View Full Version : The Definitive Collectables List

08-18-2006, 12:49 AM
NOTE, I've redone this list in a new thread which can be found here: New & Improved Definitive Collectables List (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=155251) 7 August 2008

The Definitive Collectables List

If you have additions, corrections, or clarifications, please post it here or send me a PM.

The Harbor

Document Collector - Giles Goodman – Outside The Leaky Dinghy Tavern
Torn Page form Research Book --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Spell Scroll
Khyber Prayer Pamphlet --- 2 --- Lvl 1 Spell Wand
Tome: Prophecies of Khyber --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessory (+1)
Note: Giles tends to give out Divine based Scrolls and wands
*NEW - Locations: various, but adventure packs on the floor, or bookselves through the Harbor Quests

Mushroom Collectors - Ciadan Kelle – Outside the Wavecrest Tavern and Celaeno Kelle – Bottom of the Stairs below The Wayward Lobster

Sweet Whitecap --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Potions, Celaeno Kelle gives Cure/Repair Potions instead
Deadly Feverbranch --- 2 --- Feverbranch Salve (Remove Disease)
Note: Ciadan in the Newbie harbor gives lvl 1 potions instead
Pale Creeper --- 1 --- Masterwork Armor
*NEW - Locations: Mushrooms in Harbor and Marketplace based quests are a good bet.

Religious Icon Collector - Goldscuttle the Kobold – Philosopher’s Row
Prayer Beads --- 3 --- Masterwork Ammunition
Small Wooden Icon --- 2 --- +1 Ammunition
Icon of Khyber --- 1 --- +1 Reptilian Bane ammunition or +1 Lesser Reptilian Bane Weapon
*NEW - Locations: Kobolds & Trogs anywhere, especially in Marketplace or Harbor based Quests. Kobold Assault and Water Works, are great sources.

Reagent Collector - Wash Pynoptis – Outside Philosopher’s Row
Amber Vial --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Spell Scroll
Vial of Pure Water --- 2 --- Lvl 1 Spell Wand
Vial of Contagion --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~1,001 GP value)
Note: Washs tends to give out Arcane based Scrolls and wands
*NEW - Locations: Alchemy Tables, wood piles, and adventure packs through Harbor and Marketplace based quests

The Market Place

Document Collector - Giles Goodman
Caravan Logbook --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
Research Diary --- 2 --- Level 2 Spell Wand
Tome: Myths of Old Xen’drick --- 1 --- +1 Skill Item
Note: Giles tends to give out Stat Buffing based scrolls and wands

Financial Records Keeper - Kipling Vranch – Atop Falcon’s Spire
Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest --- 2 --- Level 2 Wand
Tome: Stormreach Imports & Exports 857YK --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessory (+1 Skill Item)
Note: Kipling tends to give out Divine based Scrolls and wands

Forensics Collector - Xovun Chalk – Below House Deneith
Skull Fragment --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
Powdered Blood --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
Intact Fingerbone --- 1 --- Magic Robe
Note: Xovun tends to give out Arcane based Scrolls and wands

Morbid Curios Collector - Yannick Drumdoom – Below Marketplace Entrance from Harbor
Funerary Token --- 3 --- +1 Ammunition
Mark of the Keeper --- 2 --- +2 Ammunition or +1 Returning Ammunition w/ or w/o special Metal property
Necromantic Gem --- 1 --- +1 Ammunition of Undead Bane, +1 Lesser Undead Bane Weapon
*NEW - Locations: Undead just about anywhere, particularly low to mid level quests, for specific quests names please see this post in this thread: New Mod 7 Rituals (uses for collectables) (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1675602&postcount=95)

Moss Collector - Loura Jotun – Outside East Entrance to Tent
Withered Cryptmoss --- 3 --- Lvl 1 and/or 2 Potion
Cryptmoss --- 2 --- Cryptmoss Infusion (Cure Moderate)
Lush Cryptmoss --- 1 --- +1 Armor

Moth Collector - Clarice Roden - Below Marketplace Entrance from Harbor
Cryptmoss Worm Larvae --- 3 --- Cure/Repair Moderate Potion
Cryptmoss Worm --- 2 --- Cryptmoss Infusion (Bear’s Endurance)
Cryptmoss Queen --- 1 --- +1 Armor

Pigment Collector - Peta Flashpin - outside Lordsmarch Bank towards House Phiarlan
Pinch of Glittering Dust --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
Thimble of Sparkling Dust --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
Jigger of Luminescent Dust --- 1 --- Robe of lesser Elemental Resistance, Robe of Stability, and other similarly valued Enchantments
Note: Peta tends to give out a mix of both Divine and Arcane based Scrolls and wands, but mostly Arcane.
*NEW - Locations: seems to be mostly in Marketplace based quests in piles of goo on the floor, don't know how else to describe them

Primitive Tools Collector - Davyd Turner – Across from House Phairlan Entrance
Blade of the Dark Six --- 3 --- +1 Ammunition
Signet of the Devourer --- 2 --- +2 Ammunition, +2 Cold Iron Ammunition or +1 Cold Iron Frost/Shock Ammunition
Shamanic Totem --- 1 --- +1 Goblinoid Bane Ammunition or +1 Lesser Goblinoid Bane Weapon

House Kundarak

Apparatus Collector - Husk - Outside VON 4 Entrance / In front of The Ever Full Flagon Tavern
Ceramic Bowl --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
Glass Phial --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
Crystal Decanter --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~4,001 GP value)

Document Collector - Giles Goodman – Near Armor Broker
Cryptic Message --- 3 -- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
Scholary Notes --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Wand
Tome: Codes of the Aurum --- 1 --- Jewelry / Accessory (~ 1001gp Value)

Lyric Collector - Chor Blasthorn – Across and down the street from Liquid Charm Store
Romantic Sonnet --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
Silver Flame Hymnal -- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
Tome: Lost Songs of Cyre --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessories (Lvl 1 Spell Clicky or +3 Skill Item)
*NEW - Locations: ???

House Jorasco

Beetle Collector - Mantakan – Across from first Tavern
Duskbrood Trumpet --- 3 --- Cure/Repair Serious Potion
Headsman’s Delight --- 2 --- Arrowmint Leaves (Eagles Splendor)
Executioner Beetle --- 1 --- +1 Armor w/ effect or +2 Armor

Fungus Collector - Farrik Foe Cleaver –
Sour Darkcap --- 3 --- Potion of Cure/Repair Serious
Fragrant Drowshod --- 2 --- Spicy Fungal Gumbo (x3) (Bull’s Strength) Pot. Sap (Cure Serious and Remove Disease)
Flowering Hellscap --- 1 --- +1 Armor w/ effect or +2 Armor
*NEW - Locations: ???, for specific quests names please see this post in this thread: New Mod 7 Rituals (uses for collectables) (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1675602&postcount=95)

Talisman Collector - Verisgante – Behind Tavern at Entrance to Graveyard
Amulet of the Lost Empire --- 3 --- +2 Ammunition, +1/+2 Ammunition w/ effect
Amulet of the Six --- 2 --- +3 Ammunition, +1 to +3 ammunition w/ Effect
Amulet of the Archbishop --- 1 --- +1 Giant-Bane Ammunition, +1 Lesser Giant Bane Weapon

House Deneith

Elemental Essence Collector - Flintchip Fireson – Outside and to the left of Dragon Tooth Arms
Smoldering Ember --- 3 --- +1 Elemental Ammunition, +1 Returning Weapon (may have metal Property too)
Polished Ore --- 2 --- +3 Silver Throwing Ammunition
Elemental Ingot --- 1 --- +1 Elemental Bane Ammunition, +1 Lesser Elemental Bane Weapon

