View Full Version : Guild Ship Wasted Space
12-07-2020, 05:24 PM
Just thought I would point out that guild ships are still lacking after all these years. I am sure that not everyone has a Daedalean Kraken for their guild but if you do then you know there are more state room slots than state rooms available. With 26 hold room slots, you can forego using the Grand Reliquary ammenity leaving two massive state room slots empty (echo...echo...echo...) and little point to spend 4000 AS to purchase the behemoth. I have mentioned in the past about having a class trainers room on-board and have been shot down by players everytime for various reasons. If not trainers, then there has to be some other guild buff that our characters could benefit from using. Maybe a place for all your hirelings to hang out or a wardrobe closet for the endless cosmetic stuff we have (reaching.. I know). The forums are designed for discussion so let's open the floor for discussion..
What should be added in this dead space?
BTW.. the Stone of Change cargo hold ammenity is floating in the cargo hold for some reason. Might want to check that out...
12-08-2020, 05:14 AM
What should be added in this dead space?
These ships are supposedly where our characters live right? Then why are there no living {or sleeping} quarters? {It would be nice if when loading in my character could be sitting on a couch or lying in a hammock in a cabin rather than stood on the main deck :)
There is a bath - Perhaps the Devs could stick a timer on that where if you spend long enough in it you get +2 to Charisma and +5 to All Charisma Skills for the next 24 hours?
How about having the Cargo Hold actually be useful again? Allow us to place a major amenity in there such as the Cannith Crafting amenity and a minor amenity such as the Guild Chest room? {As well as keeping the old Bank, Mailbox, Tavern and AH amenity slots}.
There's literally nothing on the foc'sle - How about adding an observation deck up there?
P.S. Can we please get airship access to House Cannith already? AND can we get The Keep on the Borderlands added to the Farshifter's list and the airship added to the Keep on the Borderlands Portal so we don't have to go through multiple loading screens and the Gatekeeper's Grove/Harbour or Twelve to get to and from the Airship?
12-08-2020, 07:52 AM
There is a bath - Perhaps the Devs could stick a timer on that where if you spend long enough in it you get +2 to Charisma and +5 to All Charisma Skills for the next 24 hours?
How about having the Cargo Hold actually be useful again? Allow us to place a major amenity in there such as the Cannith Crafting amenity and a minor amenity such as the Guild Chest room? {As well as keeping the old Bank, Mailbox, Tavern and AH amenity slots}.
can we get The Keep on the Borderlands added to the Farshifter's list and the airship added to the Keep on the Borderlands Portal so we don't have to go through multiple loading screens and the Gatekeeper's Grove/Harbour or Twelve to get to and from the Airship?
Staying too long in the bath also gives you -2 Charisma for wrinkled skin, so it all cancels out.
What use is an empty bath anyway, I'd rather hang out with some Tidy Lasses.
Cargo Hold is still useful as a hub to place all frequently visited amenities like mailbox, bank, auctioneer, guild chest, training dummy.
Most of the time I spend on the ship is amenity bar and Cargo Hold, other decks are only visited occasionaly.
Borderlands passage is managed by Gatekeepers, which implies it is located at some different dimension, possibly outside of Eberron altogether.
So neither Captain nor Farshifter can help you there.
12-11-2020, 04:43 AM
How about having the Cargo Hold actually be useful again? Allow us to place a major amenity in there such as the Cannith Crafting amenity and a minor amenity such as the Guild Chest room? {As well as keeping the old Bank, Mailbox, Tavern and AH amenity slots}.
All of these amenities are already available as state rooms or small slots on the regular decks. With most any of the larger ships and at least a level 50 guild, the cargo hold is the least/never used part of the ship. I went in the cargo hold of my ship yesterday for the first time in years.
There's literally nothing on the foc'sle - How about adding an observation deck up there?
I am not sure what you would be observing since you can see nothing but blue skies until you jump off the side.
