View Full Version : Quests & Challenges
Pages :
- Fighter Builds/Templates: A compiled link
- The Tempest Ranger, by Illuminati
- Mysterious Ring effects
- How exactly should I level from 1-12?
- My 32 point Melee Cleric
- 6 man dragon
- What weapons are finessable?
- Devs changing character names.
- vorpal tactics
- How fast can you run BAM elite?
- Overpowered by Arcane Skeleton
- Wizard King
- What is required to effectively trip?
- Dynamic Duo - Looking for suggestions
- Where are the orcs?
- Duality - Tips for survival?
- Radiance and Potency stack?
- Two Questions about tangleroot
- DDO just isn't a good game to solo!!!
- Improving rest shrine healing effects
- Weapons speeds
- Whisperdoom's Spawn (the lvl 11 version) What bypasses her DR?
- fireball sucks stop casting it
- Marut. Why? Just why?
- Soloing Bloody Crypt??
- The oft Maligned but Needed Battlecleric
- How Do I Heal Myself Fast?
- Evasion fix/nerf on the way
- A "Battlesorc/wiz"
- orc encampment
- Need Help With Undead Hunter Character
- The Perfect Ranged Ranger
- DDO did it right with Reavers Bane
- Jeweled Key in A Cry for Help
- Cerulean Hills is Great but some Questions
- Any one know what you get for favor
- Batman build variant- Human evasive survivor tank build
- Warforged Bard build
- Favor per Adventure
- Intimdate and Diplomacy
- A cry for help
- Multiple opponents when solo
- Banishers
- Spell Strategies
- Solo Demon Queen Raid Video
- smiting vs. sunblade
- The Shadow he invincible?
- How do weapons evolve with character progression?
- Archer Point Defense? Frickin boss
- Your opinion on Spring Attack: worth it?
- What other items are out there that boost UMD?
- Prisoner of the Planes docent drop bug
- PoP D'Jinn room.
- Where is Chief Ungurz hiding?
- Looking for level 14 Battlecleric build - Leaning Towards Malice
- Blah
- drow/paladin/how do i build
- Balance question
- Stunning Blow and Improved Sunder
- Newbie build help: Dwarf Ranger/Barb/Fighter
- Energy Manipulation...
- Khopesh or Dwarven Axe?
- A Critical thought
- When should I be able to solo lvl 1 Elite?
- Funniest Class Inappropriate Loot Drops
- sneak attack fighter
- Whirlwind + TWF
- So how does the dragon raid work?
- Where to Repair?
- Do Blur & Displacement stack?
- Ring of the Ancestors
- stunning blow and power attack?
- Khopesh vs. Dwarven Ax: Does this make sense?
- Ranger/Fighter/Bard Build
- Fixing the Mobility Feat
- Resilience
- How do I find out what server I am on?
- VON-6 velah
- Demon Queen Raid
- Rapier VS Khopesh, the showdown
- Least Dragonmark of Making
- Ranger Question
- titan raid - shields dont come down after 6 strikes
- What's a good partner for a newbie cleric?
- Von 6
- Demon Queen solo/duo/short man
- Trip, Stunning Blow, Sunder, etc. Explanation
- Need Help with WF Pally build
- Charmed Monsters...Annoying? Or a Great Boon?
- Fighter/Rogue vs. Ranger/Rogue
- New Cleric Guild Question
- ?
- Gone since January...What's New?
- Need New Strategy Suggestions for Caravan Elite
- a dragon raid question
- What gives a character it's high AC
- elf sorce using a repeater
- Killing Razor Cats in The Madstone Crater
- Let me have a go at a Forum Build (Trap Gorilla)
- Need advice on Offering of Blood
- Tome Question
- Postmod 4.1 2-man or solo strategy to defeat DQ
- UMD, how to make it work
- righteous criticals
- Suggested strategies for attaining favor?
- duo'ing the demon queen, any tips?
- Tank only guild
- Tanks? Tanks are Over Rated
- DR of jarilith
- help help help need a person or dev about tokens rewards
- Spell Point Management
- All Server Pvp World!!!
- Should I multi-class?
- Good XP grinding quests
- multi-class BaB
- Glitterdust question
- twilight forge small group question
- Stat damagers
- Another use for create undead
- Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins
- Mystic Theruge
- Strategy for 3 lvl 2 quests
- Seeking knowledge: Which solo quests to do at lvl 3?
