View Full Version : U58 Preview 2 Treasure

01-31-2023, 01:55 PM
Use this thread to discuss feedback on new treasure coming with Update 58 "Unlikely Heroes" for the quest "Kill Ten Rats". The treasure list can be accessed by speaking with The Loot Guy in the Test Dojo. This thread is for feedback as of Preview 2.

01-31-2023, 04:11 PM
First, are you guys ever going to fix Improved Deception? The version on the Legendary Discarded Wedding Ring is giving +21 to Hide, and not the +21 to Bluff that it's supposed to give. And, the heroic version is giving +17 Hide instead of the Bluff bonus it's supposed to give. We are getting a +5 Enhancement bonus to Bluff on both, but that's not what the description says that it's supposed to do.


Also, there's a "Quality Enchantment Focus +0" on the Long-Lost Charm.

01-31-2023, 04:36 PM
Picture of the new cloak: https://ddowiki.com/images/Ruined_Glory_shown.jpg

01-31-2023, 04:41 PM
Is it intentional that the loot has two Discarded Wedding Rings, each with a different set of effects?

01-31-2023, 04:48 PM
Took a look at the loot. No set bonuses. Nothing exceptional.

I hope someone else will find a use for it. Unfortunately, none of it looked even remotely interesting to me.

01-31-2023, 04:59 PM
Took a look at the loot. No set bonuses.

It's hard to compete with sets. Maybe if these were somewhat customizable using Sharn ingredients...

01-31-2023, 05:36 PM
At this point a lack of set bonus makes any loot a challenge to be useful. I am sure that the mini-expansion that this is a prelude to will have a some sets so why not throw one of them on to this loot. It will make them more useful and act as a teaser/incentive for the mini-expansion when it comes out. 1 piece will not be enough to get the set bonus so it won't be giving away anything without buying the expansion. If you don't want to look ahead to the mini-expansion, how about using some Sharn set bonuses to make those more attractive as secondary sets?

01-31-2023, 06:04 PM
I was excited for the next free to play stuff. I pay for this game, a subscription and all the expansion. Whenever something free comes out though, the absolute worst loot I've ever seen is always thrown in the chests. It's mismatched, and nearly worthless if you have any access to even one set bonus. The crappy gear out this quest should atleast get a set bonus for when you wear it all. The only salvageable item from here is the piece with the insightful con. Also the quest could do with a weapon drop or maybe an augment textured like a remnant with some fun effect.

01-31-2023, 06:12 PM
Have posted snapshots here (https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/536895-U58-P2-quot-Loot-quot).

01-31-2023, 07:06 PM
Is it intentional that the loot has two Discarded Wedding Rings, each with a different set of effects?

my guess would be...yeah, for sure since you need two people and two rings for a wedding :)

also i think the enchantments on em tell us...uhm....something.... :)

01-31-2023, 07:07 PM
Have posted snapshots here (https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/536895-U58-P2-quot-Loot-quot).

i love you take the time to do this every update thank you z :)

01-31-2023, 07:08 PM
i love you take the time to do this every update thank you z :)

was about to write the same, seconded!!!

01-31-2023, 07:47 PM
My gear is locked in at 15 and doesn't change until 21 when I switch to epic gearing to go to 32.

None of this equipment matters at all. I don't have the storage space to even try keeping it.

01-31-2023, 08:58 PM
A L31 item with a guard effect that has a DC28 check to negate...

Seriously? Like guard effects are already really pointless since you never want to be hit....but then a guard effect that's going to be only-on-1 seems like insult to injury...

02-01-2023, 07:16 AM
looking at the cloak looks like it would work well with my rogue ranger with both reflex at level and a bump up to dodge but more than likely will break the other stuff I'm using for it. and cause a major recrafting headache. Yes an at level protection from magic missiles (shield) its nice I find some level 10 wands in the ah lately even found a level 5 wand .

02-01-2023, 07:36 AM
The sewer waders really need a longstrider clicky, considering the new effect that spell grants of not being slowed by shallow water.

02-01-2023, 09:00 AM
It's hard to compete with sets. Maybe if these were somewhat customizable using Sharn ingredients...

