View Full Version : Guild renown changes and Mutiny option for Guild

01-03-2022, 01:13 PM
Guild changes I would like to see..

Guild renown..
It is not just the reputation of the guild, it is also made up of the players who are part of the guild.

I would like to see Player contribution renown tracked separately from common guild renown.
Player renown being made up of guild renown actively earned by the player from things like chest tokens/saga tokens instead of taking other rewards..
players that have actively selected guild Renown (and multipliers from purchased renown pots) deserve recognition for their personal contributions beyond guild association bonuses.

Let players who leave a Guild take half their personal contribution renown with them.
This way Players or groups of players who choose to leave a guild can take some renown with them wherever they go..
..rejoin a new guild and half their personal renown is contributed to the new guild.. guild hoppers would lose half of what they have left every time they leave a guild.
Guild implosions and reforms would not be a complete screw you to the players who leave or are forced to leave.. there would be loss, but not a complete loss.

Replace 'usurp guild' with 'Mutiny'.
As far as I am concerned, the person who purchased the guild charter owns it, unless they give it up willingly no one deserves to steal it from them no matter how long they have been gone.

Have 'Mutiny' allow a confidence vote by the majority of guild renown holders to elect a new acting leader which triggers a mutiny ship split for the Mutineers and their renown.
Guild members then can choose to accept guild transfer to the newly created Mutiny ship named by the elected leader or reject the invite and remain with the original captain.

Set renown benchmarks to trigger Mutiny options for kicked players.
When a ranking renown player is kicked from the guild an option to trigger a mutiny by the kicked player to let them transfer their renown to a newly created guildship and invite other players from the same guild to transfer to their new ship
This allows high guild contributors to transition instead of getting completely planked.

Similar change for the Guild Leader who commits a Barratry (Mutiny by the leadership against the good of the ship/crew)
..guild leader tries to disband the guild triggering a reverse mutiny where the captain splits the ship while retaining the guild name and an option to invite other guild members to transfer with or remain behind
This way a ****y leader doesn't screw the contributing players by mass kicking members/disbanding the guild leaving guild members renownless.

01-03-2022, 08:55 PM
I like the idea of letting people retain their guild renown if they leave or are booted, although I am not sure what the right percentage is. Right now the guild loses 10-25% if a person voluntarily leaves and 25% if they are kicked.

I think leaving voluntarily is fine with the remaining amount staying with the player to apply to their next guild. If a person is booted from the guild - the guild shouldn't retain anything and the player should take it all with them. This would likely only be an issue in edge cases, but I've heard of some abusive guild leaders out there that rage boot people that have been in the guild for years for questionable reasons. Also cases where someone buys an account that effectively comes with a guild and they boot everyone that built up the renown (happened in one case I know of).

If there is a truly a problem person - good riddens - who needs their renown.

01-03-2022, 10:03 PM

01-04-2022, 09:36 AM
Guild changes I would like to see..

Guild renown..
It is not just the reputation of the guild, it is also made up of the players who are part of the guild.

I would like to see Player contribution renown tracked separately from common guild renown.
Player renown being made up of guild renown actively earned by the player from things like chest tokens/saga tokens instead of taking other rewards..
players that have actively selected guild Renown (and multipliers from purchased renown pots) deserve recognition for their personal contributions beyond guild association bonuses.

Let players who leave a Guild take half their personal contribution renown with them.
This way Players or groups of players who choose to leave a guild can take some renown with them wherever they go..
..rejoin a new guild and half their personal renown is contributed to the new guild.. guild hoppers would lose half of what they have left every time they leave a guild.
Guild implosions and reforms would not be a complete screw you to the players who leave or are forced to leave.. there would be loss, but not a complete loss.

Replace 'usurp guild' with 'Mutiny'.
As far as I am concerned, the person who purchased the guild charter owns it, unless they give it up willingly no one deserves to steal it from them no matter how long they have been gone.

Have 'Mutiny' allow a confidence vote by the majority of guild renown holders to elect a new acting leader which triggers a mutiny ship split for the Mutineers and their renown.
Guild members then can choose to accept guild transfer to the newly created Mutiny ship named by the elected leader or reject the invite and remain with the original captain.

Set renown benchmarks to trigger Mutiny options for kicked players.
When a ranking renown player is kicked from the guild an option to trigger a mutiny by the kicked player to let them transfer their renown to a newly created guildship and invite other players from the same guild to transfer to their new ship
This allows high guild contributors to transition instead of getting completely planked.

Similar change for the Guild Leader who commits a Barratry (Mutiny by the leadership against the good of the ship/crew)
..guild leader tries to disband the guild triggering a reverse mutiny where the captain splits the ship while retaining the guild name and an option to invite other guild members to transfer with or remain behind
This way a ****y leader doesn't screw the contributing players by mass kicking members/disbanding the guild leaving guild members renownless.

I think the mutiny thing should be replaced with an executive officer (XO) who has ALL of the abilities of the leader except for the ability to kick the leader from the guild. And the mutiny is simply for the XO instead of the leader. The guild can function properly with just an XO and if the person who bought the guild comes back, he can resume control.

01-04-2022, 09:53 AM
I think the mutiny thing should be replaced with an executive officer (XO) who has ALL of the abilities of the leader except for the ability to kick the leader from the guild. And the mutiny is simply for the XO instead of the leader. The guild can function properly with just an XO and if the person who bought the guild comes back, he can resume control.

Yep no reason to have a guild split and fall apart because the leader takes leave

If an XO has all the control but to kick the leader or demote them then when they return they can resume that's much better than mutany

I agree that whoever buys the guild charter should retain it