View Full Version : Thelanis Guild List

02-23-2006, 06:54 PM
Welcome to
The "Faerie Court", plane of "lush forests and crystal clear waters"

For all travellers who are seeking a place you can call home, this is where you can find all the guilds available on Thelanis.

To Guild Leaders
If you wish to have your guild listed, please post a reply with details here.
Guild Name:
Guild Type:
Recruiting Status:
Additional Info: (As this list gets longer, I might have to remove this part. Additional info should be available on your websites. If you don't have a website, I will put a link to your recruiting post instead. Thanks!)

- If you need to change something about your guild (change of policy etc), please inform me. You can send me a private message and I will look into it as soon as possible.

- And also, please support our Wiki community. Add your guild to their database by going here: http://en.ddowiki.ws/page/Guilds (http://en.ddowiki.ws/page/Guilds)
If you have any question go here:

(90 guilds listed alphabetically)

New Guilds: League of Lost Souls (http://majestic.game-host.org:8008/), Knights of Siberys (http://www.ddoknights.com/), Band of Shifting Sands (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=369258#post369258), Warforged Warriors (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=357159#post357159)[/URL] (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=333843#post333843)

Adversity Xen'drik Expedition (AXE) (http://www.adversitysg.com/)
Guild Type: Casual to Light RP
Contact: Aelasyl
Recruiting Status: Open
We're a casual, light RP, light-hearted group. Some thick skin required.

Animus (http://www.doodle-it.com/ddo/)
Guild Type: Exploration, Adventure, Light Roleplaying
Contact(s): Adilia (faemyre@hotmail.com)
Recruiting Status:Open recruitment for mature players
A comfortable atmosphere for most types of mature players (not necassarily age) to be in. We concentrate on assisting one another in the form of both gear, information, and groups.

Arcane Guardians (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=323559#post323559)
Guild Type: Casual/family
Website: http://www.arcaneguardians.com (http://www.arcaneguardians.com/)
Contact(s): Audette/Leonne, Rcane/Kuldane or any of our officers
Recruiting Status: Always.
Additional info: We are a group of friends that have crossed over games for the last 8 years. We are casual, many of us have families or work that keep us from being around as much as we want. Please visit our site for further info.

Band of Heroes (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=71860&postcount=58)
Guild Type: Casual/Roleplaying
Website: If you can design, We will host!
Contact(s): Merry, Lewt, or Jems.
Recruiting Status: We welcome all.
Voice communication enabled is a plus although a mic is not needed. Role play via voice or typing is encouraged. Having fun is manditory.

Band of Shifting Sands (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=369258#post369258)
Guild Type: Loyal, sharing, moderate hc
Contact Judo, Slyther, Freddy
serious only apply, we have fun, but must share loot, money is too easy to come by

Black Knight Battalion (BKB) (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=21857&postcount=25)
Guild Type: Light to Moderate RP
Contact: Nhoj Gnol
Recruitment Status: Open
Light to Moderate RP, All Alignments welcome, Helpful friendly atmosphere.

BlackGuard (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=69949&TabID=605495)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Brunor
Recruiting Status: Open
Goal is to creat a friendly and laxed gaming enviroment

Chaotic Good (http://www.metapellin.com/)
Guild type : Fun and adventures of role Playing
Contact: Metapellin
Requirements: Must be chaotic good aligned
Recruiting status: Mature 17+ but if your cool, than its cool.
Guild playing time is usually between the hours of 10:00pm to 2:00am
eastern time. The guild is a built from the alignment of free spirit, rebel players. Tuesday night will be "guild" night for new idea's and adventures.

Chosen (http://chosenddo.guildwizard.com/)
Guild type: Social/family
Contact(s): Pneumos, Anduril, Belator, Twitch
Recruiting status: Always looking for new friends and groupmates
Personable, mature guys who play most evenings (U.S. central time) as a small group (average 2-3, could use more!). We were all day 1 EQ players and began playing on day 2 of DDO. We enjoy working as a team and exploring this unique and interesting new game together.

Core of Legends (http://col.guildwizard.com/)
Guild Type: Casual and friendly guild
Contact(s): Cammel, Karadodo, Lancealots, logitka
Recruiting Status: Open
We are bunch of classic D&D RPG and MMORPG frontiers in Hong Kong. From the origional D&D, AD&D to D&D 3.5 Core edition players to the first Ultima Online, Everquest, DOAC and WoW gamers, we reuion in the famous topic Dungen & Dragon Online.
"Core of Legends" - First times, we used this name and formed a guild in Everquest world. We are casual, friendly guild, play in asia time zone. Welcome to join us and explore the Eberron world !!!!

Crimson Nexus (http://s8.invisionfree.com/CrimsonNexus)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact: Dropdown
Recruiting Status: Active
Website is just a basic forums for our members from other games. Not looking for a ton of people, just a few who want to roleplay a story together. Send me a PM if you are interested of have any questions.

Crusaders (http://www.crusaders.clanfoc.net/news.php) (A Division of =FoC=)
Guild Type: Friends and Family
Contact(s): Thrax, Aryssa, Ishalla, Zelphia, Keri
Recruiting Status: Always happy to have others in the guild providing they are team players. Hero's need not apply. Very tight knit group, no one get's left behind.
About Us: Crusaders is a DDO venture of Clan =FoC=. =FoC= has a presence in Ragnarok Online, Quake 3, Quake 4, CS, D3, and Others. We are definately a friendly, close knit guild, and converse regularly via game, site, txt, phone, both on and off character. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine follows here, no selling equip to other members :-) So if your intereseted in a fun, older mature group, give us a shout, and arrange a party with us :-)
((Also looking for content writers and database admins.))

Dark Revelation (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3915&postcount=1)
Guild Type: Light RP
Contact: DarkRevelation
Recruiting Status: Open
Small Guild that will remain small for like minded individuals looking for a small group of people just to hang and play with and perhaps call friend. Light RP, Nothing special required. Helpful, Sharing, and just looking for a good time.

Dawnswords (http://www.watchersalliance.com/) (short for The Dawnswords Adventuring Company)
Guild Type: Family and Friendly
Contact(s): Eildre, Alderamin, or any other guild member
Recruiting Status: Always happy to have others in the guild.
The Dawnswords is a Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach guild created on the Thelanis server. We are a casual gaming guild named after an Adventuring company that had over a 20-year history in several pen and paper gaming campaigns, adapted thus to Eberron. We stand for game enjoyment, friendship and generally having a good time. The characters themselves come from all walks of life, some outcasts and some House members. All have a common goal, to explore and experiance the world of Eberron and support thier fellow Company members. Seeking to right that which is wrong, to plumb secrets from the depths of the world, and to balance power with a sense of unity. (Roleplaying is encouraged, but not necessary)

De'Vir (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=146130&postcount=77)
Type of Guild: Relaxed/Light RP
Contact: Crimm
Website: TBA
Recruiting Status: Very selective/Invites only
Guild Description: We are mature players from a history in most MMO's, no drama lots of fun. If your looking for a friendly tight knit guild, give us a look.
But if your a powergamer/GBN (greed before need) player, we dont need you.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=27601&postcount=38)
Guild Type: Casual RP/General MMO/Mature Gaming
Contacts: Amalua
Status: Open
Requirements: Mature and good sense of humor.
A casual yet fun guild environment where humor and general good fun are our goals. Wednesday is our "official" guild night. Website (forum) under

Doom Supremacy (http://www.doomsupremacy.com/)
Guild Type: Role-playing, Semi-RPing
Contact(s): Imperium
Recruiting Status: Open (Thelanis Server)
The Doom Supremacy was found in CoH/CoV with a large following (500+ lifetime members) now it comes to DDO. Join Imperium and his Legionnaires battle the evils of Eberon as they uncover and unleash the secrets of the Doom Shard. Enjoy our role-playing events, videos, comics/artwork, and more. We are a mature adult guild only with strict rules not for everyone..
Go to our website to see how dedicate we are. I think after one look at our videos and website, you will believe how serious we are in having fun. construction. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=82320&postcount=65)

Dragon Knights Templar
(http://www.rainweaver.com/RP)Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact: Selerick, Matticus
Recruiting Status: Semi recruiting
We arent activaly looking for folks but yet our doors are not closed either, we just like to get a chance to know folks and make sure we are a good fit. We are a old guild of friends that have been together through SWG, and we found a new home in DDO. We are a group that enjoys to RP. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8243&postcount=14)

Dungeoneers and Dragonslayers (D&D) (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=95023&postcount=69)
Guild Type: Roleplayers
Website: N/A
Contact(s): Hirrell
Recruiting Status: Not Recruiting
Group of friends who've been gaming together for the last 20 or so years, both online and around a table with dice and paper. With a couple of extra people whom we've met along the way.

Elder Spirits (http://elderspirits.dark-age-of-camelot.org/)
Guild Type:
Recruiting Status: open
Our guild has 6 years MMORPG experience and over 140 members. We encourage RP but it is not required. We are a rated PG guild so families are welcomed. We have members On at all times as we are international with members in Aussie, England, Canada, and USA. We have a forum site with all the games combined to help with communication. If you would like more information please visit are forums. OR PM me In these forums.

Epidemic (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=333843#post333843)
Guild Type: casual/Small
Website: Don't need one, so don't have one :P
Contact(s): Displacer(in game) Fafniir(in game)
Recruiting Status:If you wanna join, then you can join...
Additional Info: We are a small guild(2 members right now) and hoping to have anywhere between 12-25 members, so that our members will always have a possible party. Thats all I think I guild is for, so a group of people that like to party together could have a common ground

Gauntlets of Galanodel (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10278&postcount=17)
Guild Type: Casual to Light RP
Contact: Mordoc71
Recruiting Status: Open
Formed by 2 former SWG'ers, looking to be the premier Elven guild on Thelanis. Light RP, casual, mature players welcome. To just have fun, respect fellow guildmates and help each other reach whatever individual goals we might have. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10278&postcount=17)

Guardians of the Horizon (http://guardiansofthehorizon.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=68855&TabID=596358)
Guild Type: Moderate RP
Contact: Lordnight
Recruiting Status: Open
We are a new Guild looking to build our playerbase from the ground up. We have a light to moderate roleplaying enviroment, Heavy is welcome but may not feel as immersed as they might like. We are looking for a wide variety of players, would like to have Guildmates from all walks of life.

Gunboat Diplomacy (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=70698&postcount=56)
Guild Type: Heavy RP/Moderate Adventure.
Website: Pending.
Contact(s): Keoland
Recruiting Status: Applications only through direct contact.
Gunboat Diplomacy is a heavy RP guild based around a cabal of characters who have followed the semi-notorious Pero, an Outlaw of the Crimson Road, to Stormreach. Bankrupted and stranded by the machinations of Pero's nemesis, the minotaur Dread Pirate Horngrim, the members of Gunboat Diplomacy seek to further their standing in the city in preparation for a climactic showdown. Immersive multiplayer storyline meets MMO content. If you're named after a superhero, a pop culture icon, or have a name like mrfightsyou mrfightsyou, we are not the guild for you. Thank you!

Gutbuster Brigade (http://gutbusterbrigad.free-forums.org/)
Guild Type: Casual, (RP not required, but many do)
Contacts: Baktar, Katya
Status: Open
Mature people only

Hand of Fate (http://handoffate.guildportal.com/)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Maenea, Wimper, or Nareef
Recruiting Status: Open
We are a guild with a history of 10+ MMO games. We have a combination of online and offline friendships and we enjoy welcoming and helping others. Roleplay is not required, nor is this destined to be an "elitist" guild. We seek members who want to have fun, not more obligations. You will find us online more often than not, so just ask around for Maenea, Wimper, or Nareef.

Hellfire (http://clanhellfire.com/)
Guild Type:
Contact: Nycholas
Recruiting Status: Open
Mature players escaping real-life. No drama or BS. We have Ventrilo server. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5489&postcount=1)

Henshin Mystics (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=71806&postcount=57)
Guild Type: Casual/Raiding
Website: www.HenshinMystics.net (http://www.henshinmystics.net)
Contact(s): Veligus Liwillen Takaran or anyone in Henshin Mystics
Recruiting Status: always open
We play the game to play the game we dont play to see who gets what first we dont sell items on ebay and we dont PL toons or any of that garbage. its for enjoyment so to you if that means getting 5 lvl 10 toons and then calling it a day then thats cool if it means taking out every single dungeon in the game then thats cool too if it means getting 1 lvl a week and then RPing all the time hey thats fine too ! but know this we respect each other and the game and dont intend to make it a cheap and meaningless experience to anyone in the Henshin Mystics. and above all we ALWAYS help those in need.

