View Full Version : Reaper Endgame 18-2 Bear Tank

07-21-2020, 11:17 AM
U49 update for the fun to play tank :) (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/516717-Reaper-Endgame-18-2-Bear-Tank?p=6427876&viewfull=1#post6427876)



I'm currently playing a tank that is fun to play!
There is a well known antinomy involving "Tank" and "Fun to Play" so I decided to post it here.

I would like to make some essential introductory remarks: the primary goals of this build are to perform multiple tasks (tank, healer, cc) and to make r10 endgame quests easier and faster.
A fully specced tank can reach way more higher AC and PRR, being a better suitable option for high skulls raids where the tank role is to tank like a standing stone.
But imho there are no reasons to group with a pure tank when zerging R10 quests. And wandering around holding shift while watching a movie on a second monitor is not my favorite playstyle :)

Why did I choose the bear? Well, tanks have good synergies with the healer role and druid is an amazing healer. I like mass regeneration a lot. And second, fvs/cleric + pally splits are boring as **** to play since they basically can just tank and heal. Compared to them, druid offers more mobility, cc with strikethrough (and some no fail cc) and the interesting form features. And actually, it's fun to play! You have a ton of attacks, spells, abilities to click.

The build I’m playing is PDK Druid 18 Barbarian 2 in US.

Druid 17 is required to access Mass Regeneration, Big Bear (core 5 in NP) restores rages via Tremor and brings 5% attack speed, 16 hp and 3 MRR.
Barbarian 2 is 10% movement speed, 3% DR and some useful stuff in OS (Ear Smash above all) and Ravager (+3 CON).

Character Sheet
Here are my self buffed stats in reaper. I have all the PLs and full reaper trees.

https://i.imgur.com/TGFurIm.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/TGFurIm.jpg)

Toughness (1), Toughness (BH), Completionist (3), Natural Fighting (6,9,12), Quicken (15), Enlarge (18), Empower Heal (21), Epic Toughness (24), Epic Spell Power Positive (26), Haste (27), Elusive Target (28), Deific Warding (29), Epic DR (30), Scion of Celestia (L)


https://i.imgur.com/wGhtHUd.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/wGhtHUd.jpg)
Note on Falconry:
I Invested a ton of points (22) in Falconry to grab Expose Weakness (50% Fort bypass). Depending on the players you group with you can drop 10 points in Falconry. 12 are enough to take 5% Quality HP and Sprint Boost.

ED and twists

https://i.imgur.com/PQKslYk.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/PQKslYk.jpg)
I change my twists very often. The most frequent setup (4-3-3-1-1) includes Stormrage (can be casted when raged) or Martial Hymn, Meld (must have), Empyrean Magic, Primal Scream, Legendary Tactics.


My current U46 setup is:

Helm Legendary Standard Issue Faceplate (Incite +62, Intimidate +22, Insightful Physical Sheltering +26, Natural Armor +21, Blue Augment Slot)

Goggles LGS

Necklace Legendary Standard Issue Sigil (Magical Sheltering +54, Protection +17, Spell Save +17, Parrying +10, Green Augment Slot)

Trinket SL (Strength +17, Accuracy +28, Vertigo +20, Quality Constitution +4)

Armor Legendary Watch Captain's Platemail (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Healing Amplification +85, Hit Points +81,
Green Augment Slot)

Cloak LGS

Wrist Legendary Lore Fueled Packbanners (Insightful Constitution +9, Physical Sheltering +50, Insightful Doublestrike 10%, Druidic Stoneshape, Green Augment Slot)

Belt Legendary Silverthread Belt (Enhanced Devotion +202, Enhanced Nullification +202, Healing Lore +29%, Void Lore +29%, Blue Augment Slot)

Gloves LGS

Ring Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn (Charisma +22, Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +11, Quality Potency +41, Electric Absorption 53%, Blue Augment Slot, Green Augment Slot, Yellow Augment Slot)

Ring Legendary Celestial Sapphire (Constitution +21, Improved Deception, Dodge 21%, Profane Well Rounded +2, Yellow Augment Slot)

Boots LGS

W Timeshard (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Doublestrike 23%, Identity Crisis, Legendary Paralysis, Freedom of Movement, Red Augment Slot, Orange Augment Slot)

Shield Legendary Crystalline Ward (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Arcane Casting Dexterity, Potency +154, Insightful Magical Sheltering +26, Quality Magical Sheltering +13, Blue Augment Slot)

As always, I consider super important reaper/mythic boosts on items. So i did choose my equiq according to the boosted items I have.

