View Full Version : Character Planner spreadsheet

03-29-2007, 04:59 PM
I do a lot of 'what-if' builds and have used Ron's character planner (http://rjcyberware.com/DDO) extensively in the past for this. Also, over on www.housetharashk.net (http://www.housetharashk.net/htforum), for a while, we were hosting build challenges (of the make a build that can do A, B and C type).

After using Ron's tool for a while, I started laying out my skills in a simple spreadsheet to make it easier to calculate out the full potential of a character given full buffs, feats, tools, etc.

Over time, this grew to include AC, to-hit and saves. Then I started automating things (such as, if I have 6 levels of paladin and 3 levels of fighter, then the saves automatically tally up).

Today, negative commented 'wouldn't it be nice if someone had a spreadsheet that tallied up all of your skills' in cforce's rogue skills thread -- so, I figured I would provide what I use to the community.

This spreadsheet is a work in progress, but as of this writing, it does the following:
Calculates build points spent, final abilty mods with items, tomes, enhancements, buffs, levels, etc.
Calculates saves with class levels, enhancements, inherent bonuses, feats and buffs.
Calculates AC from armor worn, max dex of both the armor and your character
Does not automatically factor in Fighters Armor Mastery or Dwarven Armor Mastery (yet)
Also does not factor in additional max-dex from Defender of Siberys or Stalwart Defender
Calculates max hit points from class, constitution, buffs and false-life items
Calculates to-hit from input BAB, +5 weapon, feats and buffs
Calculates skills from points spent, ability modifier, racial bonuses, feats spent, enhancements (manually entered at this time), items, tools and buffs.

http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx (this is a ~237kb Excel 2007 spreadsheet)

simply copy the template sheet to a new sheet
- select a 28-point or 32-point build (A2)
- select race (A3)
- select Alignment (B4)
- allocate build points in G2-G7 until G8=0
- Choose classes in AA2-AA21 (future class choices can be listed as f-ftr for fighter to simulate a future level)
- Choose feats (AD2-AE21 and AF2:3) - blue lines in column AD are normal feats. Column AE is for fighter, wizard, ranger, favored soul and rogue feats. Cell AF1 is for the Human Bonus Feat at lvl1 and cell AF2 is for the Half-Elven Dilettante feat (These are restricted fields)
- Select Armor, Shield and Power Item (AE24, AE26 & AE28) - this will finish populating AC (except for enhancements) and spell points
- Select Enhancements -- this is best done by initially using one of the other offline enhancement tools - either Ron's tool, or JJFlanigans tool (http://perfectweb.org/ddo/displayEnhancements.php) (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88918) because I don't enforce much of anything here yet :D
- Adjust buffs and items in the various sections as needed..

Please note that as of v2.0.0, I do not have all of the PrE bonuses implemented (notably, only the Fighter Kensei's power surge is implemented at this time).

Let me know if you find anything broken or rule-breaking - most of what's in here is based solely on my knowledge of the game, so I'm sure there are still stacking errors somewhere :)

IMPORTANT NOTE: OpenOffice.org Calc now supports cell validation, removing the last hitch that I know of for using this tool in that product.

03-29-2007, 06:22 PM
I actually really like this spreadsheet a lot. It has a very PnP character sheet feel, and lets you plan out your character more in-depth than many other planners. I personally build a lot of my characters by hand, so this is right up my ally.:D

06-20-2007, 02:19 PM
Updated the tool.

- using vlookup to allow updates to the feats and enhancements - it's now harder to break formulas :D
- added rage with an on/off toggle to see what things look like both with and without.
-- Applies Rage and Rage enhancements to STR, CON, Will Save and AC. It doesn't handle double/triple stacked rages yet.
- Added Argonessen favor HP to the HP section
- Split Con bonus HP from class HP
- Toughness Enhancement HP are now IAW 4.2 (even though it's not live just yet)

I still have to automate BAB calculation and figure out a way to validate enhancements.. Until then, you're still better off using one of the other tools for that part

06-20-2007, 02:38 PM
hey binnsr,

I've been using your spreadsheet for a couple months now, and i friggin love it.

in combination with Ron's planner and the offline Enhancement calculator i can map a build down to the last detail, and have a nice high level view of it all in your spread sheet.

