View Full Version : Looking for XP Buddies 2 1 - 2 nights a week

08-06-2020, 06:22 PM

I'm looking for buddies to do some runs on Thursday and Fridays with exping and exploring the world. I generally only have 1-2 hours to play on Thursday & Friday Late night with a group. Am in Mountain Standard time and generally don't start playing until 9-10 pm. I'm not really looking for a guild, but a channel I can join on something like discord and hope on to play a quick run.


Also Note... I'm back to level 8 so yah still looking for some XP exploring buddies :(


08-27-2020, 11:26 AM

I am not on the forums much and just saw your post.

I been super busy trying to get ahead of where I was before the Wayfinder rollback on my main. I made it 10 heroic levels past where I was before the rollback.

Karisan, is level 7 atm. You are welcome to join our guild to have more grouping options but many are in epics right now. We have players from all over the world.

I hope to quest with you sometime when our levels match up :)