I'm using 2 different weapons mostly (each with 8 slots): Timeshard and The Labrythine Edge.
Filigrees are: Snake Bite/Grandfather's Shield (2), Nystul's Mystic Defense/Electrocution (1), Purity/Touch of Grace (1), Purity (1) Grandfather's Shield (1), Nystul's Mystic Defense (3), Beast's Mantle (2)
Other weapon swaps:
Epic Bejeweled Opener (8 slot) filled with healing amplification
LGS Affirmation, Salt, Ooze, Dust, Ash (that can proc on stormrage, call lightning storm, sleet storm etc)
5 slot Blood Feast weapon for Shield of Rage

Big Bear Tanking
Ok, since this bear is a tank let's talk about his defensive features.

HP - Good, thanks to bear's outstanding Constitution score. If you consider Shield of Rage and Affirmation I'm not far from 10.000.

Healing amplification - 300 standing. Good value imho. 405 equipping the Epic Bejeweled Opener.

AC - Having around 400 AC is viable, but sucks compared to a real tank 600+ AC. No access to 50% armor AC and the good stuff included in Stalwart Defender and Sacred Defender, so there is little to be done.

PRR - around 400. Not top tier, but the PRR is another bear's weak spot.

MRR - around 350 with Lightning strikes the mountain. Very good, even compared to a pure tank.

DR 3% on top of PRR/MRR. Nice feature.

Saves are ****. You are a bear, you have to live with it. +130 Fort is decent.

Unique features from Nature's Protector: immunity to energy drain and death effects, 20% resistance against Force damage.

You have to drop/recast rage to use displacement and discorporation clickies. Anyways, every rage brings 1000 temp hp.

Intimidate - 128, 138 with coffee. Potion of Alchemical Intimidate add more. Please note: Maul triggers Intimidate.

Big Bear Healing
I already said that the druid is a fantastic healer.
I keep Legendary Silverthread Belt always on for enhancement devotion and crit chance, Elyd Charm or Dethek Runestone are good swaps for insightful devotion.
In quest, I'm sitting at 900-950 postive spellpower.
I have +73% positive critical damage (Scion of Celestia, LGS material set, LGS +20% positive) and 45% positive critical chance (I usually twist Empyrean Magic).
Mass regeneration is god-like. I also have Greater Vigor mass, Heal, Regenerate, all the CW spells, Light the Dark... And For Cormyr from PDK.
I use bear stance and I have quicken/enlarge/empower heal.

https://i.imgur.com/8zhNNw0.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/8zhNNw0.jpg)

Big Bear CCing
I usually make use of Legendary Tactics and Ancient Tactics. I have 140% strikethrough. My trip DCs ofc are not no-fail, but Tremor and Bear Charge (both area knock-down abilities) land quite enough.
Relentless Onslaught is no save (op).
Using Timeshard/Labrythine Edge means perma salt.
Ear smash is op vs casters.
Sleet storm can be handy sometimes.

As usual, feel free to ask for more informations ;)

07-21-2020, 11:57 AM
What does your hotbar look like? I have a bear at lvl 15 or so and I find it hard to prioritize what buttons to smash. Maul, Tremor, I see you skipped killer instinct and roar so you probably replace those with falconry attacks?

07-21-2020, 12:15 PM
What does your hotbar look like? I have a bear at lvl 15 or so and I find it hard to prioritize what buttons to smash. Maul, Tremor, I see you skipped killer instinct and roar so you probably replace those with falconry attacks?

I took this screenshot with my laptop so hotkeys etc are slightly messed up, but you can see my current setup.

https://i.imgur.com/FBVqHPK.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/FBVqHPK.jpg)

07-21-2020, 02:55 PM
Lawd Jesus that's way more hotkeys than I use

07-23-2020, 03:45 PM
What do you pick on you LGS items , havnt done much in that area of crafting.