I'll download and check out your new one asap.
Did you get a chance to update the spell points to mod 4.1?
current numbers can be found here:

also, don't forget the toughness enhancement changes coming in 4.2.

Thanks again for creating and maintaining this thing. fantastic work!

06-20-2007, 03:03 PM
I knew there was something that I had forgotten to update.

I'll get that updated and a new version uploaded today or tomorrow.

06-20-2007, 03:32 PM
Updated spell points and re-uploaded.

One other thing that I updated for this version was the addition of a couple more skills.
The current listing of skills is: DD, OL, Search, Spot, Hide, Move Silently, Haggle, UMD, Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, Balance, Jump and Tumble.

06-20-2007, 03:46 PM
yeah, it's a lot of work trying to maintain something like this. you've put in a truly commendable effort and I hope a lot of people are enjoying the spreadsheet as much as I am.

i've got your new one up and running, looks good. here's some things that might be worthy of making the template. I have some of these already customized for myself, albeit in a much more crude manner.

#i think you have rage linked to barbarians only, but some of us use the spell version (or potion/scroll version);
would it be possible to do something like 'if no barbarian, use rage spell/potion values' (+2 str, +2 con, +1 will save, -2 ac), or something like that?

#i added a Damage column at the right side of the ATTACK table so i could see my base dmg. (str bonus, weapon bonus, power attack, etc). I kinda like having that..not sure if anyone else cares. I just fill it in manually for the most part, though it's easy enough to reference the applicable 'to-hit' boxes.
along with that, a toggle for 1hand or 2hand damage would be cool, but not completely necessary.

#might be nice to have power attack in the list of to-hit modifiers.

06-20-2007, 03:55 PM
good suggestions.. I had already thought about all three of them, but have been too lazy to do anything about any of them yet :)

I've added them to the to-do list, though so maybe it'll get done..

For one-handed vs. two-handed, I just toggle the shield in AD26.

06-20-2007, 04:43 PM
spell point calculation looks perfect, great job.

#does toggling the shield (AD26) affect anything besides AC?
If a dmg box is added then you'd want some kind of toggle to give a 1.5x str bonus and +5/+10 bonus to power attack (for 2hand on/off).

2 other things on spell points:
#spell point enhancements and feats aren't adding to the spell point pool.
#bonus to SP items:
the % of sorcerer levels of total character levels adds to SP item
(12 sorcerer/2 rogue = 85% sorc + PoP X = 185 spell points from the item).

#drow doesn't seem to be forced to 28 point build (i think it is in my old version of the sheet).

06-20-2007, 05:09 PM
For the moment, toggling the shield off doesn't affect anything but AC (and attack if you had a tower shield on).
I'll give some thought on how I want to implement weapon toggles..

I fixed the 32-point drow thing, but am going to hold off on pushing another version until I can get a chance to update the spell point enhancements/feats and possibly the weapon/damage changes. I thought I had done the SP feats/enhancements sometime in the past, but I guess not :)

Since you seem to be pretty up on the spell caster side of things, and I'm more of a melee/rogue type guy .. do Spell Point enhancements stack? I.E. For a 13Cleric/1Sorc would I be able to take Cleric Energy of the Zealot III as well as Sorcerer Energy of the Dragon I?

06-20-2007, 05:28 PM
someone's gonna ninja me, i know it...

spell point enhancements work exactly the same as toughness or stat enhancements. can't stack class enhancements with similar enhancements from other classes. so, Nope. no stacking Energy of the Zealot and Dragon Blood enhancements.

However, racial enhancements do stack with the class enhancements.
elf wizards have access to Elven Arcanum + Wizard Energy of the Scholar
dwarf paladins/clerics have access to Dwarven Faith + zealot. etc.

hope that's not too much of a PITA to code...

06-26-2007, 03:54 PM
Ok .. based on all that feedback, there were some significant changes over the weekend..

