View Full Version : Lycanthropy Enchancement Tree
08-08-2020, 01:32 AM
Something I've been hoping to see since Werewolves were introduced to the game years ago and possibly a version being introduced w/the new Shifter race announced.
Here is my take I've played with and thought I'd share on the Lycanthropy Enhancement Tree:
Lycanthropy Enhancement Tree (Based on 3.5Ed D&D)
1.(Lvl 1) 3 Melee Power and +1% DR absorbtion (like Barb) for each core ability.
2.(Lvl 3) Type changes to Shapeshifter (exclusive form). Access Natural Fighting Feat only in form (like Wildshape). +2 Wis in form. Choose one curse of:
Werewolf - +2 Dex, +2 Con
Wererat - +4 Dex
Wereboar - +4 Con
Weretiger - +4 Str
3.(Lvl 6) +2 Natural Armour(Primal), Wild Empathy and +4 Wild Empathy w/animal type, and ability based on curse:
Werewolf - Imp. Trip Feat
Wererat - Filth Fever - DC 10+Con does 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con dmg 2secs/10secs.
Wereboar - Ferocity - continue fighting until dead. No bleeding out in negative HP.
Weretiger - Stunning Blow Feat
4. (Lvl 12) DR 5/silver, +5PRR, Iron Will.
Werewolf - WF:Natural Attack
Wererat - Weapon Finesse
Wereboar - Toughness
Weretiger -WF:Natural Attack
5. (Lvl 18) 5% Racial bonus to HP, +5PRR, and Scent (+4 Spot and Listen, and True Seeing)
6. (Lvl 20) DR 10/Silver (total +15), +10PRR, +10 Melee power, and additional ability bonus:
Werewolf - +2 Dex and +2 Con
Wererat - +4 Dex
Wereboar - +4 Con
Weretiger - +4 Str
Tier 1 (lvl 1, 1pt in Tree)
i) Natural Attack: +1d4dmg scales 100% melee power; overcome slashing DR
ii) Toughness: +5/+10/+15 HP
iii) Item Defense: 25/50/75% negate item wear
iv) Bestial Nature: +1/+2 Ref and Fort
v) Animal Skills: +1/+2/+3 - Hide, Move Silently, Balance
Tier 2 (lvl 2, 5pts in Tree)
i) Natural Attack: +1d4dmg scales 100% melee power; overcome Blugeoning DR also
ii) Tactics - +1/2/3 DC's of Tactical abilities
iii) Bleed Them Out
iv) (Choose one) Faster Sneaking, Improved Dodge, or Thick Hide
v) Action Boost: Melee Power +10/+20/+30
Tier 3 (lvl 3, 10pts in Tree)
i) Natural Attack: +1d4dmg scales 100% melee power; overcome piercing DR also
ii) Critical Mastery: +1/+2/+3 confirm crit hits and dmg
iii) (Choose One) Athletic Mastery or Strike Through
iv) (Choose One) Sneak Attack Training or Thrill of the Hunt
v) Ability Point: one of Dex/Con/Str
Tier 4 (lvl 4, 20pts in Tree)
i) Natural Attack: +1d4dmg scales 100% melee power; +10% Fort Bypass.
ii) Doublestrike +3/+6/+10%
iii) No Mercy: 10/20/30% dmg to helpless opponents
iv) (Choose One) Sneak Attack Training or Improved Destruction
v) Ability Point: one of Dex/Con/Str
Tier 5 (lvl 12, 30pts in Tree)
i) Natural Attack: +3d4dmg scales 100% melee power; +1 Crit Threat and Multiplier
ii) Wild Ferocity: +10 Melee Power and +10% Doublestrike
iii) Melded Form: +10PRR Light Armour; +15PRR Medium Armour; +20PRR Heavy Armour
iv) Special Animal Attack:
Werewolf - Alpha Strike (+5W version)
Wererat - Assassinate
Wereboar - Gore Attack: Like Throat Rip
Weretiger - Pounce: Like Bear Charge
v) +5% Quality Bonus HP
08-08-2020, 04:41 PM
Sooo...all the best parts of melee Druid, for any race and class, and then better than what Druid gets itself...
