View Full Version : When do you know your playing too much

02-27-2007, 06:49 PM
OK so at what point do any of us "admit" that we are compulsive with our gaming habits.

Do we blow off work duties in order to game (whether you are an IT geek or not in the work place)?

Do we rearrange our work schedules in order to get our "fix" in?

How about putting the kids in front of movies/TV/games to leave us alone so we can game?

How many of us have had relationship "issues" due to our "non excessive" gaming?

Have you ever left someone in a lerch due to being in the middle of a long quest.....the dinner was burned....the kids did not NEED that bath...??

I am sure there are "others" that alot of us could keep adding to this list. If you have answered yes to more than a few of these, I have ONE thing to say to you..............................

My name is XXXXXXXXXX and I am a DDOaholic and I have a gaming problem. I cant stop.....and to hell with you ALL give me my VORPAL.

Just for S&G's but I think its true....all except the vorpal part.

02-27-2007, 11:34 PM
Hi.... my name's XXXX and I'm also a DDOaholic.... nice to meet ya......

02-27-2007, 11:35 PM
Hello I'm XXXX's (^^^) RL brother XXXXXX and i also am a DDO-aholic

02-28-2007, 12:36 AM
I'm guilty of being a bit late in getting my kids from school every so often. Nothing major - 5 to 10 min at the most.

02-28-2007, 07:44 AM
Do we blow off work duties in order to game (whether you are an IT geek or not in the work place)?

Do we rearrange our work schedules in order to get our "fix" in?

Does quiting your job so you can play more DDO count? I mean, that's not the reason I gave my wife for quiting, so it's different right?

02-28-2007, 08:03 AM
We had a great time but as the hours wore on I found my eye drawn to a statuesque rogue in the party. Ah my the curve of her armour, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulder..... I began to think hmmmm I wonder if she would be interested in a red headed dwarf...As we were using typed chat i had no clue as to her demeanor, but my fevered dwarvish brain assigned her a lilting yet husky voice.. It seemed as if everytime I turned she filled my vision. I began to ignore my clerical duties, buffs and heals did not occur on a regular basis. We came to a part of the quest that required a long swim, as I doffed my armour and sheild I noticed that she did also, revealing long clean limbs and a generously proportianed figure, she swam with grace and skill, futher inflaming my dwarvish blood. All to soon the adventure had to end. I hope to again encounter this vision of lovelyness in my adventures!

You just don't understand, the color of her skin in the murky dungeon light. The enchanting way she walked. The smooth flow of her well muscled arms as she fired shot after shot from her bow. The hint of a smile or her full lips.

Wait a minute my cod peice is getting tight

Okay back to HER ... oh never mind. I'll get a pair of elevator shoes, shave my beard and even watch me language. Perhaps she will favor me with the pleasure of sharing a meal at the Rusty Nail.

Ah my enchantress send me a sign...

02-28-2007, 03:34 PM
WOW... Now thats a scary thought.

03-01-2007, 04:54 AM
I am a DDO-aholic.
It hit me when I signed my check as Womp.
Called my kids dirty kobalds.
And my wifes pet name is "my dirty Demon Queen".


03-01-2007, 08:22 AM
I am a DDO-aholic.
It hit me when I signed my check as Womp.
Called my kids dirty kobalds.
And my wifes pet name is "my dirty Demon Queen".


OMFG thats funny and i am guilty of the first on myself Signing stuff as Taracs

03-01-2007, 08:30 AM
I am a DDO-aholic.
It hit me when I signed my check as Womp.
Called my kids dirty kobalds.
And my wifes pet name is "my dirty Demon Queen".