07-24-2020, 02:56 AM
What do you pick on you LGS items , havnt done much in that area of crafting.

Hey! I equip 4 items, so 12 slots.
All my slots are material opposition except 2: T1 positive ethereal dominion (+20% positive spell crit damage) and T2 positive ethereal escalation (+11 insight Cha Skills, for Intimidate).
I prefer material (more spell critical damage for heals) to ethereal (more incorporeal miss chance).

07-24-2020, 03:59 AM
Hey! I equip 4 items, so 12 slots.
All my slots are material opposition except 2: T1 positive ethereal dominion (+20% positive spell crit damage) and T2 positive ethereal escalation (+11 insight Cha Skills, for Intimidate).
I prefer material (more spell critical damage for heals) to ethereal (more incorporeal miss chance).

Didnt it use to be that all the slots had to be opposition for the HP bonus to work? When was that fixed? :)

Also, the wiki states: "Opposition set, along with requiring Opposition to be dominant, requires an equal amount of Dominion and Escalation among your items (0 of each counts as equal)."
I note you have this. Can you confirm this rule to be correct? Possibly that is what made people believe it had to be all Opposition initially.

Maybe you could be kind enough to post the full configuration. LGS is still a bit foggy and mistakes are scary due to the cost in mats.

07-24-2020, 05:35 AM
Didnt it use to be that all the slots had to be opposition for the HP bonus to work? When was that fixed? :)
Also, the wiki states: "Opposition set, along with requiring Opposition to be dominant, requires an equal amount of Dominion and Escalation among your items (0 of each counts as equal)."
I note you have this. Can you confirm this rule to be correct? Possibly that is what made people believe it had to be all Opposition initially.

No changes were made. Wiki is not always a reliable source but the period you quoted above is correct. Opposition needs to be dominant and Dominion and Escalation in equal numbers (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc)

Maybe you could be kind enough to post the full configuration. LGS is still a bit foggy and mistakes are scary due to the cost in mats.

Here's an example:

1. P-E-D +20% Positive spell crit damage
2. F-M-O +25 Fire resistance
3. F-M-O +17 Fire resistance

1. P-M-O +128 Unconsciousness range, 16 healing over time
2. P-M-O +64 Unconsciousness range, 8 healing over time
3. P-M-O +32 Unconsciousness range, 4 healing over time

1. F-M-O +50 Fire resistance
2. P-E-E +11 Charisma Skills, +151 Spell Points
3. A-M-O +17 Electric resistance

1. N-M-O Blindness immunity, +4 Fortitude Save Vs Disease
2. N-M-O Fear immunity, +4 Fortitude Save Vs Poison
3. W-M-O +17 Cold resistance

The 4x LGS material opposition configuration is amazing for sorcerers, maxing critical spell damage (with T1 and T2 dominion + material set) with the addition of some spellpower (INT skills with T1 and T2), spell points and a big amount of hp.

07-24-2020, 08:26 AM
Lawd Jesus that's way more hotkeys than I use

My eyes about popped! ****, I'm newb enough to have been surprised that there's a way to make hotbars vertical!

07-24-2020, 09:13 AM
ok stupid question - i have a completionist with 9 divine and 4 martial pls - i think 10 racial ap..... is this build viable? fpr me

07-24-2020, 09:23 AM
Why aren't you using Shred, Maul, then Roar?

That large AOE stun is the best thing about being a bear build. Better than Strikethrough Stunning Blow or Trip.

07-24-2020, 09:26 AM
Why aren't you using Shred, Maul, then Roar?

That large AOE stun is the best thing about being a bear build. Better even than Strikethrough Stunning Blow.

for me - i have heard conflicting reports - some say that it only stuns and not helpless and other say helpless. without helpless its not worth it.... right?

07-24-2020, 09:50 AM
Why aren't you using Shred, Maul, then Roar?
That large AOE stun is the best thing about being a bear build. Better than Strikethrough Stunning Blow or Trip.