Doesn't need to compete with sets, just needs to be useful or interesting or at least at level comparable.

Unfortunately what I see so far these things are just bad.
For instance...


Hopefully this is just some placeholder bs and not the real attributes.

Level 18
Quality enchantment focus +0.. must be broken.. +0 items were all supposed to be fixed to never appear again... I would expect this to be +2..
~Quality spell focus mastery+1 which covers all spell schools is available on level 8-16 items.
Single school quality focus items are [expletive] when the all school focus is available at lower levels.. come on Devs.. fix single school focus to be better when focussed vs all school bonus.
~several Good luck+2 items are available levels 6-18.. come on dev's.. make this a different bonus type to be at least interesting.
~Disease Guard... a chance to proc when being hit with a DC 20 fort save wt[expletive] .. worthless.. Dev's do better. should be 'no save'.

The 'Legend-ary' version
Quality enchantment +1.. must be wrong... waiting for the patch to fix. This is the range for Spell focus mastery+2 (all schools) so individual school focus should be +3.
Spell Pen +9 - meh. at least its level appropriate.
Good Luck +5 - meh... at least its level appropriate.
Greater Disease Guard= greater disappointment DC 28 .. at level 31... umm.. smh... I can't even....


ugh... I need some proof against bs...
..cant even go on to critique the rest...

02-01-2023, 10:14 AM
1) Long-Lost Charm should have Quality Evocation Focus +1 instead of Quality Evocation Focus +0.

2) Legendary Long-Lost Charm should have Quality Evocation +2 instead of Quality Evocation +1. (NOTE: you guys messed up in the past, and have been giving items starting at ML28 Quality Spell Focus Mastery +2, but you never actually use Quality <school> +2; there's a ton of ML28+ items that should have Quality <school> +2 instead of Quality <school> +1.)

3) Long-Lost Charm should have Greater Disease Guard instead of Disease Guard, a) because DC 20 is too low for a ML18 item, and b) because Epic Infested Armor which is only 2 levels higher has Greater Disease Guard and not Disease Guard, so there's precedent for it.

4) Legendary Long-Lost Charm should have Greater Disease Guard replaced by something relevant. DC 28 at ML 31 means the effect might as well not exist on the item. Same thing goes for Legendary Infested Armor (same issue, ML30 item with Greater Disease Guard; same treatment for both items).

5) Typo in both H/L boots: "its depths" should be "their depths".

Finally, I don't usually call items "bad", but the boots are pretty bad. They remind me of this (https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Arraetrikos%27_Bane_(level_15)), and nobody wants to remember that.

02-01-2023, 10:52 AM
Discarded Wedding Rings, could they be renamed Cherished Wedding Ring and Neglected Wedding Ring? To differentiate them.

Ergo Neglected Wedding Ring (with the sneaky theme)

This^ is a pretty decent item, if Deception did indeed give a bonus to bluff and not hide. Please fix.


could be Cherished Wedding Ring (which fits the lore description)... and the only change I would prefer is False Life to Insightful False Life because regular False Life is so ubiquitous on armor and easily had from augments if not wearing a set armor.

Long Lost Charm, please fix the Quality +0 bonus at level 18, I would prefer the Disease Guard removed entirely but if it must be kept for item theme then please change the level 18 item to the Greater Disease Guard and give the Legendary item something with a semi-useful DC because Fort versus DC28 at level 31 is ludicrous as you well know. If you remove the Disease Guard entirely (please) perhaps something like Insightful Spell Resistance or Spell Saves, or even Shield (the AC + Prot from Magic Missiles effect) would be an interesting option that still fits an item a socialite might want to possess.

Rust Laden Pendant, I would prefer changing Will to Fortitude or better yet Resistance to indicate how tough the item was that it resisted rusting completely.

Ruined Glory, changing Reflex to Quality Reflex might make this item more desirable. Is that dingy dark red appearance the final cosmetic appearance of the item? It doesn't match the lore text.


