View Full Version : Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat!!!!!

10-22-2020, 12:58 AM
FOR THE LOVE OF (YOUR DEITY HERE)!, please add an option to disable the sounds of xbows!
As it is now, you have to turn off just about ALL sounds to disable xbow noise pollution.

you made it possible to disable rune arms.
cant be that hard devs.

You want to get creative with it, fine.
Add an enhancement to allow Mechanics and Artificers the option to run stealth.
but realy, add it to the game options please.


10-22-2020, 02:37 AM
Although I actually like the sounds of X-bows, I don't see why not. I doubt it will happen though. Adding content is much simpler for the current team than it is to change things on the engine level.

While we're on the subject, I really wish some cosmetic pets could be muted as well. I want to love the pet mimic, but listening to it follow me around is awful. I hate the nonstop noise from the water elemental as well. Yet the cute Kobold singing was removed....

10-22-2020, 11:18 AM
You are already annoyed

10-22-2020, 11:44 AM
Way too much work to be able to toggle each individual thing on/off. So much simpler to have multiple ways to turn off all sound. They even gave sliders for dm/effects/music.etc. but it's perfectly just being able to mute if you don't like it.