Infernal Essence Collector - Tara Wightraven – Outside Anvil Fire Inn
Planar Crystal --- 3 --- +1 or +2 Ammunition or Returning Weapons (w/ or w/o metal properties)
Planar Spoor --- 2 --- +1, +2, or +3 Ammunition or Returning Weapons (w/ or w/o metal properties)
Planar Talisman --- 1 --- +1 Lesser Evil Outsider Bane Weapon or +2 - +4 thrown returners: if +2 metal, +3 - +4 may have metal properites

Medicinal Spore Collector - Chirugeon Laj’ Amal
Bruised Spore Pod --- 3 --- Potion of Cure/Repair Moderate/Serious
Intact Spore Pod --- 2 --- Spore Saps x2 or x3 (Cure Moderate)
Flowering Spore Pod --- 1 --- +2 Armor

The Long Awaited Missing House Deneith Collectors
Drow Artifact Collector - Zolor drexxian - Top of House Deneith
Chipped Bone Talismans --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Ivory Scorpion Icons --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Tear of Vulkoor --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

Text Collector - Mayda Yarrowmill - Top of House Deneith
3 Mystical Formulae --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Academic Treatises --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Tome: Alchemist's Chapbook --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

Fungus Collector (from Restless isles) - Tarbox - Top of House Deneith
Ruddy Fungi --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Bloodfest Fungi --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) orInfluence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Sanguine Moth --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

Ritual Paraphernalia Collector - Maxon Dreamwalker - Top of House Deneith
Blessed Candles --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Silver Bowls --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Ritual Athame --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

*NOTE 1* Skill Potions provide a bonus to skills based on the relavent Stat.
*NOTE 2* Influence Potions provide a bonus to the relavent Stat.
*NOTE 3* Skill and Influence Potions provide an appropriate Alchemal bonus to the appropriate Skill or Attribute. This bonus is CUMULATIVE with other bonus of different types. ex) Eagle's SKill will combine with Command (+2 to CHA skills), while Eagle's Influence will provide a bonus to your CHA Stat.

House Phiarlan

Intelligence Collector - Seld the Grey Sister – top of Amphitheater at Entrance to Gwylans’ Stand
Runic Parchment --- 3 --- Lvl 3 or 4 Spell Scroll
House Sealed Letter --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand - Cure Serious Wounds Wand
Tome: History of The Houses --- 1 --- +3 Skill Item, Underwater Action Item, +1 Attribute Item

Omen Collector - Kayla Skywhisper
Lodestone --- 3 --- Lvl 3 or 4 Spell Scroll
Moonstone --- 2 --- Lvl 3 spell Wand
Stellar Orb --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~ 4,001gp Value)

Soarwood Collector - Bowdlin
Singed Soarwood --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
Charred Soarwood --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
Lightning-Split Soarwood --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~ 4,001gp Value)

The One Eared Bugbear- Tangleroot Gorge

Flower Collector - Demordris Meele – Inside the One Eared bugbear Tavern
Lily Petal --- 3 --- Lily Extract (Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds)
Woodblossom Nectar --- 2 --- Woodblossom Mead (Remove Blindness)
Crimson Nightshade --- 1 --- Crimson Nightshade Infusion (Remove Curse)

The Restless Isles
Please see Collectors listed in House Deneith!

The Necropolis

Emerald Claw Camp Collector - Mikela Ravenspear – Emerald Claw Camp
Vol Prayer Charm --- 3 --- Regular & Masterwork Ammunition, +1 Ammunition
Mark of Favor --- 2 --- +1 Adamantium Ammunition, +2 Weapon
Abbot’s Ring --- 1 --- +2 Weapon

Silver Flame Camp Collector - Ninevah Shadowsbough – Silver Flame Camp
Vol Prayer Charm --- 3 --- Lvl 1 and 2 Spell Scrolls
Mark of Favor --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scrolls
Abbot’s Ring --- 3 --- Magic Robe ~ 4,001gp value - Robe of Axeblock

Invasion ~ Oustider Coins - *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=107382) - Can't remember his name at the moment - near the Entrance to The Waterworks, just past the stairs up to the Marketplace Gate

Note: Competed by turning in 25 invaders tokens. Can only be completed once
Demonic Breastplate - +5 Breastplate, Admanatine, Fire Resistance, Ice Resistance
Docent of Defense - +5 docent, Heavy Fortification, +2 Protection
Ring of Balance - Stability, +2 Natural Armor, Balance +13, Dismissal 3/day
Sceptor of Healing - +4 Heavy Mace, Flametouched Iron, Greater Devotion V, Greater Healing Lore

Relic of a Sovereign Past ~ Adamantine Ore - *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=107382) - Can't remember his name now either, in the very last room of the Mine Tunnels in the Black Anvil Mines.

Note: You can only have one at a time, and must pay Adamantine Ore.
Nightforge Aegis - +5 Heavy Shield, Adamantine (15 ore required)
Nightforge Avenger Blade - +5 Longsword, Admanatine (10 ore required)
Nightforge Armbands: Improved False Life, Heroism 3/rest (10 ore required)
Nightforge Darkhelm - Helm, +2 Wisdom, +5 Will, Protection From Evil 3/rest (10 ore required)
Nightforge Darkscale - +5 Scalemail, Adamantine
Nightforged Docent - +5 Docent, False Life (12 ore required)
Nightforge Gourge - Necklace, Heavy Fortification (10 ore required)
Nightforge Gouge - +5 Heavy Pick, Adamantine
Nightforge Hammer - +5 Warhammer, Adamantine (10 ore required)
Nightforge Mesh - +5 Chain Shirt, Adamantine (12 ore required)
Nightforge Plate - +5 Full Plate, Admantine (15 ore required)
Nightforge Stilleto - +5 Dagger, Adamantine
Nightforge Spike - +5 Darts, Adamantine, Returning (9 Ore required)

Gianthold Tor - Relics: Dragon, Elf, & Giant
The three different collectors are located throughout the camp of Gianthold. 20 of each relic are required to flag for the Storm Reaver Raid, in addition to haivng marked completed the yellow quests below. Extra Relics can also be turned into collectors through the Giant Hold for a suit of appropriate armor. Each armor set requires 20 relics of the appropriate variety. See the the *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=107382) link.
Dragon Relics: Prison of the plains, Foundation of Discord, Cry for help
Elf Relics: Storms Fist Quests - Crucible, Feast or Famine, Cable for one
Dragon Relics: Storms Eye Quests - Prison of the plains, Foundation of Discord, Cry for help
Giant Relics: Storms Heart Quests - Madstone Crater, Trail by fire, Maze of Madness
Note the main long length quests can drop up to 3 relics and the short quests 1 or 2, not sure which is 1 and which is 2 tho

Gianthold Tor - Dragon Scale Collectibles
The three different collectors are located throughout the camp of Gianthold.
*new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=107382)

*NEW* Black Dragon Scales Collectables (25 Black Dragon Scales)

* Black Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 Base armor), +13 Disable Device, +13 Search, Greater Acid Resistance, Ranged Alacrity 10%*
* Black Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Sacred, Wizardy V, Greater Acid Resistance, Undead Guard*
* Black Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), Greater Acid Resistance, Heal 1/rest
* Black Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, +13 Disable Device, +13 Search, Greater Acid Resistance, Ranged Alacrity 10%*
* Black Dragonscale Robe - +5 Armor, Wizardy V, Greater Evocation Focus, Greater Acid Resistance

Blue Dragon Scales Collectables (25 Blue Dragon Scales)

* Blue Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
* Blue Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
* Blue Dragonscale Armor- +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
* Blue Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
* Blue Dragonscale Robe - +4 Armor Bonus, Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance

White Dragon Scales Collecitales (25 White Dragon Scales)

* *NEW* White Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 Base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3 charges
* White Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest
* *NEW* White Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 Base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3 charges
* *NEW* White Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection , Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest
* *NEW* White Dragonscale Robe - +6 armor, Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest

Accursed Ascension Collectible Guide (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=124184) added by permission of DaveyCrockett

Sigil Pieces
There are 8 different Sigil Pieces that fit into the Sigil Frame. Completion of the frame is required to advance the Litany of the Dead questline (flagged for B.A. Raid).