Warded Sewer Waders, okay hear me out, except for the Quality Fortitude these boots are boring. I would remove the Proof vs. Poison effect and replace it with the same once per 10 minute Jet Propulsion effect as on the same level Cannith Boots of Propulsion because anyone working in the sewer is absolutely going to NEED to leap past some ick every now and then. Exclusive of course, possibly even exclusive with the cannith boots if that's possible. This would make them interesting. Failing that if its just not possible perhaps replace Proof vs. Poison with the jump skill or a jump clicky.

Finally, is this a Morgrave University Quest? If so would it be possible for someone to throw a cosmetic that is similar to the Morgrave University Robe into it somewhere. Specifically, I've been trying for nearly a decade to get a certain random gen robe with a certain random gen collar of a matching color and you guys just happened to use that specific robe for the Morgrave University uniform(?).
Anyways, please make this available in some way either as a cosmetic in the quest or via Morgrave favor or even the store. It would be deeply appreciated as the variables of being lucky through random generation has not worked out in my favor over the past nearly 10 years.

02-01-2023, 11:15 AM
Hey! Thanks for the feedback so far.

The intent of these items is not for them to be meta-defining, especially if you are already well-geared from Expansion Packs. That said, they shouldn't be bad items when looked at in a vacuum. So! We'll definitely be making some adjustments and fixes. +0/+1 Quality stats and Greater Disease Guard are the obvious first ones to tackle, but we'll be digging through all the rest of the feedback here, making changes, and hopefully have them in a better place next preview. Keep feedback coming if you haven't posted yet!


02-01-2023, 11:30 AM
Hey! Thanks for the feedback so far.

The intent of these items is not for them to be meta-defining, especially if you are already well-geared from Expansion Packs. That said, they shouldn't be bad items when looked at in a vacuum. So! We'll definitely be making some adjustments and fixes. +0/+1 Quality stats and Greater Disease Guard are the obvious first ones to tackle, but we'll be digging through all the rest of the feedback here, making changes, and hopefully have them in a better place next preview. Keep feedback coming if you haven't posted yet!


If this post was running for president I would vote for it.

02-01-2023, 11:31 AM
Hey! Thanks for the feedback so far.

The intent of these items is not for them to be meta-defining, especially if you are already well-geared from Expansion Packs. That said, they shouldn't be bad items when looked at in a vacuum. So! We'll definitely be making some adjustments and fixes. +0/+1 Quality stats and Greater Disease Guard are the obvious first ones to tackle, but we'll be digging through all the rest of the feedback here, making changes, and hopefully have them in a better place next preview. Keep feedback coming if you haven't posted yet!


Thank you. It is nice to actually see a Dev reply - and to know that improvements will be considered.

For me, none of these items come close to being useful so I will refrain from suggeting to fully change an item to make it so. Maybe next update.

02-01-2023, 12:30 PM
Echo'ing the Quality bonus for single casting schools being too low for level. Quality spell focus mastery +1 appears on 2 ML8 items, 1 ML14 item, 3 ML15 items, and 1 ML16 item. An ML18 item should that has a single school quality spell focus should easily be a +2 bonus.

For legendary versions, disregarding raid loot and artifacts (since they are supposed to be several loot levels higher than their ML), Quality spell focus mastery +2 appears on 3 ML28 items, 3 ML29 items (10 if including artifacts), and 1 ML31 item. A ML31 item with a single school quality spell focus should easily be a +3 bonus.

02-01-2023, 12:40 PM
Echo'ing the Quality bonus for single casting schools being too low for level. Quality spell focus mastery +1 appears on 2 ML8 items, 1 ML14 item, 3 ML15 items, and 1 ML16 item. An ML18 item should that has a single school quality spell focus should easily be a +2 bonus.

For legendary versions, disregarding raid loot and artifacts (since they are supposed to be several loot levels higher than their ML), Quality spell focus mastery +2 appears on 3 ML28 items, 3 ML29 items (10 if including artifacts), and 1 ML31 item. A ML31 item with a single school quality spell focus should easily be a +3 bonus.