Heroes of Infinity (http://www.infinity-guild.com/yabbse/index.php)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact: Marconus
Recruiting Status: Open
We are a good sized guild with chapters in SWG, EQ2, WoW and now DDO. We are a mature guild with a very stable leadership. We stress fun and respect and encourage role-playing in game or through fan fiction.
If you are interested in joining a guild that will have a long term presence in DDO please visit our forums and register. Registration allows you to read and post in our public forums and exchange character names so we can meet up in game. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7134&postcount=13)

House Kanadar (http://stoonmmo.proboards57.com/)
Guild Type: Casual RP/Canadian Gamers(with some exceptions)
Contacts: Calamus, Riot
Recruitment Status: Open
Requirements: Located in Canada (Some exceptions accepted)
An Ancient House from the far north of Xen'drik. Now a band of Heroes, sometimes for Hire. Decendants of House Kanadar (No living decendants carry the Kanadar name anymore) are Elven, but the blood has been mixed through the decades. Fire Worshipers. Calamus Oilskin is one of few living whose lineage is directly from Kanadar name (on his mothers side). For backstory read Calamus' Bio in game, or visit our forum.

House of Blackrock (http://www.dljourneys.org/swg/)
Guild Type: RP/Family/Raiding
Contact: JanSpratt
Recruiting Status: Open
It is the silvery horn of destiny. It calls to you, and bids you take your place among us. We are the men and women of the House of Blackrock. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9200&postcount=1)

Ironwolf (http://ironwolf.guildportal.com/)
Guild type: Heavy to moderate roleplaying
Contact in game: Ironwolf or Firaxis
Recruiting Status: Active
Ironwolf here in Stormreach is looking to stay small and tight. We have many experienced d&d members as well as beta players. If you are looking to make a difference and play an important role in a guild without the politics of bigger guilds look no further. Welcome to Thelanis everyone its going to be fun! More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17387&postcount=1)

Keg O' the Month Club (http://www.kotmc.com/)
Guild Type: Relaxed, Casual, RP
Contact(s): Hamlin, Quibble
Recruiting Status: send a /tell to above
What kind of guild are we? The name says it all...some nights guild chat is more fun than the game! More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3875)

Knightmare (http://www.clankm.com/index.php?page=news)
Contact(s): Maelstrum, Littlellama, Zionblood
Recruiting Status: Taking apps, very exclusive.
We're a 10 year old guild/clan, founded in June 1996.

Knights of Siberys (http://www.ddoknights.com/)
Guild Type: Casual, Social, Fun!
Website: http://www.ddoknights.com (http://www.ddoknights.com/)
Contact(s): Sani
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: This guild is for players that are ddo enthusiasts and play on a daily basis (as real life allows of course). I'm only recruiting a select number of individuals, so this should be your only game and only guild. You must be willing to actively participate on the web site and use the ventrilo server. If you're interested in joining, register for the web site and send me a private message. Thanks!

Knights of the Burning Rose (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=129198&postcount=74)
Guild Type: Undecided
Contact: Nicholis, Christopher, Who, Rhonin
Recruiting Status: Open
The knights of the burning rose is a new guild made of anyone who would like to join. We are taking suggestions on how to make the guild better and at the moment have no website or RP status. If anyone wants to be in the knights of the burning rose and you will respect the guild name, its members, and all other players of DDO send a message to Nicholis, Christopher or Rhonin, all of these characters can send invitations.

League of Lost Souls (http://majestic.game-host.org:8008/)
Guild Type: Heavy Roleplay
Website: www.leagueoflostsouls.webhop.net (http://www.leagueoflostsouls.webhop.net/)
Contact(s): Wicket or Kataryna
Human guild only. Accepting level 1,2, and 3 adventurers. Alts welcome. Wanna roleplay? Join us!

Legacy (http://ddoleagacy.guildwizard.com)
Guild Type: 60% casual 40% hardcore
Contact(s): ghost, derrek
Recruiting Status: open
Casual group of friend that like to have guild groups every day and have fun in the game.

Legends (http://hklegends.no-ip.org/)
Guild Type: Casual and friendly guild
Contact(s): Felixpo, Tofu, Un, Jess, Saiwing
Requirements: Hong Kong / Cantonese Players Only
Recruiting Status: Open
"Legends" - We are casual and friendly game players in Hong Kong. We have people comes from different MMORPG including UO, EQ, DAOC, SWG, EQ2 and the D&D table players. And now we once again gather all the Hong Kong players in Dungeons & Dragons Online, in this magical world of Eberron.
We are a guild formed by casual and friendly Hong Kong players active in Asian time zone. We always welcome and would love to help new friends. And of course we always welcome your joining and together we would start our fantasy and friendship from Stormreach, Eberron.

Legion (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34631&postcount=42)
Guild Type: Moderate-Heavy R/P
Website: Under construction.
Contact(s): legionddo@hotmail.com, Skrull, Kieren, Lildidaru, Andore
Recruiting Status: Open
We united with the same goals to pioneer the "new land". Order and Discipline bore us in an unruly land. We live and rule by Justice so that all come under the haven of protection. With free spirits and all ruling as one, we gave birth to Sacrifice. With steel and magic in hand, and our creast burned in our hearts we will serve!

Mahanaxar (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=27601&postcount=38)
Guild Type: Casual RP/General MMO/Mature Gaming
Website (Forum): TBD
Contacts: Lorea
Status: Open
Requirements: Mature and good sense of humor.
A casual yet fun guild environment where humor and general good fun are our goals. Wednesday is our "official" guild night.

Misfits of Thelanis (http://rib.hgmux.org/index.php)
Guild Type: Casual RP
Contact: Mabe
Recruiting Status: Open
We are a group of people that has become a family since SWG. Some of us go back to Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. We are looking for active members, casual members, but RPers most of all. We would love to have you come check us out. Go to the website and scroll down to the Game-specific area. The application form is under the DDO chat forum. I will say that we want your application, but also give us time to get set up on the server. I can't wait to see you there. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8378&postcount=15)

Neophytes of the Void (http://void.guildwizard.com/)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact: Grey Celestial
Recruiting: Open
Neophytes of the Void is an RP guild. We seek to give peace and tranquility to all of Eberron. Other philosophies have claimed that true Zen can be found in becoming one with the universe, but the universe is never at rest. True rest can only be found in the calmness of the void. We seek to return Eberron from whence it came. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6842&postcount=12)

Order of the Dragon (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280272#post280272)
Guild Type: 20% fun, 80% hardcore gaming
Website: n/a atm
Contact(s): Jonartz, Nostalgia in game or via e-mail jonny@netvigator.com (jonny@netvigator.com)
Recruiting Status: Closed/ Open for people who play in odd hours. Otherwise you will not be seeing us very often due to time zone problems.
Additional Info: We're a small group of very active players living in either Hong Kong or Malaysia (also are english speakers). We run a treasure farming group everynight. Hate static loot. We currently have a group of level 10 players, and we all have our Alts on their way to level 10. Looking for adventurers to join our group for treasure hunt. See you in Thelanis!

Order of Eagle's Cry (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=25207&postcount=31)
Guild Type: Not overly casual, not hardcore...
Contact(s): Trystan, Taurothar
Recruiting Status: Open to all classes
Looking for members who want a set group of people to help them experience the content of the game.

Order of the Phoenix (http://www.myspace.com/thephoenixorder)
Guild Type:
Contact: Evilton Ashmore
Recruitment Status: Open
Check us out at: http://www.myspace.com/thephoenixorder

Order of the Wolf (http://www.ootw.net/)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Website: http://www.ootw.net/ (http://www.ootw.net/)
Contact(s): Donovan, Resolute, or Valvert
Recruiting Status: By nomination/invite
Additional Info: Different than the rest. Striving to be the best. Under new leadership and seeking compatible members. A lightly roleplaying, family-oriented, organized, mature, and honorable guild.

OSL (Omicron Snow Leopard) (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=30047&postcount=41)
Guild Type: Awesome (relaxed, casual, must not be a tool)
Website: We are not that serious, yet anyways...
Contact(s): Nevan, Pharaxes, Valandel, Jaistlyn
Recruiting Status: Open
Become Omicron Snow Leopard Certified today! Increase your earning potential overnight!

PMS (http://www.pmsclan.com/)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Athena PMS
Recruiting Status: Open
While we target woman specifically as we are a female Clan, we welcome men as well. There are only a few of us that will playing this game at start, however usually more follow shortly as well as guys from our male counterpart clan. We are not role-players if that has an effect on anyones decision, we are simply MMO and gaming addicts! More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6784&postcount=11)

Protectors Of Eberron (http://www.ddopoe.com/)
Guild Type: Friend & Family Oriented/ Non-RP
Website: www.ddopoe.com (http://www.ddopoe.com/)
Contact(s) Adelina or Conagan
Recruiting Status: Active - Taking Apps.
We are a friendly, family oriented guild. If you are a power gamer, this
is probably not the guild for you. We're on a few hours a day throughout the week, and spend most of our weekend in DDO. Recruiting status is currently open. Our members come first, the loot comes second.The better we are as a whole, the better we are as one. For more information and to check us out, please visit: www.ddopoe.com (http://www.ddopoe.com/) Click the "Join Us (http://www.ddopoe.com/application.htm)" link to fill out an application.

Raiders of the Lost Tavern (http://tavernraiders.com/forums/index.php?c=9)
Guild Type: everything from casual to hardcore; not strictly 18+, but almost all players are; friendly, curteous atmosphere; family feel and family friendly
Contact(s): in-game: Carolus, Magenixx, Ryagon, or any person you find on the forums at our website above.
Recruiting Status: actively recruiting, any and all
Additional Info: We have nearly 700 registered members at the time of this posting. Of course, our active members are much lower - probably closer to 500. Currently we are getting into DDO, with a lot of interest, but not much action yet. So now is the perfect time to get in on the ground floor of the RotLT:DDO chapter! Hit up our Web site and post in the recruiting forum or contact one of us in-game.

Relentless (http://www.relentlessonline.com/)
Guild Type: 65% casual 35% hardcore
Contact(s): Erikson, Juliana, Lycif, Toxaur
Recruiting Status: open
We are a small, close-knit group of players that welcome any dedicated player. We like to just go out and complete, or repeat quests for fun. We also take our time to help any newer or lower guild members with any quests as well. Many of us were friends that played WOW and/or SWG together but we definitely enjoy meeting new people.

Sacred Forge Knights (http://sfk.game-host.org/forums/)
Guild Type: Family Oriented, Mixed RP-heavy and RP-Lite
Contact(s): Celtor
Recruiting Status: Open
Mature gamers only - not aged based but maturity.

Scoundrels for Hire (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=341455#post341455)
Guild Type - Casual, No Rush, Share Loot
Contact(s) - Feyhawke,Cyleene,Walks,Bork or Lionnl
Website - Um yeah
Recruiting Status - Open ( 25 to 40 members - up to 200 characters )
Greets all, Well I've decided start a casual guild with my room mate, Scoundrels for Hire. We are seeking casual players who don't like the rush thru go faster styles alot of PUG's have. Ultimately we want to do everything but aren't in any rush to do so. We play USA Central timezone, mornings and evenings. No website, no grand plans/strats. Just log in and play DDO whenever. We don't mind you having 5 toons. We don't demand your time. We don't sell to guildmates, we give away things. I hope this isn't too laid back :) . Hopefully this loose rule guild will be a beacon for those who desire this type of play. We however won't tolerate any type of party disruption behavior. Play nice, no cussing. Any age of player will be accepted.

ShadeFire (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=340169#post340169)
Guild Type: Casual RP - Heavy RP (depending on players), mature, fun, teambased
Website: Coming later
Contact(s): Dalynar, Sarminyn, Havak
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: Looking for more members, active around 7pm - 4am Eastern. Family based gamers are most welcome as many of us are (kids, jobs, etc hehe) Recruit post to come soon.

ShadowGuard (http://shadowguard.no-ip.org:1000/)
Guild Type: Casual, Relaxed, RP as much as possible, Taking things slow and enjoying the game
Contact(s): Storm
Recruiting Status:Open recruitment for mature players
A comfortable atmosphere for most types of mature players (not necassarily age) to be in. We concentrate on assisting one another in the form of both gear, information, and groups (especially those lower levels characters). Also, we are not as interested in cruizing through the game at light speed, as many of us are table-top players and really enjoy taking it slow.

Shadows (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=230487&postcount=83)
Style: Roleplay medium to heavy
Contact: Raini
This is my attempt to create an [U]all rouge guild of roleplayers, mostly for the sake of roleplaying, though Guild will be looking to form an alliance for Adventure groups and the like. PM me in game for details and interview. taking multiclassed rouges as long as your rouge level is higher than your mixed class

Steel Midget Coalition (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=22382&postcount=26)
Guild Type: Light to moderate roleplaying
Contact in game: Ynfynyty, Morydyn, Geneeus
Recruitment Status: Active
Grouping required, no schmucks please.

Stone and Steel
(http://members.shaw.ca/stoneandsteel/)Guild Type: Heavy RP / Casual Gaming
Contact(s): Warfield
Recruiting Status: open
A good-aligned Dwarven Hold formed in 1999, Stone and Steel welcomes all Dwarven professions including Barbarians, Bards, Clerics, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Sorcerers, and Wizards. All members must be of Good Alignment (either Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic). See the Barracks F.A.Q. for more information and application process.

