View Full Version : Build Request: Bear Druid

11-02-2022, 08:13 AM
I everybody, I'm a returning player. I'm not finding online any clear guide about how to build a bear druid, either there's old stuff or not in depth guides about it. I'm thinking about something with good dps and decent enough tankiness to survive R1 on first life. Any split/feat selection you can recommend? Thanks in advance.

11-02-2022, 08:48 AM
If you don't get any bites try 2 Barb/17 Druid/1 Fighter. There a many different types of Bear Druids but if you want to test the waters what I did below worked well for just about everything R1.

2 Barb for Blood Tribute,+10% Movement and Sprint Boost.

17 Druid for Lv 9 Spell(Mass Regeneration), Mix and match Protector and Warrior as you level to taste. Should have enough points for tier 4 secondary tree.

1 Fighter for Haste Boost and Tower Shield Prof if going sword and board.

Max out Str or Con to taste. 12 or 14 Wis if you can swing it.

Feats>> In general Natural Fighting whenever you can get it. Imp Critical Slash or Bludgeon. Quicken for heals/roar if needed. Toughness when in doubt.

Race>> To taste. Whatever gets STR/Con in general.

ED>> Fury or Unyielding.

Good Luck.

11-02-2022, 09:07 AM
I was facing the same dilemma few days ago. And found this thread with several options.
Fairly randomly, I selected 12 druid / 8 barb. (Iconic Shifter + I no longer need barb PLs)

11-02-2022, 12:25 PM
I everybody, I'm a returning player. I'm not finding online any clear guide about how to build a bear druid, either there's old stuff or not in depth guides about it. I'm thinking about something with good dps and decent enough tankiness to survive R1 on first life. Any split/feat selection you can recommend? Thanks in advance.

Strimtom has a pure bear druid build, HC3 build guides if memory serves.

Yup: https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/516052-Strimtom-s-Hardcore-Ready-Character-builds-Season-3

11-02-2022, 12:27 PM
Haven't updated in a while but nothing mechanically broken AFAIK: https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/513495-Ursine-Cub-Bear-Druids-for-New-Players-(U45)