View Full Version : DDOCast 678 - Isle of Dread Release

06-26-2022, 10:06 PM

Nimvind & Vooduspyce join Patrick this week to discuss the release of Update 55: Isle of Dread!

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Game News - 4:30
Isle of Dread Reactions - 52:38

Update 55 Release Notes (https://www.ddo.com/update-notes/ddo-update-55-release-notes)

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06-29-2022, 01:05 PM
Always grateful for your putting on the show. And also glad whenever Voodu and Nimvind are on the show!

I do have a (dino)bone to pick with you Patrick for sort of hand-waiving the price point for Isle of Dread set at 3995 DDO points, as being "par for the course"(7:17). It most certainly is not. RL, Sharn, and Feywild are all expansions that are available in the store normally for 2495 DDO points. The price for IoD represents a 1500 increase in the store price. A completely unnecessary jump, in my mind. Particularly when you consider the precedent that was set by those previous expansions–– not to mention factoring in all the other things we need to use our points for.

It's a massive barrier to entry to those who can't/don't want to get it on the DDO Market. I can fully understand SSG wanting to incentivize people to get it with real bucks on the Market, rather than getting it with points. But as I mentioned– there are already plenty of point sinks. And people buying it off the Market are getting more than just the quests/zone(which is all getting it via the store gives you)–– as well as 6 months of exclusivity; which is kind of a lot.

This also means some folks are not going to be able to group up with their friends and guildies in Isle of Dread for quite some time. Or ever. And guest passes tend to be unwieldy. I think it deserves consideration.

Thanks, as always.