Stormhaven (http://los.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=50230&TabID=440347)
Guild Type: Casual to Light Roleplaying
Contact: Warspawn/Desdicato
Recruiting Status: Open
We'll be seeing you soon in Eberron! There is still room within our halls for mature members, if you happen to be looking for a home...a shelter from the tempest. Feel free do drop by our site and check it out. If you'd like to say 'hi!' over our teamspeak server, please don't hesitate to pm me for the ip. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4122&postcount=1)

Tarrasque (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=84017&postcount=66)
Guild Type:Laid Back/Non-RP
Recruiting Status:Selective invites only
Sorry, just now posting our guild up on the forums. We are a high level guild focused on exploring and making the most of our game. Not currently accepting random invites, but if you group with us on a regular basis, we will be happy to welcome you to the guild. We do not tolerate belly-aching, or complaining, as we seek to have fun, not babysit.

Tavern of Friends
(http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=25231&postcount=33)Guild Type: RP / Casual
Contact(s): Thanius Swordsong
Recruiting Status: open
I just started this guild, and am looking for new friends or old ones. Anyone that was once in EQ 7th hammer server in SMN would know me as Kerbrose, and they are welcome to join...as are others.

The Ancients (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=35773&TabID=318189)
Guild Type: RP, Relaxed
Contact(s): McTaggard, Corba
Recruiting Status: By Recommendation
This guild is for friendly, considerate people. Beggars, griefers, and loot hogs need not apply. Engaging in roleplay is part of the immersion into the game. Roleplayers of all levels are welcome.

The Brotherhood of Pathfinders (http://www.geocities.com/brotherhoodofpathfinders/)
Guild Type: Casual Roleplaying
Contact(s): Ophelia Waye or Callipygia
Recruiting Status: Open
A small gathering of friends, originally started 20 years ago in the original city of Neverwinter in the plane of AOL. We are a casual group of roleplayers who have brothers and sisters spread across the realms.

The Brotherhood of Steel (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=62156&TabID=540112)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact: The Lord of Blades
Recruiting Status: Open
Membership of The Brotherhood of Steel is open to Warforged Only and is unrestricted by character classes/levels, though potential new members will be looked upon more favourably if they have an in-guild sponsor. While guild members are expected to act with maturity, there is no age restriction on guild membership. More info on website!

The Chosen of Mystra (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=68960&TabID=597264)
Guild Type:RolePlaying
Contact(s): Situs, Drakken, Vislor
Recruiting Status: Open for all race and classes, Must go through the Mystra trial.
Roleplaying group that is looking for mature players. Must be a team player and listen to the leaders.

The Church of Tyrilath (http://churchoftyrilath.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=39023&TabID=345756)
Guild Type: Heavy RP
Contact: Cyren El'tegh and Myalzalean
Recruiting Status: Open but selective and upon invite only.
Mature, family oriented guild, heavy roleplaying, Only good Aligned characters, Space is limited. Recruiting is open till Feb 27th-March 17th.
Recruiting will reopen on March 17th. We will accept applications during that time but none will be considered or contacted till March 17th. This will give us time to update our roster, get invites out to current members etc.

The Concillium
(http://www.concillium.net)Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Tobias Esque
Recruiting Status: Open
A roleplay guild with a history in AC, AC2, AO, SWG, and WoW. We intend to be a small guild in DDO with an emphasis on freindship and having fun. Folk interested in our guild please visit our site and forums. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4816&postcount=4)

The Council of Valenar (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=65772&TabID=570397)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Findecano
Recruting Status: Closed
Elves only guild based around the lore of the Elves of Valenar. Our lore and codex can be read on our website. Looking for Mature players. No D00Dz or L33Ts. Were primarily an Eastern/Central timezone guild. While our guild is RP in nature we are not a RP guild so all styles are welcome.

The Covenant of Shadows (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=170245#post170245)
Guild Type: light RP, moderate language, family style sharing of loot
Contact(s): Raini, Prog, Balthazaar for invite
Recruiting Status: yes
The covenant of shadows is primarily a light rp guild of people who are willing to share all their extra valuables with each other and do any and all quests we can. as of now no class restrictions or level restriction

The Crimson Watch (http://www.crimsonwatch.org/ddo/)
Guild Type: Moderate Roleplaying, 18+ age
Contact(s): Morghoul, Redburn
Recruiting Status: Actively Recruiting
We are an multi game community for adults who seek out mature players who are willing to roleplay. We require the usage of microphones and ask that our members make active use of our forums. As a community, we try to play the "evil" side in games whenever possible and have a detailed backstory.

The Darker Hand (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=112902&postcount=70)
Guild Type: Role-Playing Friends
Website: N/A
Contact: Deadslug, Alexandre Greenhorn, Nineteen Zerothirtyseven.
Recruiting Status: Recruiting conservatively
Chaotic Neutral with evil tendencies. Are you a DnD veteran? Are you an Online RPG veteran? Do you want to help create the strongest Thieves guild in Stormreach. Do you want to get to know and enjoy the comradery of your guild mates? Look us up.

The Exploration Society aka "House Silvanestrii" (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11801&postcount=18)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Blucastle
Recruiting Status: Open
Any and all RPers are welcome as are those who enjoy thorough exploration of dungeons and quests. RP is not required to be a member, but patients and a non rushed attitude is. If you are interested in joining please email me at Blucastle@sbcglobal.net with your prefered character name plus alternates so I may look for you in game at launch. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6528&postcount=1)

The Fellowship of the Crimson Scale
(http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=25210&postcount=32)Guild Type: Heavy to moderate RP
Contact(s): Amelia, Stevian
Recruiting Status: Currently Undecided
We are a group of friends that formed not long after the initial launch of SWG on Starsider, and moved to other games over the years. We believe in a friendly, family like environment filled with fun and adventure. Heavy to moderate RP, though not enforced. All classes welcome. All races welcome.

The Free Rangers
(http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=23696&postcount=30)Guild Type: Light Role-Playing
Contact(s): Aurin Dal (contact in-game or through PM), Sahner (contact in-game)
Recruiting Status: recruiting
Join the Free Rangers as we fight the evils of Stormreach and aid the innocent. Help spread the tales of our wonderous deeds though story and song. We are currently a (very) small guild of experienced D&D PnP gamers looking to add a few more members.

The Guild of Random Encounters (GORE) (http://www.winged-renegades.com/)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: DragonSpawn
Recruiting Status: Open
We're just a bunch of RPGers from (currently) two different gaming clans with the same interest in DDO. We'll welcome any good players. We're not power gamers, just a bunch of people looking for a good game experience. We'll use voicechat and work together with other party members to get through what we need to do. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2995&postcount=1)

The Keepers of Balance (http://keepersofbalance.guildportal.com/)
Contact: Roleplaying
Recruiting Status:
The Keepers of Balance, an all neutral guild dedicated to keping balance and neutrality. Very tightly woven and a great Roleplaying guild.

The Marked (http://www.roughtrade.ws/)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Tarkhon, Slyboots
Recruitment Status: Open
Continuing a tradition first established in Dark Age of Camelot and on through City of Heroes, World of Warcraft and other games, we are a group of welcoming fun GLBT and straight players ages 18 and over for great gaming, fun chat, and friendship. Membership is open to players of all sexual orientations and gender identity. You don't have be gay, just gay friendly. Applicants are asked to post an introduction in our forums, which we currently share with our sister guilds in World of Warcraft.

The Order of New Hope (http://www.thenewhope.org/)
Type: Roleplaying
Contact: Archameades (leader)
Recruiting Status: All races and classes accepted, please stop by our website or send a message in game.
The Order of New Hope was formed at the conclusion of the Last War. It was desided that to prevent the horrors that occured during the war from happening again; a group must be formed, with representatives from all peoples throughout the world. The group will work together to fight evil, and uphold justice.

The Order of the Phoenix (http://tpo.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=69386&TabID=600790)
Guild Type: Ventrilo Required - Team Oriented
Contact(s): Chalene, Evilton, Braezin
Recruiting Status: Active
We are a DDO Guild that is Ventrilo Required. Ventrilo is a vital way in which to build a closer relationship within the guild; forming parties, friendships, alliances and working strategies.
In order to be an initiate into our guild ranks the requirements are as follows:
• Mature and Serious Players – no age requirement at this time
• Friendly and Team-Oriented Players
• Must be able to commit at least 5 hours per week to game play More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=86696&postcount=67)

The Phoenix Guard (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=89710&postcount=68)
Guild Type: Laid Back - Team Oriented
Contact(s): Mahalik, Olsen, Hibiki
Recruiting Status: Active
We are a laid back, team oriented guild that is striving to create an enviroment where any play style is welcome. Be you a power gamer, newbie, or just a social gamer we will welcome you with open arms. We only ask that people interested in joining, group with one of us for at least a few dungeons so we can get to know you, act mature, respect everyone you meet be it guildie or not, and have a great time.

The Prismatic Arch (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=65492)
Guild Type: Casual, Relaxed, Some RP
Contact: Aeshec
Recruiting Status: Always Recruiting
The Prismatic Arch is a guild intended for gay and gay-friendly players from all walks of life. We embrace diversity not only in sexual orientation, but in all of its forms, and we hope to create a positive environment for players of any sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. Our goal is to have fun while exploring the fantastic world of Eberron.

The Shadow Company (http://scg-ddo.com/)
Guild Type: Medium to Heavy RP
Contact: Jhary
Recruiting Status: Open and Recruiting
We welcome any and all races and classes, our main purpose is to protect the citizens of Stormreach and outlying area from various evil entities including but not limited to: Orcs, goblins, kobolds, Dragons, Extra-planer entities, corrupt officials and those that prey on the weak and helpless. We will have our own forum where members can request help for quests and equipment. Depending on how many characters we are allowed to have per server, healing may be available on request. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8555&postcount=16)

The Tizeehc Brothers (http://tizbrothers.guildwizard.com/)
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contacts: tag92ag@yahoo.com, willsoaa@yahoo.com
Recruiting Status: Accepting members
We are a roleplaying guild dedicated to getting the most out of the online game experience. We are not looking for members who run around dungeons just to get through them and run off and leave party members. We look to take our time and play them as they were meant to be played. Join us, and let's adventure.

The Trinity of Blades (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=73059&postcount=60)
Guild Type: Light RP
Website: <Not fluent with HTML so if you can make one by all means do>
Contact(s): Omnis on DDO Forums, Omnis in Thelanis
Recruiting Status: Active
The Trinity of Blades is a guild based on the coming together of people to form a community on Thelanis. We were on Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. We started on 03/06/06 at 4:00. Light RP is welcomed and we have no class discrimination whatsoever. The Name refers to the Three swords: The Sword of Isis, The Sword of Jotun, and The Blade of Darkness, all of which come together to for The Trinity of Blades. So if you like anything you have seen here, join up. Omnis is on almost every weekday at about 3:00PM till 12:00 and weekends 8:00AM to 2:15PM and 8:30PM to 2:00AM roughly. The pioneer members will get favored with drops in dungeons and will be treated with respect. We encourage voice chat (Powered by GameSPY) so get on and join!

The Villains (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=69039&TabID=597918)
Guild Type: Light RP
Contact: Rine
Recruiting Status: Open
A light rp guild. consisting of casual players to get together and enjoy the quests we do.

The Witching Hour (http://www.whgddo.net/)
Guild Type: RPers, Non-RPers, Family Enviroment, Late Night Play
Contact(s): Ekzim / Vorarion / Divinia
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional info can be found via our website or read our recruitment post here: http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread...7569#post77569 (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=77569#post77569)

TOWR (The Order White Rose) (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=29353&postcount=40)
Guild Type: Questing, Light RP
Website: Being created
Contact(s): Tordex, Donaldo
Recruiting Status: Open Enrollment, just send /telll
As of this posting we are 18 strong, a few shy of the 25 mark for the commeration award. Website will have "specail" awards posted as well...contact in game for more info.

Tyrannical Reign (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=139022&postcount=1)
Guild Type: Light RP/ Heavy adventuring
Contact: Aboleth, spasmodius
Recruiting Status: Open at the moment too all those which our guild mentality appeals, we are however a coarse bunch so the thin skinned may not Wish to join our ranks.
We are guild focusing On Grim roleplaying, challenge, and diversity of questing. If you fear The halls of your fathers this is not the place for you , however If the eternal song of Death is the sirens call that drives you too war..................

Umber Hulks (http://www.datadeco.com/umberhulks/)
Guild Type: Relaxed, Casual
Website: None yet but it will be at www.datadeco.com/umberhulks/ (http://www.datadeco.com/umberhulks/)
Contact(s): Sigfried, Arcaster
Recruiting Status: All are welcome
I'm running a very informal guild. There is no membership requirement, but those who cause problems will be ejected. My goal is to organize regular adventuring parties and foster some role playing among members. We prefer to use Voice chat but can accomidate those who can not.

Warforged Warriors (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=357159#post357159)
Guild Type:RP with racial bias towards Warforged.
Website:None yet.
Contact(s): Destructon, Destructun
Recruiting Status: Always recruiting! But only WARFORGED are welcome
Additional Info: This is brand new guild for warforged, by warforged only.

Special Organizations:

The Stormreach Alliance (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=35401&TabID=315037)
We are not a guild, family or house or any other in-game organization. We do not want or seek to replace such organizations, but to enhance the relationships between individuals and organizations that are interested in having fun through roleplaying.