Loler sign your check as teh barbarian ftw :)

I know I play too much, but I'm comfortable in my dysfunction. Besides, how else do I get the uber loot? :)

03-02-2007, 02:00 AM
OMFG thats funny and i am guilty of the first on myself Signing stuff as Taracs

Yep. I am guilty of the same thing. I actually had to buy my sister 3 different birthday cards because I signed the first two "Goro" >.<

I also:

-"Huzzah" on a regular basis
-Say "afk" when nowhere near a keyboard
-Respond to Goro and sometimes forget my real name
-Forget to eat cuz I'm playing until someone tells me to eat
-Ignore almost every phone call because I'm too busy playing
-Try to "draw aggro"
-Plan family events and such around DDO
-Totally blew off all obligations this weekend so I could loot!!!

Anyhow, time for bed. It's only 3am, but I am going to be called to wake up in about 6 hours for more looting....

03-02-2007, 09:58 PM
Um yea. I am a DDOaholic.

I am not allowed to cook and quest at the same time (a few too many burned meals)
I actually have told people my name is Gelandor
I have signed emails to important clients as Gelandor
I call my wife her in Game name often
My dreams often consist of pulling uber loot
I had a dream that I was fighting with my buddy, and I could see my attack roll in my head.


03-02-2007, 11:19 PM
I often find myself with the urge to tell people at work to "gather for haste" when we're walking to the cafeteria/parking lot/etc. :)

03-03-2007, 07:37 AM
I was in a ramp garage the other day and had park all the way on top. I found myself thinking how usefull a pair of feather fall boots would be :)

03-03-2007, 07:47 PM
Um yea. I am a DDOaholic.

I am not allowed to cook and quest at the same time (a few too many burned meals)
I actually have told people my name is Gelandor
I have signed emails to important clients as Gelandor
I call my wife her in Game name often
My dreams often consist of pulling uber loot
I had a dream that I was fighting with my buddy, and I could see my attack roll in my head.



03-03-2007, 08:26 PM
Has the Crate & Barrel franchise taken out a restraining order against you?

When you watch Pirates of the Carribean, do you tell friends, family, and complete strangers: "Slashing weapons for Zombies, Smashing weapons for Skeletons."

Do you ever explain your hours in TR with some thing like "Monopoly and Tetris are just games, but D&D is a Game."?

Keep us posted.

03-04-2007, 04:04 AM
My name is XXXXX and I'm a ddoholic.When I look at my friends like it's time to go,I mumble to myself "we calling out?"

03-10-2007, 02:54 PM
Since I have been laid off I often miss lunch and breakfast and anything esle that takes me away from the game during the day.

But I knew it when someone in the Mall called for "Val" and I turned around

My name is XXXXXXXXXXXX and I am a DDOoholic


OMG You guys are Nuts, BTW I just ordered my own specially made set of Feather Fall boots from Nike.(sighs)


03-10-2007, 10:40 PM
Ok, here's my list:

To help mitigate wife aggro, I told my wife Turbine hired me as a content tester, and on "special nights" I make $12 an hour for running quests and submitting bug reports.

It gets better... the Lootapalooza weekend, my in-laws were visting. I told her it was a special event weekend, and they were running content testing all weekend, and any testers who spent time testing made time and a half that weekend, so I'd make $18 an hour for getting some hours in. I got to loot and get XP for 8 hours on Sunday while she went out with her parents and the kid ;)

I've gone to bed at 2am after just finishing a quest... at 7am my alarm goes off for work, and as I'm staggering into the bathroom half awake, I realize I'm unconsciously going over build ideas, quest tactics, or my next level feats ;)

With Tannk's accent, he says "Afkah" for AFK on voice, my guildies have picked up on that. I work the helpdesk phone when no one else in the dept is in, and one day someone called with a question, when putting her on hold to check it, I told her "Afkah" ;)

My son watches me play so much, he knows what an Ice Flenser is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Xn2jO-rsw

03-11-2007, 05:02 PM
Me and a guy I used to work with were both in the same guild, one day we go out for a smoke break and he says, "Hey Coricidin, oh ****, pretend I didnt say that."

Thats when you know you play too much.