Hey! The reason why I'm not using stuns with this build is that I couldn't get decent DCs (Roar stun is against Fortitude, and uses half druid levels). Str and Wis are dump stats, and I don't have trances.
Trip is way more reliable, and that's why I have Strength +17 and Vertigo +20 on my trinket. Relentless Onslaught is no fail, and can strikethrough. Tremor and Bear Charge are area attacks. On top, I have salt always on.

for me - i have heard conflicting reports - some say that it only stuns and not helpless and other say helpless. without helpless its not worth it.... right?

Yeah, that's why I didn't use roar even on bear dps builds. Stunning Blow, Maul and Grater Maul make mobs helpless.

07-24-2020, 12:05 PM
Do you take Quicken Spell at level 1 or 15 (atm you list it twice at those levels)?

07-24-2020, 01:46 PM
Do you take Quicken Spell at level 1 or 15 (atm you list it twice at those levels)?

Oh, my bad. I took Toughness twice. I will edit the original post to correct.

07-26-2020, 02:50 PM
Mind posteing you LGS setup ?


07-27-2020, 04:54 AM
Mind posteing you LGS setup ?

Hey! No, ofc... but I already answered in previous posts :)
In short, all my slots are material opposition except 2: T1 positive ethereal dominion (+20% positive spell crit damage) and T2 positive ethereal escalation (+11 insight Cha Skills, for Intimidate).

07-27-2020, 09:04 AM
Ok , thxs

Just comfused bec to sad is was a good soc setup =))


07-28-2020, 04:02 PM
Am curious what did you pick as starting stats


07-30-2020, 04:04 PM
Most tanks are not solo friendly, is this the case with this one too?

07-31-2020, 03:43 AM
Most tanks are not solo friendly, is this the case with this one too?

Well, it depends on skulls. On R1 you should be able to complete quests fast enough, but I strongly suggest to swap gear using part of the family set etc.
On high skulls you can technically solo some quests, but you would need like 120 minutes to complete Grim and Barret, so no XD

07-31-2020, 05:56 AM
Always interested to see what Gilga will come up with next, as they're top notch and an opportunity to learn from the very best of the game, and this looks yet another cracker!

Really interested to know the breakdown for Con and the defensive stats here Gilga (AC, PRR, MMR). Any chance you can break those down for us?

07-31-2020, 10:54 AM
Really interested to know the breakdown for Con and the defensive stats here Gilga (AC, PRR, MMR). Any chance you can break those down for us?

Hey thanks, but I'm not the very best of the game at all :)

I TR'ed out of this build, but here you have the required Con breakdown:

18 base
8 tome
7 levels
6 completionists

4 rage
4 racial
4 size
3 hardy rage
4 Con enhancements
6 Ursa's spirit
3 force of nature
21 item
9 insightful
4 quality
2 profane
1 exceptional
6 filigrees

5 reaper
2 yugo
2 remnants pot
2 guild

5/10 morale primal scream/rising fury
4 alchemical
8 enhanced blood rage
(2 reaper stat helm)

130-145 range not counting external buffs

Regarding AC, MRR and PRR I provided all the gear/feats/enhancement and PLs needed to compute them (rest is mythic/reaper bonuses), but I'm too lazy to post the breakdowns. Anyway, all these stats (including Con) are super easy to figure out ;)

07-31-2020, 01:15 PM
You picked rank 3 in US - Legendary Shield Mastery
But dint pick the feat for it
Requires: Rank 1: Shield Prowess; Rank 2: Shield Mastery feat; Rank 3: Improved Shield Mastery feat.

07-31-2020, 06:35 PM
You picked rank 3 in US - Legendary Shield Mastery
But dint pick the feat for it
Requires: Rank 1: Shield Prowess; Rank 2: Shield Mastery feat; Rank 3: Improved Shield Mastery feat.

I had both in my previous life. ED trees dont reset on TR.