We are a collection of individuals and the groups they may represent, which has gathered in a central location to discuss issues affecting roleplay in Dungeons & Dragons Online in an in-depth manner. This location has been chosen outside of the Turnine & DDO forums, simply because it offers us control of our own community and a wider range of tools to manage the data we will be collecting, storing and sharing with the community.

All who wish to contribute to our purpose are welcome to join us. You may add me as a contact for The Stormreach alliance for both people interested in join and for guilds looking to become members. A contact would be for wynde_105@yahoo.com - Cyren El'Tegh

For guilds simply list name, website, list of members, brief description including main alignment and if possible either a banner image or suggestions on what they would for one.

*Updated regularly*

02-23-2006, 07:10 PM
a light rp guild. consisting of casual players to get together and enjoy the quests we do.

02-23-2006, 07:21 PM
The Counsel of Valenar is not recruiting anymore. We hit our minimum of 25 and are happy as is. We will post again when our guild starts recruiting more.

Thank you

02-23-2006, 07:32 PM
The Concillium


A roleplay guild with a history in AC, AC2, AO, SWG, and WoW. We intend to be a small guild in DDO with an emphasis on freindship and having fun. Folk interested in our guild please visit our site and forums.

02-23-2006, 07:42 PM
See you all there!!!!

02-23-2006, 07:53 PM
Added: The Concillium, The Villains.
Updated: Counsel of Valenar recruiting status

02-23-2006, 07:55 PM
Please add Hellfire to the Thelanis group.

Mature players escaping real-life.
No drama or BS.
Ventrilo server
web: http://clanhellfire.com

More of a group of friends adventuring together than a guild.

02-23-2006, 08:08 PM
Please update the contact information for Adversity. Send the PMs or in-game tells to Aelasyl. Thanks for this!

02-23-2006, 08:19 PM
The Order of the Wolf is not recruiting anymore (until further notice).

02-23-2006, 08:24 PM
Added: Hellfire
Updated: Adversity Xen'drik Expedition, The Order of the Wolf.

02-23-2006, 08:50 PM
Please add PMS Clan to this server list of guilds.

While we target woman specifically as we are a female Clan, we welcome men as well. There are only a few of us that will playing this game at start, however usually more follow shortly as well as guys from our male counterpart clan. www.pmsclan.com We are not role-players if that has an effect on anyones decision, we are simply MMO and gaming addicts!

Our Mission
It is our mission to provide a fun, safe, and positive environment to other female gamers and supporting teamwork, fairness, and respect to others during game play.

Clan Profile

PMS is the largest multi-platform female gaming clan with over 400 women world-wide and a male counterpart clan (H20) that has over 1000 members.

PMS was born from the camaraderie of finding other girl gamers in a male dominated online FPS gaming community. Because of the sparseness of our gender in the online gaming community and the amount of harassment female gamers are submitted to, PMS XBOX banded together to form a competitive clan at the launch of XBOX LIVE in 2002. In November of 2004 PMS PS2 and PC, were formed for the same reasons, calling out to the female gamer community for a safe and competitive environment.

The H20 Clan started as PMS supporters,and were usually tied to one, more, or all the PMS girls in a very strong bond. They not only supports the clan, but help promote, recruit, and strengthen the ties of the members. H20's are also competitive, and the H20 Elites are comprised of the most dedicated and skilled H20 who compete as their own entity. They are essentially the male counterpart of PMS and are our most beloved male friends

02-23-2006, 08:51 PM
Please add to guild list

Guild: Neophytes of the Void
Web: void.guildwizard.com

Purpose: Neophytes of the Void is an RP guild. We seek to give peace and tranquility to all of Eberron. Other philosophies have claimed that true Zen can be found in becoming one with the universe, but the universe is never at rest. True rest can only be found in the calmness of the void. We seek to return Eberron from whence in came.

Xoz, Prophet of the Void

02-23-2006, 09:05 PM
Heroes of Infinity is on Thelanis for the headstart!
We are a good sized guild with chapters in SWG, EQ2, WoW and now DDO. We are a mature guild with a very stable leadership. We stress fun and respect and encourage role-playing in game or through fan fiction.
If you are interested in joining a guild that will have a long term presence in DDO please visit our forums and register. Registration allows you to read and post in our public forums and exchange character names so we can meet up in game.

URL: http://www.infinity-guild.com/yabbse/index.php

See you in Stormreach!

02-23-2006, 09:51 PM
hello I would like to introduce our guild.

Dragon Knights Templar
Semi recruiting- we recently had another smaller guild merge with us and we are always looking for fresh faces. We just like to get to know ya a bit during a quest.

We are a old guild of friends that have been together through SWG, with many new faces we have meet in DDO. We do light RP some more then others but we all enjoy a good dunegeon crawl when ever.

you can check us out at www.rainweaver.com/RP

Contact any of the following officers in the guild for more Information.
Sme officers to look for Garl, Brig, Desra, Dougie, Skylan, and Eocrinus.

02-23-2006, 09:57 PM
Misfits of Thelanis is who we are. Why Misfits? Because we just don't fit in anywhere we go. Not it a bad way, it's just how we are. You'd have to know us to understand. And I hope you get the chance. We love adventuring and good people. And a good ale. *burp* Excuse me. So come on over and sit for bit. Grab a tankard and tell your tale. Seems I need another, be right back...

We are a group of people that has become a family since SWG. Some of us go back to Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. We are looking for active members, casual members, but RPers most of all. We would love to have you come check us out. Go to the website and scroll down to the Game-specific area. The application form is under the DDO chat forum. I will say that we want your application, but also give us time to get set up on the server. I can't wait to see you there.))

02-23-2006, 10:06 PM
The Shadow Company Guild is comming to Thelanis. We are a medium to heavy roleplay guild.

Recruitment Status: Open and Recruiting

We welcome any and all races and classes, our main purpose is to protect the citizens of Stormreach and outlying area from various evil entities including but not limited to: Orcs, goblins, kobolds, Dragons, Extra-planer entities, corrupt officials and those that prey on the weak and helpless. We will have our own forum where members can request help for quests and equipment. Depending on how many characters we are allowed to have per server, healing may be available on request. :)

Guild promotions will be based on roleplay and the guild heiarchy will be listed on our web site. scg-ddo.com

There will be a link there if you want to email me direct with any questions or you can send a message to me here.

02-23-2006, 11:21 PM
Please add:

Gauntlets of Galanodel

Server: Thelanis

History: Formed by 2 former SWG'ers, looking to be the premier Elven guild on Thelanis. Light RP, casual, mature players welcome.

Goal: To just have fun, respect fellow guildmates and help each other reach whatever individual goals we might have.

More RP background to come.

PM: Mordoc71 if interested

02-24-2006, 12:11 AM
Welcome all to a future in Thelanis and forgot not the name you see below:

The Exploration Society aka "House Silvanestrii"

These words shall echo down ever corridor and throughout every dungeon in the Realms. Mavrick, Melan and Tinya in lead of the clan.

Watch the future lies before you...

02-24-2006, 12:29 AM
DOnt forget about Stormhaven

02-24-2006, 01:19 AM
Guild Name: Crimson Nexus
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Website: http://s8.invisionfree.com/CrimsonNexus
Contact(s):Dropdown (on DDO forums)
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: Website is just a basic forums for our members from other games. Not looking for a ton of people, just a few who want to roleplay a story together. Send me a PM if you are interested of have any questions.

02-24-2006, 01:57 AM
Guild name: IRONWOLF
Guild type: Heavy to moderate roleplaying
Server: Thelanis
Contact in game: Ironwolf or Firaxis .
Site: Ironwolf.guildportal.com
Recruiting status: Active

Lurking in the underdark shadows of Thelanis we do. Risia " the plane of Ice" was our old homeland which was destroyed by unknown causes. Those that where left alive are now thriving to expand and take (you) the fellow wandering traveler in to forge a great guild of warriors once again.

Ironwolf here in Stormreach is looking to stay small and tight. We have many experienced d&d members as well as beta players. If you are looking to make a difference and play an important role in a guild without the politics of bigger guilds look no further. Welcome to Thelanis everyone its going to be fun!! I.W

02-24-2006, 02:29 AM
could you update The Church of Tyrilath
contact also Myalzalean
And recruiting is open till Feb 27th-March 17th.
Recruiting will reopen on March 17th. We will accept applications during that time but none will be considered or contacted till March 17th. This will give us time to update our roster, get invites out to current members etc.

02-24-2006, 02:37 AM

02-24-2006, 09:04 AM
someone should sticky this

02-24-2006, 11:18 AM
Please add Black Knight Battalion (BKB) to the Thelanis guild list.

Light to Moderate RP, All Alignments welcome, Helpful friendly atmosphere.


02-24-2006, 12:49 PM
Guild name: Steel Midget Coalition
Guild type: Light to moderate roleplaying, grouping required, no schmucks please.
Server: Thelanis
Contact in game: Ynfynyty, Morydyn, Geneeus
E-mail:ynfynyty@ynfynytjest.com, morydyn@ynfynytjest.com
Site: N/A at this time.
Recruiting status: Active

02-24-2006, 01:11 PM
Guild Name: The Marked
Guild Type: Casual
Website: www.roughtrade.ws
Contact(s): Tarkhon, Slyboots
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: Continuing a tradition first established in Dark Age of Camelot and on through City of Heroes, World of Warcraft and other games, we are a group of welcoming fun GLBT and straight players ages 18 and over for great gaming, fun chat, and friendship. Membership is open to players of all sexual orientations and gender identity. You don't have be gay, just gay friendly. Applicants are asked to post an introduction in our forums, which we currently share with our sister guilds in World of Warcraft.

02-24-2006, 02:19 PM
Guild Leader: Evilton Ashmore
Guild Co-Leader: Chalene SilverMoure

Check us out at: http://www.myspace.com/thephoenixorder

02-24-2006, 03:42 PM
You may add me as a contact for The Stormreach alliance for both people interested in join and for guilds looking to become members. A contact would be for wynde_105@yahoo.com
For guilds simply list name, website, list of members, brief description including main alignment and if possible either a banner image or suggestions on what they would for one.

02-24-2006, 04:21 PM
Guild Name: The Free Rangers
Guild Type: Light Role-Playing
Contact(s): Aurin Dal (contact in-game or PM mmurphy1968), Sahner (contact in-game)
Recruiting Status: recruiting
Additional Info: Join the Free Rangers as we fight the evils of Stormreach and aid the innocent. Help spread the tales of our wonderous deeds though story and song.

We are currently a (very) small guild of experienced D&D PnP gamers looking to add a few more members.

02-25-2006, 12:49 AM
Guild Name: Order of Eagle's Cry
Guild Type: Not overly casual, not hardcore...
Website: none as of yet
Contact(s): Trystan, Taurothar
Recruiting Status: Open to all classes
Additional Info: looking for members who want a set group of people to help them experience the content of the game.

02-25-2006, 12:49 AM
Guild Name: The Fellowship of the Crimson Scale
Guild Type:Heavy to moderate RP
Website: In the making...
Contact(s):Amelia, Stevian
Recruiting Status: Currently Undecided
Additional Info: We are a group of friends that formed not long after the initial launch of SWG on Starsider, and moved to other games over the years. We believe in a friendly, family like environment filled with fun and adventure. Heavy to moderate RP, though not enforced. All classes welcome. All races welcome.

Guild's RP backstory will be placed on the site once created. =) Hope to see you in game!

02-25-2006, 01:00 AM
Guild Name: Tavern of Friends
Guild Type: RP / Casual
Website: Not designed yet
Contact(s): Thanius Swordsong
Recruiting Status: open
Additional Info: I just started this guild, and am looking for new friends or old ones. Anyone that was once in EQ 7th hammer server in SMN would know me as Kerbrose, and they are welcome to join...as are others.

02-25-2006, 08:32 AM

02-25-2006, 10:41 AM
Guild Name: Stone and Steel
Guild Type: Heavy RP / Casual Gaming
Website: www.stoneandsteelguild.com
Contact(s): Warfield
Recruiting Status: open
Additional Info: A good-aligned Dwarven Hold formed in 1999, Stone and Steel welcomes all Dwarven professions including Barbarians, Bards, Clerics, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Sorcerers, and Wizards. All members must be of Good Alignment (either Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic). See the Barracks F.A.Q. for more information and application process.

02-25-2006, 11:08 AM
Updated. 36 guilds in less than 36 hours!
Thanks for the sticky cubey!

02-25-2006, 12:25 PM
Guild Name: House Kanadar
Guild Type: Casual RP/Canadian Gamers(with some exceptions)
Website (Forum): http://stoonmmo.proboards57.com
Contacts: Calamus, Riot
Status: Open
Requirements: Located in Canada (Some exceptions accepted)
Additional Info: An Ancient House from the far north of Xen'drik. Now a band of Heroes, sometimes for Hire. Decendants of House Kanadar (No living decendants carry the Kanadar name anymore) are Elven, but the blood has been mixed through the decades. Fire Worshipers. Calamus Oilskin is one of few living whose lineage is directly from Kanadar name (on his mothers side). For backstory read Calamus' Bio in game, or visit our forum.

