View Full Version : Play By Post: DDO EXPANDED
04-06-2023, 09:08 AM
This thread will continue scenario 1.
You may choose any class/race up to level 3. No restrictions. If your character has a spell list and/or a feat or mechanical expression you are going for include it in your message. Please message me these details. I want your experience to be out of this world!
I post a story synopsis, first and then setup the first scene for the party.
Good Luck!
04-06-2023, 11:27 AM
After a brief discussion, I agree that players may introduce a side character if they choose.
However, after the initial post, I will assume control of whatever side character is produced.
If there is a story arc you imagine in a message!
04-06-2023, 11:32 AM
I am still playing Engal Azu(formerly named, Itax Astrala)?
I don't know what my class or abilities are.
04-06-2023, 11:58 AM
This is a short synopsis::;
The highlights: Adventurer Itax Astrala wrongfully accused of murder he flees Regalport, aboard a disguised Bloodsail Ship, Captained by an elf named Thail.
Escape assured, Thail.asks Itax to deliver a red box with white elf script, to a Crabbers Wharf warehouse.
Arrival on Saltmarsh with the box in hand sees Itax ostracized from town.
hexblade/pact of the blade warlock, Itax Astrala, Completes a Contract with the Raven Queen.
Itax meets Min Le Vel Trey, an apparent shifter Ranger and Half Orc Orza Moon Druid Gatekeeper.
Itax is told by Captain Thail, that he is related to Erandis Vol and he is invited to participate in the "Melding"
The group of three is ambushed. Itax trades his Contract with his patron for a new reality--One where he can save his friends.
The group attacked by the Poison Dusk and the Bloodsails, retreat to their home.base to plan the next step.
Hope this works! Can't wait to see how this next adventure goes!
04-06-2023, 03:59 PM
Orza's arm casually around Min's shoulders. The two smiled at each other, the rays of the sun seemed to spotlight their affection.
The road is empty except for the three friends. Engal Azu, Orza, and Min. Three days had been enough for Engal to adjust to his new body. It was enough time for recovery.
A decision must be made. They still possessed the Bloodsail Box marked for delivery to Erandis Vol.
The Poison Dusk's involvement in the ambush that almost killed Min, was of equal importance and alarm. Why would a Demon Overlord ally with the Blood of Vol? Are they allies?
And Engal Azu's sacrifice, weighed on Min and Orza.
The revelation that Engal was the product of Vol's attempt to breed an Apex Dragonmark is a lot for anyone to process. To also know that an evil Lich Sister wanted to reunite to perform a "Melding". What even is a Melding?
It turns out that Engal also bargained out of his contact with his former Patron, The Raven Queen.
So much. So Much. Too much.
"Hey!" Orza's green Forearm rolled against Min's shoulder snapping her out of a day dream.
"We'll get to the bottom of all this. Remember we aren't alone, The Gatekeepers are not as many as they once were, but hey! They have me and you!". Orza leaned low and kissed Min's cheek.
Engal smiled. Walking next to his new friends, nothing could be better. He mindlessly, looked at his hands, rolling them back and around. The Black Scales are invisible now thanks to the last gift of the Raven Queen, his black roped, Talon necklace.
The illusion was just that. To any onlooker, Engal appeared to be an ordinary elf. He laughed as he remembered seeing his new Elf form. Min said he was more concerned about the illusionary red hair more than the fact that his Black Hair was adorned with horns!
The size difference will take practice. Engal's awakened Half Dragon form made him larger than an Orc. The illusion that gave him an elf form did not adjust any of his new physicalities.
He shook any dark thoughts, and smiled at his friends again.
Just after midday the sun is still high in the blue sky of Saltmarsh.
First stop was the Snapping Line Inn. A hot fresh meal.
They crossed the bridge bringing them into the outskirts of the town.
04-06-2023, 04:01 PM
The buildings of Saltmarsh stretched alongside the harbor. The businesses, dock administration building a closest to the water. Various size residential homes dotted the further reaches following the rise of a large hill.
The smell of the town dump, wafted over the trio. The dump was further up and out, over a small rise.
Uneventful Orza, Min, and Engal, stared in the direction of the dump as they passed close to the rise that blocked the dump from view of the town.
Min heard the feet, and alerted the others, "Fast incoming!" Min drew her longsword from its sheathe on her back. She exchanged a quick look with Orza and she took a surprise post along the small hill.
Orza stood himself straight up. Making himself as imposing as possible. His right hand holding his Staff in military pose. His left hand, resting on his hip, secretly close to his reagent bag.
The sound was discernable as running feet. Grunts and the sounds of effort grew louder.
