View Full Version : Redfang the unruled

10-16-2020, 07:31 AM
This quest is one of the most iconic quests because trappers get killed here all the time. There are two changes I would love see done to this quest.

The first is purely from an aesthetic viewpoint. Back when this quest first showed up, we didn't have 'coccoon' chests like the one from the giant spider in 'kind of a big deal'. If we could change the art of the chests in this quest - which are quite a few if you take into account all the optionals - into coccoon chests I would feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Second, considering how you find 3 different 'name items' in this quest, bile's stinger, redfang's venom gland and another giant spider's venom glad, why instead of the cat's grace potion make it so if you get all the items, including Goliath and the rust monster rare, you can get a proof vs poison augment

PS can we finally get rid of poison +2/+4/+6/+8 etc and return to blanket immunity? Thanks

10-16-2020, 07:52 AM
I like your idea for the chests art.

On the change, I agree it should be changed from the cat's grace to something else. I like the idea of a remove poison potion, not sure it should be an augment. The reward was a consumable it would make sense to keep it a consumable.

We likely will not see a change back to 100% immunity as this change was made when the drow poison attacks were introduced with Eveningstar's release. Doing so would knock out the majority of the damage and danger from these attacks as they apply a weakness and paralysis effect. It is also likely if they did bring back full immunity the duration of the effect would be significantly reduced and likely not last much longer then an action boost.

10-16-2020, 09:06 AM
The quest is great, but needs an increase in XP. It doesn't complete with others at it's level for the time vs xp.

10-16-2020, 09:23 AM
The quest is great, but needs an increase in XP. It doesn't complete with others at it's level for the time vs xp.

Yeah, I'll agree with that. There's so many quests at that level range that nobody notices it but even if you do a dead sprint through it takes a while because of all the different ladders you have to climb to get to the levers. I especially hate how hard it is to get the breakables bonus

10-16-2020, 09:24 AM
I like your idea for the chests art.

On the change, I agree it should be changed from the cat's grace to something else. I like the idea of a remove poison potion, not sure it should be an augment. The reward was a consumable it would make sense to keep it a consumable.

We likely will not see a change back to 100% immunity as this change was made when the drow poison attacks were introduced with Eveningstar's release. Doing so would knock out the majority of the damage and danger from these attacks as they apply a weakness and paralysis effect. It is also likely if they did bring back full immunity the duration of the effect would be significantly reduced and likely not last much longer then an action boost.

I know and it's sad but keep in mind the paralysis effect already ignores poison resistance and freedom of movement.

10-16-2020, 02:35 PM
Cocoon chests sounds awesome.