02-25-2006, 07:24 PM
Guild Name: Mahanaxar
Guild Type: Casual RP/General MMO/Mature Gaming
Website (Forum): TBD
Contacts: Lorea
Status: Open
Requirements: Mature and good sense of humor.
Additional Info: A casual yet fun guild environment where humor and general good fun are our goals. Wednesday is our "official" guild night.

02-26-2006, 07:45 AM
Guild Name: Gutbuster Brigade
Guild Type: Casual, (RP not required, but many do)
Website (Forum): http://gutbusterbrigad.free-forums.org/
Contacts: Baktar, Katya
Status: Open
Requirements: Mature people only

02-26-2006, 11:57 AM
Guild Name: TOWR (The Order White Rose)
Guild Type: Questing, Light RP
Website: Being created
Contact(s): Tordex, Donaldo
Recruiting Status: Open Enrollment, just send /telll
Additional Info: As of this posting we are 18 strong, a few shy of the 25 mark for the commeration award. Website will have "specail" awards posted as well...contact in game for more info.


02-26-2006, 03:33 PM
Guild Name: OSL (Omicron Snow Leopard)
Guild Type: Awesome (relaxed, casual, must not be a tool)
Website: We are not that serious, yet anyways...
Contact(s): Nevan, Pharaxes, Valandel, Jaistlyn
Recruiting Status: send a /tell to above
Additional Info: Become Omicron Snow Leopard Certified today! Increase your earning potential overnight!

02-27-2006, 03:29 PM
Guild Name: Legion
Guild Type: Moderate-Heavy R/P
Website: Under construction.
Contact(s): legionddo@hotmail.com, Skrull, Kieren, Lildidaru, Andore
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: We united with the same goals to pioneer the "new land". Order and Discipline bore us in an unruly land. We live and rule by Justice so that all come under the haven of protection. With free spirits and all ruling as one, we gave birth to Sacrifice. With steel and magic in hand, and our crest burns in our hearts, we will serve!

02-27-2006, 05:59 PM
Guild Name: Keg O' the Month Club
Guild Type: Relaxed, Casual, RP
Website: We need someone with experience in building websites!
Contact(s): Hamlin, Quibble
Recruiting Status: send a /tell to above
Additional Info: 18 active members, click for more info Keg O' the Month Club (http://www.kotmc.com)

02-27-2006, 06:49 PM
Guild Name: The Prismatic Arch
Guild Type: Casual, Relaxed, some RP
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=65492
Contact: Aeshec
Recruiting Status: Always Recruiting
Additional Info: The Prismatic Arch is a guild intended for gay and gay-friendly players from all walks of life. We embrace diversity not only in sexual orientation, but in all of its forms, and we hope to create a positive environment for players of any sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. Our goal is to have fun while exploring the fantastic world of Eberron.

02-27-2006, 08:47 PM
If you need to change something about your guild (change of policy etc), please inform me. You can send me a private message and I will look into it as soon as possible.

02-28-2006, 12:44 PM
Guild Name: Umber Hulks
Guild Type: Relaxed, Casual
Website: None yet but it will be at www.datadeco.com/umberhulks/
Contact(s): Sigfried, Arcaster
Recruiting Status: All are welcome
Additional Info: I'm running a very informal guild. There is no membership requirement, but those who cause problems will be ejected. My goal is to organize regular adventuring parties and foster some role playing among members. We prefer to use Voice chat but can accomidate those who can not.

02-28-2006, 12:49 PM
*bows politely and smiles*

Mae govannen, toror ar'seler,
welcome to Cern Miriel, a group of adventurerers, who all may help you in a situation where need arises and will stay at the side of everyone with a good heart and will.

May the wind be always at your back and the sun shine on all your ways untill we meet...

Mae Lend,
Tirn ar'Cern Miriel

03-01-2006, 04:57 PM
Guild Name: The Ancients
Guild Type: RP, Relaxed
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=35773&TabID=318189
Contact(s): McTaggard, Corba
Recruiting Status: By Recommendation
Additional Info: This guild is for friendly, considerate people. Beggars, griefers, and loot hogs need not apply. Engaging in roleplay is part of the immersion into the game. Roleplayers of all levels are welcome.

03-01-2006, 07:49 PM
Lokienne is 12 members strong since 27 febuary looking for more for causal play. presently we play starting 8am est till about midnight est. give us a hollar.

badandy, fatherof, yelxom, silmonius, kakaka, :D

03-02-2006, 09:38 AM
Guild Name: Sacred Forge Knights
Guild Type: Family Oriented, Mixed RP-heavy and RP-Lite
Website: http://sfk.game-host.org/forums
Contact(s): Celtor
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: Mature gamers only - not aged based but maturity.

03-02-2006, 02:55 PM
Guild Name:Animus
Guild Type: Exploration, Adventure, Light Roleplaying
Website:Animus Forum (NEW) (http://www.doodle-it.com/ddo)
Contact(s):Adilia (faemyre@hotmail.com)
Recruiting Status:Open recruitment for mature players
Additional Info: A comfortable atmosphere for most types of mature players (not necassarily age) to be in. We concentrate on assisting one another in the form of both gear, information, and groups.

03-03-2006, 02:09 AM
Please note that The Church of Tyrilath is currently closed for recruitment till March 17th.

03-03-2006, 02:13 PM
Guild Name: The Crimson Watch
Guild Type: Moderate Roleplaying, 18+ age
Website: http://www.crimsonwatch.org/ddo
Contact(s): Morghoul, Redburn
Recruiting Status: Actively Recruiting
Additional Info: We are an multi game community for adults who seek out mature players who are willing to roleplay. We require the usage of microphones and ask that our members make active use of our forums. As a community, we try to play the "evil" side in games whenever possible and have a detailed backstory.

03-03-2006, 02:19 PM
Guild Name: ShadowGuard
Guild Type: Casual, Relaxed, RP as much as possible, Taking things slow and enjoying the game
Website: http://shadowguard.no-ip.org:1000/
Contact(s): Storm
Recruiting Status:Open recruitment for mature players
Additional Info: A comfortable atmosphere for most types of mature players (not necassarily age) to be in. We concentrate on assisting one another in the form of both gear, information, and groups (especially those lower levels characters). Also, we are not as interested in cruizing through the game at light speed, as many of us are table-top players and really enjoy taking it slow.

03-03-2006, 09:08 PM

03-06-2006, 01:06 AM
Guild Name: Gunboat Diplomacy
Guild Type: Heavy RP/Moderate Adventure.
Website: Pending.
Contact(s): Keoland
Recruiting Status: Applications only through direct contact.
Additional Info: Gunboat Diplomacy is a heavy RP guild based around a cabal of characters who have followed the semi-notorious Pero, an Outlaw of the Crimson Road, to Stormreach. Bankrupted and stranded by the machinations of Pero's nemesis, the minotaur Dread Pirate Horngrim, the members of Gunboat Diplomacy seek to further their standing in the city in preparation for a climactic showdown. Immersive multiplayer storyline meets MMO content.

If you're named after a superhero, a pop culture icon, or have a name like mrfightsyou mrfightsyou, we are not the guild for you. Thank you!

03-06-2006, 08:46 AM
Guild Name: Henshin Mystics
Guild Type: casual rp but mostly grouping
Website: none
Contact(s): Veligus Liwillen Takaran or anyone in Henshin Mystics
Recruiting Status: always open
Additional Info: we play the game to play the game we dont play to see who gets what first we dont sell items on ebay and we dont PL toons or any of that garbage. its for enjoyment so to you if that means getting 5 lvl 10 toons and then calling it a day then thats cool if it means taking out every single dungeon in the game then thats cool too if it means getting 1 lvl a week and then RPing all the time hey thats fine too ! but know this we respect each other and the game and dont intend to make it a cheap and meaningless experience to anyone in the Henshin Mystics. and above all we ALWAYS help those in need.

03-06-2006, 08:55 AM
Hail and well met,

Guild Name: Band of Heroes.
Guild Type: Casual/Roleplaying
Website: If you can design, I'll host. :)
Contact(s): Merry, Lewt, or Jems.
Recruiting Status: We welcome all.

Additional Info: Voice communication enabled is a plus although a mic is not needed. Role play via voice or typing is encouraged. Having fun is manditory. :)

03-06-2006, 09:09 AM
A small gathering of friends, originally started 20 years ago in the original city of Neverwinter in the plane of AOL. We are a casual group of roleplayers who have brothers and sisters spread across the realms.


Currently in charge here in Stormreach (barring incarceration for public drunkeness, again) is Burghthing Frenzymeister. In his impending absense (after all, its 5 o'clock somewhere) Ophelia Waye or Callipygia may be pursuaded to assist.

03-06-2006, 11:19 AM
Guild Name: The Trinity of Blades
Guild Type: Light RP
Website: <Not fluent with HTML so if you can make one by all means do>
Contact(s): Omnis on DDO Forums, Omnis in Thelanis
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: The Trinity of Blades is a guild based on the coming together of people to form a community on Thelanis. We were on Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. We started on 03/06/06 at 4:00. Light RP is welcomed and we have no class discrimination whatsoever. The Name refers to the Three swords: The Sword of Isis, The Sword of Jotun, and The Blade of Darkness, all of which come together to for The Trinity of Blades. So if you like anything you have seen here, join up. Omnis is on almost every weekday at about 3:00PM till 12:00 and weekends 8:00AM to 2:15PM and 8:30PM to 2:00AM roughly. The pioneer members will get favored with drops in dungeons and will be treated with respect. We encourage voice chat (Powered by GameSPY) so get on and join!

Please join we would like to expand!

03-06-2006, 03:16 PM
Guild Name: The Tizeehc Brothers
Type: Roleplaying
Web: http://tizbrothers.GuildWizard.com
Contacts: tag92ag@yahoo.com, willsoaa@yahoo.com
Recruiting Status: Accepting members
Info: We are a roleplaying guild dedicated to getting the most out of the online game experience. We are not looking for members who run around dungeons just to get through them and run off and leave party members. We look to take our time and play them as they were meant to be played. Join us, and let's adventure.

03-06-2006, 04:22 PM
The Order of New Hope
Website - www.thenewhope.org
Recruiting Status - All races and classes accepted, please stop by our website or send a message in game.

The Order of New Hope was formed at the conclusion of the Last War. It was desided that to prevent the horrors that occured during the war from happening again; a group must be formed, with representatives from all peoples throughout the world. The group will work together to fight evil, and uphold justice.

03-07-2006, 08:47 AM
Guild Name: The Witching Hour
Guild Type: RPers, Non-RPers, Family Enviroment, Late Night Play
Website: http://www.whgddo.net
Contact(s): Ekzim / Vorarion / Divinia
Recruiting Status: Open.
Additional info can be found via our website or read our recruitment post here:

03-07-2006, 05:26 PM
Guild Name:The Chosen of Mystra
Guild Type:RolePlaying
Contact(s): Situs, Drakken, Vislor
Recruiting Status: Open for all race and classes, Must go through the Mystra trial.
Additional Info: Roleplaying group that is looking for mature players. Must be a team player and listen to the leaders.

03-07-2006, 07:30 PM
Guild Name: Doom Supremacy
Guild Type: Role-playing, Semi-RPing
Website: www.DoomSupremacy.com
Contact(s): Imperium
Recruiting Status: Open (Thelanis Server)
Additional Info:

Imagine a world shattered by a major natural catastrophe. Caused by 3 Doom Shards that fell from the skies, the powers unleash by these Doom Shard have been responsible for many of the worlds greatest miracles and greatest tragedies. History rewritten; maps redrawn. However, valor, honor and loyalty remained strong and unforgotten. The Doom Supremacy is a Legion of the Good in this world, past, present and future. The goals are to safeguard the mysteries of these Doomshards and fend off all evil.

The Doom Supremacy was found in CoH/CoV with a large following (500+ lifetime members) now it comes to DDO. Join Imperium and his Legionnaires battle the evils of Eberon as they uncover and unleash the secrets of the Doom Shard. Enjoy our role-playing events, videos, comics/artwork, and more. We are a mature adult guild only with strict rules not for everyone..

Go to our website to see how dedicate we are. I think after one look at our videos and website, you will believe how serious we are in having fun.

03-08-2006, 04:40 AM
Guild Name:Tarrasque
Guild Type:Laid Back/Non-RP
Recruiting Status:Selective invites only
Additional Info:
Sorry, just now posting our guild up on the forums. We are a high level guild focused on exploring and making the most of our game. Not currently accepting random invites, but if you group with us on a regular basis, we will be happy to welcome you to the guild. We do not tolerate belly-aching, or complaining, as we seek to have fun, not babysit.

03-08-2006, 02:15 PM
Guild Name: The Order of the Phoenix
Guild Type: Ventrilo Required - Team Oriented
Website: tpo.guildportal.com
Contact(s): Chalene, Evilton, Braezin
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info:

We are a DDO Guild that is Ventrilo Required.

Ventrilo is a voice chat system separate from the DDO world chat. Our guild owns and maintains this server offsite along with unlimited bandwidth and extremely low ping rates.