Cresting the hill a dwarf performing the characteristic waddle run known only to be used in great need. Upon seeing the Half Orc, it raised his open palms and seemed to be throwing his empty hands forward.
"Blast! It's going to Blast!". Straight passed Min, around Engal and into the ditch on the roadside.
The dwarf covered his ears with his hands closed his eyes as tightly as possible While pointing his face down. Nothing happened.
No blast
No boom. Not even a pop. The realization that blast was occurring brought a concern look over the kneeling dwarf. He looked up from the ditch staring at Engal and Orza. Both looked confused. The dwarf alarmed.
"Guys" Mins voice traveled across the road. She maintained her position of surprise.
Was it wet sounding? Was the screaming coming from a human or humanoid? The beast covered the sun with its shape.
A large round shape, long tentacles twisted and played in the open air.
Orza and Engal alternated looking at the large creature and back to the dwarf.
"Oh" the dwarf gulped and stood, his body still mostly covered the ditch. "O" he tri d again, he seemed to be fighting his own mouth. "Ohh" the gurgle of anger clear in his informed word. His lips smacked together and he fought to open his mouth.
The dwarf leaped from the ditch to the road pulled up one sleeve, set his furious face and marched intentionally toward the creature.
"Aw tee U!" Orza warned. The three watched as the dwarf seemed determined to feed himself to the aberration.
Engal's sense's were out of his control. The dwarf walked past him, the dwarf was all serious. The dwarf's unkempt green hair spilled from the sides and back of a large pointed hat that flopped and bounced with every movement.
The green seemed to glow. Engal shook his head. His head hurt. Was it coming from the Otyugh?
Blast it! Blast that Tiefling shopkeeper! Straight from hell that one is! The dwarf laughed at his own thoughts. No one pulls a fast one on Oddie Blast! In this moment Oddwick Bon Veno, swore he would have his due from Shak Gelo, Tiefling Owner of the Perfectionist's Alchemy, Arcano, Engineering Supply. This was the last time! The Tiefling was literally getting him killed!
The sound of his runearm fully charged, was his queue.
The dwarf's boots boomed and a dust cloud appeared as Oddie Bon Veno flailed high through the air above the Otyugh.
Click, Clink, Zzzt, bbbbrrrrrppppuuppupp.
The sound was clearly coming from the Otyugh's stomach.
"Blast!". The falling dwarf finally spoke.
The explosion was perfectly timed to send the dwarf backwards through the air and down the hill.
One second Oddie was staring at the angry ugly aberration, and the next his ears were shell shocked while his eyes took in the sun and the sky.
Landing on his back was going to hurt. He should build Hard Back Landing Device. His thoughts always of the next invention.
Orza and Engal exchanged concerned looks as the dwarf sailed towards them. They scrambled to catch the green haired dwarf.
Orza planted his feet wide and lowers his center arms stretched wide anticipating.
Engal slid below Orza's arms and braces himself against the ground.
"OOMMF" Orza's breath left him he strained from the impact.
"HUHHHH" Engal's lungs emptied by dwarf's landing. The three rolled and tangled in a cloud of dust.
04-06-2023, 04:02 PM
Min, Orza, and Engal, gathered around the dwarf. The dwarf had produced an official document affixed with the Seal of Saltmarsh.
"So you see, Every authority was granted to me while hunting this dangerous critter." Oddwick hadn't stopped explaining himself since he found his feet. He finally paused and gingerly, using only his fingertips rolling his documents for storage.
The Trio traded glances. Min grabbed her nose, Orza snorted and turned toward Min, Engal seemed transfixed by the green beard.
" Thank you for the long detail filled explanation. We just want to make sure you are okay, and uh, you stink.' Min spoke through her pinched nose.
The dwarf had almost landed on the Otyugh when it exploded. The meat and gore showered the dwarf.
"Well, I have lodging at the Snapper, If you are finished with your interrogation, I will be on my way.".
"We didn't even ask a question!" Orza shrugged out.
"It IS glowing, look!" Engal raised a finger toward the dwarf's beard. A small, beep, beep began sounding from Oddwick.
Min and Orza, shaded the sun by raising hands above their eyes, and squinting at the beard.
Oddwick produced a pen like shaft which expanded into an antenna. He began slowly moving it in front of the three. He zeroed in on Engal.
"Ha, Illusion! This one isn't even real!" He punched at Engal, "Oh, you..." His eyes widened as his voice trailed off.
"He's fine and he's with us.". Min's motherly tone carried a finality.