-- Updated the Enhancements and Feats lists from Ron's 2.60 CharGen (thanks again, Ron)
-- Rage can now be calculated using Barbarian Rage, Rage spell/potion/clicky or Madstone Rage.
-- Added a damage column to the Attacks table
-- Added Power Attack to the Attack/Damage table
-- Added [Improved] Uncanny Dodge to the Saves table
-- Updated the Spellpoints calculations to include Spellpoints from enhancements
-- Added the New Human Versatility enhancements (even though they aren't ingame for a while)
-- Converted nearly all manual input to Validation selectors -- I like the way this turned out, but feedback on this would be appreciated.
-- Blue fields are all dropdowns that can be changed (most are an ON/OFF toggle)
-- There is now very little that is manually entered. Stat points, stat buffs, and skill boosts from items are just about it.
-- Added Concentration to the skill list.
-- Made BAB an automatic calculation based on class levels.

06-26-2007, 05:36 PM
awesome awesome work, Bin-

-took me a sec to find the toggle for 2hand fighting (under weapon bonus), but i found it.
-rage scrolls/spell/potions provide a +2 bonus to str/con stat, and an additional +1 to will save - - not +4 and +2, respectively.
-there is a +1 being listed in the dmg column associated with Bless, but is being toggled on with B63, Haste. Also, i don't THINK haste provides +1 to damage, just +1 to-hit. i could be wrong on that one, however. will check it out later if no one confirms or denies this before i can log in.

all in all, a stellar update to an already great spreadsheet. I hope other people enjoy this tool as much as i do!


06-26-2007, 06:17 PM
You're right .. Haste doesn't do anything for damage rolls .. it's only for attack, AC and reflex saves (on, and 40% striding, but I don't have anything like that on the sheet yet :)) Haste also has nothing to do with bless affecting damage .. both of those fields should be 'n/a' .. corrected that as well, and added the reflex save part.

I had rage right yesterday evening, but due to a fickle USB stick, lost about 8 hours worth of updates.

i'll think about how to make the 1H/2H toggle more apparent..

edit: uploaded new sheet.

thanks for the feedback and glad you like the tool.

06-27-2007, 05:17 PM
In recovering from that stupid USB stick, I completely borked up that upload last night..

There was a formula error in the calculations for items in the Saves chart
The selector for stat raises at level increases disappeared.
Having the weapon finesse feat was applying dex bonus to damage.
Having Precision wasn't halving damage anymore..Uploaded and hopefully stable for a while..

07-10-2007, 10:58 AM
Updated to correct a few bug fixes and one or two miscalculations..

08-17-2007, 05:29 PM
I've uploaded a new version of this to http://tinyurl.com/2wwrpe.


corrections in the spellpoints enhancements.
added Armor Check Penalty to the skills section
added a block showing the Arcane Spell Failure for the appropriate armor/shield combo.To Do:

Add class level validation for enhancement benefits (and maybe feats?)
Add racial validation for enhancement benefits

05-12-2008, 08:00 AM
Thanks Binnsr. Great tool.

05-12-2008, 08:04 AM
Thanks Binnsr. Great tool.

thanks. I've been working lately on getting monk support added, but my time has been limited, and its been going slow.

05-12-2008, 05:31 PM
Based on what we know right now for monks, I've gone ahead and added them to the planner and uploaded a new copy - within a week or so of us having more information, I should be able to do an update again.

Some significant changes for this version are:
- Feats - For fighter/Rgr/Wiz bonus feats, the box is blacked out if you don't qualify for one that level. Same goes for the Human bonus feat.
- Condensed Precision, CE, PA and Defensive Fighting into one 'Stance' entry under the Attack section.
- Changed the way that THF str bonuses are calculated. Previously, you selected TH+5 from the Weapon Bonus dropdown. Now you select a 'style' from a dropdown directly above the Stance entry-point.
- Tower Shield penalty is now auto-calculated based on which shield you have selected in the Shield Dropdown - previously you had to set it to On.
- Added all named shields to the shield dropdown

Most of these changes are aimed at more accurately reflecting your character at any given time. For example, previously it was possible to have yourself set up for both a Tower Shield penalty (and the AC from it) and also get the Damage boost from THF.