Ventrilo is a vital way in which to build a closer relationship within the guild; forming parties, friendships, alliances and working strategies.

Please be aware that this guild is a free speech guild, meaning profanity is not banned. However it is also not encouraged. For example, if you are against people swearing when a trap kills them, this may not be your guild...

In order to be an initiate into our guild ranks the requirements are as follows:
• Mature and Serious Players – no age requirement at this time
• Friendly and Team-Oriented Players
• Must be able to commit at least 5 hours per week to game play

03-08-2006, 10:58 PM
Guild Name: The Phoenix Guard
Guild Type: Laid Back - Team Oriented
Contact(s): Mahalik, Olsen, Hibiki
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: We are a laid back, team oriented guild that is striving to create an enviroment where any play style is welcome. Be you a power gamer, newbie, or just a social gamer we will welcome you with open arms. We only ask that people interested in joining, group with one of us for at least a few dungeons so we can get to know you, act mature, respect everyone you meet be it guildie or not, and have a great time.

03-09-2006, 06:49 PM
Guild Name: Dungeoneers and Dragonslayers (D&D)
Guild Type: Roleplayers
Website: N/A
Contact(s): Hirrell
Recruiting Status: Not Recruiting
Additional Info: Group of friends who've been gaming together for the last 20 or so years, both online and around a table with dice and paper. With a couple of extra people whom we've met along the way.

03-13-2006, 03:29 PM
The Darker Hand has been assimilated by The Umberhulks

03-14-2006, 12:58 PM
Guild Name: Legacy
Guild Type: 60% casual 40% hardcore
Website: http://ddoleagacy.guildwizard.com
Contact(s): ghost, derrek
Recruiting Status: open
Additional Info: casual group of friend that like to have guild groups every day and have fun in the game.

03-15-2006, 07:00 AM
Relentless -

Guild Name: Relentless
Guild Type: 65% casual 35% hardcore
Website: http://www.relentlessonline.com
Contact(s): Erikson, Juliana, Lycif, Toxaur
Recruiting Status: open
Additional Info:
We are a small, close-knit group of players that welcome any dedicated player. We like to just go out and complete, or repeat quests for fun. We also take our time to help any newer or lower guild members with any quests as well. Many of us were friends that played WOW and/or SWG together but we definitely enjoy meeting new people.

03-15-2006, 02:17 PM
Guild name: chaotic good
Guild type : Fun and adventures of role Playing
Requirements: Must be chaotic good aligned
website: www.metapellin.com
Recruiting status: Mature 17+ but if your cool, than its cool.
guild playing time is usually between the hours of 10:00pm to 2:00am
eastern time.
The guild is a built from the alignment of free spirit, rebel players.
Tuesday night will be "guild" night for new idea's and adventures.
Contact: metapellin

03-15-2006, 10:04 PM
The knights of the burning rose is a new guild made of anyone who would like to join. We are taking suggestions on how to make the guild better and at the moment have no website or RP status.
At the moment we have but a few members, including:

Recruiting Status:
If anyone wants to be in the knights of the burning rose and you will respect the guild name, its members, and all other players of DDO send a message to Nicholis, Christopher or Rhonin, all of these characters can send invitations.

03-17-2006, 01:36 PM
TYPE: Light RP/ Heavy adventuring
CONTACTS: Aboleth, spasmodius
ADD INFO: we are guild focusing On Grim roleplaying, challenge, and diversity of questing. If you fear The halls of your fathers this is not the place for you , however If the eternal song of Death is the sirens call that drives you too war..................
RECRUITING STATUS: Open at the moment too all those which our guild mentality appeals, we are however a coarse bunch so the thin skinned may not Wish to join our ranks.

03-18-2006, 12:54 PM
Please update the Church of Tyrilath. Recruitment is now open but selective and upon invite only.

03-19-2006, 09:25 AM
Guild Name: De'Vir
Type of Guild: Relaxed/Light RP
Contact: Crimm, Thulen, Varghast, Flowwer, Flex, Dataroth
Website: http://devir.hopto.org
Recruiting Status: Very selective/Invites only
Guild Description: We are mature players from a history in most MMO's, no drama lots of fun. If your looking for a friendly tight knit guild, give us a look.
But if your a powergamer/GBN (greed before need) player, we dont need you.

03-19-2006, 10:59 PM
Guild Name: Knightmare
Website: www.clankm.com
Contact(s): Maelstrum, Littlellama, Zionblood
Recruiting Status: Taking apps, very exclusive.

We're a 10 year old guild/clan, founded in June 1996.


03-22-2006, 04:26 PM
Guild name: Chosen
Guild type: Social/family
Website: http://chosenddo.guildwizard.com
Contact(s): Pneumos, Anduril, Belator, Twitch
Recruiting status: Always looking for new friends and groupmates
Additional info: Personable, mature guys who play most evenings (U.S. central time) as a small group (average 2-3, could use more!). We were all day 1 EQ players and began playing on day 2 of DDO. We enjoy working as a team and exploring this unique and interesting new game together.

03-23-2006, 04:42 PM
Name: The Covenant of Shadows
Type: light RP, moderate language, family style sharing of loot

The covenant of shadows is primarily a light rp guild of people who are willing to share all their extra valuables with each other and do any and all quests we can. as of now no class restrictions or level restriction



for an invite

03-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Guild Name: Protectors Of Eberron (http://www.ddopoe.com)

Guild Type: Friend & Family Oriented/ Non-RP
Website: www.ddopoe.com
Contact(s) Adelina or Conagan
Recruiting Status: Active - Taking Apps.

We are a friendly, family oriented guild. If you are a power gamer, this
is probably not the guild for you. We're on a few hours a day throughout the week, and spend most of our weekend in DDO. Recruiting status is currently open. Our members come first, the loot comes second.The better we are as a whole, the better we are as one. For more information and to check us out, please visit: www.ddopoe.com Click the "Join Us (http://www.ddopoe.com/application.htm)" link to fill out an application.

04-01-2006, 11:02 PM
Guild Name: Dawnswords

(short for The Dawnswords Adventuring Company)

Guild Type: Family and Friendly

Website: www.watchersalliance.com

Contact(s): Eildre, Alderamin, or any other guild member

Recruiting Status: Always happy to have others in the guild.

Additional Info: The Dawnswords is a Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach guild created on the Thelanis server. We are a casual gaming guild named after an Adventuring company that had over a 20-year history in several pen and paper gaming campaigns, adapted thus to Eberron. We stand for game enjoyment, friendship and generally having a good time. The characters themselves come from all walks of life, some outcasts and some House members. All have a common goal, to explore and experiance the world of Eberron and support thier fellow Company members. Seeking to right that which is wrong, to plumb secrets from the depths of the world, and to balance power with a sense of unity. (Roleplaying is encouraged, but not necessary)

04-06-2006, 03:08 AM
Guild name: Shadows
style: Roleplay medium to heavy
contact: Raini

This is my attempt to creatw an all rouge guild of roleplayers, mostly for the sake of roleplaying, though Guild will be looking to form an alliance for Adventure groups and the like. PM me in game for details and interview. taking multiclassed rouges as long as your rouge level is higher than your mixed class

04-07-2006, 01:34 AM

DDOwiki.com link updated
Added "New" Guilds section for guilds that joined this list in the last 10 days.I'm planning to do a guild rollcall to clean up the list from inactive/disbanded guilds soon.

04-08-2006, 04:14 AM
Guild Name: Core of Legends

Guild Type: Casual and friendly guild

Website: http://hamka.cinebb.com/index.htm


Cammel (Paladin)
Karara (Fighter)
Lonra (Wizard/Paladin)
Miao (Cleric)
Lovalia (Cleric)
Judy (Fighter)
Samyks (Paladin)
Garlic (Wizard)
Aan (Rogue)
Vallon (Cleric)

Recruiting Status: Open

Additional information:

We are bunch of classic D&D RPG and MMORPG frontiers in Hong Kong. From the origional D&D, AD&D to D&D 3.5 Core edition players to the first Ultima Online, Everquest, DOAC and WoW gamers, we reuion in the famous topic Dungen & Dragon Online.

"Core of Legends" - First times, we used this name and formed a guild in Everquest world. We are casual, friendly guild, play in asia time zone. Welcome to join us and explore the Eberron world !!!!

Thelanis Server
Core of Legends
Guild Leader - Cammel Angel

04-08-2006, 12:37 PM
Hello buddy,
I believe we played the other night, I did get lost a little because i'm somewhat new..but I did get voice capability yesterday, which has improved my game dramatically. I'm quickly discovering how difficult it is to form groups when I'm ready to play, I'm in California, and generally play in the evenings..
oh yes btw.. my character is Regurgetator..I'm soon to be level three

04-10-2006, 05:02 PM
Guild Name: Raiders of the Lost Tavern
Guild Type: everything from casual to hardcore; not strictly 18+, but almost all players are; friendly, curteous atmosphere; family feel and family friendly
Website: http://tavernraiders.com/forums/index.php?c=9
Contact(s): in-game: Carolus, Magenixx, Ryagon, or any person you find on the forums at our website above.
Recruiting Status: actively recruiting, any and all
Additional Info: We have nearly 700 registered members at the time of this posting. Of course, our active members are much lower - probably closer to 500. Currently we are getting into DDO, with a lot of interest, but not much action yet. So now is the perfect time to get in on the ground floor of the RotLT:DDO chapter! Hit up our Web site and post in the recruiting forum or contact one of us in-game.

04-12-2006, 04:38 PM
Guild Name:The Guild of Random Encounters [GoRE]
Guild Type:Light RP / Play for Fun
Website: www.gore-online.net
Contact(s): site:Hydra - in-game:Gelrick | site: DragonSpawn - in-game: Thelanus

Recruiting Status: Always recruiting fun and interesting players
Additional Info: We are a group of adult players from all over the country who have been playing RPG style games together for awhile now. We started with NWN and spread to Guild Wars and now DDO. We usually arrange at least one weekly game where we play specific characters together.

04-14-2006, 12:40 AM
Guild Name: Legends
Website: http://hklegends.no-ip.org
Guild Type: Casual and friendly guild
Contact(s): Felixpo, Tofu, Un, Jess, Saiwing
Requirements: Hong Kong / Cantonese Players Only
Recruiting Status: Open

"Legends" - We are casual and friendly game players in Hong Kong. We have people comes from different MMORPG including UO, EQ, DAOC, SWG, EQ2 and the D&D table players. And now we once again gather all the Hong Kong players in Dungeons & Dragons Online, in this magical world of Eberron.

We are a guild formed by casual and friendly Hong Kong players active in Asian time zone. We always welcome and would love to help new friends. And of course we always welcome your joining and together we would start our fantasy and friendship from Stormreach, Eberron.

04-19-2006, 09:46 AM
Guild Name: Order of the Dragon
Guild Type: 20% fun, 80% hardcore gaming
Website: n/a atm
Contact(s): Jonartz, Nostalgia in game or via e-mail jonny@netvigator.com

Recruiting Status: Closed/ Open for people who play in odd hours. Otherwise you will not be seeing us very often due to time zone problems.
Additional Info: We're a small group of very active players living in either Hong Kong or Malaysia (also are english speakers). We run a treasure farming group everynight. Hate static loot. We currently have a group of level 10 players, and we all have our Alts on their way to level 10. Looking for adventurers to join our group for treasure hunt. See you in Thelanis!

04-19-2006, 10:11 AM
Please update the following information for Order of the Wolf:
1) Website: http://ootw.net
2) Contact information: Donovan, Resolute or Valvert
3) Recruiting status: open (see website)

Thank you.

04-19-2006, 02:33 PM
Guild Name: Crusaders

(A Division of =FoC=)

Guild Type: Friends and Family

Website: www.crusaders.clanfoc.net

Contact(s): Thrax, Aryssa, Ishalla, Zelphia, Keri

Recruiting Status: Always happy to have others in the guild providing they are team players. Hero's need not apply. Very tight knit group, no one get's left behind.

About Us: Crusaders is a DDO venture of Clan =FoC=. =FoC= has a presence in Ragnarok Online, Quake 3, Quake 4, CS, D3, and Others. We are definately a friendly, close knit guild, and converse regularly via game, site, txt, phone, both on and off character. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine follows here, no selling equip to other members :-) So if your intereseted in a fun, older mature group, give us a shout, and arrange a party with us :-)

((Also looking for content writers and database admins.))

04-24-2006, 06:09 PM

04-30-2006, 11:03 AM
can you change 2 things in our guild listing please ?

1. can you drop the RP and grouping part of our listing in the guild type just casual / raiding

2. we have now built a web site and its at www.HenshinMystics.net (http://www.HenshinMystics.net) can you add this link to our posting as well ?

i would appericate it thank you

05-01-2006, 10:50 AM
Guild Name: Arcane Guardians
Guild Type: Casual/family
Website: http://www.arcaneguardians.com
Contact(s): Audette/Leonne, Rcane/Kuldane or any of our officers
Recruiting Status: Always.
Additional info: We are a group of friends that have crossed over games for the last 8 years. We are casual, many of us have families or work that keep us from being around as much as we want. Please visit our site for further info.

