View Full Version : Vile Chemist With VKF help.

03-06-2020, 10:31 PM
Ok so im trying to do the Vile Chemist VKF thing everyone is thinking of or already doing. Jumped to level 7 and dropped in points grabbing a dagger and an orb and every buff spell I could along the way. Died immediately in Delaras. Quest is a level below me and I took a cleric hire but im just much to squishy. How are you guys building this thkng... should I have grabbed rogue or artificer levels instead of 7 Alch? Trying to let a friend play the "caster" alchemist and was looking to be more up front but... not sure how plausible it even is. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

03-08-2020, 07:06 AM
Ok so im trying to do the Vile Chemist VKF thing everyone is thinking of or already doing. Jumped to level 7 and dropped in points grabbing a dagger and an orb and every buff spell I could along the way. Died immediately in Delaras. Quest is a level below me and I took a cleric hire but im just much to squishy. How are you guys building this thkng... should I have grabbed rogue or artificer levels instead of 7 Alch? Trying to let a friend play the "caster" alchemist and was looking to be more up front but... not sure how plausible it even is. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Alchemists are pretty squishie i've found, why not go inquisitor? the extra poison damage is nice. You won't be doing much with you friend casting though.

03-09-2020, 05:11 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/H_NCH4R_FPDLpxdOEM-DlyXR_D_JU9ZyumU0S9Ch5n5PdXWpISCeW3GbNV3hS5yPAuT4e ksrZR_QL4QwpV1lEE21yOJKBXX-QaYesw46kUcxDRhMhrge9edl-bxuEDNFxfgFrkkFh3SM3DKoYoQzWy0AT0Q3aVQdUUBpIpEQQwc efXhMVgENUe8rIPl-KwuCoxoxTKbKuaw8WMfe8cd9O1yyeFTOGIKxYyO-T789R1sBJHUFFErDwEKx2uhJt2RI7XrRrI1h2hyAMCuDKSw_R9 2AvTH6vEGvzm6f61MdwxYGZMAHDC2Umyt1oGU1cXiqkr58oYAC AeGP1XRTI7NTRIbKg_xNHS4bvUPKTxqcTU9Xs86-_qQRHNgikaZtM04pow1NFZQMgeZXdG-XrKh4oKjkj-REQJrnODbemXfEvhJ_RpwMb8XHM5tSOHnsMhzNXO0vrldRkVSN vBqCvK4p2ljkdI1xShkOm9kh52EbcqmoGhh3QeYQaqr81mwGhd XRETKAVfDX26ikvMkAUCA8eCpxIdGXk5Ki0GhnOcyeMahnljpk W3h9sLmgR-NjwDyb-pGeGzhyYlASCj4ex_-B-Ljpzn540BcfGortQ0Htu_2lHOSSmaAhTbMYPcqiPme3So38O2r G8zescwvV6gOKR6ekXcrTSBDQe0AnYzDnXT5sRqPTbKrCMm8=w 1790-h550-no

03-09-2020, 09:42 AM
Ok so im trying to do the Vile Chemist VKF thing everyone is thinking of or already doing. Jumped to level 7 and dropped in points grabbing a dagger and an orb and every buff spell I could along the way. Died immediately in Delaras. Quest is a level below me and I took a cleric hire but im just much to squishy. How are you guys building this thkng... should I have grabbed rogue or artificer levels instead of 7 Alch? Trying to let a friend play the "caster" alchemist and was looking to be more up front but... not sure how plausible it even is. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

I have a lvl 17 (15 Alc / 1 rog / 1 ftr ) vile vistani knife chucker. I'l have to say...I'm underwhelmed. I find I use the AOE spells about as much as I use my knives. I'm really hoping some Shiradi goodness makes a difference when I get into epics.

They are squishy...for sure.

The Lvl 2 spell "Glue Bomb" has been a saving grace and gotten me out of many a pickle.

03-16-2020, 04:59 PM
Have a 18/2 Alc/Rog now at 25 using Shiradi.

