View Full Version : Did SSG fire all the GMs ?

12-10-2021, 09:57 AM
I logged on today to see if my ticket of 3 days ago had been replied to.

Now i notice that we get redirected to an external website and that my ticket and ticket history has disapeared . still not answered by the way.

so it looks like the in game help system from GMs has been abandoned and the history deleted ?

Did you fire the GM`s as well SSG ?

so are you officially abandoning all ingame help ?

quest bugged need a gm outa luck, character stuck need a gm outa luck.

some player spamming harassment or hate in chat , outa luck.

how long will it take your new system to deal with people spamming bad stuff in chat ?

12-10-2021, 10:29 AM
I logged on today to see if my ticket of 3 days ago had been replied to.

Now i notice that we get redirected to an external website and that my ticket and ticket history has disapeared . still not answered by the way.

so it looks like the in game help system from GMs has been abandoned and the history deleted ?

so are you officially abandoning all ingame help ?

Earlier this week Cordovan posted (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/528861-A-Guide-to-Getting-Help-in-DDO) this link to a guide:


My understanding is that they're restructuring their help system. I have no clue how effective it is, but I'd expect to see some messy bits on-release?

12-10-2021, 01:20 PM
Had the same issue, just resubmit a ticket and kiss all the time you waited goodbye.

I think having one person in-game GM can cover all servers lol. Can't imagine there's THAT many issues people have that can't be solved with an small amount of GM power.

1: able to kill monsters, either within range or by ID or something. Would help when monsters that NEED to die get stuck in walls. Remember having to run violent delights 4x because of that.

2: Able to warp players/npcs - Accidentally locked out of raid? Stuck and /stuck didn't help? Brawnpits lodged somewhere? Joy disappeared from the multiverse? Simple command to get em back.

3: Make/delete items - this would be the only iffy one. Not saying they should be able to give out tomes and +5 hearts and stuff, but maybe if someone bought the wrong thing from the store or something.

12-10-2021, 01:34 PM
I dont think SSG ever had GMs on staff. I'm pretty sure they just outsource that work to a contractor

12-11-2021, 12:18 AM
I am sure they didn´t because In thelanis I messaged a gm over 3 times in diferent days.

All the times he received the message and disconected right away so it can´t be a coincidence.

But reincarnation bug keeps going on and people are over a month without any support, from gm or otherwise.

12-15-2021, 11:59 AM
Same bs happened to me, ha d an in game ticket oepn for over 20 days then it's just gone, had to resubmit like nothing happened..