05-02-2006, 03:23 PM
Everyone does know that Mortred no long plays and is no longer updating this list correct?

05-03-2006, 09:20 PM
Still here and playing the game but not for long, but yeah we gonna need a new list or you can have my account Cyren :p

05-04-2006, 07:38 AM
Guild Name: Epidemic

Guild Type: casual/Small

Website: Don't need one, so don't have one :P

Contact(s): Displacer(in game) Fafniir(in game) or PM 43sidedDie(on forum)

Recruiting Status:If you wanna join, then you can join...

Additional Info: We are a small guild(2 members right now) and hoping to have anywhere between 12-25 members, so that our members will always have a possible party. Thats all I think I guild is for, so a group of people that like to party together could have a common ground

05-05-2006, 08:23 PM
Guild Name: ShadeFire
Guild Type: Casual RP - Heavy RP (depending on players), mature, fun, teambased
Website: Coming later
Contact(s): Dalynar, Sarminyn, Havak
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: Looking for more members, active around 7pm - 4am Eastern. Family based gamers are most welcome as many of us are (kids, jobs, etc hehe) Recruit post to come soon.

05-06-2006, 03:24 PM
Guild name - Scoundrels for Hire

Guild Type - Casual, No Rush, Share Loot

Contact(s) - Feyhawke,Cyleene,Walks,Bork or Lionnl

Website - Um yeah

Recruiting Status - Open ( 25 to 40 members - up to 200 characters )

Greets all,
Well I've decided start a casual guild with my room mate, Scoundrels for Hire. We are seeking casual players who don't like the rush thru go faster styles alot of PUG's have. Ultimately we want to do everything but aren't in any rush to do so. We play USA Central timezone, mornings and evenings. No website, no grand plans/strats. Just log in and play DDO whenever. We don't mind you having 5 toons. We don't demand your time. We don't sell to guildmates, we give away things. I hope this isn't too laid back :) . Hopefully this loose rule guild will be a beacon for those who desire this type of play. We however won't tolerate any type of party disruption behavior. Play nice, no cussing. Any age of player will be accepted.


05-11-2006, 03:12 PM
Guild Type:RP with racial bias towards Warforged.
Website:None yet.
Contact(s): Destructon, Destructun
Recruiting Status: Always recruiting! But only WARFORGED are welcome
Additional Info: This is brand new guild for warforged, by warforged only.

05-15-2006, 04:27 PM
Band of Shifting Sands

Heavy Raiding

contact any member, who will then laugh at you

We too powerful for this planet

05-15-2006, 04:39 PM
You should probably remove "A Jovial Jaunt" since it hasn't existed for over 2 months.

05-16-2006, 12:56 PM
Thanks Dragonid.

06-04-2006, 05:01 PM
Guild Name: Evincio
Guild Type: Casual, Experienced Gamers
Website: http://www.evincio.org
Contact(s): Casshern, Navarone, Peepers, MeanJudd
Recruiting Status: Open to all
Additional Info: We are a close nit guild formed in Lineage 2 in 2004 and have slowly moved onto other games. Not all of us play the same games but we keep the strong between eachother because you never know when one of us will join the game we are all currently playing. We are built off of trust, if you break that you are gone. Our arms are open to all, new or experienced in any game, even if you want to join our community for another game. Our site has gone through many updates and will have a last face lift in the coming week. To give and example of how close we are, we had our first annual event in vegas where 7 of us met, the rest would have loved to come but finances are diferent for all.

06-09-2006, 10:11 PM

06-14-2006, 12:24 PM
Guild name: Keepers of the Sacred Knight

Website: http://kosk.screaminghyena.com

Guild type: casual and friendly guild

Contact: Reign, Caustic, Eklipse, Beetleguice

Recruiting Status : Open to all active players

We are a new Guild looking to build our playerbase from the ground up. Most of us are formaly of the Blackguard guild. We use teamspeak as a way to talk out of group to other members of the guild. Please visit our website for more info.

06-14-2006, 06:24 PM
Guild name: The Manchu Dynasty

Guild type: local friends guild

Contact: Thenatos, Evoyo, Veng, Asharon

Recruiting Status : Closed (our community interacts mostly IRL). but love to group with people for fun, no rushed, skillfully run adventures.

06-23-2006, 07:38 PM
Guild Name: House of the Amber Moon (HAM)

Guild Type: Medium-Heavy Roleplay

Website: www.khiana.proboards46.com

Contact(s): Khiana, Arnon.

Recruiting Status: Now recruiting active roleplayers of any level.

Additional Info: House of the Amber Moon is, currently, a small guild. We're wiping a few members from the guild for inactivity (over a month) so we would love to find new people to fill in spots. We're very RP enthusiastic and welcome every roleplayer, whether you have been doing it for a while, or you are interested in learning how to.

07-02-2006, 01:03 AM
Guild name: Knights of Forrest Keep
Guild Type: Slow going, but hard hitting and dedicated. No rushing, but smashing and disabling encouraged. RP not necessary, but enjoyed. All races and classes welcome.
Recruiting Status: Accepting new guildmates, new guild not looking to be huge, but to be big enought to enjoy guild perks:)
Additional Info: We are looking for like minded, dungeon crawling individuals and other guilds as friends, who enjoy the adventure and fun as much as the exp and loot. We also hope to form a substrata for our younger crowd, as we pass on our skills to the next generation.

07-02-2006, 01:20 AM
Please update the entry under Crimson Nexus.

Guild Type: Roleplaying
Contact(s): Tristam, Lauria, Ewrilluin, Azakiel, Tatyana, Moiyra, Jaivier, Isela and Vanwaros. (These are in game contacts.) Or leave a post on the forums under "New Recruits".
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: A large, and quickly growing, guild of all roleplaying characters. Created at headstart, we have built our way up to where we are now. We plan weekly quests, sometimes in the range of 3 planned events per week, roleplay in the taverns, and there is always many people on so its easy to find a group. We have stories on the website for those that really like to get in depth with their character, and we branch that over to the game as well occasionally. Expect and enjoyable, slow moving, and most of all fun experience with us.

07-15-2006, 04:09 PM
Please add this guild to your list of Thelanis Guilds:

Name: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Type: Casual
Website: www.kotsd.org
Contact: Izzy
Recruiting Status: Open to new members but not actively recruiting.

07-31-2006, 12:37 PM
Long gone. :)

07-31-2006, 12:39 PM
The OP seems to have disappeared. I guess we need to make a new thread and get this one deleted and the new one stickied.

08-09-2006, 05:30 PM

08-12-2006, 07:35 PM
The OP seems to have disappeared. I guess we need to make a new thread and get this one deleted and the new one stickied.

He never replied to my PM either.
We do.

08-14-2006, 07:52 PM
Guild Name: Indago

Guild Type: Semi-Casual / Raiding

Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=73643&TabID=636482

Contact(s): Drith, Dolfa, Escobar, Garwin, Raeth, Kalleena

Recruiting Status: We are currently Recruiting Fighters, Clerics and Rogues.

Additional Info: Everything is on our website but... we raid 2-3 times a week. Non-mandatory. The average age in our guild is roughly early thirties. We have Velah on Farm status (non exploited). We don't use DKP but we do use a effort/comitment VS reward style of loot distribution for raid loot. We have roughly 20 full time active members that log on 4+ times a week. We have another 10 ish members that log on about 1-2 times a week. There are no minimum requirements to be in the guild however new recruits are expected to be prepared and willing to raid about twice a week.

Thank you for your consideration.


08-22-2006, 09:07 AM
:cool: \/\/elcome All /\/ew /\/\embers.........

Hello my name is SmokeyTurtle Leader of Smokey's Guild
We would like to welcome all Levels/Classes/Races to our family.
You say what is in it for me at Smokey's ? ;)
I say Fellowship,and a place where everyone knows your name.
We also have a website..So you can share your best moments here at
:) Smokey's Guild :)
Leader and friend. "A lover not a fighter."
#1 officer a Joker and friend.
Royal lord Guardian and Friend.
Royal Lady and Friend.
And Soon To Be Named!! (The Queen)

08-25-2006, 09:06 PM
Guild: Scorpion Wraiths
Requirements: Drow Only
Contacts: Skoal, Szandor, Voice
Status: Actively recruiting officers

Mission: To be the premier Drow only Guild on Thelanis server; to positively promote the Eberron Campaign Setting; to build Drow characters and actively roleplay them as such; to sponsor Wednesday Night RP and PvP events.

09-03-2006, 01:03 PM
Update for the Crimson Nexus listing. Mostly just a new website, and a bit more detail for the "additional info"

Crimson Nexus
Guild Type: Roleplaying
Website: http://crimsonnexus.ath.cx
Contact: Contact anyone online via the "who" function, or leave a message on our forums
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: The primary focus is to have a casual environment for everyone to have fun in. Recruitment is open to any race/class/level/alignment as long as you are interested in role-playing. We host several guild events each weeks, from pure RP to guild raids. Mission are done slowly, RP'ing as we go, with teams consisting mostly of guildmates with occassional pick-up members from other RP guilds or solo RP players.

Also, as far as I know, the "The Church of Tyrilath" is no longer a guild. Most of us moved on to the Crimson Nexus or left the game. I do not know of any players remaining under that guild name.

09-06-2006, 02:25 PM
Guild name: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Guild Type: Casual
Contact(s): Izzy, Lazar, Amel, Ckaos, Brockson
Web site: http://www.kotsd.org
Recruiting Status: Open
Guild play nights: Mon & Wed

Currently we have about 20 members and 70 characters in the guild. Most of the current members know each other IRL (In Real Life), are friends, or relatives. We goes though quests and dungeons for the fun of it, not for the loot and EXP only. Don’t like rushing though a quest as quickly as possible, constantly running to keep up with the person who has done the quest a hundred times? So zerglings need not apply.

09-25-2006, 09:42 AM
We've been around since right after DDO went live, but never posted here - imagine that! here is our info:

Guild Name: Blue Line
Guild Type: Casual, Friends & Fun
Web site: Blue Line (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=76993&TabID=664463)
Contacts: Epox, Rush, Kheldor, Alara - Send some in-game mail if we're not on!
Recruiting status: By recommendation from a member: we'll need to get to know you first.

Info: We're a smaller guild composed of friends that have come together to enjoy DDO to its fullest extent. Playing with good friends is what its all about. Recruiting is miminal, as we don't want to become too large too fast - this gives us time to develop relationships. Please visit our web site for more information.

09-25-2006, 02:46 PM

11-10-2006, 04:49 AM
Guild Name: Forgotten Memory's
Guild Type:Casual
Contact(s):Orbius (in game),
Recruiting Status:We Are Recruiting
Additional Info:

12-04-2006, 10:26 PM
Welcome to
The "Faerie Court", plane of "lush forests and crystal clear waters"

The Exploration Society aka "House Silvanestrii" (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11801&postcount=18)
Guild Type: Casual
Contact: Blucastle
Recruiting Status: Open
Any and all RPers are welcome as are those who enjoy thorough exploration of dungeons and quests. RP is not required to be a member, but patients and a non rushed attitude is. If you are interested in joining please email me at Blucastle@sbcglobal.net with your prefered character name plus alternates so I may look for you in game at launch. More info (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6528&postcount=1)

Would you please change my email to Blucastle@charter.net. =) Thanks

Also our website is http://tes.rbcb.net/

12-10-2006, 01:35 PM
Please add Dread Moon to the list.

Guild Leader: Elenssar
Guild Type: Strategy, Family oriented, Mature
In Game contacts: Elenssar, Spyne
Website: none yet, might have one soon
Guild Recruitment: Grouping required
Info: We are a small predominantly Strategy based guild. Currently we are looking to increase mambership a little bit. We are not for everyone, we slow down the game a little bit and run "classical" PnP strategy. Most members and officers play US Central time night (usually we are on about 8-9 pm and play till about 12 am daily). Weekends depends on what is going on. We are on the verge of raiding, but RL will always come first with us. If you are interested please send an in-game e-mail to Elenssar or Spyne. We will require grouping to see if you will work in our play style.

12-12-2006, 12:48 PM
The Knight Shift Company is a small group, so far, of late night role players. If you work 2nd shift, or just play midnight and later, look us up. We are ardently opposed to rushing, in fact, that's why I started the guild. Most of our members are lower levels right now( 6th being the highest) but we plan on changing that! If you play late, and are a ROLEPLAYER, look for me, my main toon is Kellenn, or our other founder, Ilokan. Sorry, no website, just a group that likes to play the game the way it is meant to be played. We are looking for additional members, but insist on a test drive first. If your style matches ours, welcome aboard. If not, good luck and stock up on healing potions!

01-23-2007, 12:06 PM
Guild Name: Insanity Plea
Guild Type: Fun Fun Fun (u can RP if you want, we dont care)
Website: none at this time
Contact(s): Belphegor, Azag, Blasphime
Recruiting Status: Limited
Additional Info: We are a group of friends who left a larger guild wanting something a bit more friendly. We have limited rules (no drama and follow the quest leader's instruction) because we dont feel that rules are needed to enjoy a game. That said, problems are aired in Guild chat, no sneaking around behind backs and we work thru them as a group. The only way into this guild is to run with us a few times and show us that you are fun and capable of following our two rules.