- Noobtastic Rogue questions
- understanding critical hits
- Builds
- The Art of Charming
- What they do to the game?
- lol
- Toughness Enhancements
- opps on my back again
- Help - Twilight Forge Quest Completion
- Alternative for "Running the Bases"?
- Help with TRIP / Improved TRIP
- level 1
- Sorcerer or wizard
- 2 WFighting build DPS
- Otto Cakes in Reaver Raid
- Questions for the Elite among us
- Mr. Ed's Helpful Hint #1
- Two questions concerning rouges
- What 7 weaponsets would you use for a TWF?
- favor grind over 1400
- Wizard King Question
- And The Dead Shall Rise
- THE BEST DD - With comparisons to other builds to prove it
- need TITAN quest help from start to finish
- Whats your worst build?
- How do you "Tank"
- How to cope with scorching ray
- My first build ..... Need advice
- Demon Queen bugging
- A quick how-to?
- My first actual 'build'
- greenblade vs. blue dragonscale robe
- Use of Hot Keys
- My First Character Build (In Progress) Please give your thoughts.
- Lightening Reflexes...good feat???
- Dumb Names
- Knock Enhancements
- Titan Question
- The Crucible?
- The Dark Arts
- More power.
- Red Boss Immunities
- Portable party fort
- Elf dragonmark build
- What quests now?
- titan raid questions
- Rez Rings
- Date?
- When to use Precision, when to use Power Attack
- Commo Skills
- Feast or Famine End door
- Relics
- Shadow King questions
- The Clr/Fgt/Wiz Build
- WF: Best Solo Race?
- low end computer
- The tank slant in DDO
- New Velah Strategy?
- New content... just wondering....
- ADQ2 post mod5
- Fleshmaker's Optional End
- Need Tips for Undead Beholder on Elite!
- Tips on Completing the Litany Preraid
- Need help with Beholders!
- STK Question
- New Velah Elite Strategy (no pillars, just the Velah)
- Optional Chests
- Need dragon raid expert - can you only get haywires voice once now?
- Twilight forge underwater valve puzzle - anyone have a guide?
- von6 pillar 'fix'
- Advancing the Trinkets
- Mod 5 Items
- Googles?
- Orchard Of The Macabre Map (spoiler)
- How high does intimidate need to be?
- Velah Elite Guaranteed Win
- Getting stuck on the Inferno part of the Abbott raid, all pointers appreciated.
- How do you get to Overwatch Point?
- Adamantine Melee Weapons??
- Demon Queen Solo tips
- black anvil mines ore run help
- threnal reflagging
- tips for rushing Valeh
- Can someone who has, ...
- Bastard sword's advantage over khopesh
- best 4some ?
- wizard king help
- WF 3some Input
- Question about feats and stacking
- Mephit Banes
- Spell Defense
- Abbott Raid
- Kamas: Why Do It?
- Litany of the Dead - Beholder Part
- Tips from DDO loading screen
- DQ 6 man pre-raid tips and help
- Mephits Are Elementals
- Tempest Spine End Room
- Best Weapon Combo's?
- 4 person Twilight Forge full completion suggestions needed!
- whisperdoom on backside of house p questq
- Abbot Raid
- Strategy and sheild Blocking
- dq1.....can you enter with a party if you are unflagged?
- zawabis revenge
- How Do *YOU* Defeat the White Dragon (Spoiler Alert)
- How Do *YOU* Defeat the Blue Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
- How Do *YOU* Defeat the Black Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
- How Do *YOU* Defeat Velah, the Red Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
- Improved Feint - Anyone Used It ?
- Tower Shields and evasion
- mind blast
- New Fun Thread-Solo Multi-class ideas
- Question about Subtle Backstabbing
- Question about Cleave
- Flesh Render in Threnal West
- heighten spell?
- Oversized Weapon Feat Build Help
- The roles of a party... Thoughts on the way we interact
- Bluff?Diplo?or other??
- Crowd Control
- actual strength required for von 5 str levers?
- Question: Power Critical
- Crafting Planner V1.0 ALPHA
- 2 shroud thoughts
- Healing Amplification calculations
- Dragonmark Feats
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