08-01-2020, 04:33 AM
I had both in my previous life. ED trees dont reset on TR.

just be careful if u do this and a feat reset - it will often reset ur ed tree

11-11-2020, 03:27 AM
With u47 - and now, u48 - would you have made any changes to this build?
Either gear or otherwise

11-13-2020, 12:25 PM
With u47 - and now, u48 - would you have made any changes to this build?
Either gear or otherwise

Hey! Probably yes. I'm playing a tank right now (bladeforged cleric pally arti split) and I'm using winter 7 pieces + summer 2 pieces.

Quick update: 48.1 patch reduced Winter set hp bonus from +30% to +20%. A big difference that makes LGS still the best option for tanks in many situations.

11-23-2020, 03:01 PM
Toughness (1), Toughness (BH), Completionist (3), Natural Fighting (6,9,12), Quicken (15), Enlarge (18), Empower Heal (21), Epic Toughness (24), Epic Spell Power Positive (26), Haste (27), Elusive Target (28), Deific Warding (29), Epic DR (30), Scion of Celestia (L)

Does Natural Fighting Strikethrough works with Bear defensive stances?

Cannot afford spent heart on mine character. I want to create low diff raid(EN\EH or a R1 for Baba\Strahd) tanks alt. Was thinking to go 15Druid3Arti2Ftr to boost some AC from 50% arti and some from Salwart 1-2 levels. I understand that I loose some spells and 5% attack speed with chance to regenerate rage charges. But what do you think overall about the split. I have almost zero DPS tank Alt 18Pal/1Fs/1Ftr PDK and it is boring. Also it looses aggro even with 120 intim (not much, but good for 0 pastlives). Was thinking about some more active tanky build with some party support mby.

Saw your 12Cleric5Pal3Arti on Cannith :D

PS. looked closer to the Bear tree, looks like bears loose lot of PRR comparing to Pal\Ftr based tanks from their defensive stance and shield mastery and feats(Ftr armor mastery). At least devs could have left shield mastery for animal forms :confused:. Created separate thread asking devs to bring Shield Mastery back. https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/519975-Bear-Shield-Mastery-Feats-Bear-Tank-PRR-lackage

11-25-2020, 04:45 AM
Does Legendary Shield Mastery (US T2) work in bear form? Because Shield Mastery feats do not, afaik.

11-25-2020, 10:29 AM
Does Legendary Shield Mastery (US T2) work in bear form? Because Shield Mastery feats do not, afaik.

Few messages earlier there was same question. It looks to work, but you must take it in your previous eTR that has 2 pre required shield mastery feats. So it looks more like a game glitch rather than intended behaviour.

11-25-2020, 11:11 AM
Few messages earlier there was same question.
No, it was a different question. It was "how did you take LSM w/o feats".
My question is "does LSM actually benefit you in bear form".

11-25-2020, 06:10 PM
No, it was a different question. It was "how did you take LSM w/o feats".
My question is "does LSM actually benefit you in bear form".
True. But answer very likely to be the same. Unless OP was to lazy to redo ED tree for his build or added an old screenshot by mistake which is unlikely judging from him answering that question.

11-26-2020, 04:34 AM
True. But answer very likely to be the same. Unless OP was to lazy to redo ED tree for his build or added an old screenshot by mistake which is unlikely judging from him answering that question.

I can see a few other (however unlikely) possibilities:
- OP believes it works but it never did
- it worked in the past but has been changed in later update

I'm only asking questions because it's not trivial to test for myself. You'd have to have an epic character with druid levels and either LSM already taken in previous life or shield feats taken. This is rather unlikely situation.

I suppose the closest thing I can do without reincarnating/releveling a toon is to test how it goes for Primal Avatar Tree form. I happen to have a capped swash bard with Shield Mastery feats, haven't unlocked primal sphere yet though. but at least unlocking destinies is what i need to do on that toon anyway.

01-03-2021, 09:21 AM
The build seems nice to play.

Do you already play it with the feywild extension ?

If it's the case, could you put an updated version of your character please ?

I don't know how you can go to 400 AC, and same for the numbers for PRR and MRR.

I would like to play this character, but I need more precisions on how you built it.

Tyvm in advance.