02-02-2007, 06:24 PM
I just wanted to make a post that The Order of the Phoenix website is changing.
We felt that though we really liked Guildportal it didn't offer exactly what we needed as a growing guild.

So the new site will be:The Order of the Phoenix (http://thephoenixorder.org)

It's not completed right now and is still under construction but this is where we would like new guild member sign-ups to take place.

02-05-2007, 08:05 PM
Guild Name: Insomniac Fools
Guild Type: Late night gamers of course
Website: http://www.teampendragon.com (hosted forum)
Ingame Contact: Rish
Recruiting Status: Open to mature experienced individuals
Additional Comments: To be quite honest I don't waste my time inviting anyone. There are 3 of us that make up the guild that by chance was started about 5 months ago outside Delera's Tomb. It was mentioned that we always seemed to run into each other late nights, hence the name. It would be nice to have a few more members but I'm kinda picky of who is in. Must be mature, experienced, honorable player. Yes the term honor means a lot. It means that everything you say and do represents who we are. I won't ever go looking for you and try and pull you out of another group saying "we need you" and must come. It's more like if you play late and there is a spot come on and and lets have some fun. I hope you drink, smoke or have some sort of bad habit cuz us night dwellers all seem to have one. Thanks and see ya online.

02-26-2007, 10:41 PM
Nice Work.

03-10-2007, 04:00 PM
Guild Name: Champions of Stormreach
Guild Type: Universal
Contact(s): Randale Stormbringer, send pm, mail or /tell in game
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: We play nightly, (7 days a week) starting at 8pm Central until the last man or woman falls over from exhaustion! A small guild where everyone knows everybody and all enjoy each other's company. New players are welcomed and encouraged to join. If you play every day, this guild is for you!

03-10-2007, 10:50 PM
Guild name: The Ones Who Carry The Sword
Guild Type: Casual
Contact(s): Alastasia(leader), Senaku
Web site: http://z6.invisionfree.com/TOWCTSForums/index.php
Recruiting Status: Looking for members

03-27-2007, 07:54 AM
Guild Name: The Loaded Dice
Guild Type: Casual
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=159933
Contact(s): Amyr BeTeLyn, Gerrarrd of the Whilte Lily
Recruiting Status: Closed - Taking application until the release of Mod4, then open recruiting will begin.

04-12-2007, 04:10 AM
The Loaded Dice
Type:Casual,some roleplaying
Looking for ppl who like to have fun,and not rush things.
Contact:Amyr or Gerrarrd

04-20-2007, 08:16 AM
Is The Theives Guild still around, as far as I remember a dwarf by the name of Francois was the guild leader. Would love to get involved with a RP guild again. Been away for quite some time and was just wondering thats all.

05-15-2007, 06:15 PM
Guild Name: The Militia
Guild Type: Casual / Fun
Contact(s): Niennaress, Charlito
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info:
The Militia is a friendly established guild with a large set of knowledgeable players. We've been around for awhile and have a reputation as a group of solid players who get things done in a friendly manner. We are more interested in having fun than being uber, but we still raid and loot run regularly (Prisoner of the Planes anyone? :)).

The best way to join is to find a milita member (not hard, there's almost always at least one of us online) and run some quests with them. If you have fun, play smart and are generably sociable there is a good chance you'll get in. :)

All experience levels welcome.

05-19-2007, 07:21 PM
Guild name: Arch Presidium
Guild Type: Casual
Contact(s): Quliast (leader), Wol, Kamae
Web site: http://www.tplguild.com
Recruiting Status: Looking for members

AP was originally composed of people who left WoW looking for a more mature experience - and we are loving DDO. We cater to those who work full time / have families / ect. and our looking for a casual guild that they can play with at their own rate.

06-25-2007, 03:02 AM
Crimson Nexus' information has changed.

Website: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=91542&TabID=786039
Contacts: Turen (leader), Strenth, Risi, or Lunorst (officers)
Tight-knit guild of roleplayers looking for those who want make a story together. Group-oriented with emphasis on helping each other. Send a PM to one of the contacts listed or feel free to post on our forums.

06-28-2007, 02:36 PM
A quick update for The Exploration Society...

Website: The Exploration Society (http://tes.rbcb.net)
Contacts: Caelestis (Leader), Dagazulf (2nd)

06-28-2007, 03:52 PM
Guild name: Mid Level Blues
Guild Type: Casual - levels 5 - 10 only
Contact(s): Aximus, Aesahaettr, Pak
Web site: http://www.midlevelblues.com
Recruiting Status: Looking for members

MLB is focused on fostering semi-organized groups to help get through the mid-level content with one's sanity intact. Once you hit 11, you graduate and have to go find another guild. Play style is easygoing and fun.

06-30-2007, 01:13 PM
Please add to list:
Guild Name:Knights of the Mystical Rose
Guild Type:Light RP /beginners
Recruiting Status:Recruiting
Newbie friendly Guild looking for mature players who enjoy the adventure of exploring the world of Stormreach. Non-rushed relaxed atmosphere; courteous; family friendly.

12-10-2008, 11:01 AM
drums of war --- 18 mos old informal pugs & solo who group when possible to aid each other.middle age to really old p & p types. not actively recruiting,but consider all who try to give solid & positive play to any group.contact any member for more info .

04-19-2010, 04:09 PM
Smokey's Guild
Guild Type: Casual/Raid/light RP
Contacts: Smokeyturtle, Burnindragon, Dawnelle
Website: http://smokeysguild.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting Status: Active
We are one of the oldest Guilds on the Thelanis Server.(To Quote The Phoenix Guard)
"We are a laid back, team oriented guild that is striving to create an environment where any play style is welcome. Be you a power gamer, newbie, or just a social gamer we will welcome you with open arms. We only ask that people interested in joining, group with one of us for at least a few dungeons so we can get to know you, act mature, respect everyone you meet be it guildie or not, and have a great time."...We also have Ventrilo :)

04-19-2010, 04:19 PM
Smokey's Guild
Guild Type: Casual/Raid/light RP
Contacts: Smokeyturtle, Burnindragon, Dawnelle
Website: http://smokeysguild.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting Status: Active
We are one of the oldest Guilds on the Thelanis Server.(To Quote The Phoenix Guard)
"We are a laid back, team oriented guild that is striving to create an environment where any play style is welcome. Be you a power gamer, newbie, or just a social gamer we will welcome you with open arms. We only ask that people interested in joining, group with one of us for at least a few dungeons so we can get to know you, act mature, respect everyone you meet be it guildie or not, and have a great time."...We also have Ventrilo :)

Adding or deleting from the list? Confused thought this guild already existed? Maybe I am confused cause I turned off general chat...

04-19-2010, 04:33 PM
I thought we had a guild list already.

04-19-2010, 05:57 PM
I thought we had a guild list already.

This one is really old. Look at the OP date and list of mostly not still around guilds

04-19-2010, 06:14 PM
This one is really old. Look at the OP date and list of mostly not still around guilds

This must be the retro guild post list (I see that Legion is heavy into role playing).

I would like to submit my guild's retro 2006 description:

Guild Name: Inferus Sus
Guild Type: End game dominators--we've completed CO6 on elite--short man!
Website: http://www.inthecore.com/ddo/
Contact(s): Red Buttons
Recruiting Status: active
Additional Info: we like gaming hard, but also like discussing all of the latest in pop culture (have you guys heard Stadium Arcadium?--rocks!; miss you in the morning Katie Couric; who is going to be the new host of The Price is Right?) and sports (did Hines Ward really deserve the superbowl MVP?)

04-19-2010, 06:44 PM
Last edited by Mortred; 05-16-2006 at 04:55 PM.


Smokey's Guild
Guild Type: Casual/Raid/light RP
Contacts: Smokeyturtle, Burnindragon, Dawnelle
Website: http://smokeysguild.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting Status: Active
We are one of the oldest Guilds on the Thelanis Server.(To Quote The Phoenix Guard)
"We are a laid back, team oriented guild that is striving to create an environment where any play style is welcome. Be you a power gamer, newbie, or just a social gamer we will welcome you with open arms. We only ask that people interested in joining, group with one of us for at least a few dungeons so we can get to know you, act mature, respect everyone you meet be it guildie or not, and have a great time."...We also have Ventrilo :)

Thanks for casting a true reincarnation of this thread :D


04-20-2010, 10:18 PM
Last edited by Mortred; 05-16-2006 at 04:55 PM.


Thanks for casting a true reincarnation of this thread :D


OMG!!! That is hysterical, it really looks like him! :)

04-20-2010, 11:51 PM
Guild Name: DWAT
Guild Type: Casual to Hardcore
Website: www.irmrbean.com/dwat
Contact(s): Luthen, Thurm, Suemo, Arnn, Shandi (Really anyone with a DWAT Tag)
Recruiting Status: Always open to new members
Requirments: We do not have an age limit but this is an adult (I did not say MATURE) guild and we share many varied opinions so thick skin is also a must.

04-21-2010, 07:05 AM
Necro thread ftw. Ugh, it feels like a monday :p

04-30-2010, 12:03 PM
x The Black Rose x (http://www.gamerdna.com/GuildHome.php?re=1&short=thenalisblackrose)
Server: Thalanis
Guild Type: Exploration, Adventure, Light Roleplaying
Contact(s): Nuunn, Darkrarne (http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=406533458&blogId=533645764) (make sure ddo is in subject line or you'll be spam trashed)
Recruiting Status: Open recruitment for mature players.
Description: Tiny guild dedicated to the Styreian (http://www.santharia.com/races/elves.htm) races.


06-02-2010, 09:35 PM
Guild Name:Hearts Of Darkness
Guild Type:Casual, Roleplaying, Team Oriented
Contact(s):In Game - Mordiff, Machiavellii, Santy, Ravenna, Stamm
Recruiting Status:We are recruiting
Additional Info: At this point we mostly play U.S. Pacific Standard Time and weekends. We have a small group and would work hard to make you feel welcome in our group.

06-02-2010, 09:52 PM
I thought we had a guild list already.

You do. I helped get him there along with 3 of the other 4 servers current guild managers. I think Sarlona (although it could be Ghallanda) is the only server where the GLM left after I helped coordinate for continuity. Also, Argonnessen's GLM is missing for the last year -- if he's not back soon, probably will need a new Guild Listing to be the fifth GLM of Argo: RIP MantisDragon, Shinmafox, (myself.... kinda) & Aargos.

Excellent Necro, but this thread is going to cause a lot of angst by new players creating guilds and listing them in it. This is in the wrong forum too -- there is a Guilds subforum to every Server Forum!

This is not the active guild list of Thelanis! Do not post your guild here. This thread has not received an update in 3.5 years.

06-03-2010, 01:11 PM
Guild Name: Mediocrity
Guild Type: Casual
Website: wow this would take a lot more effort than any of us is willing to put forth...
Contact(s): Dekayras (GM), Ultramarine, Twostrike, Gotrick, Favrim, Nurgan, Cedarfist
Recruiting Status: Active
Additional Info: We strive to be "meh" at everything we do. If you want to make a name for yourself and excel at this game...keep on lookin.
We're a group of mature adults who do not act mature and like it that way. We enjoy each other's company and like to group. We do not expect anything from our members other than you have fun.

07-08-2010, 02:10 PM
Your link to wiki takes you to a companys add and site..........bogussss

07-08-2010, 06:48 PM
Your link to wiki takes you to a companys add and site..........bogussss

Check the Thelanis Guilds forum for a Current list. Sometimes links go bad when they havent been updated in 4 years.

07-08-2010, 08:29 PM

... Unless its this thread apparently :rolleyes: ...

07-10-2010, 07:37 PM
Guild Name: Aquilonia
Guild Type: Casual
Contact(s): Samauel, Rezai or Ansala
Recruiting Status: Open
Additional Info: We're really just a couple friends learning the game. We'd have no problem taking new people in so we can all learn together.

Edit: Shoot. Just saw that this isn't update anyway. Oh well :)

07-10-2010, 09:49 PM
Enough already!! Stop posting in this thread!!


04-29-2012, 09:44 AM
Guild Name: Brokenheads
Guild Type: Family/Friends
Website: None
Contact(s): Graedyn
Recruiting Status: Closed
Additional Info: Group of friends who've been gaming together in Southern Ontario for the last 20 or so years (some as long as 30), both online and around a table with dice and paper. All potential members must know someone in the guild in RL. If you are in your 40s and from either Peterborough or Waterloo chances are good. Closely allied with Crimson Eagles.

06-13-2012, 10:15 AM
Guild Name: The Kilns
Guild Type: Very Casual
Website: none yet
Contact(s): Aethlewulf
Recruiting Status: Open - send in game mail or /tell
Additional Info: This is a guild for people who don't have the time/desire to be in a guild. This may seem hypocritical, but I for one don't have the time to dedicate to a guild. So if you want to be a in a guild with minimal requirements - this is the place for you. Just don't let me hear that you are being a jerk to others and you're good with me. (If someone in The Kilns is being a jerk let me know)