As usual, please let me know if I've fouled anything up or am violating any laws of the DDO universe..

06-13-2008, 01:48 PM
Made some monky modifications and uploaded a new file..

- Added Monk Feats (Stunning Fist and Deflect Arrows)
- Added Monk Enhancements (thanks again to Ron for getting his tool updated first so that I could leach his Enhancement list:))
- Added stance bonuses and penalties to the Ability Scores section and bonuses to the Saves for being in Water Stance.

07-17-2008, 12:10 PM
Great Tool! one minor thing I found - Paladin Aura starts at level 1, not level 2
Need to update Aura of Good and AC section

formula for Aura of Good - =IF(U8>=1,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Resistance of Good III",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE),4,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Resistance of Good II",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE),3,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Resistance of Good I",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE)=1,2,1))),"n/a")

formula for AC - =IF($U$8>=1,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Bulwark of Good III",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE),4,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Bulwark of Good II",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE),3,IF(VLOOKUP("Paladin Bulwark of Good I",$AX:$AY,2,FALSE),2,1))),"")

07-29-2008, 04:02 PM
Well that was pretty stupid.. :) I think that's been in there since forever - and since I never stop with a 1lvl Pally splash, I never noticed that..

Fixed and a new copy uploaded.

08-01-2008, 12:29 AM
maybe its just me...but i tried to download your planner and am getting a 404 error when connecting to the website...

08-01-2008, 07:14 AM
somehow I managed to change filenames from build_template.xls to build-template.xls.. I've fixed the link and you should be good to go now.

08-25-2008, 08:23 AM
I've updated the AC section to include a separate counter for Armor Bracers, a toggle for the Icy Vestments and a line for the Tempest enhancement.

I've also added the enhancements that I was missing (primarily the ranger PrC enhancements)

10-22-2008, 10:26 AM
With the toughness enhancements changes, I have updated a couple of things in preparation for Mod 8.

I've added the Racial enhancements and separated class and race toughness enhancements in the HP chart
I've also added the other new enhancements that are listed in the Risia Release Notes.

12-05-2008, 03:56 PM
Updated the spreadsheet with some good stuff.

-- Most of the behind-the-scenes tables have been revamped to make the saved file much smaller (the template is about 580KB now as opposed to the previous version saving at 1.5MB)
-- AE2-AE21 now only show feats that are appropriate for the class listed to the left of that cell (i.e. for the Ranger level one feat, you can only select a favored enemy - and for Wizard lvl1, you can only select one of the MetaMagic feats.)
-- Added the Competency to-hit bonus
-- Added Mod8 Enhancements (I was tempted to add in the Mod9 PrE enhancements and capstones that have been covered, but decided to wait until we have more information)
-- Added a version tag at A1 (white text on a white background so it doesn't clutter things up)

There were a lot of behind the scenes changes for this version - if you find anything that doesn't work, or doesn't work as expected, please let me know.

12-05-2008, 11:28 PM
Too few people have said thanks for all the effort...one of the best tools out there.

12-05-2008, 11:53 PM
Thanks bro .. appreciate it :)

01-28-2009, 04:03 PM
anti-forum-purge preemptive strike post..

02-02-2009, 05:30 PM
IMPORTANT NOTE: OpenOffice.org Calc now supports cell validation, removing the last hitch that I know of for using this tool in that product.

I rebuilt one of my linux boxes today and after testing USB functionality by loading a Flash drive (which had this spreadsheet on it), I discovered that openoffice.org Calc now supports cell validation.

The version of openoffice.org Calc loaded on my system is: openoffice.org-calc-2.3.0-6.5.4.el5_2 with the newest version of OpenOffice.org available being: 3.0.1 (http://download.openoffice.org/)

02-27-2009, 04:03 PM
I've been fiddling with more automation (and a simple damage calculation tab) and have gotten the sheet so that it has a couple of macros. They're nothing that will break anything if they're not enabled, but I wanted to poll the community that uses this as to whether or not they would still download this if it had macros?