There are four quests that drop the Sigil Pieces. Four pieces drop randomly within those four quests, and four pieces drop static within those four quests.

The static drops are:
1 Right Wing - Temple of Vol
2 Left Wing - Fleshmaker's Laboratory
3 Right Frame - Inferno of the Damned
4 Left Frame - Ghosts of Perdition

The random drops are:
5 Left Pincer
6 Center Frame
7 Eye of the Abbot
8 Right Pincer

The numbers indicate the icon position (left to right) of that piece in the bottom of your frame.

Shield Fragments
There are 8 different Shield Fragments that fit into the Shield Frame. Upon completion of the shield, you may turn it in to Racella Unary to complete the Shield of Legend Quest and recieve a Static Reward.

There are four quests that offer an optional chest that drops the shield pieces. These pieces are static:

1/2 - Temple of Vol (Golem Chest)
3/4 - Ghosts of Perdition (Kill 4 Waves Chest)
5/6 - Fleshmaker's Laboratory (Golem Enslaught Chest)
7/8 - Inferno of the Damned (Locked Acolyte Chest)

Shield of Legend Reward List:
Adherence - +3 Tower Shield, DR 3/-, Enchantment Save +6
Arrondi - +4 Large Shield, Feather Falling, Adamantine, Moderate Fortification
Bijio - +4 Large Shield, Proof Against Poison, Improved Fire Resistance, Improved Empower Healing I
Death's Door - +4 Large Shield, Fearsome, Deathblock
Fanion - +4 Large Shield, Twilight, Mithral, Magi, Greater False Life
Sorrel - +5 Large Shield, Protection +4, Resistance +4
Talon - +3 Large Shield(DR:4, Base Dmg: 2d6, Crit: 19-20 /x3), Maiming, Keen

Tapestry Pieces
Tapestry pieces are all the same, and 20 are required to complete a tapestry. The tapestry is required to complete the Tattered Tapestry quest from Balkar Aislin and obtain a static reward.

Tapestry pieces are found in the Rare Encounter chests in the Orchard of the Macabre.

Tattered Tapestry Reward List:
Minos Legens - Helm, Heavy Fortification, Feat: Toughness
Muffled Veneer - Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Search +10
Seraphim - Helmet, Sacred, Hollowed (increased max HD of undead turned by 2), Abjuration Focus, Devotion VI
Totemic Lavalier - Helmet, Magi, Intelligence +4, Charisma +4
Tradusor - Helmet, +4 Wisdom, +4 Reflex save
Undying Gaze - Helmet, +10 intimidate, +6 Shatter, Fear 1/day

Tome Pages
There are 8 different Tome Pieces (Legends) that complete a tome. A completed tome is required to complete the Tome of Untold Legends quest, bestowed by Bilk Howland. A static reward is given upon completion.

The Tome Pieces can be found in the mini-boss chests in The Black Mausoleum (pre-raid). The Legends appear to be somewhat static, and appear as follows:

Tome peice I - Legend I – Cinnis
Tome piece II - Legend V - Cholthulz
Tome peice III - Legend VIII – Mentau
Tome peice IV - Legend IV – High Priest
Tome peice V - Legend II – Mentau, Cinnis
Tome piece VI - Legend VI – Cholthulzz, High Priest
Tome peice VII - Legend VII – Cinnis, Cholthulzz
Tome peice VIII - Legend III – Mentau, High Priest

Tome of Untold Legends Reward List:
Coronation - +5 Morningstar, Persuasion, Greater Elf Bane, Control Undead 1/day
Deathnip - +5 Heavy Pick, Maiming, Seeker +8 (Crit: 19-20)
Phosphor - +5 Heavy Mace, Sunburst, Everbright, Righteous, Impact
Razorend - +5 Shortsword, Bleed, Greater Magical Beast Bane, Keen, Tendon Slice
Serrulae - +5 Battleaxe, Vertigo +10, Transmuting, Giant Bane
Sever - +5 Dwarven Axe, Keen, Limb Chopper, Destruction
Skiver - +5 Dagger, Archmagi, Greater Arcane Lore, Improved Extend I, Improved Empower II
Twinblade - +5 Bastard Sword (Base dmg: 2d8 +5), Greater Goblinoid Bane, Greater Orc Bane, Anarchic, Axiomatic

If you find anything that I have not listed here, or turn in any collectables that I am missing please post here and/or send me a PM and I'll add it to the list just as quick as I can.

08-18-2006, 02:44 AM
Weathered Parchment isn't really a collectible. You don't get it off of bodies or from collectible spawns. It's an item from the Irestone Inlet quest that doesn't disappear when you leave, just like several other items. Thus, it should be removed from this particular list.


08-18-2006, 02:46 AM
Also, I got a +2 scimitar for 2 Mark of Favor from the Emerald Claw collector, so the reward is somewhat random. It's arrows or a weapon. So far, all I've seen the Silver Flame Collector give is scrolls (for both charms and marks; haven't seen a ring yet).


08-18-2006, 05:34 AM
Sir Bruce,

Thanks for the updates. I appreciate it.

08-18-2006, 05:47 AM
I noticed that there are some collectors in The Twelve cant get to them yet but they are on they are marked on map and were like dragon egg, dragon scale and scrap metal collectors.

08-18-2006, 06:00 AM
Great list, thanks to the OP...yup lm one of those people that hoarde collectables:D

08-18-2006, 06:02 AM
Sir Bruce,

Thanks for the updates. I appreciate it.

Galen great post, thank you. Havent been on Ghallanda in a while hope all is well with you. Gives you a cupcake.:D

08-18-2006, 06:06 AM
Great list, thanks to the OP...yup lm one of those people that hoarde collectables:D

Yeah, I couldn't believe there wasn't a thread about this. I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back, but I could have sworn there was one here... There wasn't. I was just going to submit my updates for the Emerald Claw Collector in The Necropolis last night, but instead I decided to post evertything, since we didn't have this thread at all.

Yummy Cupcakes... do they have sprinkles? I like sprinkles...

08-18-2006, 06:35 AM
Yeah, I couldn't believe there wasn't a thread about this. I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back, but I could have sworn there was one here... There wasn't. I was just going to submit my updates for the Emerald Claw Collector in The Necropolis last night, but instead I decided to post evertything, since we didn't have this thread at all.

Yummy Cupcakes... do they have sprinkles? I like sprinkles...

Of course :D green sprinkles. I haven't decided on today's cupcake design yet. still working on it LOL. gonna go make some more fresh coffee for all.:D

08-18-2006, 07:09 AM
can some one PLZ tell me what i do with all the collectables that i have got from the Twiligh Forge.. i hav so many an they all look reali kewl.

