View Full Version : Free Feat Exchange Broken?

02-16-2020, 01:42 PM
Went to the Hall of the Mark to pick up my free feat exchange, completed the quest and moved on to Fred.

When I click on him and pick "just do it already" all I get is the feat exchange box but it just has the free feat exchange token and no other options.

If I drag the free feat exchange token into the old feat box at the bottom it brings up feat exchange at level 12 but everything is still blank with no options.

Tried to relog, no help. Does this have something to do with me being epic at level 30?

02-16-2020, 01:50 PM
Went to the Hall of the Mark to pick up my free feat exchange, completed the quest and moved on to Fred.

When I click on him and pick "just do it already" all I get is the feat exchange box but it just has the free feat exchange token and no other options.

If I drag the free feat exchange token into the old feat box at the bottom it brings up feat exchange at level 12 but everything is still blank with no options.

Tried to relog, no help. Does this have something to do with me being epic at level 30?

What feat did you lose that prompted getting a Feat Respec Token?

We are noticing that some Divines gained Feat Respec Tokens erroneously with U45 when their Deity Feats were swapped for the new format. If that's the case here, you should already have the correct feat (& therefore nothing to swap the token for).

02-16-2020, 02:26 PM
I didn't lose a feat, I went to the Hall of the Mark and got my free feat exchange because I want to exchange cleave for enlarge spell. When I do put the token in the old feat slot it does come as trying to exchange my level 12 feat instead of letting me pick the feat I want to exchange. Not sure if this has something to do with the change to the deity feats....I am a level 20 FvS/10 Epic

02-16-2020, 03:35 PM
I didn't lose a feat, I went to the Hall of the Mark and got my free feat exchange because I want to exchange cleave for enlarge spell. When I do put the token in the old feat slot it does come as trying to exchange my level 12 feat instead of letting me pick the feat I want to exchange. Not sure if this has something to do with the change to the deity feats....I am a level 20 FvS/10 Epic

you drag the current feat into the box o the left and then select the new on in the box on the right.

02-16-2020, 05:40 PM
This is the first screen I get....


The only option I have at this point is to drag the free feat respec into the old feat box


At this point I still get no other options except to click on the taken at dropdown and that only shows one thing...level 12


These are the only three options I have....nothing else shows up.

02-16-2020, 05:44 PM
There is also this text when I hover the mouse pointer over the feat respec token icon


02-16-2020, 05:58 PM
There is also this text when I hover the mouse pointer over the feat respec token icon

Hi Drekisen, from what I can gather from your screenshots, that "feat respec token" is not the one you received from the Hall of the Mark, but rather the one that Steelstar mentioned:

We are noticing that some Divines gained Feat Respec Tokens erroneously with U45 when their Deity Feats were swapped for the new format. If that's the case here, you should already have the correct feat (& therefore nothing to swap the token for).

but since you already have the correct deity feats after the update, as Steelstar said - there is nothing available for you to swap - Fred is trying to force you to use up that feat respect token before letting you swap any other feats, so it is broken until or unless a patch removes that feat respec token (hopefully, the patch will not remove your free Hall of the Mark feat exchange token).

02-16-2020, 06:19 PM
Hi Drekisen, from what I can gather from your screenshots, that "feat respec token" is not the one you received from the Hall of the Mark, but rather the one that Steelstar mentioned:

but since you already have the correct deity feats after the update, as Steelstar said - there is nothing available for you to swap - Fred is trying to force you to use up that feat respect token before letting you swap any other feats, so it is broken until or unless a patch removes that feat respec token (hopefully, the patch will not remove your free Hall of the Mark feat exchange token).

Thank you...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something myself...apparently I am not

02-16-2020, 06:39 PM
Thank you...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something myself...apparently I am not

when an update has invalidated an existing feat, it shows up in your character sheet (in the feats tab) as FEAT RESPEC TOKEN (as a placeholder) and instructs you to go visit Fred.

(when you complete the Hall of the Mark, that free feat swap token does not appear in your feat list afaik).

in this case though, there is nothing to swap out for, because you already have the correct post-U45 deity feat line progression. You can see this in your feats list, and unfortunately, until that is removed (either by a patch or through reincarnation) feat swapping may be unavailable to you.

02-22-2020, 12:53 PM
There is also this text when I hover the mouse pointer over the feat respec token icon

Same problem except everywhere it shows 12 above, mine shows 13, because I started with 1 level of fighter on a purple dragon knight. The net effect is I am blocked from ever again being able to exchange a feat on this character, because this screen comes up everytime I speak to Fred, and their is no way to advance past it. Requesting bug fix. My case does not involve the Hall of Mark. Never been there with this character.