Quality is supposed to half of Insightful. If we were to make Quality Evocation +3 for example at ML 30, that would make it equal to Insightful Evocation at that level. So unfortunately I think that Quality Spell Focus Mastery is bound to be equal to Quality single school, which is honestly OK as far as I'm concerned. But that still leaves on the table the fact that they erroneously have been giving ML28+ items Quality <school> +1 instead of Quality <school> +2.

Edit: I just realised that right now, Insightful Spell Focus Mastery and Quality Spell Focus Mastery in late epics are in fact equal in value, which renders the "Quality is supposed to be half of Insightful" point moot. So all 3 solutions are viable I guess:

a) increase Quality <school> accross the board so that it's +2 at around ML 20 and +3 at around ML 28 (which has the side effect of making Quality have the same values as Insightful at certain ML's).

b) decrease Quality Spell Focus Mastery from +2 to +1 at all levels, while increasing Quality <school> from +1 to +2 starting at ML 28 (so that it matters if it's Quality Mastery VS Quality single school).

c) just increase Quality <school> from +1 to +2 starting at ML 28 (with the side effect of Quality Mastery being always equal to Quality single school).

02-01-2023, 03:26 PM

I agree don't like the false life on this, and I don't think alluring skills fits well with this as it is discarded ring.. Maybe something like this:

Devotion +149
Heal +21
Evil Absorption 22% or Fortification 142%
LifeForce +44
Green Augment
White Augment

02-01-2023, 04:03 PM
I agree don't like the false life on this, and I don't think alluring skills fits well with this as it is discarded ring.. Maybe something like this:

Devotion +149
Heal +21
Evil Absorption 22% or Fortification 142%
LifeForce +44
Green Augment
White Augment

Hmm I see where you are going with it and it would undoubtedly be a more powerful/useful item with those effects but I think the Alluring Skills fits the theme of the item as a belonging of an unappreciated or possibly victimized spouse. Someone that is being lied to (represented by the bluff and deception of the other spouse's ring) would need those skills. Evil Absorption also sort of makes sense but only if they knew their spouse to be evil or the one giving the ring knew there would be evil from which they needed protection.

02-01-2023, 06:10 PM
His Discarded Wedding Ring
Her Discarded Wedding Ring

02-01-2023, 06:45 PM
His Discarded Wedding Ring
Her Discarded Wedding Ring

I chose
Neglected Wedding Ring
Cherished Wedding Ring
because it fit the lore without presupposing the genders of which spouse is deceptive or heartbroken.

02-01-2023, 09:57 PM
I chose
Neglected Wedding Ring
Cherished Wedding Ring
because it fit the lore without presupposing the genders of which spouse is deceptive or heartbroken.

Much better way of putting it.

02-02-2023, 07:47 PM
i don''t suppose you could manage to introduce +6 insightful ability augments with this update?

02-02-2023, 08:42 PM
Can we please get a Fresh Rat Tonight heal consumable as well?

And can it be stronger than ham/ham oil? Plus stack to 100 instead of 50?

Please and thanks :)

Of course it would also be great to get a bottle of Dirty Kobold as a DDoor clickie. That way I can skip the Shadowdancer Tree for something else. Please and thanks :D

02-03-2023, 02:22 AM
A simple option for making these items more relevant:

Combine the items from this quest with Grip of the Hidden Hand loot. Give them all the "Nearly Finished - Morgrave-style" enchantment. The upgrade makes the items part of new Morgrave sets. These sets would need only two items and grant Artifact stat and Imbue dice. Simple, flexible, no new ingredients, potentially relevant.

Or I guess, wait a release and make these part of the inevitable upcoming Vecna Unleashed crafting/upgrade system.

02-03-2023, 02:54 AM
It's hard to compete with sets. Maybe if these were somewhat customizable using Sharn ingredients...

they are with the set-bonus augments I think the DEVs are aiming for the grind on making those......

02-03-2023, 06:07 AM
come on dudes, let's be real, how can we expect that loot from a stand-alone free quest, not even an adventure pack that can have one or two interesting pieces, can be on par with an actual endgame expansion.

to be real we should expect something thematic with the quest and a bit of humour, loot that can help undergeared chars, not comparable to paid content loot for sure, just being realistic here. imho it's pretty obvious that for that we have to wait for the mini-expansion.

