View Full Version : Throwing weapons and timing/animation

02-22-2020, 01:49 PM
I've always wanted to do a throwing build but, sadly, it never "felt" quite right. With the advent of alchemist and their stuff, and the updates to detects and animations, I thought it was maybe time to try to draw attention to this.

When using a throwing weapon your animation and the missing being thrown/hitting get super out of sync rather quickly and it really kills the smooth feel of the weapon style. It's especially noticable when not holding left mouse down but clicking instead to fire and you'll often lose attacks if you pay attention to the animation of throwing rather than the damage hitting. It just doesn't feel good, sadly!

02-22-2020, 06:28 PM
I've always wanted to do a throwing build but, sadly, it never "felt" quite right. With the advent of alchemist and their stuff, and the updates to detects and animations, I thought it was maybe time to try to draw attention to this.

When using a throwing weapon your animation and the missing being thrown/hitting get super out of sync rather quickly and it really kills the smooth feel of the weapon style. It's especially noticable when not holding left mouse down but clicking instead to fire and you'll often lose attacks if you pay attention to the animation of throwing rather than the damage hitting. It just doesn't feel good, sadly!

Notably this is super easy to reproduce - it's most obvious with barrels and such and other breakables. Each successive throw will hit the breakable but the time until it actually breaks will slowly increase more and more. It's super maddening and feels really out of sync with animations and projectile flight.