08-18-2006, 07:29 AM
I beleive there are a few mistakes in this.

Celaeno Kelle gives Cure light or Repair light potions for sweet whitecaps, feverblanche salves for deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for ple creepers. Ciadan Kelle gives level 1 potions for sweet whitcaps and deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for plae creepers.

The banes given by Yannick Doomdrum and Davyd Turner were switched a few updates ago.

I have only gotten cure moderate potions for withered cryptmosses.

I'm pretty sure I've gotten robes of stability and similar enchantments for Luminescent Dust.

I have only gotten Cure serious wands for House Sealed Letters.

I'm pretty sure you get +3 skill items for a Tome: History of the Houses.

Thank you for posting this.

08-18-2006, 08:09 AM
I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back
It's here: http://ddo.enterwiki.net/page/Collectible
If you want to update that page as you also maintain this thread, you are of course welcome to ;)

08-18-2006, 12:37 PM
The banes given by Yannick Doomdrum and Davyd Turner were switched a few updates ago.

Are you saying that I have them backwards?

08-18-2006, 12:51 PM
Are you saying that I have them backwards?

Yes, Doomdrum now gives undead bane and Turner gives goblinoid bane. I forget which update it was, It may have been the Twilight forge. I'll have to go check the release notes.

08-18-2006, 12:52 PM
A possible correction:

In the Necropolis, the Emerald Claw Camp Collector gave Masterwork ammunition for 3 Vol Prayer Charms (12 Charms = 80 Masterwork Arrows :( )

08-18-2006, 06:33 PM
Like I said before, the Emerald Claw person doesn't always give out a fixed level of reward. Sometimes it's arrows, sometimes it's a weapon. It can be masterwork, +1, +2, etc.

Silver Bowls and Blessed Candles both drop from granite gargoyles. I don't think they come from regular ones, though.


08-18-2006, 08:21 PM
can some one PLZ tell me what i do with all the collectables that i have got from the Twiligh Forge.. i hav so many an they all look reali kewl.

I'd like to help, but as I haven't done any of the Twilight Forge module quests yet, I have no idea what they are...

08-18-2006, 08:38 PM
This list is missing the Ruddy Fungus and Casting Rune collectible lines. They are found in rubble and altars throughout Restless Isles.

08-18-2006, 08:40 PM
This list is missing the Ruddy Fungus and Casting Rune collectible lines. They are found in rubble and altars throughout Restless Isles.

Can you provide more information on them? I'll gladly add them to the list, but like I posted above, I've never been to the Restless Isles, so I don't know anything about them (how many are needed, who gets them, where he/she is located and what you get).

08-19-2006, 02:30 AM
Thanks to Karlch of Ghallanda we now know that the Silver Flame Collector in hte Necropolis will give you a Magic Robe of approximately 4,001gp value for an Abbot's Ring.

08-19-2006, 01:39 PM
I've never been to the Restless Isles, so I don't know anything about them (how many are needed, who gets them, where he/she is located and what you get).

Nobody collects them. You just pick them up for no reason.

Note that it is also possible to get non-functional copies of any normal collectible in the Restless Isles. You search some rubble, and you might find a "Runic Parchment"... but it doesn't stack with other Runic Parchments, and you cannot exchange it for goodies. It's just broken.

08-19-2006, 09:09 PM
Thanks for the info Gimpster.

09-13-2006, 09:52 AM
Just want to say l just got a +1 Returning Admandatine Throwing Axe[value 5k] from the Morbid Collector just inside the Marketplace.

I know thats listed under +1 returning with special metal, but first time lve got one that wasnt just returning. Very nice:)

With nice rewards like this lm surprised so many people ignore collectables, free potions and coin is a nice reward.

09-13-2006, 11:06 AM
Infernal Essence Collector - Tara Wightraven – Outside Anvil Fire Inn
i farm renders alot for these!

you can get thrown returning weapons or arrows for each of these sets
+1-+2 for 1st set of 3 with or without metal properties
+1-+3 for set of 2 with or without metal properties
+2-+4 thrown returners if +2 metal +3-4+ may have metalproperites

as for results out of 18 sets of planar hand ins i usualy get a ton of bane bolts and arrows and 2-3 thrown returners including a dart +2 of returning '
(total of 23 diffrent thrown returners collected)

09-13-2006, 04:15 PM

Thanks for the information guys.

09-19-2006, 04:48 PM
I noticed you're missing one of the collectables from the Restless Isles. It's called bloodfeast fungus

09-20-2006, 02:12 AM

THanks for pointing that out. Do you know who collects them (if anyone) and what you get for turnin them in?

09-20-2006, 02:19 AM

i miss Mechwarrior :(

09-20-2006, 04:45 AM
Wow. Some of those are more useful than I thought. Returning weapons and underwater action items? Nice. I might have to actually start collecting again.

09-20-2006, 06:31 AM
The Ritual Athame also comes from Granite Gargoyles.


11-01-2006, 09:02 AM
There have been a couple of changes with mod3 release.

Blessed Candles are now Four-sided Crystals:
A small, purple crystal with four sides. 3
Four-Sided Crystals are desired by Maxon
the Dreamwalker outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

Silver Bowl are now Eight-sided Crystals:
An eight-sided crystal that glows softly. 2
Eight-Sided Crystals are desired by Maxon
the Dreamwalker outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

Not sure what the last one is now called because I do not have any. The items from Restless isles have also been changed. I'm not sure which of the fungus were which but I'll list what I have now.

Sharkskin Fungus:
A pale blue fungus with tooth-like
projections running along its surface. It
might be the result of magical
experimentation. 2 Sharkskin Fungi are
desired by Tarbox outside House Deneith
in the Deneith Ward.

Oilspore Fungi:
Oilspore is a common remedy for
Warforged with rusty patches of armor.
The milky secretions are noxious, but that
seldom bothers Warforged. 3 Oilspore
Fungi are desired by Tarbox outside House
Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

Chipped Bone Talismans (Casting Rune):
This piece of bone is etched with a spiral
design, reminescent of a scorpion's curved
tail. 3 Chipped Bone talismans are desired
by Zolar Drexxian outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

Mystical Formulae (Runic Parchment):
An ancient parchment covered with
calculations that don't seem to follow a
rational pattern. 3 Mystical Formulae are
desired by Magda Yarrowmill outside House
Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

Academic Treatise:
This sheaf of papers details the various
ages of Eberron. It makes for a rather dry
and uninstipring read. 2 Academic Treatises
are desired by Magda Yarrowmill outside
House Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

Tome: Alchemist's Chapbook:
This homemade book contains many
fomulae, calculation, magical sigils and
drawing of esoteric laboratory equipment.
1 Alchemist's Chapbook is desired by
Magda Yarrowmill outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

I think Oilspore might have been called Ruddy before. That is all of the ones I happened to have on my collectables mule. Magda Yarrowmill, Tarbox, and Maxon the Dreamwalker are all MIA as far as I can tell though so I cant give results of turn ins. When they finally arrive I'll post what I got from the various turn ins.

11-01-2006, 09:05 AM
There have been a couple of changes with mod3 release.

Blessed Candles are now Four-sided Crystals:
A small, purple crystal with four sides. 3
Four-Sided Crystals are desired by Maxon
the Dreamwalker outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

Silver Bowl are now Eight-sided Crystals:
An eight-sided crystal that glows softly. 2
Eight-Sided Crystals are desired by Maxon
the Dreamwalker outside House Deneith in
the Deneith Ward.