"Of course,.I have No questions about something so rare or disguised, I will forget the subject!" Oddwick placed the pen in his inner coat pocket. He stood hands on hips and showed a toothy smile to the group, as if to.insist he would keep Engal's secret.
Oddie reached up with one hand and pulled his beard down with a quick jerk motion. The beard dimmed, losing its luminosity.
"Hah!I knew it was glowing!" Engal clapped.
" Very astute ,my dear uh elf friend.". Oddie grabbed his curling mustache and began alternating pulls. The beard flicked on and off.
"I call it B-light, short for Beard Light. Still in the trial phase. My red beard never stood out anyway!". Oddie sniffed. Then sniffed around himself.
"Let's walk and talk, the Snapping Line is just ahead.
Oddwick, cleaned and dressed joins the trio on the balcony of the inn for an early dinner engagement.
04-10-2023, 09:55 AM
Maelas thinks of himself as a Truth Searcher. His ancestors have always wanted Purity in the Transcription of History. Historian just doesn't seem to hold the whole of his clan's duty.
A complete picture then was necessary to accurately document.
Maelas had been refreshing old Scrolls. Tradition demanded A constant watch of what had gone before. The case he was working now was proof of that need. Maelas stumbled upon kidnappings. Thirteen apparent abductions over 200 years. Always before adulthood. And all from the zaelantar.
Standing in the bright Sun of midday on the Saltmarsh docks, Maelas crossed his arms and waited for his companions.
A kalashtar, pale and tall with white and blue monk robes emerges first from the cabin doors that led below deck. Maelas waved in her direction. Her eyes are so piercing and so blue, even from this distance.
A tan skinned elf next came from the egress. He wore two scimitars in a backwards style, blade against blade on his back. His face and head are covered. Red the predominant tone of his armor and head covering. The elf covered his face with a scarf that pooled around his neck. His armor was tightly secured to his lithe muscular frame. A knife on one leg, a small loop of rope from his red sash on his hip. The elf was efficiently and undeniably equipped for combat.
The two newcomers crossed the wood plank to the dock proper. Both kept watchful as they gathered with Maelas.
They exchanged quick glances and quickly fell into single-file, heading off to the Dock Administration building.
04-10-2023, 02:23 PM
After eating, and the talk has subsided. I look at each member in turn to get their attention.
"I am obviously, on edge. I am afraid, of what I've become. I know I am new form now because it's possible that the Bloodsails are looking for me. But all the time? I am all the time hiding? Will I always be an illusion? Is there a reverse mechanism?". I don't know my friends. I am just scared. Orza, Min, I don't want to burden you. I...I...have so many emotions, and so many conflicting conclusions."
I scratch my head behind a horn. At first lightly, then furiously enough so spoil the illusion, for a second revealing the Horn in question.
"What do you guys know about...what I am?". I stare over the balcony railing, and focus on the stage on the bottom floor. If there's musicians playing, I stare at them. Hoping everyone ignores my outburst.
I look up and see the dwarf across from me. I feel smaller when the air escapes my lungs, and my shoulders slump forward.
04-10-2023, 03:49 PM
Engal sees a lone musician, take the stage. It draws his attention away from his anxiety.
A swirling motion finds the long multicolored cloak fluttering and stops, as the elf sits on a conjured stool. He stretches his empty hands and moves his arms out. Birds fly from his coat sleeves, they disappear before they make any real distance.
The musician places his hands on his bent knees searching the crowd for a response. The clank of bottles and drinks mixed with the full conversation of a room too bored to clap.
He snaps and translucent instruments form in a half circle behind the elf. A Guitar materializes in the elf's lap. He hums. And the instruments all play a single note at first. He hums. And the instruments begin moving up or down the scale, until each harmonizes with the other. The drum beats steady. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.
"The story is told to the young from the old
From Ancient White Peaks
To Where Souls enter the Sea
Through Teeth and Rage to a Grave in Dayne Bay
The Ship and the Crew as Good as Anyone Knew
Swallowed by an early Turn
Winter's Heart cold Burn
And Cargo a treasure unremembered!
But the Old, still they say, even if dead in the Bay
The Flight of the Patience, She Won the Day
A Price paid for All, the Patience, Gave all
Only The Dead know what She Carried!"
Engal Azu snapped from his revery.
04-11-2023, 07:32 AM
Engal's blood was boiling; he stared at the bard on the main stage. Engal's vision took In the wood stage. His vision blurred and the wood stage became the deck of a ship.
Elves ran back forth across the deck. All bundled in heavy coats and fur hoods. The boat groaned against sheets of ice. A crew of elves covered the bow and the upper starboard side. Every available hand grabbing a long ice breaker spear, sharing the spear if that was the only option.
