View Full Version : F2P Cleric 5 target Auto Attacker

09-10-2020, 05:41 AM
nvm too many game bugs

09-19-2020, 02:35 PM
Interesting ideas here, as always.

Any reason not to take Tempest's Thousand Cuts? You're already using dual fighting to activate other stuff.

DoD has a 10 sec. duration, and TC has a 15 sec duration, as does Growing Storm. I assume the rotation would be equip dual weapons, activate Haste, GS, TS, equip two-handed weapon, and last, DoD. Presumably GS and DWS's Thrill of the Hunt will be stacking even more damage while you're hasted, unless there's a hidden 1 stack/1 target/sec limit or some such.

Or are all those clickies too much to squeeze into the time you have? Just Haste, GS, DoD? Or Haste and DoD only?

09-19-2020, 04:23 PM
Interesting ideas here, as always.

Any reason not to take Tempest's Thousand Cuts? You're already using dual fighting to activate other stuff.

DoD has a 10 sec. duration, and TC has a 15 sec duration, as does Growing Storm. I assume the rotation would be equip dual weapons, activate Haste, GS, TS, equip two-handed weapon, and last, DoD. Presumably GS and DWS's Thrill of the Hunt will be stacking even more damage while you're hasted, unless there's a hidden 1 stack/1 target/sec limit or some such.

Or are all those clickies too much to squeeze into the time you have? Just Haste, GS, DoD? Or Haste and DoD only?

GS isn't going to be relevant at 30, when you have 300+ total damage. Maybe to level 12-20 or so. I was going to cap double strike at a standing 100% so activated thousand cuts isn't going to be needed. May look at passive TC, because I dislike clickies.

You have to activate DoD with two weapons equipped. So was thinking to have prowessx4 fervorx4 non-melee power filigree on the twf swap set. Artifact with melee power will complete them to x5. Then just haste and DoD then swap to THF for combat.

09-20-2020, 06:24 PM
So was thinking to have prowessx4 fervorx4 non-melee power filigree on the twf swap set. Artifact with melee power will complete them to x5. Then just haste and DoD then swap to THF for combat.

Not Prowessx5 for the 10 sec. +50 melee power buff when you use Haste Action Boost?

09-20-2020, 11:42 PM
Not Prowessx5 for the 10 sec. +50 melee power buff when you use Haste Action Boost?

Ya that and Sanctified Fervor for the melee power buff when you hit smite or Confront any Foe. You put 4 of each on your twf swap set, then complete the sets to x5 with your artifact slots. You put the melee power filigree of both sets on your artifact, because those are the only ones you still want equipped when you swap to THF.

Prowess then gives 50, and Sanctified Fervor then gives 19 melee power for a bit as temporary buffs.