View Full Version : epic pillar of light

04-20-2020, 08:18 PM

are the numbers from the wiki right for sacred etc? every other level 29 item has sacred+2 except for the raid bracers. if so, this is something good to have in the golf bag i think

04-21-2020, 09:15 AM
https://ddowiki.com/images/Epic_Pillar_of_Light.jpgare the numbers from the wiki right for sacred etc? every other level 29 item has sacred+2 except for the raid bracers. if so, this is something good to have in the golf bag i think

I haven't pulled one, but it's probably correct. Sacred and Hallowed both used to be flat values, but at some point they decided to start putting scaling values on them. Pillar isn't the only Sacred with a higher value, there's https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Hallowed_Gauntlets, too. For higher Hallowed, there's https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Legendary_Celestial_Beacon, for example, too.