03-25-2009, 12:28 PM
hey Binnsr,
I've been away from the game for something like a year and a half..just coming back for a stint and glad to see you still maintaining this!!


04-06-2009, 11:36 AM
Binnsr, just wanted to chime in w/ how much I love this spreadsheet. Great job, very useful. Thanks!

07-16-2009, 01:05 PM
Now that the NDA has been lifted, I've started working on adding Favored Soul to this and hope to release a new version (1.2.0) in the next week or two (depending on free time of course)

If there are changes to the FvS class between now and DDO:EU launch, I'll release a 1.2.1 version as well.

New items will be:

Prestige Enhancements
Capstone Enhancements
Favored Soul and associated feats, enhancements, etc.

07-18-2009, 12:37 PM
Build 1.2.0 is now available (http://tinyurl.com/2wwrpe).

All of the mod9/DDO:EU enhancements, feats and abilities are included. Still to be completed are going through the PrE's and adding AC/Hit/Damage modifications from the Fighter and Pally ones. For now, they can be manaully added in the 'Miscellany' blocks for each section.

I have also added a rudimentary damage calculator - this is definitely to be considered a beta addition as it does not handle TWF styles very well :) Inclusion of this forced me to add a couple of macros. The code for the macros is easily accessed if enabling macros bothers you and you want to look at what they're doing - a simple sort macro, as well as one to list sheets for the damage calculator dropdown. Disabling macros in no way hinders the functionality of the individual character sheets - just makes the damage calculator more difficult to manipulate.

There were quite a few changes in this version, so if you come across anything that doesn't work as you expect, let me know and I'll try to get 'er fixed :)

Thanks for playing and have a Go Army! day.

07-29-2009, 01:06 PM
Uploaded v1.2.1 .. this modification focused only on the damage calculator.

It now takes into account fighting style from the character tab, including offhand damage, and TWF feats.

08-17-2009, 09:10 AM
v1.2.2 is now available.

I added the enhancements for "Kensai [Specific Weapon] Mastery I/II/III" and corrected a named range issue.

I still haven't found the time to actually add the PrE benefits to attack, damage and AC.
I also want to add a macro to generate forum code to make exporting a character easier, but figure that's going to be a while out given my time constraints lately :D

11-22-2009, 11:42 AM
Thanks for such a great tool! One quick note: the Paladin Improved Turning APs are showing 2, 4, and 6 points needed and should be 1, 2, and 3.

11-24-2009, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the feedback, theweehours.

I've updated those values in the tables. I've also added a re-scan of enhancements from the DDO Compendium to my list of "Things To Do".

I'm holding off on a new version until I can get the True Reincarnate benefits completely added in. Since my RL schedule has become fairly hectic of late, that may take a bit of time. I also want to get the new PrE effects added (currently, they exist only as entries in the Enhancements lists and all effects have to be manually added in the Miscellany rows of each table) before uploading a new version.

In the interim, if you were interested in updating just those values you mentioned, they are in the hidden sheet "Lists" under the "Enhancement_List" named range.

09-02-2010, 01:40 PM
Uploaded v1.2.5

I have never gotten around to squaring AC and Hit/Damage up with the Fighter and Paladin prestige classes, so those sections can only give you a relative baseline.

The sheet also supports Half-Orcs --- at least the stat portion, since we don't have enhancement lists, etc. yet.

09-02-2010, 02:04 PM
Uploaded v1.2.5

Where's the link?

09-02-2010, 02:06 PM
Where's the link?

See the OP


09-02-2010, 02:08 PM
See the OP


That's funny...when I checked, the OP hadn't been updated since Feb. ;)

09-02-2010, 02:12 PM
You caught me .. I didn't update the OP initially, but since the URL didn't change, I didn't figure I needed to. After you called me out, I changed the parenthetical note after the tinyurl link to reflect the proper file size and version. :)

Have a nice day :)

10-25-2010, 01:43 PM
You caught me .. I didn't update the OP initially, but since the URL didn't change, I didn't figure I needed to. After you called me out, I changed the parenthetical note after the tinyurl link to reflect the proper file size and version. :)

Have a nice day :)

Binnsr - Are you guys going to update this spreadsheet for the helves and horcs?