04-26-2021, 07:01 AM
As for the previous version, the primary goal of this build is to be able to perform multiple tasks (tank, cc, healer).
Is a tank needed for r10 endgame fast completions? Not at all. Conversely, usually, a tank is a wasted slot.
But this one is fast enough (bear charge + sprint boost) and it provides outstanding CC (with no-fail DC in R10 Sharn etc), debuffs, and heals.
CC has improved a lot, due to the changes to Savage Roar (see below).

I changed my race to Wildhunt Shifter. The ability to use clickies when raged is priceless. Also, the Shifter tree offers +5 Con and the debuffing Howl.

I also swapped the barb levels to the warlock. Both are viable options.
Barbarian 2 is 10% movement speed, 3% DR and some useful stuff in OS (Ear Smash above all) and Ravager (+3 CON).
Warlock 2 has Taint the Blood and Taint the aura. If you play with a warlock, go barb. If you don't have warlock friends, that unique debuff is gold.

So... the build is Wildhunt Shifter Druid 18 Warlock 2 in US.
Big Bear (core 5 in NP) can be skipped for 1 FVS, but I invested a lot of points in Falconry for the 50% Fortification debuff so I don't really need the low cost trance.

Character Sheet
Here are my self buffed stats in reaper. I have all the PLs and full reaper trees.

https://i.imgur.com/CmT2hhw.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/CmT2hhw.jpg)

Toughness (1), Completionist (3), Natural Fighting (6,9,12), Quicken (15), Empower Heal (18), Enlarge (21), Epic Toughness (24), Guardian Angel (26), Epic Fortitude (27), Epic Skill Focus Intimidate (28), Deific Warding (29), Epic DR (30), Scion of Celestia (L)


https://i.imgur.com/XAd3VFM.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/XAd3VFM.jpg)


https://i.imgur.com/vGI1KWg.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/vGI1KWg.jpg)

Most frequent twists setup (4-3-3-1-1): Martial Hymn (or Stormrage), Meld, Stand and be Judged, Primal Scream, Legendary Tactics.


https://i.imgur.com/wDI8f0O.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/wDI8f0O.jpg)

https://i.imgur.com/DHN8Jb7.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/DHN8Jb7.jpg)

Set bonuses:
+25 Artifact bonus to Physical Resistance Rating
+15 Artifact bonus to Healing, Repair, and Negative Amplification
+20% Legendary bonus to maximum hitpoints
+50 Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Power
+5% Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Critical Chance
+25 Artifact bonus to your Magical Resistance Rating
+4 Artifact bonus to Constitution
+10% Artifact bonus to AC

As always, I consider super important reaper/mythic boosts on items. So I did choose my equiqment also according to the boosted items I have.

Filigrees are Snake Bite/Grandfather's Shield (2), Soulreaver/splendid Cacophony (2),
Nystul's Mystic Defense (4), Grandfather's Shield (1), Beast's Mantle (2), Purity/Touch of Grace.

Other weapon swaps:
Epic Bejeweled Opener (9 slots) filled with healing amplification.
LGS Affirmation, Salt, Ooze, Dust (Stormrage, Call lightning storm, Sleet storm etc)
5 slot Blood Feast weapon for Shield of Rage

Big Bear Tanking
Ok, since this bear is a tank let's talk about his defensive features.

HP - Good, thanks to bear's outstanding Constitution score. If you consider Shield of Rage and Affirmation I'm not far from 10.000.

Healing amplification: Decent. Full slotted Epic Bejeweled Opener gives +145.

AC - AC is viable, but can't compete with AC tanks. Without access to 50% armor AC and the good stuff included in Stalwart Defender and Sacred Defender, so there is little to be done. Please note in some content AC is totally useless, while in other content it's really important.

PRR - Around 400. Not top tier, but the PRR is another bear's weak spot.

MRR - Good, even compared to a pure tank.

Saves are ****. You are a bear, you have to live with it.

Unique features from Nature's Protector: immunity to energy drain and death effects, 20% resistance against Force damage.

Wildhunt Shifter is a divine blessing. Or primal, Idk XD
You don't need to drop/recast rage to use clickies. That's wonderful for a tank because you can spam your Dark Discorporation and Radiant Forcefield clickies when needed. Dark Discorporation clickies are by far the most important thing any tank should invest in.
Shifter also provides endless rages, and every rage brings 1000 temp hp.

