View Full Version : Is my reaper tree reset cost bugged? Its insanely high.

01-11-2022, 12:37 AM
I am aware that there is a penalty to the reset cost and it decays over time. But i suspect that its either not decaying properly or its decaying too slow.

The last time i reset my reaper tree was at least a week ago.

The cost to reset my reaper tree for the last several days was stuck at 297k plat for 36 ap, or 8,250 plat per AP.

I logged in today and noticed that the cost to reset 36 AP had dropped to about 277k. After doing some raids, it has dropped to about 266k.

Again, it has been stuck at 297k plat for several days of playtime and it has not decayed at all during that time. My enhancement trees and ED reset costs have decayed properly however.

My friend who has TRed and not done any reaper resets only requires 72k to reset 29 AP, or roughly 2.5k plat per AP...which is a more realistic cost.

Something seems to be wrong with my reaper tree reset penalty? Its obviously not decaying properly. Unless the decay rate for the reaper tree is supposed to be extremely slow?

01-11-2022, 05:30 AM
Another of those stupid things that i don't like.

It should be that at some point the amount of plat you must spend become the same every time.
It should cap at 100.000 plat and that's it.

01-11-2022, 08:16 AM
It is absolute rubbish that there is a cost for this at all.

In LOTRO you can save different setups and swap between them at will for no cost. We should have that in DDO too.

01-11-2022, 09:49 AM
I made the OP about 9 hours ago, my reset cost for 36 AP was about 266k.

Since then, i did the druids, high road and GH chains. My reset cost for 36 AP has dropped to 235k.

I have been sitting on the ship for the last 2 hours and my reset cost has stayed at 235k and hasnt decreased at all. Relogging hasnt made a difference.

I need to reset my reaper trees to run reaper now that im level 29, but for some reason the reset penalty is not decreasing properly...

Whatever metric its using to decrease the reset penalty doesnt appear to be based on logged in time. Dont tell me its based on experience gained, monsters killed, or something like that? That would be really silly...

I noticed that update 52 has done this :

Resetting a group of enhancement trees (Reaper, Enhancements, Destinies) no longer increases the cost of resetting other groups of enhancement trees.

Did this break the way the reset penalty decreases? I dont remember having this problem with massive reaper tree reset costs back when i played about 1.5 years ago.

01-11-2022, 11:06 AM
I did some searching and found something interesting in the old update 20.1 patch notes :

The platinum cost to reset enhancements goes up with each reset but recovers and goes back down slowly over time. The “recovery” rate of the platinum cost to reset enhancements has been more than doubled, meaning you don’t have to wait as long to reset for the same cost. Previously, about one week had to pass for your platinum cost (to reset a given number of enhancements) to recover from one reset. Now this happens in three days instead of one week.

Assuming the 3 day figure is still correct as of now, that still doesnt explain why my reset penalty is decreasing so slowly and why i have such a massive penalty. I was getting roughly a 4x penalty to reset cost and it seems to have dropped to slightly above 3x now, and its way longer than 3 days since i did my last reaper tree reset.

One explanation i can think of is that the 3 day timer gets reset and extended everytime you do an additional reset. I started as an iconic and i reset my reaper tree at level 15 because i made a mistake, then i did another reset at level 17 once the next tier unlocked. So what might have happened is that i got a 3 day penalty at level 15, which got extended to a 3 days + 3 days penalty when i hit level 17, and it got extended to 3 days + 3 days + 3 days when i did another reset at level 21. And now the penalty is slowly wearing off.

There really should be more information on how this works...

01-11-2022, 11:10 AM
I did some searching and found something interesting in the old update 20.1 patch notes :

Assuming the 3 day figure is still correct as of now, that still doesnt explain why my reset penalty is decreasing so slowly and why i have such a massive penalty. I was getting roughly a 4x penalty to reset cost and it seems to have dropped to slightly above 3x now, and its way longer than 3 days since i did my last reaper tree reset.