02-03-2023, 12:30 PM
come on dudes, let's be real, how can we expect that loot from a stand-alone free quest, not even an adventure pack that can have one or two interesting pieces, can be on par with an actual endgame expansion.

to be real we should expect something thematic with the quest and a bit of humour, loot that can help undergeared chars, not comparable to paid content loot for sure, just being realistic here. imho it's pretty obvious that for that we have to wait for the mini-expansion.

Good call, probably best to save that card for a mini expansion to get sales.

I bet folks would pay for pack and run the ransack out of it for a chance to get a golden DDoor clickie :D

Also if you want something in life, it's best to put it out there. More feats per class in a future update please and thanks DDO:

To make my ultimate builds I need a DDoor clickie and 1 to 2 more feats fir variety. No pressure DDO, take your time and fold in when you can :)

02-03-2023, 12:41 PM
Heyas and thank you for the opportunity to post feedback!

I suggest changing the blue augment slot on the level 18 Discarded Wedding Ring to green.

Please and thanks.

I'd like to get more out of a Golden Guile pairing and want the option to perhaps slot a yellow topaz of some resistance into the ring :)

02-03-2023, 08:26 PM
they are with the set-bonus augments I think the DEVs are aiming for the grind on making those......

If set augs werent raid-locked items then I think that design philosophy would make more sense and non-set items would be more useful as platforms to set-ify

02-05-2023, 01:28 PM
I chose
Neglected Wedding Ring
Cherished Wedding Ring
because it fit the lore without presupposing the genders of which spouse is deceptive or heartbroken.

Or keep one Discarded, making the pair Neglected & Discarded, since it's no longer very cherished.

02-05-2023, 03:14 PM
Rather than intentionally sabotaging the items to make them worthless can you just have the items randomly generate 3 properties, a random augment slot, and then a fourth property or second augment slot? That way there is at least a lottery chance in heroics to be as good as Cannith crafting 3 chosen affixes and augmenting 2 chosen augments to get 5 effects you can use.

Then have epics drop heroic items and SXP. Have no epic items at all.

Named items should at least have a lottery chance of being as good as a Cannith crafted item. Otherwise they shouldn't exist.

Both ways protect paid $ expansion drops, but this way maybe a few people randomly get a few pieces of useful heroic gear that saves them some crafting.

02-05-2023, 03:31 PM
Use this thread to discuss feedback on new treasure coming with Update 58 "Unlikely Heroes" for the quest "Kill Ten Rats". The treasure list can be accessed by speaking with The Loot Guy in the Test Dojo. This thread is for feedback as of Preview 2.

Have posted snapshots here (https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/536895-U58-P2-quot-Loot-quot).

Thanks Zavina. Sorry that you had to do that.

02-06-2023, 12:49 AM
I don't mind new gear being non-meta, I just don't want it to have completely useless bonuses. Like underwater action, guards, stat damage, feather fall, speed, etc.

02-06-2023, 01:39 AM
Hey! Thanks for the feedback so far.

The intent of these items is not for them to be meta-defining,

There is a difference between meta-defining and being worse then random gen. I'd prefer random to any of this.

02-08-2023, 10:21 AM
There is a difference between meta-defining and being worse than random gen. I'd prefer random to any of this.

I actually think that they want the best items (or meta defining items in their words) to come only from expansions, If we get one or two good to decent items in a quest pack say its free or paid Ill be surprised. I mean even the raid items from the raid that didn't come from an expansion are BAD.

I think they need to rethink the way they make items in the game, and the way they present those items to the community for feedback, each item should have a little description on what is its purpose, is this for casters hibrids, to give this particular slot this particular effect that has always been in this other slot, to consolidate fire spell power, or evocation dc etc.. that way we can give better feedback and the itemization could be better.
We also need new effects on items, and for the devs to understand that things like Stoneskin shouldn't be on legendary items... itemization feels so random...