05-10-2020, 04:51 PM
I have this same problem. I have a Favored Soul who wants to swap out a feat, but I cannot because it wants me to use a Feat Respec Token... but there are no feats to select. Like the others have mentioned, the token wants to swap out a feat taken at level 12, but there is nothing to select (and it looks like I have my FS feat from lvl 12 anyway). Thus, it will not let me swap any feat out until this token is used, but I cannot use it. Any idea how to bypass this?

05-10-2020, 04:59 PM
I have this same problem. I have a Favored Soul who wants to swap out a feat, but I cannot because it wants me to use a Feat Respec Token... but there are no feats to select. Like the others have mentioned, the token wants to swap out a feat taken at level 12, but there is nothing to select (and it looks like I have my FS feat from lvl 12 anyway). Thus, it will not let me swap any feat out until this token is used, but I cannot use it. Any idea how to bypass this?

Exact same problem here on my lvl 24 pure FvS and it mentioned the level 12 thing as well. I bug reported it over a week ago and the GM just closed down my ticket.

Hope this can get fixed asap.

05-10-2020, 05:23 PM
I think this was introduced from the Deity abilities alteration that was done not too long ago (which had a few options added on some levels), and a few of us actually said it might be easier to offer a Lesser Heart to bypass any issues like this that we were anticipating (but we were shot down - although I guess we didn't explain any of our reasons directly or completely, but anyway, neither here nor there now).

But in any event, in a common view, it might not be so simple a fix, other than to offer some Lesser +0 Hearts to solve it (Paladins, FvS and Clerics only, since they were the only ones affected). As stuff the Devs would need to check for if the extra Free swap is not uniquely identified from the normal Free swap is whether the Devs could be removing a Free swap as well other issues to consider. Just let these characters (Paladin, Cleric or FvS Level 6 or 12+) have a BTC +0 LR Heart and leave it be. Much easier to solve than potentially causing all sorts of unintended developments from arising if the extra Swap isn't unique.


05-10-2020, 08:09 PM
I bug reported it over a week ago and the GM just closed down my ticket.

Never submit bug reports on the weekend. Its when the GM's watch HeeHaw and pick the funk out of their feet.

05-11-2020, 01:18 AM
Exact same problem here on my lvl 24 pure FvS and it mentioned the level 12 thing as well. I bug reported it over a week ago and the GM just closed down my ticket.

Hope this can get fixed asap.

I've got the same issue with my FvS. Does anyone know if this goes away / fixes itself after a Lesser Reincarnation? I was going to use up a lesser heart to fix it but now I'm hesitant to waste the heart if it's something that can only be patched out.

05-13-2020, 11:00 AM
Hi Devs,

Hope you are keeping safe!

Is there any news on this on a possible way forward to resolve?

Thanks :)

05-17-2020, 08:10 AM
Same bug here, i'm not able to change any feats. Hope it's going to be fixed, not ignored.

05-28-2020, 04:11 PM
According to Lynnabel in this thread: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/515269-Feat-Respec-Fred-Does-not-work-with-FvS-if-a-free-token-is-available#post6327251

This is a known issue, and any reincarnation type will fix this bug for your character.

04-14-2021, 02:11 PM
According to Lynnabel in this thread: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/515269-Feat-Respec-Fred-Does-not-work-with-FvS-if-a-free-token-is-available#post6327251

This is a known issue, and any reincarnation type will fix this bug for your character.

Unfortunately it is not that simple:
1) As +0 Hearts do not come for free, reincarnation comes at a cost. I am not too keen on paying to fix a bug that blocks me from using an important game mechanic.

2) It seems there is even more to this: I am missing the Stout/Purity of Heart line of feats. The feat respec was probably intended to allow FVS post U45(?) to bring this in. Apparently this aint working.

04-14-2021, 02:30 PM
Is this something specific to FvS?

04-14-2021, 06:16 PM
Is this something specific to FvS?

According to the discussion on the boards - yes.

04-14-2021, 07:07 PM
I had an older FvS character with the same issue, but when I did a lesser reincarnation it fixed everything.

10-05-2022, 01:04 PM
I have the same bug today after the new update. I do not have any divine classes - 12 fighter/6 Ranger/ 2 Arty. Anyone else having an issue?