Not sure what the last one is now called because I do not have any. The items from Restless isles have also been changed. I'm not sure which of the fungus were which but I'll list what I have now.

I will let you know what the athema is later tonight as i have 1.

11-01-2006, 09:33 AM
From my personal experience turning in collectibles anywhere you have a choice of ammunition or an actual weapon ( usually blade ) I would say it is 75% ammunition and 25% you get the weapon ( although my luck makes it seem like a much lower chance for the weapon :) )

11-01-2006, 12:09 PM
Wizard Cap Fungus = 1 traded to the above person in house D (searched forever for him, not there)

11-01-2006, 04:57 PM

Changes made for MOD 3. It should be noted that people are having a hard time finding the "new" collectors. My Blessed Candles, Silver Bowls and Ritual Athame hadn't changed when I checked the other day. Stay tuned for further updates.

11-01-2006, 10:44 PM
I think the bloodfeast fungus became the sharkskin fungus. I had one of the bloodfeasts before hand but did not have it before. I was just not sure which was which of the oilspore and bloodfeast but since sharkskin is not the common (need 2 not 3) I don't think I picked up 5 of them to 1 of oilskin.

Not sure if that really makes sense the way I typed it but basically I'm fairly sure that Sharkskin Fungus = Bloodfeast Fungus.

11-02-2006, 07:19 AM
I have search all over House "D" and can't find Zolar Drexxian. I think he's been kidnapped.

11-02-2006, 07:57 AM
How do I get to the Denith Ward to turn in collectables?

Cant find the darn place.



11-02-2006, 01:33 PM
I have search all over House "D" and can't find Zolar Drexxian. I think he's been kidnapped.

Im with you i cant find Mr. Zolar Drexxian anywhere! i have a Tear of Valkoor to turn in to him :confused: anyone know where he might be hiding ?

11-02-2006, 06:28 PM
How do I get to the Denith Ward to turn in collectables?

Cant find the darn place.



The Deneith Ward is the whole area inside the Deneith zone. If you're looking for Maxon to turn in collectibles, he's just not there. I don't think he's in the game yet. I hear the same about some of the other new collectors.

11-03-2006, 05:31 AM
I just spent 2 hours searching for Maxon. I had even jumped, Feather falled and hasted myself onto the outer walls of House D looking for him. By the way the views of House D from up there are great.

I did however find several places in house D that were cleverly hidden and looked suspiciously like somewhere Turbine might hide an elusive collection NPC. One being located in a small secluded spot only reachable via swimming under water through a tunnel on the northwestern end of the stream near the auctioneer.

Also I have often wondered since Beta what they had planned for the area behind the stairs leading to the Player Sold Weapon Shop that I cant remember the name of right now.

Semper Fi,

12-01-2006, 05:58 PM
Other Collectable which cannot be turned in as of yet - seems to drop exclusively from Granite Gargoyles - NEW!!! - Maxon the Dreamwalker outside House Deneith in the Deneith Ward

Four-sided Crystals - 3 - unknown
Eight-sided Crystals - 2 - unknown
Unknown - 1 - unknown
NOTE: Blessed Candle, Silver Bowl, and the Ritual Athame, changed to above items respectively with MOD 3.

The unknown is 12 sided crystal. I picked one up the other day and spent about 2 hours looking for the collector before I thought to check the forums.

12-02-2006, 12:17 AM

NOTE: To my knowledge, no one has actually found the Collector for the 4, 8 and 12 sided crystals yet.

01-05-2007, 12:29 PM
This should be in the strategy guide section.:D

01-05-2007, 12:51 PM
This should be in the strategy guide section.:D

Also should be stickied:)

01-05-2007, 01:30 PM
This should be in the strategy guide section.:D

I agree :D Unfortunately, there was no Strategy Guide Section when I first created it. Devs/Customer Service Guys/Gals can we move this thread or do I need to copy and paste it over there?

Also should be stickied:)
Turbine can we sticky it? I'm surprise they nevere stickied it to begin with. I mean didn't they sticky all the other Definitive Guides?

And for those of you who might have been worrying about me having left the game, never fear, I've been here, but have been in the process of moving half way around the world, back to the East Coast of the US. And as such I've been without my gaming computer now for 2 months. I just got it today, but probably won't get it set up until middle of next week.

01-05-2007, 01:44 PM
I agree :D Unfortunately, there was no Strategy Guide Section when I first created it. Devs/Customer Service Guys/Gals can we move this thread or do I need to copy and paste it over there?

Oh i wasnt blaming you... i was just putting that in there for the devs.:D

01-05-2007, 01:46 PM
Oh i wasnt blaming you... i was just putting that in there for the devs.:D

Oh I know you weren't, (thus the :D). Thanks for pointing it out to the Devs for me.

01-05-2007, 01:47 PM
A guildie found a bound collectable in offering of blood. Anyone ever see this? or know what i's for?

01-05-2007, 01:49 PM
A guildie found a bound collectable in offering of blood. Anyone ever see this? or know what i's for?

what was the name of the collectible.

There are 3 items you need in order to do the demon queen raid.

THe king phylactery.
AN elemental orb
?(i dont remember)

You get these by completing the 3 pre-raid quests.

You have to give them to the genie zwabi(sp?)

01-05-2007, 01:50 PM
well, it wasn't the blood offering bowl if that's what you were thinking and it was before the end of the quest. I'll try to get more info and give more detail.

01-05-2007, 01:53 PM
well, it wasn't the blood offering bowl if that's what you were thinking and it was before the end of the quest. I'll try to get more info and give more detail.

Was it a seal of something?

If so then that lets you get past a specific genie in the wiz king quest

01-05-2007, 01:57 PM
Was it a seal of something?

If so then that lets you get past a specific genie in the wiz king quest

I don't think so. Pretty sure he knows what those seals are and what they are for. I'm trying to get more info, will post later when I do.

01-05-2007, 02:14 PM
The items for the Demon Queen raid are not what "I" would deem collectibles, (at least not in the sense of this thread). However, Adamantine Ore, Bronze Tokens and Outsider Tokens/Coins, I would (at least for the purposes of this thread, but they have their own threads.

01-05-2007, 02:19 PM
Neither would I, that's why I posted here. He said it was a collectable. I didn't get more info at the time since it was getting late.

01-05-2007, 02:26 PM
No problem, my friend. That is why we are here, and I have created this thread. I suppose I could at some point, go through the Adamantine Ore, Bronze Token, and Outsider Coin Threads and add them here as well (with full credit of course).

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

01-05-2007, 02:27 PM
No problem, my friend. That is why we are here, and I have created this thread. I suppose I could at some point, go through the Adamantine Ore, Bronze Token, and Outsider Coin Threads and add them here as well (with full credit of course).

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

The adamantine ore and outsider coins are in the definitive static rewards list. So while i know where to go to find the info, It wouldnt hurt to be in two places.:D

01-05-2007, 02:28 PM
The outsider tokens and Ore have already been done maybe just list them for people who may not know and stumble in here then point to the difinitive loot thread?

edit: doh! you beat me to it :p

01-05-2007, 02:30 PM
The outsider tokens and Ore have already been done maybe just list them for people who may not know and stumble in here then point to the difinitive loot thread?

edit: doh! you beat me to it :p

Yeah i do that:D

01-05-2007, 02:38 PM
Well there is no time lke the present to do things so I'm adding the lists for Outsider Coins from Invasion and the Adamantine Ore from Relic of a Soverign Host.

