View Full Version : Alignment

03-31-2007, 07:56 PM
I went chaotic good on my bard for the iron manacles and good weapons. I didn't think about going true neutral and just umding that stuff (that's what I did on my umd rogue). The only big disadvantage I can think of is the lack of stability and the extra damage to good characters in the desert. I'm almost to level 10 on my bard now...would these be reasons worth rerolling or should I just blow it off?

03-31-2007, 08:54 PM
You can just get Spectacular Optics from Threnal. +3 Deflection bonus which I think is a better bonus than you would get from Stability. Also now that protection items have begun to drop you might get lucky and pull one of those. Deflection bonus to AC. Resistance also drops on various items and at bonuses higher than 2.

Basically don't reroll. There are various ways to emulate the Stability items and surpass them.

03-31-2007, 09:12 PM
Ring of the Ancestors doesn't have a UMD check either as far as I know, and res scrolls are a little pricey, so that free one rez/rest is a useful reason to stay good.

03-31-2007, 09:23 PM
Ring of the Ancestors doesn't have a UMD check either as far as I know, and res scrolls are a little pricey, so that free one rez/rest is a useful reason to stay good.
Oooh...now that's a good argument! :)

07-30-2007, 04:07 PM
It's not worth re-rolling for, however there's one more advantage to being neutral aligned and that is use of Axiomatic (or Amarchic) weapons as well as items with a Taint of Evil without negative levels.

But those are all very minor advantages.

08-06-2007, 01:30 AM
I went true neutral on my battle bard, and I kinda wish I hadn't, the grinding up to 14 without using elly + PG weapons really sucks, now that umd is high no biggie. And the rez ring thing is a real **** off.

08-06-2007, 11:06 AM
True neutral is not especialy great.

For a UMD character I'd say Neutral Good is about the best choice. But really for a UMD character any alignment is fine. THere are simply more items out there than you can wear so no one item is worth an alignment change.

For a non UMD character Lawful Good and Chaotic Good are probably best, although Neutral Good is still pretty decent.

08-06-2007, 11:13 AM
I went chaotic good on my bard for the iron manacles and good weapons. I didn't think about going true neutral and just umding that stuff (that's what I did on my umd rogue). The only big disadvantage I can think of is the lack of stability and the extra damage to good characters in the desert. I'm almost to level 10 on my bard now...would these be reasons worth rerolling or should I just blow it off?

Alignment is pretty irrelevant on a Bard right now. I suppose in the future there could be some uber item that you can't UMD and is alignment restricted. Right now nothing like that exists. Even if it did, no one item will make or break any good Bard.

08-06-2007, 05:04 PM
Alignment is pretty irrelevant on a Bard right now. I suppose in the future there could be some uber item that you can't UMD and is alignment restricted. Right now nothing like that exists. Even if it did, no one item will make or break any good Bard.

Agree. There is no reason I'd re-roll for alignment with a bard.