enchant Weapons stack?
- Beside the obvious, what's the differences between the X-Bows and which do U prefer?
- Pure arty shadowdancer
- Stoner, last life no more grind
- Arcanotechnicians at epic?
- Int-Based Single Weapon Fighting Artificer
- Questions about the Knives Eternal Runearm
- Arcano-shadar-kai. 17 arti/3 rogue plinker and SLAs
- Crafting on toven's hammer
- Noob artificer questions RE: Shadar-Kai Rogue5/Artificer15
- BOLD Prediction - Gnome Artificers
- I need opinions art evoc
- Armor of Speed Issue
- Level 21-27 ring slot issues
- Is artificer's dog completely broken?
- Human Artificer H-Amp options
- What did you pick for your level 26 epic destiny feat?
- Rune arms and past life sorcerer
- Repeater builds post Balance Changes
- "Smaller doses" - suggestions
- Tactical Det & Prismatic Strike DCs for EE
- R.a.r.
- Repeater build?
- Need help on a artifacter build? PlZ help.
- Fatal Flaw, Orange Slot
- Arti and "improved" Wands
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