03-17-2007, 11:44 AM
Hello, my name is XXXX XXXXXXX and i'm a DDOaholic. I was "lucky enough":confused: (according to my wife ) to have an intervention in the form of a new child. This intervention has now lasted three and a half months and i'm not sure if I'll make it;) . I knew my habit to be coming back in full swing when last night when i told my wife "He has an ear infection so I'm there when he needs me, but YOU can wait till i'm done!!":eek: . This was met with a dirty look and i'm sure she would have said something except I looked away and put my headset(Best thing i ever bought:D ) back on.

03-27-2007, 01:06 PM
My name is ******* and I am a DDO abuser (Not DDOholic). I am here to admit I have a problem. I KNOW there are more people on Xoriat server that are on when I am on, ALL THE TIME, and flip between toons like it is has to be done so they can support the current toon. Send money from main to alt, send weapons, armor, rings, ect. Once the player is up and running and can sustain himself (usually lvl 9), then it's POWER LEVEL, then POWER FAVOR, then POWER LOOT (not necissarily in that order for the last 2). You all know what I'm talking about, YOU NEED TO SIGN IN, ........................... AND I'M RIGHT THERE WITH YOU BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!!!! :)

03-27-2007, 05:33 PM
I'm not a DDO addict, you all are... and once I get done this quest I'll be sure to go to the forum to tell that... that... oooh...look.. an orc with something shiney:D

03-28-2007, 11:08 AM
I'm not a DDO addict, you all are... and once I get done this quest I'll be sure to go to the forum to tell that... that... oooh...look.. an orc with something shiney:D

Some must look within and just find the light. YOU ARE AN ADDICT!! Say it with me..... I .... Come on, say it with me,,,, I am.... Come on, you're not cooperating, SAY IT WITH ME, I AM A DDO ADDICT!!!!!! Very good, now don't you feel better :D

Have fun, wish I was playing now and not at work surfing the forums to keep busy.

03-29-2007, 07:55 AM
9 of you have viewed this post since my last post and to my amazement, none of you have signed in. Denial is the first sign!!!

03-29-2007, 09:58 AM
hi my names weedo and i'm a ddo addict. "HELLO WEEDO"

I've been trying to stop but i relapsed last night...again. just couldn't fight the urge. i know i probably shouldn't have but all my friends were doing it. i was only 16 hours away from having 1 day clean.....i'm so weak. after i got done running invaders last night i was overwhelmed with emotion. i started thinking about my family and all the people i have hurt along the way and all the nasty replies i did to those plat selling spammers.....and all the weed that.....sorry, i better stop.

I tried turning my problems over to my higher power so that he could help me find my way. i did a little prayer and was about to go to sleep when all of a sudden my monitor came on and in all its glory there appeared the ddo loading screen.

i was torn. confused. angered. *** was going on here? again my emotions overwhelmed me and for some reason i totally undressed and got into my bathtub and started crying. like when Ace Ventura found out that Finkle was Eighnhorn and that Eighnhorn was a man.:(

:D :cool:

03-29-2007, 04:22 PM
Ok so I was laid off for 2.5 months and on everyday all day. Ask HSC! and Solestrial btw go feed your kids hehe. Now im back to work and I havent logged on for over 2.5 weeks!!!!! I WILL NOT CRY!!! April 9th when the cable guys get to the house and I get home from work. I will be able to get my fix in until then Ive been visiting the local methodone clinic and seeing a priest.


07-30-2007, 07:59 PM
Hi i am XXXXXXX XXXXXXX, and I am a DDOaholic

Should it scare me how many guildies i see in this post?

07-30-2007, 10:20 PM
Hi i am XXXXXXX XXXXXXX, and I am a DDOaholic

Should it scare me how many guildies i see in this post?Nope. What should scare you is that you're the first post in this thread in 4 months :D

(everyone's getting messed with from the forum nerf)

07-30-2007, 11:09 PM
My name is S. and I am NOT a DDOaholic. I have played since headstart and do not have a single capped character or a single 1750 toon. I have never killed the titan or the reaver. I DO NOT have a problem.


07-31-2007, 12:12 PM
Sorry to intrude, but I had to add this:

You know you're playing too much DDO when you wake up in the middle of the night to hit the toilet...and the last thing you did in your dream was type "/p afk bio".