12-11-2020, 05:12 AM
Just thought I would point out that guild ships are still lacking after all these years. I am sure that not everyone has a Daedalean Kraken for their guild but if you do then you know there are more state room slots than state rooms available. With 26 hold room slots, you can forego using the Grand Reliquary ammenity leaving two massive state room slots empty (echo...echo...echo...) and little point to spend 4000 AS to purchase the behemoth. I have mentioned in the past about having a class trainers room on-board and have been shot down by players everytime for various reasons. If not trainers, then there has to be some other guild buff that our characters could benefit from using. Maybe a place for all your hirelings to hang out or a wardrobe closet for the endless cosmetic stuff we have (reaching.. I know). The forums are designed for discussion so let's open the floor for discussion..
What should be added in this dead space?
BTW.. the Stone of Change cargo hold ammenity is floating in the cargo hold for some reason. Might want to check that out...
All crunchers, example revers, fey, thunder, mysterious token vendor, etc etc etc.
Update teleporter to go everywhere, including borderlands, eveningstar (I dont mind if its in eveningstar hall).
Airship doors in hse c, korthos, eveningstar, Lyn's rad room, etc.
Btw I use both chest in the hold.
One thing i dont understand, inside the ship got baths, then we got the bath stateroom, someone explain what is so much heated water for?
12-11-2020, 05:15 AM
I always tell my guildies that if they can see I'm on the ship, but not in the cargo hold, I'll be on first floor at the Orien's Express (bank/mailbox/AH) as it's directly opposite the ship's vault, and just off from where our cannith crafting station is.
Yes there is a lot of wasted space since they got shut of the elemental resists and the NPC's. (I'd like to know what's in those boxes scattered around)..
Living quarters could be good, as having that as an amenity deed. I've said it before (and people complained about it), in that it could mean a storage area pertaining to like a guild closet area. If someone left the guild, they would have their storage emptied into their inventory.
It's a shame we can't get trophies to decorate the interior of the ship with (can only be removed/adjusted by guild leader/successor), and it's linked to quests done. I'd like to see more done with the outside appearance of the ship, especially for the larger ones.. the placement of ballista, side ballista (just like Precious Cargo). Perhaps options to cover it in a skeletal appearance, so it's a grim appearance, and so on.
12-11-2020, 08:33 AM
All of these amenities are already available as state rooms or small slots on the regular decks.
And I'd like to be able to move them into the Cargo Hold!
With most any of the larger ships and at least a level 50 guild, the cargo hold is the least/never used part of the ship. I went in the cargo hold of my ship yesterday for the first time in years.
The Cargo Hold is now wasted space!
Allow us to move a major stateroom into there - The Cannith Crafting room is just the obvious choice as I'm sure pretty much every guild sets up the Orien Banker, Vendors, Guild Chest rooms etc. around that stateroom anyway.
I am not sure what you would be observing since you can see nothing but blue skies until you jump off the side.
They could have a magical telescope set up with Eberron Scenes you can flip through incl. all the splash screens from the game - Have a competition for Art from Players to add to it :)
They could put the Navigator there for easier access on the larger ships where getting to the Captain's deck is annoying :)
Heck we shouldn't have to pay weekly or monthly for a Navigator in the Cargo Hold anyway!
Maybe the Farshifter could move up there from whichever deck you've put his chambers on too :)
Maybe even add a Portal for quick travel to other realms such as E-Star, Ravenloft and Borderlands :)
12-11-2020, 08:47 AM
I’d like them to swap out training dummies for kobolds for better dps testing.
While I like my current cargo hold amenities, I’d gladly give them up if I could convert that room into a PvP pit.
12-11-2020, 10:22 AM
I’d like them to swap out training dummies for kobolds for better dps testing.
While I like my current cargo hold amenities, I’d gladly give them up if I could convert that room into a PvP pit.
no need to swap, just add alternative training dummy options (kobold, pit fiend, other DR mob dummies), there are lots of unused hook points in the cargo hold.
They could move the stack of crates at the front of the cargohold, add a pvp boxing ring (or cage) with a rez shrine at the entry point.. this could even be a deck amenity..
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