I would also like to thank Ziggy (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?p=885555#post885555) for pointing out that the House Deneith Collectors will soon be added for the damnable 4-,8-, and 12-sided crystals (which replaced the Candle, Silver Bowl and Ritual Athame when Mod 3 was added). For more info on this please refer to: Graal's Post (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showpost.php?p=879861&postcount=99)

01-05-2007, 11:03 PM
Well I saw a pic of the item in question: it's called livingstone's journal, and it's bound on aquire. however it does not say collectable. It has a few sentences about the drow and their rituals or some such. That's all.

01-06-2007, 10:13 AM
Anyone know what it is for?

01-07-2007, 09:15 AM
Tome: History of The Houses --- 1 --- +3 Skill Item, Underwater Action Item

I got a +1 wisdom Helm for this...

01-10-2007, 10:31 AM

NOTE: Official word from Samera: Weekly Development Activities for Week of 8 January (http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84070)

These items are in QA and should be part of the next update, "Litany of the Dead: Part 2".


NEW – The missing collectors from House Deneith are now in place with new examples of alchemical goodness to distribute.

01-10-2007, 10:32 AM
Still vote this needs to be stickied and put into the Guides section.

01-10-2007, 11:04 AM
Samera (or any other CS Rep/Dev) can you please move this thread and sticky it in the Guides Forum.

Thanks in advance

01-13-2007, 07:41 PM
Heres what i recieved during the risia testing.
7 Potion of Influence +1 (+1 to Charisma for 2 minutes)
1 Potion of Eagles Skill +1

Potion of Influence +2
Potion of Eagles Skill +2

3 chipped bone talismans
Potions of Bulls Skill +1(+1 bonus to strength based skills)

1 Sanguin Moth
Potions of Fox's Skill +3(+3 bonus to dex based skills)

01-30-2007, 03:38 PM
I'm very curious as to what the other new house D collectors give. If it's just all + stat skill potions, it seems a waste to have so many different collectibles and collectors for the same rewards. (Not to mention the fiasco over the bugged "flawed" versions.)

At any rate, this deserves a bump to make the thread easier to find.

02-27-2007, 02:54 PM

Devs can we please get this thread stickied???:

02-28-2007, 12:39 AM
Good idea, maybe just PM Quarion about it.

Also, I'm very surprised no one has figured out all the new house D collectibles yet. We only had to wait a year to be able to turn those in. :D

02-28-2007, 10:10 AM
Good idea, maybe just PM Quarion about it.

Also, I'm very surprised no one has figured out all the new house D collectibles yet. We only had to wait a year to be able to turn those in. :D

A couple quick things about the House D Collectors:
1) They all seem to be giving the same type of Potions out so far as my data above suggests.
2) There are plenty of fakes running around out there as well. I saved my Ritual Athame for a year only to findoutit was a fake. Poor move by Turbine here to have fake collectables, espcially when they made all those collectables people had saved have a chance to be fake. I'd be slightly less peeved, if only newly acquired collectables had the chance to be fake.

02-28-2007, 02:28 PM
I'm very curious as to what the other new house D collectors give. If it's just all + stat skill potions, it seems a waste to have so many different collectibles and collectors for the same rewards. (Not to mention the fiasco over the bugged "flawed" versions.)

At any rate, this deserves a bump to make the thread easier to find.
my bad i thought i gave complete info. must have been another thread.

yeah they are basically 2 different versions of the potions.

influence and skill.

They range from +1 to +3.
they are for the 4 types of stat spells. (strength, dex, wis, and int.)

03-07-2007, 05:38 PM
ritual athemas netted me +3 eagle skill.

so +3 to charisma based skills. not to shabby:D

03-11-2007, 10:26 PM
What about the bronze coins or whatever in the desert, we got a list for that yet?

03-12-2007, 08:40 AM
From what I have read in various threads, is that the "rewards" are completely random. You have the option to turn in various amounts of toekns. The more tokens you turn in the hiugher the base of the items. However, the collector will take any toekns you show him and you will be forced to take whatever he offers you, so there is no browsing.

03-21-2007, 12:17 PM
As the title says, I am curious if using eagle splendor changes or enhances the rewards for these collectibles?
I have been stockpiling these things to try and get a good run with it.

Chunkss of Spew
Aaliciaa of Spew

03-21-2007, 04:44 PM
As the title says, I am curious if using eagle splendor changes or enhances the rewards for these collectibles?
I have been stockpiling these things to try and get a good run with it.

Chunkss of Spew
Aaliciaa of Spew

NO! The reward is based upon what you turn into the Collector, and if multiple items are available, then it is just random as to what you get.

03-23-2007, 12:36 AM
Celaeno Kelle gives Cure light or Repair light potions for sweet whitecaps, feverblanche salves for deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for ple creepers. Ciadan Kelle gives level 1 potions for sweet whitcaps and deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for plae creepers.

Just quoting this early reply as it seems it's not been edited in to the list yet :) Since discovering the trade in of Sweet Whitecaps for healing/repair potions, I've hoarded them ever since!

Oh, and just a little additional info:
In the Harbour, Giles tends to give out divine based scrolls/wands, whereas Wash prefers the arcane scrolls/wands.

In the Marketplace, Kipling's rewards are divine based (cure, lesser restoration, etc), Xovun's are arcane, Peta's seem to be a mix of both but mostly arcane, and Giles prefers stat buff scrolls/wands.

03-23-2007, 07:54 AM
Just quoting this early reply as it seems it's not been edited in to the list yet :) Since discovering the trade in of Sweet Whitecaps for healing/repair potions, I've hoarded them ever since!

Oh, and just a little additional info:
In the Harbour, Giles tends to give out divine based scrolls/wands, whereas Wash prefers the arcane scrolls/wands.

In the Marketplace, Kipling's rewards are divine based (cure, lesser restoration, etc), Xovun's are arcane, Peta's seem to be a mix of both but mostly arcane, and Giles prefers stat buff scrolls/wands.

/updated and thanks for the info.

04-02-2007, 07:32 AM
can we try to make a list of monsters drop what collectables?

it would help out a lot

04-30-2007, 07:30 AM
/updated. I added the Dragon Scale turn-in info.

05-03-2007, 10:35 PM
What about relics?

Also if we got some info on what people have gotten for what amount of tokens in the desert, like examples with a warning about the posibilities of not getting equivalent worth that would be nice.

05-03-2007, 11:04 PM
If you have some info aboutthe relics please let me know. As far asthe Ancient Bronze Tokens from te desert, it is just random loot, and nothing special at all.

05-08-2007, 04:20 PM
I'm looking for a Necklace of Swimming. I saw where a jewelry vendor had it once in the market. I managed to save the 5,000 gps, but when I went back to buy it, the vendor didn't have it any longer.

--Elsser Woodstream
Level 5 Ranger

05-08-2007, 05:14 PM
Don't know that I've ever seen one come from one of the Collectors. And as far as I know there is not one that is a static reward. Best bet it is to browse the auction house and the vendors and keep looking.

08-07-2007, 08:12 PM
it's a sanguine moth, not sanguine fungus that 'tarbox' wants.(wf fungi collector in house deneith)

Great list by the way.

08-07-2007, 08:24 PM
Awesome list proved useful in deciding what to and to not collect.

08-08-2007, 08:18 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys.

It took a bit of work, but wasn't too bad. And I figured it might prove useful for those who collect stuff.

08-16-2007, 04:36 PM
In Zawabi's Refuge there's a dwarf kind of near the ramp up to Zawabi that is collecting uncut gems. I'm wondering if anyone knows what he gives you for them.

08-16-2007, 04:46 PM
In Zababi's Refuge there's a dwarf kind of near the ramp up to Zawabi that is collecting uncut gems. I'm wondering if anyone knows what he gives you for them.


08-16-2007, 10:22 PM
Cool. Thanks for the speedy info!

08-17-2007, 08:30 PM
Fungus Collector (from Restless isles) - Tarbox - Top of House Deneith
Ruddy Fungi --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Bloodfest Fungi --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) orInfluence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
Sanguine Fungi --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

The last item in this list I believe is a Moth.
I have two of them and I think this is the same item.

Oops, I didn't realize that this had been noticed.. Disregard my ignorance.

08-21-2007, 09:24 AM

Changed Sanguine Fungi to Sanguine Moth.
Updated the links to the Definitive Static Loot/Reward Lists.

I also want to appologize for mot being aorund the forums or game the last few months, but real life has gotten pretty busy, as I prepare to start graduate school.

02-19-2008, 07:38 PM
Hey Everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am back into the game. I know a lot has happened since I stopped playing over the summer. Please send me any informaiton you have regarding new collectables from Mods 5 and 6 and I'll add them to the list at the beginning ofthe thread.

04-22-2008, 10:45 AM

Vials of pure water

Strings of prayer beads
Any kobold or trog corpse

Silver Flame Hymnals

Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber

Luminescent Dusts

Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms
Mushroom (Depths of Darkness)
Mushroom (Haunted library)

Sparkling Dusts

Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms

Lightning-Split Soarwoods

Funerary Tokens
(Random drops from Undead)
Blackbone thrall (Haunted library)
Dryden ancestor (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Ghast (Haunted library)
Ghoul (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Skeleton (Sanctuary in Catacombs)
Skeleton (Depths of Darkenss)
Skeleton archer (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Zombie (Sanctuary in Catacombs)
Undead (Catacombs: 1, 2 - To Find a Witness, 4 - Crypt of Gerald Dryden, 5 - Setting Wards - Lower Crypt, 7 - Endgame: Maquerite)

Help fill the rest in!

04-22-2008, 01:25 PM
What do the locations of collectables have to do with Mod 7 rituals for the stone of change?

04-22-2008, 03:50 PM
What do the locations of collectables have to do with Mod 7 rituals for the stone of change?

According to this weeks WDA, a lot of the old collectables are going to be used now in the new module 7 ritual recipes. So people are going to want to know where to find them, especially since many of us haven't grabbed these old collectables since our very first toons, two years ago!

I'm not sure if this thread is the right place for my post, but if it's a definitive collectables thread then I guess it's a good place to include where to find those collectables, right?

The ones I listed are all the ones that are required for the new module 7 recipes:

Weekly Development Activities

NEW The Twelve has discovered several new rituals that can be performed at the Stone of Change. As before, you must first bind and attune your item before performing an Eldritch Ritual. The new rituals and their recipes are as follows:
"Alchemical Armor Eldritch Ritual" - Grants armor a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
Requires: Your armor, 5 Vials of Pure Water, and 15 Strings of Prayer Beads.
"Alchemical Shield Eldritch Ritual" - Grants your shield a +1 alchemical bonus to AC.
Requires: Your shield, 6 Silver Flame Hymnals, and 2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber.
"Force Damage Ritual" - Your weapon will do 1 point of force damage on each successful hit.
Requires: Your weapon, 3 Luminescent Dusts, and 9 Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms.
"Force Critical Ritual"- Your weapon will do 1d4 points of force damage on each successful critical hit.
Requires: Your weapon, 6 Sparkling Dusts, and 12 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms.
"Resistance Ritual" - Your jewelry item will give you a +1 competance bonus to saves.
Requires: Your jewelry accessory, 4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods, and 22 Funerary Tokens.

04-22-2008, 04:28 PM

With some general info about wher these items can be found with information off the top of my head, also linked sections to post #95 in this thread, listing specific quests that might prove bountiful.

04-22-2008, 06:50 PM
And dude!
I spent an hour looking for where it says what gianthold quest gifts what relic...not here.
(dragon elf giant...)
thought feast or famine and a cabal for one gave elven...but cant remember.
pop giant?
crucible dragon?

04-22-2008, 07:53 PM
And dude!
I spent an hour looking for where it says what gianthold quest gifts what relic...not here.
(dragon elf giant...)
thought feast or famine and a cabal for one gave elven...but cant remember.
pop giant?
crucible dragon?

pop=dragon, cabal=elf, trial by fire=giant

can't recall the rest off-hand.

04-23-2008, 12:22 AM
Related areas drop the same type of collectable. So storms heart area (Madstone) all drops giant, so quests are

Stoms Heart - Giant Relics: Madstone Crater, Trail by fire, Maze of Madness
Storms Eye - Dragon Relics: Prison of the plains, Foundation of Discord, Cry for help
Storms Fist - Elf Relics: Crucible, Feast or Famine, Cable for one

Note the main long length quests can drop up to 3 relics and the short quests 1 or 2, not sure which is 1 and which is 2 tho.

04-23-2008, 04:50 AM
Just did some turn-ins and got...

3 Vol Prayer Charms...2 random level 1 arcane scrolls for each 3 charms...didn't see where you had it listed that you might (or maybe will always?) get 2 scrolls instead of 1.

2 Marks of Favor...1st I got a level 2 arcane spell & level 2 spell writing materials at once...didn't see the materials listed as a possibility along with the scroll; 2nd I got Scroll of Remove Curse (Wiz 7, Sor 8, Clr 5, Bard 7, Pal 11; min level 5); 3rd turn-in was Scroll of Recitation (min level 5, Cleric 7)...so just saying you get a level 3 scroll is kind of misleading...for different classes it can be a much better, higher level scroll.

04-24-2008, 03:29 PM
The turn in's for Goldscuttle (Prayerbeads, etc) drop from any Kobold or Trog corpse, not limited to the Harbor. I suspect that once players start equipping weapons that cause special graphics on death, the collectible "shiny effect" gets lost in the light show. Acid effect weapons might destroy collectibles.

If it ever becomes important, Davyd Turner's turn in's come from bugbear and giant' corpses.

04-29-2008, 11:26 AM
The turn in's for Goldscuttle (Prayerbeads, etc) drop from any Kobold or Trog corpse, not limited to the Harbor. I suspect that once players start equipping weapons that cause special graphics on death, the collectible "shiny effect" gets lost in the light show. Acid effect weapons might destroy collectibles.

Kobold Assault is a great source of drops. Do you have any idea how many Prayer Beads and Icons are carried by 200 kobolds?

I think that most elemental damage (frost, fire, pure good, acid, etc.) have a chance of destroying the drops; it seems to depend on whether the target dies from the normal damage or the special damage. Basically, if there's a dramatic animation to the kobold's death, no collectible is left behind. (I think there's an exception. Poison, maybe?)

Anyway, I recommend not using elemental weapons when farming for drops.