Inqui was already a problem with this, it basically let any class take the best parts of Arti and Mechanic or double up if you actually were one. Universal trees arent supposed to be ersatz classes. They're supposed to support a playstyle (or an underserved weapon type), not define one.
Also Natural Fighting requires 3 Drd so you'd have to either change it to a universal feat or grant Nat Fighting in the cores...neither of which is a very good option...
I also doubt they'd undercut their brand new race by letting anyone turn themselves into a shifter, too...
08-11-2020, 12:55 AM
Thanks for the frank criticism. I understand what you mean and guess I did get a bit too fanboy w/the tree, rather than game balanced.
I had similar thoughts about Inquisitive myself, so feeling sheepish with this build in reflection there.
I was thinking the Level 3 (2nd) core would grant access to Natural Fighting feat, however Lycanthropes can use weapons in pnp D&D, and does allow more variety of playstyle, opening the concept of support tree over defined tree a bit more.
I figure this is more hypothetical fanboy (aim high, land lower type of thing).
Am hoping given the way Shifter feats work (for the Eberron race), that the devs have some variety/multiselector direction in the racial enhancement tree when it's released.
Thanks again.
08-11-2020, 01:26 AM
Devs have hinted that the upcoming Feywild expansion brings a universal enhancement tree: "it's been a longer-term player request that'll hopefully be exciting for people".
Could this be lycanthropy? Definitely a possibility.
08-11-2020, 12:26 PM
Devs have hinted that the upcoming Feywild expansion brings a universal enhancement tree: "it's been a longer-term player request that'll hopefully be exciting for people".
Could this be lycanthropy? Definitely a possibility.
Certainly not for Feywild.
Harper - Int based Melee/Ranged build with caster orientated T5
Vistani - Melee/Range build specialising in Knifes.
Falconry - Wis based Melee/Range build that focuses on using Pet attacks.
Inqusitive - Ranged based on Heavy and Light Crossbows.
So, there is a lack in caster orientated Universal Trees based on those that are currently available.
Feywild's Universal tree should be something like Wildmage or Psionic.
08-11-2020, 03:47 PM
Feywild's Universal tree should be something like Wildmage or Psionic.
Maybe; however, devs have already mentioned that if/when they decide to do psionics, they want to do it right, perhaps with 2 or 3 new classes, etc. But plans may obviously change.
Lycanthropy on the other hand seems related to Shifters (which are also coming). Not sure if werecreatures are among typical feywild denizens though.
We will have to wait and see...
08-12-2020, 10:35 AM
I think it would be very interesting to see this tree available only as a curse... a series of unfortunate events have to occur for the "Lycanthropy Enhancement tree" would open.
Carrying a cursed/unholy item + Mark of the moon Hags curse + being attacked by a werewolf with these things in effect.
Lycanthropy is a curse and should be treated as such:
1. An enhancement tree of "Savage Beast" will reduce the % chance of random shifting with the max tier allowing you full control over the change.
2. Each level invested in "Savage Beast" reduces the amount of damage you do to party members within your attack range: 5% - 10% etc... until you achieve the capstone of "One with the Beast" at which time you would function as a normal player and do no friendly damage.
3. Werewolves should have a bar like the Monk... when the bar is full the player is in control, when the bar is depleted you are forced to change.
A: Rage; natural or spell will force you to lose all control. An enemy caster casting rage on you forces the change.
B: Every time you suffer damage you lose points of control. Each critical hit removes a large number of control points.
C: Curses and certain other spell effects cause total loss of control.
D: "Under of Moon" forces an instant change, therefore adventuring at night will force you to change once the moon shines on you. This is mitigated by
higher tiers of"Savage Beast."
