View Full Version : Default server "issue" - newbies server and/or load-balancing

01-08-2022, 09:28 AM
"I was thinking" kind of post to address problems with default server - where it gives lot of new players (too many imo) to one server and leaving others without fresh blood. So options:

1. How about having a newbie server!, which:
- will be the default server
- have characters transfers from this server to main ones for free
- be somehow handicapped (raids turned off? max level 10? other ideas?) to actually force players to transfer to main server of their choice
- implements training programs (small benefit for vets for teaching newbie players? re-introduce quest direction posts)
- It will be a good place for main-server guilds to advertise

It shouldn't be hard to implement as we have Hardcore working in kinda similar way (server-unique mechanics, transfer for free).

2. Load-balancing by showing the default server randomly for each new player - or weighted-randomly (those low populated server to have better chance to be chosen).

3. Introduce "Free character transfers to server X" weekend bonuses to load-balance between servers :) or "Free character transfers from server Y" where Y is the current default server to let newbies switch to other servers for free.

4. Just set Wayfinder to be the default server :p

01-08-2022, 09:31 AM
This would be why the default server does change over time

01-08-2022, 11:28 AM
This would be why the default server does change over time

Yeah but once in a few years is way too rarely.

01-08-2022, 11:33 AM
Yeah but once in a few years is way too rarely.

Then just changing it more often would be the simplest solution...

01-08-2022, 11:38 AM
Then just changing it more often would be the simplest solution...

Yep, just change it to the lowest population server at the time, which is Orien right now (not counting Wayfinder).
Argonesson has been the default for a long time, and currently almost has as many playing on it as Hardcore.


01-08-2022, 02:07 PM
Could have a server with only first life toons, when you TR you have to pick a main server. Could be an opt out type similar to Snowy Side Korthos.
This way all the new players can run together instead of ending up joining groups with all the super TR toons, feeling woefully inadequate and finding something else to do.

01-08-2022, 03:20 PM
Having all the new players mostly funneled to one server is a good thing. Grouping with newer players and finding more new players to connect with is a good thing - at least based on my experience when I was a new player. I learned nothing and was mostly frustrated joining vet zerg runs. Almost everything on the lfm panel would be a zerg run from a new person's perspective.