Intimidate – As you can see, I invested a lot in Intimidate. Potion of Alchemical Intimidate adds more. I'm fine in the 99,9% of the content, for Qaspiel Mistwalker in PN I have to take the Amber buffs.

Big Bear Healing
Druid is a fantastic healer. I slotted 3 autumn in my gearset to raise the critical chance (10% exceptional, 5% artifact) and grab the +50 spellpower. I have crafted positive spellpower and healing lore on my alchemical shield, and I use the Legendary Many-Pouched Belt of the Healer for insightful/quality spellpower.
Mass regeneration is god-like. I also have Greater Vigor mass, Heal, Regenerate, all the CW spells, Light the Dark, and the amazing Renewal.
I use bear stance and I have quicken/enlarge/empower heal.

Big Bear CCing
This updated version has improved immensely.
Why? Because Savage Roar has changed, and now it gives helplessness.
Huge 360° area of effect, no-fail DC (also in R10 Sharn) helpless stun, with a super short cooldown. OMG!
Devs also gave us a very handy visual for killer instincts stacks. Thank you devs!

Run ahead, using sprint boost/bear charge, and ROARR!
No DC caster can compete with this CC (obviously if the mobs are not immune).

You also have Tremor, Bear Charge, and strikethrough with Greater maul and Relentless onslaught (no save).

Annoying despair or vengeance reapers? Stand and be Judged is no fail too...

In short, this bear is an outstanding source of cc, and every melee will love it.

As usual, feel free to ask for further information ;)

04-26-2021, 09:26 AM
Bella Tronko!

05-08-2021, 04:46 PM
How does this build work for an alt with 50 reaper points and not that many TR's?

05-10-2021, 04:38 AM
How does this build work for an alt with 50 reaper points and not that many TR's?

Hey! Well, it's hard to tell.. tanks are probably the builds where the PLs/Rxp matter the most. AC, hp, saves, etc. In this case, also tactics (Fighter PLs +3, Ancient Tactics +6, Reaper's Tactics +4...).

05-12-2021, 09:29 PM
How does this build work for an alt with 50 reaper points and not that many TR's?

You'll probably be able to make something with around 3-4k hp, 300 ac, 300 prr, 200 mrr if you use a 7/4 winter summer set but odds are you won't be able to cc or heal as well as tronko. So good for pug raids that need a big sack of hp intim tanking for them. Does require to you farm out the Dryad winter trinket to make that setup work.

05-16-2021, 07:05 AM
This looks really interesting, and I was curious how certain tweaks would affect the numbers, so I built it in the DDO Character Builder. I included all the bells and whistles (i.e. all the PLs, all the Reaper points, stances, raged, pots, etc.) and I'm still not getting Con or HPs anywhere close to what you're showing. I fully assume I'm doing something wrong, so could you post a Con breakdown or a builder file so I can see what I've missed?


05-16-2021, 06:34 PM
Hey thanks, but I'm not the very best of the game at all :)

I TR'ed out of this build, but here you have the required Con breakdown:

18 base
8 tome
7 levels
6 completionists

4 rage
4 racial
4 size
3 hardy rage
4 Con enhancements
6 Ursa's spirit
3 force of nature
21 item
9 insightful
4 quality
2 profane
1 exceptional
6 filigrees

5 reaper
2 yugo
2 remnants pot
2 guild

5/10 morale primal scream/rising fury
4 alchemical
8 enhanced blood rage
(2 reaper stat helm)

130-145 range not counting external buffs

Regarding AC, MRR and PRR I provided all the gear/feats/enhancement and PLs needed to compute them (rest is mythic/reaper bonuses), but I'm too lazy to post the breakdowns. Anyway, all these stats (including Con) are super easy to figure out ;)

Gilga already posted the con breakdown earlier in the thread. Hope this helps. :)

05-19-2021, 10:53 AM
Gilga already posted the con breakdown earlier in the thread.

Yup, more Con comes from gear (+22+10+5, and +4 artifact). Also, Hardy Shifting adds +3 more Con.