True story.

07-31-2007, 02:08 PM
"When do you know your playing too much"

Well it hit me when I signed my check as Womp.
Yell out "BIO" to take a ****.
My kids call the game......Dad's precious. (in Smeagle's voice)

07-31-2007, 03:30 PM
My kids call the game......Dad's precious. (in Smeagle's voice)
:DOh, that's bad!

Here's one I caught myself doing (repeatedly) over the past few days, although it might fall under "too much time at the computer" as opposed to DDO: I've been reading Harry Potter from my computer desk... every time I get near the bottom of the page, I slide out my keyboard and press the down key several times (to scroll the page).

07-31-2007, 08:15 PM
This goes in response to all the problems as of late. But I say if you can think of every single bugged out, several patches to get things right, with more people saying see ya mods that have come out and exactly what went went wrong with each one.


07-31-2007, 11:27 PM
1) when I break my ass falling down a stairway cause I forgot featherfall does not exist.

2) When I have a cold and I am trying to decide if robitussum and nyquil will stack.

3) When my porn subscription runs out and I don't notice.

4) When I daydream at work I think about my sorc and what he will do tonight.

5) When I hear a chick at a bar say she plays WoW or DDO and I immediately wanna marry her.

08-01-2007, 12:17 AM
pffft my friends think i am dead they haven't heard from me for about 3 months. i fight family "meetings" just to go play 1 more mission. when i was at work "if i worked" i would use the ddo website to "plan my next build on company time". i had a girlfriend but she didn't work well with raid nights. staying a week without the game i went into cold sweats and dreamed about pulling sirrocos. you move slowly around certain corners to see if a mob might draw aggro on you or might run into a beholder. even though in the movies it says silver kills vampires we all know vampires regen too quickly to care. you classify all your illnesses to contagien. u look for remove disease pots when u feel sick

08-01-2007, 10:11 AM
...when the customer in front of you is talking and talking and all you can think of how much xp you'll get for chopping off their head...

...when you start thinking climbing up a ladder on top of some dude is socially acceptable...

...when you're more interested in talking builds and runs rather than checking out the girls in the bar...

...when you refer to the hot waitress as barmaid...

...when you post here while at work...:eek: :D

08-02-2007, 11:49 AM
You know you're a definate DDO-aholic when...

...you spend the server down day surfing the forums and introducing new people to the Hate of Xoriat, even if they have nothing to do with our server merger. Everyone should get their chance to experience us and I needed to get my fix somehow.

...you sign a memorandum to the wing commander as "Crazyhorse", your DDO name. Of course, this works since luckily it's also my callsign.

...a good looking cowgirl with really nice legs (much better than Scar's toons, especially since his has "oh no, man-voice") asks what you're doing tonight and if you'd like go come over and go riding and before you can stop yourself you reply, "I'm gonna go kill the demon queen and get a screenshot of her sticking her **** in my face then post it on the guild website."

...you wake up and instead of checking your email, you sign onto the guild website/ddo forums to see if there are any new posts in dire need of a colorful response.

...you've ever told someone "Yeah, I'll be over in 15 minutes..." and two and one half hours later you suddenly remember you said that while talking on the phone in the middle of a quest, but by then it's so late, you decide to hell with it and keep playing.

08-04-2007, 12:16 AM
oh wait how about thinking ur immune to disease cause u have 3 lvls of pally in u.

08-05-2007, 12:57 AM
You know you play too much when you first signon after a server merge and find yourself wanting to personally kill everyone in your group because they know every quest like the back of their hand. Then it hits you, there are such things as casual gamers. Goodbuy Xoriat, hello Thelanis. Remember now we will always have some mother pugger that has no idea what is going on.

08-07-2007, 10:58 AM
I'm so not a DDOholic I sometimes can't remember my character's name. Of course, sometimes I can't remember my RL name, or birthday, or day of the week...and I never do booze or drugs.