10-25-2010, 02:13 PM
Binnsr - Are you guys going to update this spreadsheet for the helves and horcs?

Its in the works. I've got most of the kinks out of the new stuff added, but don't feel confident enough in it to drop an update yet.
Hopefully sometime this week.

10-27-2010, 08:54 AM
v2.0 is uploaded with the U7 updates -- there's a new download url as well, http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx.

Notably absent still are most of the PrE updates since Unlimited launch last year. I took a pseudo break from the game for a while and haven't gotten everything that I missed into the planner. At this time, Fighter Kensei II Power Surge is the only one that is fully implemented.

This version also resolves some buff stacking issues - mostly in the attack/damage category, but includes a few fixes in the saves/skills areas as well.

thanks for using this tool and let me know if you find anything that is broken

10-27-2010, 12:54 PM
Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing it with the community.

10-28-2010, 01:39 PM
Apparently, there are new issues with openOffice and this planner. I'll be installing OO tonight and giving it a run-through to see if I can narrow down what is going wrong (although initially, it sounds like the cell validation incompatibilities that were causing problems on older versions of OpenOffice).

Will update again once I've got a better handle on what's going wrong here.

10-28-2010, 08:01 PM
I have updated the links with a few bug-fixes (and removed some hidden sheets that were bloating the file-size).

There was an external link contained in one of the named ranges. this has been removed.
In OpenOffice, the Enhancement cost values were displaying as '#N/A'
In OpenOffice, the Combat stance row in Attack/Damage (row 57) was displaying Error 511. The spare comma in one of the OR() functions has been removed.
In OpenOffice, the value in A1 displays as #Value instead of the sheet name. I am still researching this one, but since this is a purely cosmetic cell, it is safe to ignore this error.

I've also added an .ods link into the OP - links to the updated files are also below.

http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx (this is a ~233kb Excel 2007 spreadsheet)

10-30-2010, 05:21 PM
The OpenOffice version shows #NAME? in the class feats drop-down for me.

OpenOffice 3.2.1 and a fresh update of Java. Anyone else having this problem?

Downloaded the xlsx to check if it has the same problem. OpenOffice opened it just fine, no problems. (It was pretty fast, too.)

Saved the xlsx to OpenOffice *.ods format, opened the new one, same problem.

Saved slsx to xls format, opened the new one, no problems.

10-31-2010, 10:05 AM
The OpenOffice version shows #NAME? in the class feats drop-down for me.

OpenOffice 3.2.1 and a fresh update of Java. Anyone else having this problem?

Downloaded the xlsx to check if it has the same problem. OpenOffice opened it just fine, no problems. (It was pretty fast, too.)

Saved the xlsx to OpenOffice *.ods format, opened the new one, same problem.

Saved slsx to xls format, opened the new one, no problems.

Perhaps it's an issue with translating office 2007 to open-office format that doesn't exist when you've already back-revved the file to Office 2003?

I've not yet had an opportunity to work on replicating this and/or resolving it -- have spent the last 24 hours at the office working issues :( When I get home later and have had a chance to catch up on some sleep, I'll update the *.ods file with one generated from a 2003-formatted template

10-31-2010, 03:26 PM
The saved xls file is fine in OOo though, so a headsup to anyone else using OOo right now to just not use the *.ods file.

10-31-2010, 07:29 PM
I've updated my files using Irinis' technique for generating the .ods file.

I think, in my paranoid old age, that Microsoft doesn't properly do the conversions in a subtle effort to steer folks away from competing products.

Anyway, if you continue to have issues with the .ods files, let me know and I'll probably just drop the .ods file from the site since it seems that Calc has no problems importing the xlsx file itself.


edit: please note that the file size on the .ods file has risen to 142240 bytes.

11-02-2010, 12:23 PM
It's been fine on all the builds I tested so far. One thing though, total HP doesn't seem to be counting Rage spell when that's turned to ON. Is that WAI?

