View Full Version : Character Bio: Why is this text forbidden?

12-08-2006, 11:06 PM
I typed up a character bio tonight for a Warforged wizard that I made. Mainly I made him to just play around the low levels and such, but who knows. When I click update I am told "The text you entered is forbidden." What is wrong with this:
The creator of this particular Warforged was tired, lazy and rather dismissive of the Warforged he created, thus he only named it for the task it would perform: Artificer.
Artificer was build as a sort of sorcerer-engineer. His job in The Last War was to repair and maintain other Warforged and the tools and weapons they used to wage war. To this end he was constructed to be physically durable as well as extremely intelligent and analytical, with a keen interest in the magical arts, engineering and other lore.
After the war Artificer found himself without a commander to serve or a unit to work with. This left him with only his desire to aquire knowledge and magical lore. After a great deal of wandering around Korvairre, Artificer discovered hints that the origin of the Warforged design was infact the ancient and mysterious continent of Xendrik. He has come to Stormreach, the gateway to Xendrik in order to discover the origin of his people and other secrets of the ancient giants.

12-08-2006, 11:33 PM
I typed up a character bio tonight for a Warforged wizard that I made. Mainly I made him to just play around the low levels and such, but who knows. When I click update I am told "The text you entered is forbidden." What is wrong with this:
The creator of this particular Warforged was tired, lazy and rather dismissive of the Warforged he created, thus he only named it for the task it would perform: Artificer.
Artificer was built as a sort of sorcerer-engineer. His job in The Last War was to repair and maintain other Warforged and the tools and weapons they used to wage war. To this end he was constructed to be physically durable as well as extremely intelligent and analytical, with a keen interest in the magical arts, engineering and other lore.
After the war Artificer found himself without a commander to serve or a unit to work with. This left him with only his desire to aquire knowledge and magical lore. After a great deal of wandering around Korvairre, Artificer discovered hints that the origin of the Warforged design was in fact on(?) the ancient and mysterious continent of Xendrik. He has come to Stormreach, the gateway to Xendrik, in order to discover the origin of his people and other secrets of the ancient giants.

The code for what text is acceptable must have been specified by an anal english professor. Other than that, I don't see why you can't use this.

12-08-2006, 11:52 PM
THe only possibiity I see is that Stormreach or Artificer are protected words???:confused:

Enter one line at a time till it tells you you cannot update.

12-09-2006, 12:06 AM
I cant but demon scale armor in my bio. I can put demon queen, demon scale, armor but not all 3.

12-09-2006, 12:57 AM
And the magic word is:
*drum roll*
(Do I get hot women for this like Shatner or Howie Mandel?)

"Analytical" :eek:

Yes, someone at Turbine has butts on the brain and sees rectal references even in ordinary, completly unrelated words. :p

12-09-2006, 01:03 AM
The code for what text is acceptable must have been specified by an anal english professor. Other than that, I don't see why you can't use this.

Thanks for the proof read. :)

12-09-2006, 02:58 AM
I was gonna put "Master Chief is my biatch" in my profile.

was rejected so I left out the "biatch" part thinkin that was way

Master Chief is a forbidden word. either sony is scared of microsoft or the word master chief is to close to the word, master bates. ;)

12-09-2006, 04:51 AM
It's certain words and also letter combinations. Not sure why, but couldn't put Master (as in Master Gleeman) in my bard's bio. Think its so nobody can "claim" to be a DM. Kinda dumb though, I'd expect DM's, if they had chars (never encountered one), to have something more than a bio listing anyway. I saw some other thread about this once I think. Just do a line or word at a time, and watch out for obscure references that nobody in their right mind would ever derive.

02-24-2007, 03:18 AM
And the magic word is:
*drum roll*
(Do I get hot women for this like Shatner or Howie Mandel?)


