09-15-2021, 07:47 AM
Disclaimer... I am critical but I do recognise that SSG does provide a huge amount of good work and support for this game we love. I subscribe and will continue to do so.
If there is one thing (outside the lag problems) that "bugs" me about DDO it is the Enhancement Trees; I can never understand why SSG don't fix bugged abilities that have existed for such a long time, such as the Swashbuckler's Blow by Blow non-scaling damage, VKF's 5th tier throwing ability (can't remember the name off the top of my head), the Soul Eater's 6th core DC...
I am experimenting with a build (HC season 5 prep) and have come across Bliss (tier 1, Radiant Servant) and [again] I get frustrated to find abilities that are uninspiring and, for me, would never be included in a build. NEVER, EVER, EVER...
Bliss definition: When you use a Turn Attempt for any reason, you gain 3/4/5 Temporary Hit Points for each Core Ability from this tree you possess.
So at level 3 and Bliss III, my cleric would receive a temporary HP buff of 10; at level 6 this would increase to 15, and at cap (6th core) this would be +30 HP. So an extra 30 HP at levels 20+... for 3 AP? Come on! It's complete fluff.
I think if we could persuade SSG that by repairing the bugged Tree abilities and rendering the "weak/poorly-designed" abilities to be viable then not only would this result in better builds and more player enjoyment, but it would also provide us with more build options... and let's face it, DDO shines through it's build options, allowing us to experiment and test new combinations, motivating knowledgeable players and builders to post new build ideas and variants and refining older ones, which enriches our DDO world.
So I would really like to see some our more experienced players, bloggers and builders work together, and organise a rational discussion about the Trees (class and universal) and what we could propose to SSG as player feedback. We need to be intelligent and reasonable, not try to propose OP or unrealistic solutions. I will take Bliss as an example...
I see three main ways of improving abilities such as Bliss:
(1) add extra temporary bonuses that complement the design "flavour"... Radiant Servant "Bliss"... + some temporary Healing Amp for example
(2) making Bliss an AoE ability so affecting allies (such as with the Domain Turning bonuses)
(3) scaling the effects: see below
--> Bliss: Channel Divinity: you and your party gain 5/10/15 Temporary Hit Points and a 2/4/6 Sacred bonus to Healing Amplification for each Core Ability from this tree you possess. These temporary buffs last for 20 seconds and are doubled at Cleric level 20 [6th core add].
Cleric 3 / 2nd Core / Bliss III: +30 HP, +12 HAMP AoE
Cleric 6 / 3rd Core / Bliss III: +45 HP, +18 HAMP AoE
Cleric 12 / 4th Core / Bliss III: +60 HP, +24 HAMP AoE
Cleric 18 / 5th Core / Bliss III: +75 HP, +30 HAMP AoE
Cleric 20 / 6th Core / Bliss III: +180 HP, +72 HAMP AoE
This is just an example and serves the purpose that with imagination and rational discussion we could modify a 3 AP ability from one that buffs the single player by 30 temporary HP with 6th Core in Radiant Servant [which I find meaningless and would never want me to think about spending 3 AP] into a viable build choice: the numbers I show above are simply to demonstrate what could be done to the abilities' structure, not my definitive thoughts on exactly how to buff the ability.
FINAL NOTE... I realise that a similar solution to Bliss would render the Positive Energy Shield [Channel Divinity] ability obsolete; but then again it is another woefully weak ability that, imho, also needs removing and replaced.
If there is one thing (outside the lag problems) that "bugs" me about DDO it is the Enhancement Trees; I can never understand why SSG don't fix bugged abilities that have existed for such a long time, such as the Swashbuckler's Blow by Blow non-scaling damage, VKF's 5th tier throwing ability (can't remember the name off the top of my head), the Soul Eater's 6th core DC...
I am experimenting with a build (HC season 5 prep) and have come across Bliss (tier 1, Radiant Servant) and [again] I get frustrated to find abilities that are uninspiring and, for me, would never be included in a build. NEVER, EVER, EVER...
Bliss definition: When you use a Turn Attempt for any reason, you gain 3/4/5 Temporary Hit Points for each Core Ability from this tree you possess.
So at level 3 and Bliss III, my cleric would receive a temporary HP buff of 10; at level 6 this would increase to 15, and at cap (6th core) this would be +30 HP. So an extra 30 HP at levels 20+... for 3 AP? Come on! It's complete fluff.
I think if we could persuade SSG that by repairing the bugged Tree abilities and rendering the "weak/poorly-designed" abilities to be viable then not only would this result in better builds and more player enjoyment, but it would also provide us with more build options... and let's face it, DDO shines through it's build options, allowing us to experiment and test new combinations, motivating knowledgeable players and builders to post new build ideas and variants and refining older ones, which enriches our DDO world.
So I would really like to see some our more experienced players, bloggers and builders work together, and organise a rational discussion about the Trees (class and universal) and what we could propose to SSG as player feedback. We need to be intelligent and reasonable, not try to propose OP or unrealistic solutions. I will take Bliss as an example...
I see three main ways of improving abilities such as Bliss:
(1) add extra temporary bonuses that complement the design "flavour"... Radiant Servant "Bliss"... + some temporary Healing Amp for example
(2) making Bliss an AoE ability so affecting allies (such as with the Domain Turning bonuses)
(3) scaling the effects: see below
--> Bliss: Channel Divinity: you and your party gain 5/10/15 Temporary Hit Points and a 2/4/6 Sacred bonus to Healing Amplification for each Core Ability from this tree you possess. These temporary buffs last for 20 seconds and are doubled at Cleric level 20 [6th core add].
Cleric 3 / 2nd Core / Bliss III: +30 HP, +12 HAMP AoE
Cleric 6 / 3rd Core / Bliss III: +45 HP, +18 HAMP AoE
Cleric 12 / 4th Core / Bliss III: +60 HP, +24 HAMP AoE
Cleric 18 / 5th Core / Bliss III: +75 HP, +30 HAMP AoE
Cleric 20 / 6th Core / Bliss III: +180 HP, +72 HAMP AoE
This is just an example and serves the purpose that with imagination and rational discussion we could modify a 3 AP ability from one that buffs the single player by 30 temporary HP with 6th Core in Radiant Servant [which I find meaningless and would never want me to think about spending 3 AP] into a viable build choice: the numbers I show above are simply to demonstrate what could be done to the abilities' structure, not my definitive thoughts on exactly how to buff the ability.
FINAL NOTE... I realise that a similar solution to Bliss would render the Positive Energy Shield [Channel Divinity] ability obsolete; but then again it is another woefully weak ability that, imho, also needs removing and replaced.