View Full Version : How To Add Mount to Stable

12-18-2021, 07:39 PM
The stable allows you to access a mount from all of your characters.

First, do not add a mount to your stable if you plan to upgrade it, for example, if you plan to upgrade a regular to fast horse.
Once you add the mount to the stable, it cannot be upgraded.

The above info is not too hard to find because it has been a cause of frustation for many people. Unfortunately, it is typically found after someone has alreay added a mount they plan to upgrade. I too have added a horse to my stable before I knew that it could not then be upgraded.

To add the mount to the stable, double-click on the mount icon/item in your inventory.
You will be prompted to add the mount to your stable. Click yes to add.

The stable is the horseshoe icon on the right of your inventory window.
Click on the the horseshoe icon to open the stable tab, then drag the icon for the mount from the stable tab to your clickie bar.
Click on the icon for your mount on your clickie bar to summon your mount.

12-19-2021, 02:51 PM
First, do not add a mount to your stable if you plan to upgrade it, for example, if you plan to upgrade a regular to fast horse.

Once you add the mount to the stable, it cannot be upgraded.
This is true, but it all depends how many alts you have in that account that could use a horse.

It will be a bit of a grind to farm an upgrade horseshoe - they are a rare drop indeed, and only on Epic (Lvl 21-22 quests). (I ran something like 15 1/2 laps of the Epic KotB Chain - ~125 quests - to find mine. Just as an example.)

It would not be that much work for a high-level alt to farm another horse, so consider putting your first horse in your stable, and then, if/when you get your upgrade Horseshoe, then just farm another horse to upgrade, done. And meanwhile, your whole account has a horse, and one that is not taking up a slot in your Inventory.