View Full Version : Horizen Walker - Prot from Good and Evil Tier 3?

04-24-2022, 02:33 PM
The third tier of Prot from Good and Evil states "You are also warded from magical mental control and compulsions".

I took this because I thought it prevented command and similar debilitating mind spells, but I was command or greater commanded in Shadow Crypt. I am probably not understanding what this protection covers. Does anyone know?

04-25-2022, 11:15 AM
Hmmm, will need more info.

As I have just taken a character with this ability into PvP against a FvS and casting Greater Command never produced a saving throw at all on the character with the ability. Meaning they ignored it.

Did you take the ability after levelling up and getting the enhancement Action Points for it and then entered into the quest? There's a possibility in that instance that the protection did not take into effect and would have required a relog before it functioned.

I don't have anyone in that level range at the moment to test this out so can't offer more at this time. But I feel the ability not functioning/applying was the most likely case for your scenario.


04-25-2022, 12:50 PM
never tested but J1NG did

i'm just adding another suggestion\potential thing to test in pvp if you have characters with that ability (i don't have)

maybe it is working but stops working if you die and not re-applied when you get the rez? OP, did you die in quest maybe?

04-25-2022, 02:55 PM
maybe it is working but stops working if you die and not re-applied when you get the rez? OP, did you die in quest maybe?

Good thought. Something I forgot could be a cause. But just tested this and it remains active even after Death, even when other abilities may go after dying. So the cause of any issue with the protection is going to be something else entirely for OP unfortunately.


04-25-2022, 04:14 PM
Found the problem, or part of it at least.

Narezza uses Dominate, but this wasn't added to the protection offered by the ward protection in Horizon Walker. It correctly protects against Command and Greater Command (which is why it did nothing when I tried it through PvP), but other Mind Affecting abilities, such as Fascinate, Dominate, etc. Were not included in the protection for some reason.

Test was done with (and without) a Protection from Evil potion/spell. In PvP and against Brother Nerezza (in Shadow Crypt). With Protection from Evil potion/spell, it correctly prevented any Mind Affecting abilities from affected the character, whilst without it and using only Tier 3 Protection from Good and Evil only protected against Command and Greater Command.


:: edit ::

Testing with a Blackrazor with Pyschic Ward ability, that also does not prevent against something like Fascinate. But will protect against Command and Greater Command without issue.

I have also just tested that the Protection from Evil effect from the Necklace (Silver Flame Talisman) does NOT protect from Command or Greater Command.

So it appears that the spell and item (and subsequently the enhancements version, which appears to be based off of the item version of Psychic Ward - which itself is an iteration of Protection from X), appears to not provide a full covereage of protection vs Mind Affecting abilities. I am unsure if this is supposed to be WAI, but this does suggest it may be the case a Dev will need to answer this for clarity. But I can confirm OP that the Horizon Walker Protection from Good and Evil does not provide the same level of protection as a Protection from Evil potion that can be got for cheap at the Marketplace.

04-25-2022, 08:05 PM
Found the problem, or part of it at least.

So it appears that the spell and item (and subsequently the enhancements version, which appears to be based off of the item version of Psychic Ward - which itself is an iteration of Protection from X), appears to not provide a full covereage of protection vs Mind Affecting abilities. I am unsure if this is supposed to be WAI, but this does suggest it may be the case a Dev will need to answer this for clarity. But I can confirm OP that the Horizon Walker Protection from Good and Evil does not provide the same level of protection as a Protection from Evil potion that can be got for cheap at the Marketplace.

Thanks for all of the testing. You may have been correct about the effect not being enabled on the first quest I ran after selecting the enhancement. I went in to the Jungle of Khyber where one of the clerics casts Greater Command. A message "You have been commanded to fall to the ground and lie prone." appeared in my log, but no save was attempted and nothing happened this time.

I guess this enhancement is high priced for little benefit.