02-10-2023, 09:48 AM
Use this thread to discuss feedback on new treasure coming with Update 58 "Unlikely Heroes" for the quest "Kill Ten Rats". The treasure list can be accessed by speaking with The Loot Guy in the Test Dojo. This thread is for feedback as of Preview 2.

Is this the new direction for communicating with the players?
Lynnabel used to give us a good overview of items in the thread. Now it's just "here's a thread".
What's the next step? "Here's a thread to discuss new class/race/archetype, without any information about it, go ahead and discuss"?

You open the test server for 2 days in the middle of the week, which some people might miss due to various reasons. And then you don't provide any sort of preview information.
This is just getting better by the minute.

02-12-2023, 02:16 AM
Hey! Thanks for the feedback so far.

The intent of these items is not for them to be meta-defining, especially if you are already well-geared from Expansion Packs. That said, they shouldn't be bad items when looked at in a vacuum. So! We'll definitely be making some adjustments and fixes. +0/+1 Quality stats and Greater Disease Guard are the obvious first ones to tackle, but we'll be digging through all the rest of the feedback here, making changes, and hopefully have them in a better place next preview. Keep feedback coming if you haven't posted yet!


Would be nice if there would be gear available for other classes besides caster type; from Feywild onward, there have been no Rogue/Assassin specific or semi specific gear.

There seems no need to have bought anything after, Saltmarsh(except for Goldcurse dagger, which made it worth it). Peril of the Planar Eyes, Hunted pack, (skip Isle of Dread, though not the best "set gear stats", 'caster +3 DC, with Assassinate, and Tactics, but gear is for CHA caster?)
and now this pack as well; every new pack seems to have caster gear always covered. It would be nice to have stealthy melee characters get Elusive Target on necklace or Ring(only on light armor?) with ability to add Quality +3 STAT to it(INT,DEX,WIS...etc) or Quality Incorporeal +5%

02-12-2023, 02:35 AM
I think as was mentioned, there are classes in this game that are "themed" to certain gear.

If hybrids are on the table that's great.

Communicating the mind set of new gear and to who the audience is for or a one or two line, suggestion as to why those Prefix/Suffix/Extra features where put out would go a long way to directing feedback for certain new gear ideas the developers want to play around with.

The individual features in themselves aren't always necessarily wrong, it's the questionable accumulation of consolidation of those features that leave many puzzled.

I'm all for adding new ideas for sure and that should never stop. Maybe some 'pre explanation' as to a possible archetype this is being played into would help out or at least hint out to why the gear concept was made.

I know some of us might sound demanding or "Entitled" to be pleased, but I would suggest civil, discourse and reasoning, like what was done with the explanation of:

STAT squish(which was understandable)
Double Strike/Shot(nerf to many builds and didn't do much to reduce lag, but did reduce build styles for sure that built for the extra procs).
Imbue Dice(not great, but was a mess of separate calculations that needed to be unified)

02-12-2023, 03:04 AM
Is this the new direction for communicating with the players?
Lynnabel used to give us a good overview of items in the thread. Now it's just "here's a thread".
What's the next step? "Here's a thread to discuss new class/race/archetype, without any information about it, go ahead and discuss"?

You open the test server for 2 days in the middle of the week, which some people might miss due to various reasons. And then you don't provide any sort of preview information.
This is just getting better by the minute.

I know, right?

Couldn't even be bothered to post the relevant information in the thread literally about the stuff we're supposed to be discussing. Instead, directing us to log into the game, and jump through a bunch of hoops, just to see the item stats.

02-13-2023, 11:57 AM
I know, right?

Couldn't even be bothered to post the relevant information in the thread literally about the stuff we're supposed to be discussing. Instead, directing us to log into the game, and jump through a bunch of hoops, just to see the item stats.

That or they are relying on a player to post the actual items after grabbing screenshots like they have been doing (a wonderful person that, but it really shouldn't be needed. I went on a rant about this the LAST update thread)
Look over in the general lamania thread and you will find a player post that has all the items.

02-13-2023, 06:45 PM
I remember with saltmarsh at least they had posted text of what all the gear did.