*hands you a jessica rabbit cookie*

02-24-2007, 03:21 AM
I typed up a character bio tonight for a Warforged wizard that I made. Mainly I made him to just play around the low levels and such, but who knows. When I click update I am told "The text you entered is forbidden." What is wrong with this:
The creator of this particular Warforged was tired, lazy and rather dismissive of the Warforged he created, thus he only named it for the task it would perform: Artificer.
Artificer was build as a sort of sorcerer-engineer. His job in The Last War was to repair and maintain other Warforged and the tools and weapons they used to wage war. To this end he was constructed to be physically durable as well as extremely intelligent and analytical, with a keen interest in the magical arts, engineering and other lore.
After the war Artificer found himself without a commander to serve or a unit to work with. This left him with only his desire to aquire knowledge and magical lore. After a great deal of wandering around Korvairre, Artificer discovered hints that the origin of the Warforged design was infact the ancient and mysterious continent of Xendrik. He has come to Stormreach, the gateway to Xendrik in order to discover the origin of his people and other secrets of the ancient giants.

Try removing the :

02-25-2007, 04:52 PM
yeah they get picky about obscur things, like I can't put "Mandafar, the" in my bio's (notice the bolded letters spell fart) lol apparently they take offense to flatulence

02-25-2007, 05:07 PM
I cant but demon scale armor in my bio. I can put demon queen, demon scale, armor but not all 3.
probably because scale armor has the word 'lear' in it :P

Try a nice bio like "Tiblorian enjoys long walks on the beach and watching the sunset."

02-25-2007, 06:20 PM
I cant but demon scale armor in my bio. I can put demon queen, demon scale, armor but not all 3.

probably because scale armor has the word 'lear' in it :P
Try a nice bio like "Tiblorian enjoys long walks on the beach and watching the sunset."
if he is putting demon queen, demon scale demon scale armor.

Could be the reference to ED as well.:eek:

02-26-2007, 01:36 PM
I wanted to name a halfling toon "Peanut"... not accepted... tried "Walnut", again.. not accepted... was going to try "coconut" but, I figured after the 1st 2 tries, that Turbine has a nut allergy:D

BTW.. it eventually let me use "Acorn"... go figure... maybe it's because telling someone to lick the acorns is just not randy enough:eek:

02-26-2007, 02:05 PM
As a founding a-team member in Ghallanda, I tried to insert a Stormreach modified bio based off the old series.

"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A-Team"

First, I had to ditch "crack".... (more rectal references I guess).... and when I couldn't find the next forbidden word, a GM directed my attention to "These men "....

Wow.... he said that a filter looks for combos on words like this.


If you have a bio, that is forbidden, and you can't find it..... look for two words that when combined, form a no-no.

Good hunting,

02-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Well for me the word Ranger seems to strike a nerve in the bio listings, I usually have to shorten it to some other text combo. Might be the Anger? but the idea was just that is my character class being mentioned...sigh.

03-01-2007, 12:19 AM
i once tried to make a cleric named booboo, it said the name was not acceptable.

BOOBoo:mad: is no good but they did allow ............ Feelemup Molestaboy:eek: . Go figure

03-01-2007, 08:10 AM
The word filter in this game is far to restrictive. It's actually my only true complaint that has continued since I joined. I had so many restriced/forbidden words that I quit trying to put anything in the Bio information.

And I wasn't even TRYING to make anything remotely scandalous. I just wanted to put a bio up for my characters.

03-01-2007, 08:51 AM
I wanted to name a halfling toon "Peanut"... not accepted... tried "Walnut", again.. not accepted... was going to try "coconut" but, I figured after the 1st 2 tries, that Turbine has a nut allergy:D

BTW.. it eventually let me use "Acorn"... go figure... maybe it's because telling someone to lick the acorns is just not randy enough:eek:

Nay Coconut works.

03-01-2007, 11:31 AM
what amazes me the most about restrictions on the bio is that this is a game where the main mode of gameplay is hacking and slashing to death literally hundreds of creatures...however words like "fart" and presumably "lear" are not allowed.

03-04-2007, 02:04 AM
"lear" can't possibly be the problem. "Lear" refers, if at all, to King Lear in Shakespear. "Leer" is the act of looking at someone in a way that connotes a sexual interest. A computer shouldn't even blink at "lear".