View Full Version : I just have to ask?

02-29-2020, 05:39 PM
How does someone die to fire beetles in the Keep at the borderlands
outdoor area?

and be a subscriber?

Is there like a super mutant one out there?

02-29-2020, 05:54 PM
Ayuh. Mos' likely lag.

I'm gonna have to gander t'was the lag that got 'im.
Ayuh. Mos' likely t'was.

02-29-2020, 06:23 PM
How does someone die to fire beetles in the Keep at the borderlands
outdoor area?

and be a subscriber?

Is there like a super mutant one out there?

There are also fire beetles in the Gnoll Caves. I don’t remember the name of the quest. If you are running that on elite or reaper, it certainly isn’t as tame as the outdoor instance

02-29-2020, 06:34 PM
maybe the gnoll cave

03-01-2020, 05:33 AM
It was a level 4 that died to the fire beetle. I did a double-take when I saw that one myself. I assume it was a lag/DC situation where the player was unable to respond while swarmed by fire beetles.

Death can happen in other ways in that wilderness though even for a level 4. I was exploring up high and nearly did myself in a fall near one of the water falls. 66hp out of 80 in one go. I haven't seen that much falling damage, percentage-wise, on a character in a long time.

03-01-2020, 05:50 AM
How does someone die to fire beetles in the Keep at the borderlands
outdoor area?

Easy to die if you don't pay attention.