"Heave!" A deeply melodic elven voice rang. The loud cracks of the ice sheets muted the Strains coming from the ship.
Snow covered mountains, peaks hidden by clouds. Guarded the shore leaving no easy moor.
The sound of slapping wings drew cries from the beleaguered sailors. "Heave!". The call came again.
The ship rocked, and the sound of rope pulled tight. The creak of wood bearing its limit.
A roar split the sky and the slapping sound of wings grew faster and closer.
Engal's anger was peaking. On the outside he appeared an elf of normal height and slender build. Underneath the illusion of his Talon Necklace the form of a Half Dragon. Engal stood as tall as any full blooded Orc.
Engal slammed his hand into the table. His claws pierced the wood. The sound broke his daydreaming. "Oh, wha-?"
Orza looked concerned, Min scared, and the dwarf was hiding one hand in his coat pocket.
"The illusion, Engal" Orza raising his eyebrows laid a comforting hand on Engal's shoulder. "It's shimmering out, breathe, my friend."
Was little Half Orc Orza ordering him? Engal's anger seemed to flare and he lowered his brow staring directly at Orza. The feel of Orza's hand on his black scaled shoulder physically raised his internal temperature.
" I can offer privacy." Oddie Pulled his hand from his cloak and produced a child's toy for making bubbles. He blew into the one opening.
"Dimensional Room. Good for experimenting on the go. Apparently also good for hiding Psychosis." Oddie replaced the toy in his coat, "It'll last an hour or two, and don't worry you can see them, they can't see us." He thumbed the tavern's main room over his shoulder. The tavern was beginning to fill.
Orza kept still. His right hand burning against Engal's left shoulder. The illusion that hid the elf's transformation was completely gone. Oddie Bon Veno would make a good addition if he was willing. Orza's druidic training kicked in, and he tore his eyes away from the glowing vertical iris' Engal locked onto him.
There was a specific empath magic for dragons. Orza didn't know it. Engal was a new friend and his condition was directly tied to saving Min's life. Probably his as well. Humming first, Orza chanted for his friend, stirring the primal energies:
"Om Mani Padme Hum...Om Mani Padme Hum...Om Mani Padme Hum!". His eyes shut tightly. Slowly, he moved his hand from Engal. He dared not look.
" Well that's unusual." Oddie broke in.
Min took Orza's by his arm, "Baby, please look."
04-11-2023, 08:05 AM
Maelas' arcane training made the dimensional.globe easy to spot. Of course, Deery's Kalashtar heritage easily detected the disturbance on the balcony of the Snapping Line Inn. Maelas climbed the stairs, the two, Deery Kalashtar Monk, and Velo, First Mentor of the Poral Thalyl fell in behind, single file.
The trio approached the Dimensional Room, and fanned out. Maelas stepped forward and then through and into the space. He was behind Engal.
Orza and Min's open mouths conveyed their surprise.
Oddie broke the silence. "Outrageous!"
Engal roared. The double sounding voice had returned to his throat. His wings, once draped and locked around his neck snapped up and wide.
Maelas' face is a mask of calm. He opened his right hand calling an ornate wooden Stave. A crystal set on top held its natural shape. It was Black, then Blue Then Purple then Silvery White like a moon glow.
"Murh Othim." Maelas' words dropped Engal on top of the table. Engal face down wings limp and spread wide over his body.
"I didn't expect Black." Maelas opened his hand and his stave turned to mist.
"Treori Vaer," Maelas took in Orza, Min, and Oddie. The three were transfixed by their friend subdued against the table. As Maelas spoke again the Raven Necklace glowed the illusionary elf form once again hung up on Engal.
04-11-2023, 09:18 AM
"Greetings. I am Lu Shan Maelas of the Poral Thalyl. This is Deery of the Mindwalk Kalashtar, and Velo, First Mentor of the Poral Thalyl."
Maelas stood in the Dimensional Room one hand in the air.
Orza and Min exchanged concerns through puzzled looks.
Oddie squeezing between Min and Orza, put an arm as high up on each shoulder as he could.
"The Distant Falcons of Draelas Tairn." The satisfaction in his tone dripped off every word, his simple statement seemed to explain everything, well at least to him.
"Uryte Umerus," Maelas and Velo bowed in military unison towards the dwarf. "Path Keeper, we are honored. Few remain who remember, even fewer who honor the Antipodean Alliance of our Ancestors. We are blessed and enlightened."