There shouldn't be a reset penalty at all

It ramps up exponentially and quickly becomes ridiculous in price

I haven't experimented enough to know if it will increase to the point where it costs more than plat cap but I've definitely had enhancement reset go into the millions testing which is nonsense

I hope yours gets sorted

01-11-2022, 11:25 AM
Yes, i hope it fixes itself by tommorrow...i need to reset my reaper trees to do reaper at cap. Ive never had it ramp up like this so much before. I definately need to be much more careful when resetting trees now.

01-11-2022, 11:39 AM
It is absolute rubbish that there is a cost for this at all.

In LOTRO you can save different setups and swap between them at will for no cost. We should have that in DDO too.

Yes. This. I understand the game needs a plat sink but this shouldn't be it.

Being able to load different profiles via a loadout is an EXQUISITE idea that should be implemented immediately.

And although this is only a peripherally related idea, they should get rid of earning DDO points by adventuring/favor, and instead allow you to buy DDO points with plat. THAT would drain the money from the system QUICKLY. Make it a LIMITED TIME event that happens occasionally, then revert back to favor for DDO points.

01-11-2022, 11:59 AM
Yes, i hope it fixes itself by tommorrow...i need to reset my reaper trees to do reaper at cap. Ive never had it ramp up like this so much before. I definately need to be much more careful when resetting trees now.

Maybe they fixed the cost not going up with any other tree resets, but the 3 day timer/cost decrease rate are all tied together? Did you reset an enhancement tree in the last three days?

01-11-2022, 12:06 PM
Maybe they fixed the cost not going up with any other tree resets, but the 3 day timer/cost decrease rate are all tied together? Did you reset an enhancement tree in the last three days?

I did reset EDs during the last 3 days. Wonder if that might be why its an issue now, because we didnt reset EDs before, we just changed our twists. I have been resetting EDs quite often to try out different stuff with the new system, the plat cost for resetting EDs is still fine, but if its screwing with the reaper tree reset timer, thats a huge problem...

01-11-2022, 01:54 PM
This is another example of bad design that has terrible reasons for why it exists.

01-11-2022, 02:47 PM
This must suck not to be able to fill out at least 2 trees completely. I can't imagine having to reset some points at level 29 to make myself viable in some endgame reaper.

01-11-2022, 03:25 PM
This is another example of bad design that has terrible reasons for why it exists.


01-11-2022, 04:09 PM
Yeah that is definitely bugged. It looks like the issue where your reaper, heroic and ED resets get pooled but I thought they fixed that recently (could be wrong).

01-11-2022, 11:36 PM
Still stuck at 235k plat to reset 36 AP when i logged in today...sadly no dev response in this thread either...

01-13-2022, 01:20 AM
A few hours after i made that post yesterday...i noticed that my reaper reset cost dropped from aobut 235k to 205k.

I logged in today and its still 205k. A few hours later, it dropped to about 175k.

Im starting to see a pattern here. It looks like every 24 hours, its dropping by about 30k now. So my reaper reset penalty should be fully gone in about...3-4 more days?

This is quite silly, that would make it about 2 weeks for my reaper reset penalty to be fully removed.

01-13-2022, 11:50 PM
Was still about 175k plat to reset when i logged in today...but my plat cost to reset one of my EDs (28 AP) has gone from 17k to 46k...thats insanely high...and i havent reset my EDs since yesterday obviously...

01-14-2022, 12:06 AM
Was still about 175k plat to reset when i logged in today...but my plat cost to reset one of my EDs (28 AP) has gone from 17k to 46k...thats insanely high...and i havent reset my EDs since yesterday obviously...

Went up? Are you on Cannith? Maybe the reset messed it up. Now I wonder if the weekly resets have been screwing it up all this time.

01-14-2022, 12:30 AM
Went up? Are you on Cannith? Maybe the reset messed it up. Now I wonder if the weekly resets have been screwing it up all this time.

Yes, i am on cannith. My guildmate said a lot of people were also having the same issue with their ED reset cost dramatically going up after the reset.