11-05-2010, 06:56 AM
It's been fine on all the builds I tested so far. One thing though, total HP doesn't seem to be counting Rage spell when that's turned to ON. Is that WAI?

1. Something broke in mine and it wasn't counting Rage spell +2 to CON so HP wasn't changing with Rage spell set to ON. Just copied the STR to the CON and hope that didn't break something else. :)

2. There's something odd about the SP calculation for Bards, I have 40 CHA at level 20 and nowhere near the SP the spreadsheet tells me I should have: 1685 base. I have 960 base sp. No idea how to change the code for that.

525 bard 20 = 50 at level 1, 25 per level after
435 cha mod 29 x 15 @ 40 cha
200 spellsinger
60 Bard Energy of Music III (required for Spellsinger II)
=1220 I have right now before items. I WISH I had 1685! :p

Also, Spellsinger II is another 100 sp and +2 to UMD and Concentration.

IF(U4>=6;IF(VLOOKUP("Bard SpellSinger I";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0

Replace with:
=SUM(IF(U4>=6;IF(VLOOKUP("Bard SpellSinger I";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0);IF(U4>=12;IF(VLOOKUP("Bard SpellSinger II";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0))

I think. Been a while since Excel.

I haven't attempted to fix the UMD stuffs yet.

3. Archmage item shouldn't stack with Shroud I, but if I select both Archmage and Shroud I+II+III it stacks. Not sure if that's easily fixed in the code but obviously can choose to select only Shroud II+III if you select Archmage.

11-05-2010, 05:40 PM
My working copy locally has the CON and SpellSinger issues fixed. I've also added Orcish Power Rage to the Strength section as well.

I'm aware of the stacking issue with shroud I and the other Power/Magi items, but haven't gotten around to fixing it yet - I've put it on the short list, though.

What's wrong with UMD calculations? My copy doesn't show anything wrong with UMD but then, my mind is mush these days and I may have corrected something and just don't recall it.

11-08-2010, 10:04 PM
Missed the UMD part of your previous post -- I'm a bit slow sometimes :)

I've completed a few more fixes and additions, mostly based on feedback in the thread and via PMs. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback :)

Fixed in this update:

Corrected/Added SpellSinger II spellpoints - thanks Irinis for the specific breakdown. It showed me exactly where I was missing some settings.
Added in the SpellSinger UMD/Concentration Bonuses
Orcish Rage now adds to Str/Con for Barbarian Rage properly now
Fixed various barbarian rage-related fields (broken when I moved the Rage on/off up 1 row)
Added stalwart defender/Defender of Siberys Defensive Stances
Added stalwart defender passive ac and intimidate bonuses
Added shavarath SD/DoS set AC bonuses
In order to de-conflict Shroud I bonuses stacking with power/magi items, I simplified the whole thing. If you have Shroud I on an item, use Wizardry VI in the 'Power Item' field.
Added Pale Master hitpoints
ArchMage SpellPoint bonuses and penalties

Ended up being quite a few changes in this revision, so as always, please let me know if something isn't working as expected.

Finally, the new xlsx file size is 241859 (237kb) and because of cell-length limitations in Excel 2003, I was unable to properly save the sheet to that format in order to convert it to .ods format. Therefore, I've removed the .ods file from my site and previous posts.

12-11-2010, 12:49 AM
I noticed, no Whirling Steel strike in the Feat section...

Awesome tool though, thank you very much for sharing.

12-11-2010, 01:07 PM
I noticed, no Whirling Steel strike in the Feat section...

Awesome tool though, thank you very much for sharing.


More accurately, Whirling Steel Strike was in the full feat list, but not in either the Monk or Human list - for Monk, I flat out omitted it and for Human, I was using the wrong list variable.

Fixed and uploaded.

12-11-2010, 02:18 PM
I am still not getting Whirling Steel Strike.

I went to download the new spreadsheet and it is still the same.

I went to this url.

Perhaps you could update the Original post to show the current link?
Then people will not have to search through pages of posts looking for the correct link as there are still old versions of the spreadsheet that have live links and it gets terribly confusing.

12-11-2010, 03:32 PM
I am still not getting Whirling Steel Strike.