"Blessed and enlightened". Velo echoed reverently
Oddwick pulled a medallion from his coat pocket, bowed his head and held it out to the two elves.
The elves looked at the medallion as if reading it, in turn they pressed a thumb against the side and squeezed a single drop of blood onto the medallion. The dwarf pulled it to his face and uttered a respectful hidden word and briefly closed his eyes.
Maelas called his staff to his hand. Oddwick approached and bowed. He raised his hand to the crystal, Maelas leaned it lower into the dwarf reach. Oddwick's thumb slid against the crystal mimicking the elves sacrifice.
"This one is born of Endeen and Xael Calaun. He was taken 230 years ago. We believe to feed Lady Dark. He was one of 13 abducted."
Orza stepped forward hands clenched, "A Bloodsail Necromancer, and servant of Vol, told us, told him, " he nodded to Engal's unconscious form. "That he was the brother of Erandis."
"The Emerald Claw was poisonous in breath and in poisonous in word. The child is of Draelas Tairn descent. The Auth Thanach will bear out the truth."
"If he is the product of Vol and the Claw he will not survive." Velo stoic and dispassionate finally spoke.
"I have Deery to here to confirm his abduction. Painful as it is the Mindwalk will see true....Deery."
The monk crossed her legs. Sitting on the floor for only a moment before rising to the height of the table. A deep hum bounced around the globe. The world outside is unaware of the drama unfolding inside the dimensional room.
Orza and Min clutched each other in quiet despair as Engal's mind was poured through by the Kalashtar.
04-11-2023, 09:41 AM
The dimensional room's time limit almost reached the decision was made to resume Engal's parentage ritual at the Vine Tower, home to Orza and Min.
Oddie came along. After all it was his connection to the elves that kept the group informed. A respect for the Old Alliances. Who knew.
Engal stirred. He lay in a deep basin usually meant for washing the dirt from dark places. Today it was empty. Except for the nude body of Engal. His Dragon Form spilling his wings up and folding over the edges.
"I am ready." Engal awoke after Deery had hunted his mind for the instance of his abduction. Weak, but no longer consumed by anger he was informed of his heritage and the Auth Thanach. He may die. Not all are called to live through exposure.
Maelas explained the Truth of Engal's anger. The Whisper of Khyber now flowed in his veins. A curse all Dragons and Dragonkind keep secret from the world.
The Auth Thanach channels the power Aeren and invites an ancestral spirit into the blood, balancing the darkness of the Whisper of Khyber, against the Glory of Wrathful Ancestor.
Some souls cannot carry each half. If the ritual doesn't kill the elf. The Exposure does. Those who survive are the finest of the Draelas Tairn.
04-11-2023, 03:25 PM
Falling down face first into the sand. When you are out of breath the air feels painfully good to.take in to the lungs. The iron wet taste of blood and dirt mixed with the air will just make you cough and wish you had waited. But waited for what?
Velo is relentless. His double bladed scimitar was an extension of him. The blade would dance and twirl, flash and stop. Reverse and fly up. All the while the gleaming blade hypnotic and alive.
Engal Azu used his left arm to hold the right side of his rib cage. A large cut curved towards his back. He couldn't stop all of the blood leaking out. His mouth hang open blood pooling near his bottom teeth. Filling up and spilling over and out of his mouth. Engal periodically spat the metallic tasting substance to the ground.
Velo twirled his perfect weapon, carefully moving in wide circles around Engal. There was no taunting, no boasting. This was a ritual. By all measures a religious rite of passage for an elf who "exposes" draconic features.
Each blow, each attack pattern was designed to kill. There was no mercy or delay tactics. Velo was First Mentor. Whatever that meant. Engal could hear the snide flippant attitude of his human parents taking hold. He smiled. His fangs red with his own blood. If his parents could see him now.
What would his mother say? She always believed in me. Oh, my ribs. My back. Cough. OH.
A roar split the air. The double sounding voice making the sound feel like it belonged to someone else. Engal's lungs hurt. His side wound kept him coughing and out of breath. Each cough doubling or tripling the pain.
His scales had blunted many attack chains. His forearm scales thick and black blocked all of the pain of impact and the slice of the blows. His horns. He suddenly remembered the shoulder horns. Barely visible against the night black scales.
Velo slowed his spinning weapon. Just. Just. There. Engal dug his right foot clawed and scaled black like natural boots into the sand. His wings were too heavy and slowed his attempt at grappling the Draelas Tairn Warrior.
Engal knew what Velo's next move would be. In his mind's eye he already missed the tackle and turned his back toward Velo and began his collision with the ground.
