View Full Version : Weakening Mixture

02-22-2020, 04:51 AM
Does anybody know whether Weakening Mixture can be triggered by

1) Poisoned Coating Damage.
2) Rune Arm blasts.


02-22-2020, 12:52 PM
3) When you cast Multivial (Actual spell, not SLA) on an immune monster, does the first vial to hit cancel the immunity, so that the monster is not immune to damage from the other three vials, or does it have to be a completely separate spell to cancel the immunity?

(I wasn't brave enough to try just casting Multivial of Acid on the Castle Guardians in Castle Ravenloft, in case it was wasted. I cast Caustic Obliteration on them first to ensure that Multivial would work).

4) Does anyone know how long "a short period of time" is with respect to the Weakening Mixture effect?

02-22-2020, 01:47 PM
Ah, this class reminds me of "quad-kiting" with a Druid in Everquest all those years ago. Run round in circles till the mobs are all bunched together, then KABOOM.

02-22-2020, 05:15 PM
3) When you cast Multivial (Actual spell, not SLA) on an immune monster, does the first vial to hit cancel the immunity, so that the monster is not immune to damage from the other three vials, or does it have to be a completely separate spell to cancel the immunity?

Tested this myself on Green Abishai. Seems to work.

The first vial shows Immune Acid above the mobs, then the others hit. (Probably. The log only showed 2 hits per mob because they were dead by then - in Grim and Barrett Normal)

02-26-2020, 12:14 PM
Does anybody know whether Weakening Mixture can be triggered by

1) Poisoned Coating Damage.

The answer to this is no, it can't.