View Full Version : First heroic alchemist life finished and my thoughts

02-21-2020, 03:31 AM
I started with human and 18 int and 16 con and 16 dex, planning to go thrower/caster hybrid.But soon, I found thrower is not a viable choice for pure alchemist. So I decided to go bombardier all the way to 20.

The damage of spells are very high, especially when you get lv 3+ spells. I can almost one shot mob with multitude of acid spells in ravenloft/gianthold/orchard/vale quests, even without empower and maximize on. You may experience lack of dps when you are lv 1-6, but when you are leveling up, you will see the dps are better than sorc at the same level.

The survivability is very high among casters, I have evasion and around 45+saves when I was doing gianthold, so nearly no traps and spells can kill me.

The support ability is good, I can heal parties in reapers.

I can see the problem with alchemist is that there is no epic destiny support, so probably it will not be that good in epics. Anyway, I will test in my 2nd alchemist life.

02-21-2020, 12:29 PM
I can see the problem with alchemist is that there is no epic destiny support, so probably it will not be that good in epics.

Still only level 11 here, but I would have thought that Draconic Incarnation would be pretty synergistic.

02-22-2020, 12:48 PM
Still only level 11 here, but I would have thought that Draconic Incarnation would be pretty synergistic.

Draconic is good as long as you don't spec poison.

02-26-2020, 03:00 PM
I was thinking Magister with some Draconic Twists might be the best way to go. Magister nets you the core +1 to dc, plus another six DC for either conjuration or transmutaiton (whichever you want). You can twist in Energy Burst and the T2 Conjuration bonus from Draconic, and then something like Cocoon or what have you if you want, not to mention eventually putting in the mana bonus twist from Divine Crusader as your slots open up. I found that nothing borked my damage more than mobs with decent reflex saves.

02-29-2020, 11:02 AM
After playing this class, it is a bit overpowered in general.

02-29-2020, 12:41 PM
After playing this class, it is a bit overpowered in general.
In heroics, maybe. In Epics not at all. Even if Master of Spellvials actually worked, they aren’t the most amazing class around. They have some really good features and some really annoying features that limit them severely.