View Full Version : Batman build variant- Human evasive survivor tank build

04-16-2007, 01:49 PM
3 Rogue/ 3 Paladin/ 4 Fighter
Build peaks at level 10.
Batman variant- Evasive survivor tank build.
Requirements: Human, Lawful Good alignment
STR 18, base 14 +4 str item
DEX 18, base 14 +4 dex item
CON 18, base 14 +4 con item
INT 8, no adjustment
WIS 18, base 14 +1 human wis stat +3 wis item
CHA 18, base 12 +2 stat points (lev 4 & 8) +4 cha item
Hit Points: 138

AC 37= +5 full plate +5 tower shield +2 paladin aura +1 extra paladin aura enhance +1 dodge +2 max dex

Fortitude +22
Reflex +22
Will +17

General feats: lightning reflexes, iron will, great fortitude, luck of heroes, improved critical- slashing weapon.
Focus is saving throws.
Fighter feats: Weapon focus slashing, dodge, weapon specialization slashing
Focus is weapon skill.

Evasion, paladin disease & fear immunity, paladin aura of good to AC, paladin divine grace bonus to saves, paladin lay on hands 2x day (about 62hp each time for me), +2d6 sneak attack, Weapon skill (focus, specialization, improved critical, +60% devotion on cure wands, smite evil 2x day

Evasion, high saving throws, high AC, OL +30, sneak attack, devotion

Melee: +1 holy longsword of pure good- +12 melee, 1d8+3d6+7 damage per hit, 17-20 threat x2 crit
Ranged: +4 byeshk returning throwing axe- +16 ranged, 1d6+8 damage per hit, 20 threat x3 crit

Paladin gives access to cure, lesser restoration, remove disease, remove blindness wands. Keep an eye out for any spells or items to boost your CHA to improve your overall saves.
Rogue gives essential evasion to avoid damage entirely and extra 2d6 backstabs on a flank. Since base INT is 8 and humans get extra skill points per level, I recommend dumping points into Open Locks and Balance for the most part. You can be a great asset to groups on those quests that have locked doors and chests when no rogue or caster with knock is available. And having OL into the +20's pretty much assures a success with every pick. The Balance helps to avoid knockdowns.
Fighter gives access to feats and improving your weapon skill with focus, specialization and improved critical is important. Keep to a one handed d8 slashing weapon like the long sword or battleaxe.
Ranged weapons should be limited to thrown returning axes to make best use of your DEX to hit and STR to damage.
For advancement beyond level 10, I recommend going with Fighter levels for the extra feats, increased weapon skill enhancements and better attack scale. Weapon specialization and improved critical in thrown weapons would round out offense very nicely.
Taken from:
Xoriat- Trevarian: Knight of Ravenloft. 4 fighter/ 3 paladin/ 3 rogue

04-17-2007, 02:24 AM
Um... I don't think paladins can be chaotic.

04-17-2007, 03:52 AM
Evasion won't work in fullplate either. Plus,what about levels 11-14?
Oh, and the paladin aura is base AC of 1.

04-17-2007, 04:23 AM
I feel like this is a blast from the past.

04-17-2007, 09:26 AM
The CG alignment was a typo so I changed it to LG and erased the iron manacles entry under AC. Base AC from paladin aura is +2 and yes, evasion still works in heavy armor. It's just a base build to level 10 and where you go from there with it is the player's choice.
For the time being, I am planning level 11-14 in Fighter with thrown weapon specialization & improved critical thrown weapon and finding a +3 or better protection item to put my ac into the low 40's.

04-17-2007, 11:02 AM
How old is the character that this was taken from? They recently reduced the AC bonus from Aura of Good, they have said that Evasion will no longer work in medium or light armor as of the coming 4.1 patch... I'm not sure what the Open Lock DC's will be in Level 11+ content, but in general most of the bonuses you look to be depending on from the rogue levels aren't going to be there, or nearly as effective as you're counting on them to be.
Heck, Evasion alone is going to be gone with anything heavier than light armor (Mithral Breastplate or Elven chain being about the best you can get AC wise).
Which if it's intended to get you to level ten, it might still work in the few weeks before 4.1, but with as spread out as it is and with the upcoming changes, it'll have a tough time keeping up once it gets there.

04-17-2007, 03:34 PM
you do realize that as a human you will be getting 2 skill points per level right? and that balance and open lock are both going to require 2 points per level to pump it up 1 rank except for during your 3 rogue levels?

and during your rogue levels you will be getting 8 points.

so if you take rogue first level you will get 28 points, eight of which you can put into balance and open lock.

you will be getting for 9 levels(not including the first level) a total of 30 skill points, 16 of which come from rogue and 14 which come from paladin/fighter.

you will barely be able to max out both balance and open lock.

not to mention in the upcoming weeks about evasion not working in heavy or medium armor.

04-17-2007, 04:17 PM
I don't know...

I think if you want a Batman build...its already pretty well laid out for ya.

I have one and he is very handy(as this build is suppose to be). But, be aware; if you want evasion, you better have you a +5 Mithral BP setting in the bank cause Mod4.1(NEXT month) will be taking your evasion in Med-Heavy armor OUT.

Anyway, I just don't know if you can better the 'pure' batman build from the Class Forums. I have a fully buffed AC of 50+ a 24STR a 20DEX and a 22INT...that low wisdom of mine DOES get me into trouble occasionally but...not every score can be 20+ :D