View Full Version : Wisdom Boosts?
07-20-2020, 09:45 AM
Which trees allow for a Wisdom boost by way of either Core or Tier choices?
It looks like Falconry allows up to a +2 boost for 22 AP by level 12.
Aasimar allows for a +2 boost for 6 AP by level 11.
Any others?
Actually, has anyone made a listing like this for all of the potential stat boosting enhancements?
There's a lot to keep track of...
07-20-2020, 09:53 AM
Aasimar is by far the best race if you want wisdom.
Falconry has +2 wisdom for 7/22 ap.
Inquisitive has +2 wisdom for 12/22 ap.
Vistani has +2 wisdom for 12/22 ap.
Many class tree have wisdom.
Unfortunately, Faconry does not have +4 wisdom the way Harper has +4 int.
You can easily check all the trees here:
07-20-2020, 10:33 AM
Falconry has +2 wisdom for 7/22 ap.
Inquisitive has +2 wisdom for 12/22 ap.
Vistani has +2 wisdom for 12/22 ap.
I know I'm going to feel dumb, but I'm still on my first cup of coffee so...
What is the first number in those examples? The 7 in the 7/22, the 12 in the 12/22, etc?
I still have much to learn about DDO shorthand :)
07-20-2020, 12:52 PM
What is the first number in those examples? The 7 in the 7/22, the 12 in the 12/22, etc?
you get the first wisdom point at 7ap investment, second at 22. similarly, you get the first at 12, second at 22.
07-20-2020, 01:59 PM
Ah, I see.
Thanks for the explanation
07-22-2020, 08:17 AM
For max Wisdom, I go something like this:
41 primary tree (+2 Wis and capstone)
22 secondary tree (+2 Wis)
7 Falconry (+1 Wis)
6 Aasimar (or Deep Gnome) (+2 Wis)
4(+) free choice
Note that even if you have the +1 Universal AP tome, and a gazillion Racial AP, you only end up with 11 "free choice" AP, so you still can't quite squeeze out another Wisdom, as you need 12 to land another +1.
07-23-2020, 09:00 AM
Thank you, SirValentine, that's tremendously helpful!
11-09-2020, 08:37 PM
For max Wisdom, I go something like this:
41 primary tree (+2 Wis and capstone)
22 secondary tree (+2 Wis)
7 Falconry (+1 Wis)
6 Aasimar (or Deep Gnome) (+2 Wis)
4(+) free choice
With the arrival of Feydark Illusionist, you can just straight-up get 2 more Wisdom, for only 2 free choice AP, as that becomes:
41 primary tree (+2 Wis and capstone)
24 Feydark Illusionist (+4 Wis)
7 Falconry (+1 Wis)
6 Aasimar (or Deep Gnome) (+2 Wis)
2(+) free choice (2 + any UAP and RAP)
EDIT: Or, if it fits your build, go with Feydark as your primary tree:
41 Feydark Illusionist (+6 Wis including capstone)
22 secondary tree (+2 Wis)
7 Falconry (+1 Wis)
6 Aasimar (or Deep Gnome) (+2 Wis)
4(+) free choice (4 + any UAP and RAP)
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