Politely disagree on the squishiness, as that's relative to the gear and buffs you use. Even without BIS gear (although I think the Wonderous Enchament Con 10 + 50 hp bracers minlvl 14 I have are pretty much BIS for most lower levels). Right now I'll hit ~120 standing PRR in Orchirdium (sic), 10% incorp, 50% conceal, 10% dodge (max is 27% with gear right now), along with 140 Hamp (Heal crits around 1.4k), and 580+ goldskin.

I do notice that a ton of mobs apparently can DR break the adamantium in conent, so that's annoying to look at your health and see how low you are and then see your goldskin still at 580. They should alter that for a top tier potion because otherwise it's not very useful at all (like make it /crystal or something). There's very few non-overlapping spells at the highest tier so this one being more or less useless against a lot of mobs hurts.

Single target damage is solid. Between the doubleshot and doublestrike, 15k+ crits on main damage (not extra's which might add another 500-1000) in low R at level 24 using Borderlands daggers (I'm going trade up to Thunderforged now that I hit 25 and can work in Vulnerability and Woo Woo). Again, not BIS although my gear at 25 is pretty good. Now to get that you have to layer your clickies correctly use the right boosts and then use the right attack. It's a system, but you get used to it and you're virtually impenetrable to single targets via nerve venom and as long as your layering doesn't fail. The biggest risk is a caster one-shotting you with a non-reflex checked spell. For those, swap your trinket to PLIS and mow the target down (most of the trinkets don't add to damage if you make sure it's covered elsewhere).

Took Aasimar thinking that maybe I could see if Fallen Bond vulnerability stacked worked with thrown, but that's not the case so I'm running protector which gives a nice bump to PRR and of course taking the hamp. If that turns out to be negligible at end game, I might put more points back into Assassin or Vile and push up the Sneak or Poison die (I only took 3 cores in VC). I'm running an Epic Golden guile, which with dbl shot/strike means essentially non-stop sneak damage across 2-8 strikes per throw. Also might change race on second life.

I haven't totally optimized use of all the clickies, but I figure I'll stay a minute at cap an do that. Always keep rapid shot on cooldown because it doesn't overlay your imbue (which should be the CON one), but double cools off quickly, along with Vistani Forture and Vendetta. MoM takes the longest. Single bosses are pretty much a joke in low reaper. Focus on them, and they'll be gone before your first temp buffs run out. Their support packs take longer to chew through and are a bigger danger once the high of mowing the boss down sets in.

For solo/team play Alc/Rog is a great split. You can heal/trap and still mow down the meat sacks at the end. Very resilient although it's best to choke point mobs in doorways to reduce the odds of getting through the layered defenses at all.

My hope is to figure out a quick potion cycle to kick in the 12s PRR buff (I hit ~200+ PRR with that at 24) when I have a bunch of mobs and no choke point or perch for dealing with them. I don't want to kite as I'm running Archers Focus.

03-16-2020, 05:30 PM
Build split, 41 - VKF, 16 - Aasimar, and the rest in VC.

It helps to think of VKF/VC as a combo fighter build. You string things together during combat to maximize damage (not entirely unlike monk, but maybe slightly more complicated). Something like, gather enemies in front of you, cast a quickened SLA of wave to contaminate the group, then toss poison multivial, while immediately triggering fan of knives, then mop up. Use glue at choke points to avoid mobs circling you.

Also it comes together better as you go along and the early pain lasts until multivial really, in order to get to later synergies. The bigger numbers don't come until the end of VKF too and you expand the crit range and multiplier.

Although I like Shiradi, and when you're hitting someone 2-8 times per strike the procs are pretty great, I'm curious about trying Dreadnought and blitzing, and FuryKnife with Adrenaline.

03-19-2020, 07:08 PM
I did a thrower up to 30. Once you get the 5 vkt it becomes more of a breeze.
At cap I did a couple of questions in shirardi then did the same quests using blitz. Blitz is so much better. I'm doing inq right now and so far I'm missing my throwing build. Hang in there till 12 it gets allot better