I probably won't feel it. Oh, what if it gets stuck? What if he has to pull it out of my neck and try again? Would he continue the decapitation or stab for his heart?
It felt like adrenaline. It was immediate. More than adrenaline it was like fire and adrenaline. No more. It was fire, adrenaline, and euphoria.
Was this death? Death is so easy if it was like this! Huh? Okay then, I'll just...
Engal realized he was just missing his grapple. But there was time to anticipate Velo. Time was stretching out. Engal roared. He pushed out and down with his left wing. The pain was crushing. But couldn't touch his mind. The force of the wing twisted Engal's body impossibly fast. Engal anticipated the position of the double sword. He reached with his right hand for the handles.
Velo's eyes widened and his eyebrows raises. The Exposure Offering hadn't displayed any understanding of combat. His Ancestors must have been zaelantar. But this! This must be Whispers of Khyber! Velo scowled, his first sign of emotion. He twisted the hilt and split the sword staff into dual scimitars. He pulled his arms up intending to cut deep between each shoulder taking the Offerings arms.
It was so clear. To finish the fight. Engal stretched his fingers straight pulled tightly together added a slight bend flexed his hand muscles. Knife hand it was called. It was a strong against soft vital areas. It was perfect for killing prey. He used his wings like hands and pushed them against the ground launching him upwards.
His hand slid softly under the ribcage. His fingers stopped when his claws had fully entered Velo's heart. Engal felt Velo's heart double beat from the trauma. The heart spasmed hard and Engal forced his hand deep ensuring that his claws would finish the elf.
Finish the elf. Finish the Elf!
Engal fluidly removed his hand and gently laid Velo on to the sand. The Saltmarsh beach smelled of salt. And Blood. The small waves of the beach seemed liked tears from the ocean.
Velo's eyes had already glazed over, his spirit departed. The elf had been such a giant in Combat. All speed and death. Engal saw how small the First Mentor was against his own Half Dragon Half Elf frame. Half Elf. He would be always half dragon. Now he would be Kin killer.
The moon was high and cicada calls have begun. Echoing along the water. When had night fallen? The trial of Exposure had begun in the morning. Still holding the small body of the elf. Engal roared his double roar. The sorrowful roar joined the cicadas and echoed high. A black bird swooped close to the dead elf. And bounded back up high into the night.
Somewhere in Engal's memory he knew that Velo was Honored by the Raven Queen.
Maelas stared approving. He summoned his staff and grabbed the corpse of Velo with purple tendrils of magic. Tears welled in his eyes as he lifted the Elf skyward.
Maelas' brother's body began to merge with the purple magic.
"All the Saints, and Angels join!
Heaven is for the meek, peaceful fathers who make no war!
Heaven is for the mothers who teach and bare!
The truth to the children, heaven is not for War!"
Maelas Elven voice surprisingly full and baritone. Wavered with emotion. His brother's body still turning to purple mist. Maelas raised his staff and the body aloft. A sacrifice.
Engal just sobbed deep sorrowful sobs. His right hand black and scaled, and clawed,--black and coated with the dark life blood of his own clan. Kin killer. He cried and his wings stirred shuffling against the sand. Maelas continued his Honor Song.
"Heaven is theirs alone for now.
The Draelas Tairn Warrior is nowhere near that sacred place!
The duty of Truth is war against the Liar!
Bel Shalor bound in his prison, Speaks Deceit from there! He carries whispers of war! Words of hate and works of destruction!
Who will stand?! Who will guard?! Your journey Through life, Zaeltairn, and strife! Longing for home! Standing against the shadow of flame!
The Fierce Fire of Red Dragon Son!
Who will Stand?! Who will War?!
The Daughter of Khyber, stirs!
Who will War?! Your life far from home! Your soul bound to be!
The whispered one comes!? Your Soul flys to the War! Standing for Aeren our Lord! "
Velo's body finished merging with purple magic of Maelas' staff. He shrugged his shoulders forward his loss heavy on his heart. But still duty requires he stands for the clan.
Maelas smiled and lifted his head. He took in Engal. Kneeling in the sand Covered with the cost of his win. His wings cut in places from the battle. His side gash wide the muscle exposed, enflamed. His heart was the deepest wound. The tears stained his dirty mud and blood stained face. His sobs Unending.
Maelas wove health and vigor, pushing the magic into the broken body of the Half Dragon.
Maelas locked eyes with Engal. "You are... Exposed."
"You know the whisper of the darkness, and you know how quickly it can defeat you."
