View Full Version : New Enhancement Spreadsheet

02-11-2007, 05:37 PM
This is a link to the new Enhancements as presented on Risia Feb. 10-11. You can use your web browser's find function to locate the ones you are interested in. Note that there are two tabs, one for class and one for race.


Errors are probably my fault. PM me with suggestions.

EDIT: This is a program lets you build up your enhancements offline. I had nothing to do with it, btw. Nice work jjflanigan!
The program: http://perfectweb.org/ddo/DDO_Enhancements.zip
The thread: http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88918


02-11-2007, 05:50 PM
/salute, thank you. Played around a bit in Risa, but this gives me some more options to look at.

Ps;Thanks Ridd for linking this page.

02-12-2007, 12:49 AM
excellent work here...that must have taken a lot of time and patients to put together. Just a little side not, there are some enhancements that open up when certain feats are taken, and unless they were removed entirely i dont see some of them on your list. Prime example, Combat Expertise. Not sure if they removed the enhancement all together or not..but figured i'd say something...

02-12-2007, 01:52 AM
This is a link to the new Enhancements as presented on Risia Feb. 10-11. You can use your web browser's find function to locate the ones you are interested in. Note that there are two tabs, one for class and one for race.


Errors are probably my fault. PM me with suggestions.


Now THIS is a very good beginning of something which could prove to be very handy, possibly so for a good, long time.

Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.

02-12-2007, 05:10 AM
Beautiful work, Ink! Looks like my primary builds are actually going to come out ahead with the enhancement changes. :)

02-12-2007, 08:35 AM
excellent work here...that must have taken a lot of time and patients to put together. Just a little side not, there are some enhancements that open up when certain feats are taken, and unless they were removed entirely i dont see some of them on your list. Prime example, Combat Expertise. Not sure if they removed the enhancement all together or not..but figured i'd say something...

Good point, I didn't notice that when typing. My guess is that all of the enhancements were shown. There are three things pointing to this: none of the characters had the Toughness feat or dragonmarks, yet those enhancements were shown. The third thing, dwarven faith was found by a pure dwarven fighter. He could not take the enhancement though.


02-12-2007, 08:54 AM
Well, that just stinks! :(

Fighter Armor and Tower Shield Mastery provides a lower total DEX bonus than the current feats of the same name. They also eat up 24 total enhancement points while becoming available at much later levels.

The Fighter Combat Expertise enhancement is totally gone. My L6 fighter can hit AC 47 with Combat Expertise and the Combat Expertise enhancement combined with Armor and Tower Shield Mastery I. I've been working on improving his DEX to take advantage of the additional bonuses that would have come with Mastery IV.

Fighter Dodge is also gone.

I will now loose the CE enhancement completely and also lose 1 point of DEX bonus and 1 point of dodge bonus. That is a 8 point drop in AC.

To get close I'll have to get to L7, spend 12 of my enhancement points to get an equivalent DEX bonus from Fighter and Tower Shield Mastery, and spend 6 points of Fighter Armor Boost for a 20 second spike of +4. That leaves me 3 AC lower at L7 than I can be at L6. And, I'll only be able to hit that a limited number of times. Most of the time I'll be 7 AC lower. :mad:

The monsters better all be recoded down a notch or two.

At the moment it all balances out. If I use the CE I have a very high AC but cannot hit things very well. It works great for grabbing aggro and pulling things back to where the rest of the group can beat on things.

With the changes I'll have to rework my fighter to become a DPS build. When other "tank" builds see what happens to their AC and that tanking isn't very rewarding....

Well, I just don't like very much what they've done (may be doing) to us fighters.

Therigar (well really his alt Yehlu because Therigar was my first character and is gimped a lot, but I only get one account here ;) )

03-13-2007, 01:28 AM
Barbarian critical rage was removed and the compendium has the new list of enhancement by class/race, levels, point cost and prerequisites. Good Luck, personally I love the system just can't figure out how much exp is needed to gain an action point, but it seems that it's you rank - your level = Action Points.

03-13-2007, 04:37 AM
I don't like them,my healing abilities are seriously nerfed.If you think about it we really didn't get anything out of it other than more rules and complications.Sure you get alot of points but you have to spend them before the ones you want will pop up,also they have been segmented into sub categories which require yet more points just to get back all the cool perks you had(which you cant anyway).So you are telling me you like to have to pay for a game in which the updates take more away from you?Sounds masochistic to me.At least they should have made wands cheaper.Oh and finally if you dont like the way you selected your enhancements or you made a mistake because its new and your still trying it out,well you gotta pay for it.

03-13-2007, 04:46 AM
Well, that just stinks! :(

Fighter Armor and Tower Shield Mastery provides a lower total DEX bonus than the current feats of the same name. They also eat up 24 total enhancement points while becoming available at much later levels.

The Fighter Combat Expertise enhancement is totally gone. My L6 fighter can hit AC 47 with Combat Expertise and the Combat Expertise enhancement combined with Armor and Tower Shield Mastery I. I've been working on improving his DEX to take advantage of the additional bonuses that would have come with Mastery IV.

Fighter Dodge is also gone.

I will now loose the CE enhancement completely and also lose 1 point of DEX bonus and 1 point of dodge bonus. That is a 8 point drop in AC.

To get close I'll have to get to L7, spend 12 of my enhancement points to get an equivalent DEX bonus from Fighter and Tower Shield Mastery, and spend 6 points of Fighter Armor Boost for a 20 second spike of +4. That leaves me 3 AC lower at L7 than I can be at L6. And, I'll only be able to hit that a limited number of times. Most of the time I'll be 7 AC lower. :mad:

The monsters better all be recoded down a notch or two.

At the moment it all balances out. If I use the CE I have a very high AC but cannot hit things very well. It works great for grabbing aggro and pulling things back to where the rest of the group can beat on things.

With the changes I'll have to rework my fighter to become a DPS build. When other "tank" builds see what happens to their AC and that tanking isn't very rewarding....

Well, I just don't like very much what they've done (may be doing) to us fighters.

Therigar (well really his alt Yehlu because Therigar was my first character and is gimped a lot, but I only get one account here ;) )

Ah someone who agrees with me!It was a serious nerfing(rymes with?)My wands are less effective,they still cost the same, and I have @80 less spell points.maybe it will be offset by the upcoming level caps but it seems to me if that is the case then our characters will still be the equivalent of a level 12 toon,less so,point in fact!I thought people who played D&D were smart,"ooh I like it"retards!

03-13-2007, 05:18 AM
excellent work here...that must have taken a lot of time and patients to put together. Just a little side not, there are some enhancements that open up when certain feats are taken, and unless they were removed entirely i dont see some of them on your list. Prime example, Combat Expertise. Not sure if they removed the enhancement all together or not..but figured i'd say something...

Okay so it looks neat,but have you tested your toon out?Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the hard work that goes into redesigning the mods,however it doesn't adress the real problem.If you have ever played pen&paper D&D and been a dungeon master you will know what is going on here.That is they're trying to present us with challenging roleplaying/problem solving adventures that turn into power campaigns.So they do the nerfing thing to compensate(In my group it's called henry the eight-ing).The problem is the magic items,the solution is a npc thieves guild.This way the core toon abilities,spells,and enhancements need not be nerfed in order to raise the level cap and still provide challenges.Think about it +6 items?there should only be one such item of each kind,+5 should be extremely rare and should make the toons that have them a target for every thief in the city!How much more so a+6 item!These are artifacts by definition!:eek: