View Full Version : Too Early For Another HC!

11-30-2022, 11:59 PM
Haven't seen a threat about it yet, so I will make one here.

I personally believe it is *way* too early to start another season of HC.

Some folks enjoy it enough where this is good news to them, but I still know some people who are having troubles transferring their HC toons back to my homeserver. HC 6 ended, what, a month ago? And now HC 7 is already being released? I understand, it does bring a lot of money to SSG, but give us some time to catch our breath first. I am just now getting used to seeing more and more people and lfms appear as all the HC players have come back, I am totally not looking forward to all of them disappearing so soon.

TL;DR: It is too early for another HC season to begin. Please reconsider.

12-01-2022, 01:23 AM
It's not too early when you want to pad the books for total annual sales numbers.

12-01-2022, 04:37 AM
yeah let's see if a cow can produce more milk if it's milked 5 times a day.

12-02-2022, 11:30 AM
Though I like the hardcore mode and wish it was a permanent server (standalone not for special events), since it is not I agree udderly that this is too soon.