Maelas raised again his staff before Engal, "By the Power of the Keepers, bestowed by Prime Lord Aeren and I anointed into Poral Thalyl, Draelas Tairn, Lu Shan, Call The Honored Dead to Bind to your soul Engal Azu, Son Of Aeren! Honored Dead Velo, First Mentor, Find your Purpose in the unseen second war, earn your Meekness. Earn your Peace. And Find Heaven.
So the Deathless Never Die, So too the Watch will never end."
Maelas cried and dropped his staff. It turned to smoke before the ground could disgrace it.
Engal looked upon the Priest in shame, and in pity. and then he saw Velo. He just was there hand across his brother's slumped shoulders. Maelas'cries became louder and he picked himself up and looked on his brother's new ghostly form.
"Oh, my dear Brother! All despair! Truthfully, Aeren has taken his hand from me. Oh Keepers!".
Engal stood now. His healed body. Towered over the Priest Maelas. He embraced the elf had began crying again. He tried to say I'm sorry, but only succeeded in gulping in deep for longer crying.
"I..I...I-- am, so-or-ry,!". Engal squeezed the Elf, the first relative he has known in 30 years. "I don't understand why, Maelas?"
"It is our way. Sacrifice is our Faith. Velo fought for the clan. Now he fights for you and your Soul. Ever faithful. Ever in sacrifice.".
04-11-2023, 03:26 PM
Falling down face first into the sand. When you are out of breath the air feels painfully good to.take in to the lungs. The iron wet taste of blood and dirt mixed with the air will just make you cough and wish you had waited. But waited for what?
Velo is relentless. His double bladed scimitar was an extension of him. The blade would dance and twirl, flash and stop. Reverse and fly up. All the while the gleaming blade hypnotic and alive.
Engal Azu used his left arm to hold the right side of his rib cage. A large cut curved towards his back. He couldn't stop all of the blood leaking out. His mouth hang open blood pooling near his bottom teeth. Filling up and spilling over and out of his mouth. Engal periodically spat the metallic tasting substance to the ground.
Velo twirled his perfect weapon, carefully moving in wide circles around Engal. There was no taunting, no boasting. This was a ritual. By all measures a religious rite of passage for an elf who "exposes" draconic features.
Each blow, each attack pattern was designed to kill. There was no mercy or delay tactics. Velo was First Mentor. Whatever that meant. Engal could hear the snide flippant attitude of his human parents taking hold. He smiled. His fangs red with his own blood. If his parents could see him now.
What would his mother say? She always believed in me. Oh, my ribs. My back. Cough. OH.
A roar split the air. The double sounding voice making the sound feel like it belonged to someone else. Engal's lungs hurt. His side wound kept him coughing and out of breath. Each cough doubling or tripling the pain.
His scales had blunted many attack chains. His forearm scales thick and black blocked all of the pain of impact and the slice of the blows. His horns. He suddenly remembered the shoulder horns. Barely visible against the night black scales.
Velo slowed his spinning weapon. Just. Just. There. Engal dug his right foot clawed and scaled black like natural boots into the sand. His wings were too heavy and slowed his attempt at grappling the Draelas Tairn Warrior.
Engal knew what Velo's next move would be. In his mind's eye he already missed the tackle and turned his back toward Velo and began his collision with the ground.
I probably won't feel it. Oh, what if it gets stuck? What if he has to pull it out of my neck and try again? Would he continue the decapitation or stab for his heart?
It felt like adrenaline. It was immediate. More than adrenaline it was like fire and adrenaline. No more. It was fire, adrenaline, and euphoria.
Was this death? Death is so easy if it was like this! Huh? Okay then, I'll just...
Engal realized he was just missing his grapple. But there was time to anticipate Velo. Time was stretching out. Engal roared. He pushed out and down with his left wing. The pain was crushing. But couldn't touch his mind. The force of the wing twisted Engal's body impossibly fast. Engal anticipated the position of the double sword. He reached with his right hand for the handles.
Velo's eyes widened and his eyebrows raises. The Exposure Offering hadn't displayed any understanding of combat. His Ancestors must have been zaelantar. But this! This must be Whispers of Khyber! Velo scowled, his first sign of emotion. He twisted the hilt and split the sword staff into dual scimitars. He pulled his arms up intending to cut deep between each shoulder taking the Offerings arms.
It was so clear. To finish the fight. Engal stretched his fingers straight pulled tightly together added a slight bend flexed his hand muscles. Knife hand it was called. It was a strong against soft vital areas. It was perfect for killing prey. He used his wings like hands and pushed them against the ground launching him upwards.
His hand slid softly under the ribcage. His fingers stopped when his claws had fully entered Velo's heart. Engal felt Velo's heart double beat from the trauma. The heart spasmed hard and Engal forced his hand deep ensuring that his claws would finish the elf.