4. A party member casting "curse" on a Lycan will cause the player to change.
5. "Lycan" equipment and gear is magically embued to transform with the Lycan. Any equipment/gear that is not "Lycan Imbued" moves to your inventory when you change. Unlike the Druid that causes this effect innately, the Lycan must have specially augmented equipment/gear.
Yes, Lycanthropy could be super fun but it is a cursed state and should come with the downside of not being "party friendly" until the Lycan can achieve control.
08-12-2020, 11:14 AM
Devs have hinted that the upcoming Feywild expansion brings a universal enhancement tree: "it's been a longer-term player request that'll hopefully be exciting for people".
Could this be lycanthropy? Definitely a possibility.
Psionics are definitely among the most-requested additions for the game...
I might also throw out "CHA-for-combat tree" to mirror Harper and Falconry. That's also something people request a lot, and it'd be in line with other Universal trees.
I'd hope they go ahead and throw a DEX trance in too as a multiselector, if they do go that route...just go ahead and get that out of the way before that becomes what everyone is clamoring for :)
08-13-2020, 05:47 AM
Psionics are definitely among the most-requested additions for the game...
I might also throw out "CHA-for-combat tree" to mirror Harper and Falconry. That's also something people request a lot, and it'd be in line with other Universal trees.
I'd hope they go ahead and throw a DEX trance in too as a multiselector, if they do go that route...just go ahead and get that out of the way before that becomes what everyone is clamoring for :)
Something like Ninja of the Crescent Moon would be good Universal Tree for DEX Trance, specializing in Kukri, Sickle, Kama and maybe Unarmed Fighting Style. Kukri, Sickle and Kama needs some love and this would suit Monk, Rogue and fighter types and maybe Shifter race.
08-13-2020, 09:36 AM
I used to play a NWN PW that offered lycanthropy as a psuedo-class. You had to 1) get attacked and damaged (bitten) by a lycanthrope and then, 2) After you started noticing you were infected, finding someone (well hidden) who could teach you how to manage it.
08-13-2020, 11:34 AM
Psionics would be a great and interesting addition to the game for sure.
As for the curse concept for lycanthropy - iirc D&D 3.0Ed has the skill Control Shape re:managing the curses, acquired after contracting the disease/curse. That said, DDO isn't so much RPG like the pnp version, so having a character lose control and attacking the party is more towards player griefing, which thankfully DDO has little of that.
There's also the consideration that originally it would also include an alignment hit too, potentially due to your actions whilst out of control towards. Again though, DDO doesn't quite work like pnp.
However, I had considered having restrictions in game, a la being cursed, similar to raging - as in no spell casting; and possibly negatives, -2 or -4, to INT and/or CHA, as well as -4 or more to INT and/or CHA based skills.
It's a bit flimsy, but it could be the player has to have been attacked by a werewolf (only lycanthrope in DDO iirc?) to contract the curse and open the enhancement tree (which would need a rework from the above version, of course).
I also considered the pet's ability to feed over time and howl as possible inclusions, that I left out from above...was trying to think of things that didn't require too much extra work for the devs and already existed in game. So many ideas...
08-13-2020, 12:08 PM
Feywild- Lycanthrope
Why not? A universal tree for Lycanthropes, no. A player race would be cool, but don't expect anything from PnP to make it here as originally designed.
I have no doubt about the expansion being amazing. Feywild is an amazing place to adventure. IF SSG takes has a sense of humor, then we will see these forums full of people complaining (I'll be laughing) that they got party wiped because they group was in uncontrollable laughter.
Some nifty ideas in the op, it would be fun.
08-19-2020, 03:01 PM
This could maybe make sense as a temporary transformation. Like Primal avatar tree form.
You could activate warewolf form for some time, and would revert back after it expires. It could also get additional stages of power during that time, just like tree form, but from additional tree enhancements.
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