04-30-2008, 05:19 AM
When trudging along through quests with my group, I can sometimes snag a collectable off of a creature in the midst of one of the fancy dying animations, but if I'm too slow, it is never on the ground. The gui for the pointer actually will show you can grab it up mid-animation, but if you track with the body as it disappears, the collectable is gone. I think this may be the pure good animation I am thinking of, but I'll leave that for someone else to figgure. Just wanted to throw in my two-cents. :)

05-04-2008, 12:24 PM

Vials of pure water -These can be found in bookshelves, woodpiles, adventure packs, and possibly corpses in the harbor quests

Strings of prayer beads
Any kobold or trog corpse

Silver Flame Hymnals

Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber -These can be found in harbor book cases and adventure packs

Luminescent Dusts

Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms
Mushroom (Depths of Darkness)
Mushroom (Haunted library)

Sparkling Dusts

Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms -These can be found in the same mushrooms as the sweet whitecaps in the harbor, or just about any mushroom

Lightning-Split Soarwoods -I believe these drop off Earth Elementals, particularly the House variety (Depths, Ever Full Flagon)

Funerary Tokens
(Random drops from Undead)
Blackbone thrall (Haunted library)
Dryden ancestor (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Ghast (Haunted library)
Ghoul (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Skeleton (Sanctuary in Catacombs)
Skeleton (Depths of Darkenss)
Skeleton archer (Dryden family tomb in Catacombs)
Zombie (Sanctuary in Catacombs)
Undead (Catacombs: 1, 2 - To Find a Witness, 4 - Crypt of Gerald Dryden, 5 - Setting Wards - Lower Crypt, 7 - Endgame: Maquerite)

Help fill the rest in!

Answers in red.

05-04-2008, 04:47 PM
/updated Locations on a few based upon player feedback and added information for what quests drop different relics for the Giant Hold and Storm Reaver Raid.

05-09-2008, 08:37 PM
When trudging along through quests with my group, I can sometimes snag a collectable off of a creature in the midst of one of the fancy dying animations, but if I'm too slow, it is never on the ground. The gui for the pointer actually will show you can grab it up mid-animation, but if you track with the body as it disappears, the collectable is gone. I think this may be the pure good animation I am thinking of, but I'll leave that for someone else to figgure. Just wanted to throw in my two-cents. :)

If the corpse disappears like this but you still see the shiney from the collectable, use the backspace key to select the corpse then press 'u' to use it and collect your collectable.

06-05-2008, 04:54 PM
Nope. I know all about backspacing for invisible/buggy drops, but I'm talking about something different. It's definitely the Pure Good death animation. It leaves a 'shiny' pure good glowing spot on the ground after something dies. During the death sequence, if there is going to be a collectable, you can havest it in mid-air, but after the monster dissolves in the pure-goodness of death, the collectable is gone.

06-12-2008, 10:22 AM
Been huntin for them no luck in those quests anyboody had luck with findin them?

06-13-2008, 11:04 AM
Been huntin for them no luck in those quests anyboody had luck with findin them?
Lightning split soarwood
I've gotten 2-3 from House D quests [level 5] before Mod 7; haven't been back since.

06-13-2008, 11:08 AM
Kobold Assault is a great source of drops. Do you have any idea how many Prayer Beads and Icons are carried by 200 kobolds?

I think that most elemental damage (frost, fire, pure good, acid, etc.) have a chance of destroying the drops; it seems to depend on whether the target dies from the normal damage or the special damage. Basically, if there's a dramatic animation to the kobold's death, no collectible is left behind. (I think there's an exception. Poison, maybe?)

Anyway, I recommend not using elemental weapons when farming for drops.

I've noticed that "Holy" does it, too :( The extra 2d6 to kill 'em is great, but then having the corpse disappear with the collectable [unless you are quick enough to collect while in mid-air!] is pretty crappy!

06-14-2008, 12:07 AM
Lightning split soarwood
I've gotten 2-3 from House D quests [level 5] before Mod 7; haven't been back since.

Lightning Split soarwood is just as rare as any other 1-collectable required turn in. As far as I know they are only found in piles of rubble on the dungeon floor.

06-22-2008, 04:30 PM
I have found silver flame hymnals in purge the heretics in the bookshelf between the shrine and the last room. Seems to drop most on hard difficulty. And I believe I picked up a fragrant drowshood in the quest just below von4 (forget the name of it) in the room with the orange named troll there are two mushrooms to grab. Still looking for the lightning split soarwood and luminescent dust.

06-22-2008, 04:56 PM
Lightning split soarwood found in Prove Your Worth quest, the one in the very first room with the traps going off.

Only got it 1 of 3 runs in there.

11-09-2008, 01:10 AM
in mod 8 whats the best quest for Vial of Pure Water .


11-09-2008, 01:36 AM
in mod 8 whats the best quest for Vial of Pure Water .

Waterworks was good for me; lots of drop locations there. Really, anything in the harbor should be decent for pure water vials.

11-09-2008, 09:33 AM

01-28-2009, 01:16 AM
Stay alive!

01-28-2009, 05:31 AM
Stay Alive????

01-28-2009, 05:05 PM
Great list.

Seasonal Collectible:
Lots of posts here so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the Festivis Jester in the Marketplace and in House J both have 3 clickable mushrooms pods (they give the Deadly Feverblanch, Whitecaps). I assume they are usable once per day (24 hours?). Needed some mushrooms for the force crit bonus. Managed to collected 7 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms across 5 characters in a matter of minutes.


03-20-2010, 12:01 AM
@ OP, I <3 your forum name. Longtime BT/Stackpole fan here.

I just wanted to ask if there was any chance of a 2010 update to this thread? Seems there have been some changes recently and this looks like a great resource to keep updated.

If there is a more recent thread already detailing this info could I get a link please?


{@ Forum Moderators, forgive me for resurrecting an old thread.}

03-20-2010, 12:07 AM
I just wanted to ask if there was any chance of a 2010 update to this thread? Seems there have been some changes recently and this looks like a great resource to keep updated.

If there is a more recent thread already detailing this info could I get a link please?

Try the big, bold, colorful link in the very first line of the very first post:

NOTE, I redone this list in a new thread which can be found here: New & Improved Definitive Collectables List (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=155251)


03-20-2010, 12:23 AM
Erm, thanks, I did actually see that but there's only about 3 posts there after 2009. And none nearly as extensive as the original list. If there haven't been any major changes requiring a rewrite then I'll just continue to refer to that.

Edit: In looking over all the different sections Steiner-Davion does appear to be pretty much on top of updating the lists. Sorry to kick up a fuss over nuthin. :'[

03-22-2010, 12:12 PM
No problem.

The thing to remember with threads like this, or posts in general, it updates the text, but not the meta data, like dates that show up for the latest activity.

There should only be 1 or 2 super minor errors with my current list (see the link in my signature) in the first group of posts. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But people have pointed out the corrections for me. I just need to find time to do it.

Back to work for me now.

05-14-2010, 01:34 PM
Where do House Sealed Letters drop?

08-18-2010, 12:29 AM
I noticed on your list that for the alchemical potions from house D collectible turn-ins you didn't mention which person gives which. Strength-Wisdom-etc-etc. I have begun to delve into this unseen tidbit, and would appreciate you to organize which person gives potions to which particular stats/skill bonuses, to help spread the usefulness of it around..
This is A nice thread, good job.

08-18-2010, 10:17 AM
I noticed on your list that for the alchemical potions from house D collectible turn-ins you didn't mention which person gives which. Strength-Wisdom-etc-etc. I have begun to delve into this unseen tidbit, and would appreciate you to organize which person gives potions to which particular stats/skill bonuses, to help spread the usefulness of it around..
This is A nice thread, good job.

The new version (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=155251) of the thread, which the OP links to at the very top, has that info.

08-19-2010, 06:02 PM
The new version (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=155251) of the thread, which the OP links to at the very top, has that info.

Thanks Cataclysm for the assist. I think I need to get T&T to close this thread for me, this is happening why to frequently now.