Finish the elf. Finish the Elf!
Engal fluidly removed his hand and gently laid Velo on to the sand. The Saltmarsh beach smelled of salt. And Blood. The small waves of the beach seemed liked tears from the ocean.
Velo's eyes had already glazed over, his spirit departed. The elf had been such a giant in Combat. All speed and death. Engal saw how small the First Mentor was against his own Half Dragon Half Elf frame. Half Elf. He would be always half dragon. Now he would be Kin killer.
The moon was high and cicada calls have begun. Echoing along the water. When had night fallen? The trial of Exposure had begun in the morning. Still holding the small body of the elf. Engal roared his double roar. The sorrowful roar joined the cicadas and echoed high. A black bird swooped close to the dead elf. And bounded back up high into the night.
Somewhere in Engal's memory he knew that Velo was Honored by the Raven Queen.
Maelas stared approving. He summoned his staff and grabbed the corpse of Velo with purple tendrils of magic. Tears welled in his eyes as he lifted the Elf skyward.
Maelas' brother's body began to merge with the purple magic.
"All the Saints, and Angels join!
Heaven is for the meek, peaceful fathers who make no war!
Heaven is for the mothers who teach and bare!
The truth to the children, heaven is not for War!"
Maelas Elven voice surprisingly full and baritone. Wavered with emotion. His brother's body still turning to purple mist. Maelas raised his staff and the body aloft. A sacrifice.
Engal just sobbed deep sorrowful sobs. His right hand black and scaled, and clawed,--black and coated with the dark life blood of his own clan. Kin killer. He cried and his wings stirred shuffling against the sand. Maelas continued his Honor Song.
"Heaven is theirs alone for now.
The Draelas Tairn Warrior is nowhere near that sacred place!
The duty of Truth is war against the Liar!
Bel Shalor bound in his prison, Speaks Deceit from there! He carries whispers of war! Words of hate and works of destruction!
Who will stand?! Who will guard?! Your journey Through life, Zaeltairn, and strife! Longing for home! Standing against the shadow of flame!
The Fierce Fire of Red Dragon Son!
Who will Stand?! Who will War?!
The Daughter of Khyber, stirs!
Who will War?! Your life far from home! Your soul bound to be!
The whispered one comes!? Your Soul flys to the War! Standing for Aeren our Lord! "
Velo's body finished merging with purple magic of Maelas' staff. He shrugged his shoulders forward his loss heavy on his heart. But still duty requires he stands for the clan.
Maelas smiled and lifted his head. He took in Engal. Kneeling in the sand Covered with the cost of his win. His wings cut in places from the battle. His side gash wide the muscle exposed, enflamed. His heart was the deepest wound. The tears stained his dirty mud and blood stained face. His sobs Unending.
Maelas wove health and vigor, pushing the magic into the broken body of the Half Dragon.
Maelas locked eyes with Engal. "You are... Exposed."
"You know the whisper of the darkness, and you know how quickly it can defeat you."
Maelas raised again his staff before Engal, "By the Power of the Keepers, bestowed by Prime Lord Aeren and I anointed into Poral Thalyl, Draelas Tairn, Lu Shan, Call The Honored Dead to Bind to your soul Engal Azu, Son Of Aeren! Honored Dead Velo, First Mentor, Find your Purpose in the unseen second war, earn your Meekness. Earn your Peace. And Find Heaven.
So the Deathless Never Die, So too the Watch will never end."
Maelas cried and dropped his staff. It turned to smoke before the ground could disgrace it.
Engal looked upon the Priest in shame, and in pity. and then he saw Velo. He just was there hand across his brother's slumped shoulders. Maelas'cries became louder and he picked himself up and looked on his brother's new ghostly form.
"Oh, my dear Brother! All despair! Truthfully, Aeren has taken his hand from me. Oh Keepers!".
Engal stood now. His healed body. Towered over the Priest Maelas. He embraced the elf had began crying again. He tried to say I'm sorry, but only succeeded in gulping in deep for longer crying.
"I..I...I-- am, so-or-ry,!". Engal squeezed the Elf, the first relative he has known in 30 years. "I don't understand why, Maelas?"
"It is our way. Sacrifice is our Faith. Velo fought for the clan. Now he fights for you and your Soul. Ever faithful. Ever in sacrifice.".
04-11-2023, 04:23 PM
Nicely done. A couple of surprises. First the forum title had me believing I was going to die...for a second time lol. And the brother angle and then the second death was Velo's. Nicely done.
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