I went to download the new spreadsheet and it is still the same.

I went to this url.

Perhaps you could update the Original post to show the current link?
Then people will not have to search through pages of posts looking for the correct link as there are still old versions of the spreadsheet that have live links and it gets terribly confusing.

The OP has the correct URL in it (i.e. http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx)
That tinyurl URL points to a defunct site. I've removed the download from that location to help remove confusion.

12-11-2010, 03:48 PM
The OP has the correct URL in it (i.e. http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx)
That tinyurl URL points to a defunct site. I've removed the download from that location to help remove confusion.

When I download from that url I get a build_template.zip file that when opened has alot of folders etc.
[Content Types].xml

There is no XL file I can access as everything I open takes me to a webpage with scripts only.

12-11-2010, 06:16 PM
When I download from that url I get a build_template.zip file that when opened has alot of folders etc.
[Content Types].xml

There is no XL file I can access as everything I open takes me to a webpage with scripts only.

What version of Excel are you using? I only have 1 system at my disposal to test with and it's running 2007 (downloads and opens the file without issue). Also, the file has an xlsx extension, it shouldn't be replacing it with a .zip extension either unless your browser is doing something funky for you - the xlsx extension denotes a 2007 excel format, which i recently learned is nothing more than a 2003 formatted file that is zipped with an xml index (or something similar).

12-12-2010, 12:02 PM
What version of Excel are you using? I only have 1 system at my disposal to test with and it's running 2007 (downloads and opens the file without issue). Also, the file has an xlsx extension, it shouldn't be replacing it with a .zip extension either unless your browser is doing something funky for you - the xlsx extension denotes a 2007 excel format, which i recently learned is nothing more than a 2003 formatted file that is zipped with an xml index (or something similar).

I am running XP Pro, MS Office Pro 2007 and IE 8.

Not sure why, but the other links I was getting a spreadsheet fine. This link, I only get the zip file.

There were 2 other links, the one you shut down yesterday I was getting a file 788 kb in size and an obviously older one that was 288 kbs.
I had no issues what so ever being able to open those files.

***** Got it *****
Interesting, I opened up Google Chrome to see if it would download the file properly, and indeed it did.
So there was some issue in IE 8.

Thank you for your time, and thank you for sharing this cool tool!

New issues:
Cannot Access Fighter Haste in Enhancements. (Halfling)
Ranger Desert Lore I & II do not show up in Enhancements.

08-27-2011, 09:19 PM
Announcing v2.4.0 beta of the my Character Planner.

New in this update:

Artificer (Including separate table for Homonculus Action Points)
Spell DCs (new table found beneath the Attack/Damage and Hit Points tables)
Expanded the Skills section to include all skills

Changed or fixed in this Update:

Changed the names of the prestige enhancements to include the name 'Prestige' (i.e. Wizard Prestige Archmage I).
Removed the dropdown for Stat bonus selection in the skills section (redundant now that all skills are represented.
A few things have moved around, mostly for aesthetics

The Action Points List is now two column's wide and is roughly double the length.
The selection boxes for Armor / Shield / Power Item / Shroud SP item moved to the left of the Action Point (this is a bit narrower than I like, so may move again in a future release)

Because Artificer isn't available live yet, expect another release once they actually get here!

Link is http://download.skullreaver.net/build_template.xlsx (size 268080 bytes)

As always, if you see behavior that doesn't quite add up, let me know.

09-01-2019, 07:25 PM
Thanks for the feedback, theweehours.

I've updated those values in the tables. I've also added a re-scan of enhancements from the DDO Compendium to my list of "Things To Do".

I'm holding off on a new version until I can get the True Reincarnate benefits completely added in. Since my RL schedule has become fairly hectic of late, that may take a bit of time. I also want to get the new PrE effects added (currently, they exist only as entries in the Enhancements lists and all effects have to be manually added in the Miscellany rows of each table) before uploading a new version.

In the interim, if you were interested in updating just those values you mentioned, they are in the hidden sheet "Lists" under the "Enhancement_List" named range.

all the links appear dead; i'd love to see it though