View Full Version : Advice needed: How do you gear a Paladin?

09-02-2020, 05:53 PM
I've been having a really hard time trying to gear my pally for endgame (EE/LE, i don't run reaper). It's not bad and i can solo EE/LE (for farming i mostly solo but usually duo with a friend when questing, but i like to cover all my bases as if i was soloing anyway) but every combination of gear leaves something off...

There are 3 main stats to cover (str, cha and con) with both base stat, insightful and quality, prr, mrr, stuns, shatter, true seeing, fom, displacement, spell res and a bit of wizardry for the blue bar. I don't have enough slots to have them all, how do you guys cope with that?

My current gear is:

Head - Legendary Sojourner's Cowl

Neck - Legendary Chains (resistance, charisma and quality charisma)

Trinket - Legendary Symbol of the Slave Lords

Cloak - Legendary Cloak of the City's Champion

Belt - Randgen Deflecting 32 Belt of Insightful Spell Resistance +15

Ring - Legendary Ring of Power

Gloves - Legendary Hammerfist

Boots - Blackfeather Boots

Other Ring - Legendary Celestial Ruby Ring

Wrists - Brand of Kalok Shash

Body - Legendary Enforcer's Plate

Eyes - Legendary Collective Sight (ins str + con)

Trying to slot anything else to get a set bonus results in losing something important and i can't, for the life of me, figure out how to slot shatter (had to let go of Holy Retribution -might as well since on LE i feel it's just an over rated finisher-) or ins cha (or a decent base cha item, i'm stuck with a +17 from slave lords). The only mrr i get from the items comes from leg collective sight.

My opinion is that this game needs a better consolidation of item effects, how do you guys manage that? Do you have any insight you can share? Any tips?

Thx to all in advance.

09-08-2020, 04:02 PM
OP, no idea what kinda pally you are running; so...try this.
PDK, 20 Pally (LR out of Fighter)
CHA(18)(All points in CHA)
Dump the rest

Take the 2HF feat line.
Grab PDK: Cormyr Knight Training
(If you must go STR, then swap below collective sight Ins CHA to Ins STR)

Enforcer Plate
Collective Sight: (STR / Ins CHA)
Final Watcher Helm
Family Blessing neckie
Bloodrage Chrism
Cloak o Balance: (CON)
Slaver Chains Belt: (WIS, Devotion 185, Stunning, Q-CHA)
Celestial Sapphire Ring (CON)
Knife Toed Boots
Slavers Ring: (Sheltering, Resist, Shatter, Q-STR)
Brightlord Sigil Artifact
Reflection of Blackrazor (greatsword)

Scroll True Seeing.
Craft Shroud displace clickies.
250 Spell Power augment slot
Spell resist is a total waste in current meta.

3 - 14 AP in PDK
41 - 47 AP in KotC
31 AP in SD
3 AP in Harper
Run in either Fatesinger or Dreadnaught

Drive that around for a while in ee and you will be ready to run reaper in no time.

Have fun :)

Hear everyone, listen to no one...

09-08-2020, 04:19 PM
spell res

Belt - Randgen Deflecting 32 Belt of Insightful Spell Resistance +15

Don't bother with spell resistance except if running a monk in grandmaster of flowers, in the current state of the game you can't otherwise get numbers that will do anything whatsoever for you (to my knowledge).

Head: Arcsteel Brim
Neck: Family Recruit Sigil
Trinket: Bloodrage Chrism
Cloak: Cloak of the City’s Champion
Belt: Plateshard Belt
Ring1: Stolen Signet of ir’Wynarn
Gloves: Hammerfist
Boots: Flightfoot Greaves
Ring2: Celestial Ruby Ring
Bracers: Bracers of the Fallen Hero
Armor: Umbral Soul
Goggles: Collective Sight w/ ins str, Feargaze swap
Mainhand: Legendary Echo of Blackrazor
Offhand: nothing, 2hf

This is the gear I used recently for a bladeforged pally, wasn't intended for max dps as much as half tank half dps and was meant to be played in a party more often than solo. So at the very least you'd want to swap the armor to enforcer's plate, since you aren't warforged, and possibly swap the artifact ring--it was my charisma item, but I chose that over another artifact or cha item for its 11 exceptional intim; again, meant to be played more in a party, and if you're solo you don't need the intim so there is little reason to use this artifact. Could just slot the cha on the goggles. My holy retribution didn't work all the time, but it actually did work reasonably well on anything that didn't have super high will saves even though I had no sunder. Just make sure you have Divine Might or whatever from Knight of the Chalice for the insight bonus to dcs.

If you're willing to use a +1 heart of wood, then pdk is far and away the best race for pally and you can nearly dump str. Just need enough str for carrying capacity. If you go this route your build should be stronger than if you don't because it's suddenly easy to get a nearly no fail holy retribution dc between cha max and easier gearing with only 2 relevant stats, so you should be able to fit a slavers with sunder.